Ye Hongbin and Chu Kehan also followed in.

Although they had no intention of buying Hanfu, they also wanted to see how these Hanfu looked on Kiana and Ye Yanxuan.

As soon as they came in, they saw Ye Chen holding a light blue large-sleeved colorful shirt and said to Kiana,"I think this one is quite suitable for you."

Ye Hongbin saw the price on the tag of the clothes from a distance.

2,388 yuan!

So expensive!

Kiana took the Hanfu from Ye Chen's hand and put it on her chest to measure it, and found that it was indeed quite fitting.

She asked Ye Chen,"Do you want to see me wearing it?"

Ye Chen nodded immediately:"Yes! Of course!"

I want to too!

Ye Hongbin shouted in his heart

"In that case, I'll try it on."

The waiter also said at the right time:"Sir, there is a dressing room over there, you can go there to change clothes"

"I'll be back soon."

Kiana brought the Hanfu to the dressing room.

But she didn't change her clothes right away. Instead, she used her mental power to explore the surroundings. After confirming that there were no hidden cameras or other peeping devices in the dressing room, she felt relieved and started to change her clothes.

Although such regular stores usually don't do such dirty things as secretly taking pictures, it's better to be safe than sorry.

After all, a few years ago, a big brand store's dressing room secretly took pictures, which caused a lot of controversy.

While Kiana was changing her clothes, Ye Chen also came to his sister.

"Do you have any clothes you like?"

Ye Yan nodded:"Yes, I do, but they are all very expensive."

"Which one, show me."

The clothes here are indeed very expensive, but in order to make his girlfriend and sister happy, Ye Chen decided that no matter how expensive the clothes are, he would buy them and give them to them!

"This is it."

Ye Yan pointed at the snow-colored embroidered cross-collared horse-faced skirt in the style of the Ming Dynasty.

After a closer look, Ye Chen also thought that this dress was very beautiful. In his mind, he even imagined what his sister would look like wearing this Hanfu.

"If you like it, go try it on. If you think it's okay, buy it. Don't worry about the money."

"Really?" Ye Yanxuan's eyes lit up and she looked happy.

Ye Chen patted her head and said,"Really? Go now." Chu Kehan, who was standing by, looked at the scene with envy.

Although she was not very materialistic, she hoped that her boyfriend would spend a lot of money on her if possible.

At this moment, Qiana finally changed her clothes and walked out of the dressing room.

In an instant, everyone looked at her blankly.

""Mom, come and see the fairy!"

Even the little boy passing by was amazed!

The light blue long-sleeved colorful shirt was neither too big nor too small, just the right size, perfectly setting off Kiana's figure.

Her long silver hair was neatly tied behind her head, forming a high-pitched bun, with only two strands of hair hanging from her ears. She exuded a fairy-like aura all over her body, just like a fairy descending to earth!


Kiana came to Ye Chen and turned around gently.

The hem of her skirt turned with her, like a fleeting white lotus.

"Beautiful!"Ye Chen gave a thumbs up.

He was glad that he came to the right place!

"No! How can one piece be enough? I must buy a few more, so that I can let you wear them for me to see every day!"

Kiana rolled her eyes at him.

"Wear it every day? Are you trying to tire me out?"

This Hanfu is indeed very beautiful, but it is also quite cumbersome to put on.

It took her five or six minutes to put on this dress!

And Hanfu needs to be matched with various hairstyles and accessories to look good.

If she has to spend more than ten or twenty minutes combing her hair every day to put on a dress, she might as well wear regular clothes.

"Even if I don't wear it every day, you can always let me wear it when I go out on a date during the holidays, right?" Ye Chen still didn't give up, so he had to give in.

Kiana thought about it, then nodded and said,"That's no problem."

Then Ye Chen picked out a few different styles of Hanfu to pack.

Anyway, they are the same size, so there is no need to worry that Kiana will not be able to wear them.

Soon Ye Yanxuan also changed her clothes.

Although she became more beautiful after putting on the Hanfu, Ye Chen and others did not show too much surprise because of the surprise brought by Kiana before.

Ye Chen wanted to pack a few more different styles for his sister, but was rejected by his sister.

"One piece of Hanfu is enough, and I don’t wear it often anyway.

This was the reason why Ye Yanxuan refused.

Then, Ye Chen and the other two looked at Ye Hongbin.

""Cousin, do you want to buy one for your sister-in-law as well?"

Ye Hongbin took a look at the prices of these clothes and shook his head without even thinking.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this kind of clothes."

Of course, only he knows whether he is interested or not, but whether he can afford it is another matter.

Perhaps after being enlightened by his fiancée, he has become more open-minded and doesn't want to brag.

Chu Kehan also nodded and said:"Although Hanfu looks good, it is cumbersome to wear. I don't like it very much."

Ye Chen heard him without any doubt, and then said:"Then let's go shopping somewhere else"

"I'll go change my clothes first." Just as Qiyana was about to return to the dressing room, Ye Chen grabbed her.

"No need, just wear it like this, and show it to your parents when you go back!"

Kiana thought about it and agreed.

After paying the bill, several people walked out of the store.

Kiana was originally too beautiful to attract other people's attention.

Now it is even more so when she changes into a Hanfu. Everyone who passes by, regardless of gender, can't help but cast their eyes on her.

Some even directly pick up their mobile phones to take pictures, wanting to record this heroic figure that is like a fairy descending from the earth.

Whenever this happens, Ye Chen will hug Kiana in his arms and let those people know that this is his woman!

This also makes many men show envious eyes.

Ye Chen enjoys this kind of gaze very much.

In the next period of time, several people wandered around the mall aimlessly.

During this period, Ye Chen bought some casual clothes for his sister, took everyone to eat some snacks, and played a few games in the arcade.

Time unknowingly came to 3:30 in the afternoon.

Because they really didn't know what to play, several people decided to go back.

When the parents saw Kiana and Ye Yanxuan wearing Hanfu, they were also amazed.

"Oh my god, is this still my Nana? She is simply a fairy who has come down to earth!"

Mu Yaqin pulled Qiana to sit next to her and looked at her carefully. Ye Yanxuan on the side was immediately unhappy and pouted and said,"What? Why are you all praising Sister Nana? I am obviously wearing Hanfu too, okay?"

""Yeah, you are beautiful too." Mu Yaqin replied casually, with a perfunctory attitude. She didn't even take her eyes off Qiyana.

Qiyana was also amused and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

Fortunately, her father still loves his little cotton jacket very much.

"Come on, come here and let daddy see you."

After getting her father's attention, Ye Yanxuan felt much better.

""Speaking of which, this dress shouldn't be cheap, right?" Mu Yaqin couldn't help asking. Ye Chen said,"It's okay, just a few thousand dollars.""

A few thousand dollars!" Father, mother, and uncle's family were shocked.

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