After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 1: As soon as he became a baby, he encountered a life-and-death crisis

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The mountains are endless and boundless.

The trees in the mountains are towering into the clouds, and the branches and leaves cover the sky.

The peaceful mountains are unusual today, and the birds in the mountains are constantly startled and flying.

Hundreds of Jinyiwei wearing flying fish clothes and holding embroidered spring knives are chasing the two.

The man being chased is wearing a mang robe and a red hat, and it is known that he is a second-rank eunuch with high power in the palace.

He holds a blood-stained spear in his hand, and his body is covered with wounds, deep to the bone.

The woman is wearing luxurious palace clothes, with unparalleled appearance, fair skin and eyebrows like indigo.

She is like a fairy descending from the moon in a white skirt, beautiful beyond the mundane world.

But now she has no sense of beauty at all, and the double-edged sword in her hand has cracks.

The two were in a very embarrassing situation. They were chased by hundreds of masters for three days and three nights without a drop of water. They were extremely exhausted, at the end of their rope, and had a narrow escape.

"Empress Yun, you go first, I will cover you..."

"Go, I can't go anymore..."

The woman's eyes were dim, knowing that a disaster was coming and death was approaching.

Her eyes could not help but fall on the cute baby in the eunuch's arms.

The baby originally looked like he was sleeping, but now he opened his eyes.

As if he understood his mother's words, his mouth corners sank, tears rolled in his eyes, pitiful and pitiful.

He did not cry out, as if he knew that crying would attract pursuers.

"Child, mother is sorry for you..."

The woman's voice was choked with sobs, gently stroking the baby's face, and mist floated in her eyes.

"What a smart child, if he can grow up normally..."

The old eunuch saw that this child was born smart and would become a dragon and a phoenix in the future, but it was a pity.

"Wang Li, leave the child here."

The woman was silent for a few breaths, and then made a decision helplessly. She looked in the direction of the trees not far away and said, "You and I will lead the pursuers away together. Only in this way can my child... have a glimmer of hope. Whether he lives or dies depends on his luck."

What mother wants to abandon her child, but she also knows that this is a helpless solution.

Originally, with the martial arts of the two, the Jinyiwei could not do anything to them.

It's just that these court hawks are very vicious.

Taking advantage of the child's birth, rashly attacking, but it was her weakest time.

The eunuch touched the blood on his forehead and said, "Now there is only this..."

The woman said with guilt, "Wang Li, you have given up everything to enter the palace and protect me in the palace. I am a burden to you."

The eunuch's expression did not change, and he said, "When the master saved me, my life belonged to the Li family. Miss, it is my destiny to sacrifice my life for you."

The woman sighed and said slowly, "Once I enter the palace, it is like a deep sea. God will not help me. The queen really does not want us to live. If one day..."

As she spoke, the woman felt that there was no point in saying these words.

She looked at the baby, smiled kindly, and said, "Mother has not had time to name you. If you can really survive by chance, mother hopes that you can stay away from the world and be free and easy. Just call you Li Xiao..."

"Li" is the woman's surname, not her father's!

"Li Xiao, what a good name." The old eunuch forced a smile: "Wind, clouds, moon, dew, free and easy, he will definitely survive..."

Although naming is meaningless, it is the last thing a woman can do for her child.

"Xiao'er, you must live well..."

The two made their final farewell, looked at Li Xiao reluctantly, and turned to leave.

Not long after, the sound of chasing went in another direction.

After a long time, it returned to calm.


'My name is... Li Xiao... Is it a coincidence, or God's will...'

The baby wrapped in a quilt on the ground could not move, and could only look up at the sky.

Maybe it was wisdom, maybe it was time travel.

Li Xiao was also his name in his previous life.

In his previous life, Li Xiao was abandoned in an orphanage when he was born, without a father or a mother, and grew up in difficulty.

He studied hard under difficult conditions, was admitted to university, and worked after graduation.

But life was not happy, he was very lonely.

I thought he would live his life alone like this.

But God always seemed to give him problems.

When he was 25 years old, he was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Without relatives, it was really hard to be looked down upon in the hospital....

After three years, he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He opened his eyes again, and he was born into this world.

This time, God seemed to be good to him. With the cry of landing, he tried to open his eyes and saw his mother who loved him very much. Li Xiao was very relieved.

But not long after, there was a sound of fighting outside the house.

Then his mother took him to escape until the scene just now happened.

He was abandoned again after living a new life.

But this time was different.

He knew that his mother loved him, and abandonment was not her original intention, but a helpless act.

"Mother, you must live..."

For the first time, Li Xiao experienced the heartbreaking feeling of losing a loved one.

Scientists say that the world seen by babies is black and white.

That's right.

At this moment, Li Xiao looked at the sky, which was a black and white picture without a trace of color.

He stared at the sky quietly, his five senses mixed, wanting to see the world before death came.

After a while, he finally ran out of energy after not eating for three days and three nights.

He closed his eyes weakly, and fell asleep slowly without knowing it...


The Shiwan Mountains at night are a different scene.

There are subtle rustling sounds in the silence, and undercurrents are surging.

No one knows what is hidden in the darkness.

Countless green fires ignited, which is the light of the wolf's night eyes...

Woo woo woo——

The wolf howls resounded around, which was particularly creepy.

The sweet scent of the baby was smelled by several night wolves.

Following the smell, the night wolf pack found the baby.

The baby who was sleeping quietly and breathing evenly had such smooth and silky skin.

Take a bite, tender and juicy, chewing with cartilage, how delicious it is.

Several night wolves drooled from the corners of their mouths...

Such delicious food can only be enjoyed by the alpha wolf.

This alpha wolf is tall and strong, far superior to other night wolves.

Its shoulder height is about four feet, and its body is ten feet long. Its mouth is wide open and the smell of fish is rolling, enough to swallow the baby in front of it in one bite.

"What a"

The low, trembling and incoherent voice echoed in the mountains.

The fishy smell and strange voice woke Li Xiao up.

"'s still a world with monsters..."

After Li Xiao opened his eyes and saw this horrible scene, he closed his eyes wisely, and laughed at himself in his heart: "I should have known better...I hope the wolf monster can bite me to death in one bite, so that I don't suffer so much."

He had already thought about his own ending. What else could it be except death?

If he could be given a few years of growth time, it would be fine.

But how could a newborn baby survive in such a deep mountain forest...


Just as Li Xiao was waiting to die, a tiger roar that shook the forest suddenly came.

Then there was a fierce fight.

After a while, the fight stopped.

The shrill cry of begging for mercy meant that the wolves were driven away and fled.

"Is there anyone who can save me?"

When Li Xiao opened his eyes happily.

What he saw was just a tiger.

It seemed that the situation was not good.

Just after leaving the wolf pack, he fell into the tiger's mouth again...

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