What a big tiger!

A lesson from heaven and earth, this tiger is astonishingly big!

It was even bigger than the Siberian tiger Li Xiao had seen in the zoo in his previous life.

It stared at Li Xiao, and did not bite him to death. Instead, it looked at him with interest, then moved closer and sniffed him.

"Good tiger, spare your life!"

Although he was waiting for death, he had to give it a try no matter what. Li Xiao wanted to beg for mercy.

But when the words were on his lips, they turned into a sound of "babble".

Although he can speak, the baby's vocal cords are not fully developed.


It is said that children who cry are fed by milk, so Li Xiao could only show a pitiful expression.

The tiger was stunned for a moment, then opened its mouth wide and bit Li Xiao.

Li Xiao thought it was too bad. Although the crying child was fed by milk, he was not his child, and making noise would only make the tiger upset.

The journey was bumpy, mentally and physically exhausted, and he was already weak as a baby.

After being frightened one after another, Li Xiao fell asleep again.


Puff puff puff...

It was the sound of sucking milk hard.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Xiao felt like he had woken up again.

So soft, so warm...

He tried to open his eyes and found that he seemed to be lying next to a soft belly, and there were two little tigers with no obvious lines beside him.

It's the kind of tiger calf that's just born, so wet that it doesn't even open its eyes.

Two tiger calves are sucking milk, and the food is particularly sweet, with tiger heads and tiger brains.

So hungry...I want to eat...

Driven by instinct, Li Xiao tilted his head and started eating, puff puff...

[Infinite Growth Mode is on: Obtain the basic skill ‘Energy Conservation’. 】

[Conservation of energy: The deep nutrients in food that cannot be digested by you will be automatically stored as energy for unlimited growth. 】

[The tiger milk you consume is very nutritious and is nourishing your body, but your spleen and stomach are not enough to absorb all the nutrients, and the excess nutrients are converted into energy. 】

Pfft, pfft——

[Energy +1]

[Energy +1]

[Energy +1]


Pfft, pfft——

While half asleep and half awake, messages appeared in Li Xiao's mind.

This time he ate even harder.

At the same time, the panel slowly expanded:

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: under one month old]

[Physique: 0.1 (You are very weak and can be broken in one blow)]

[Spirit: 1 (for babies, one in a thousand)]

[Current energy tank: 0.3% (please continue to eat hard)]

[Current growth status: None]

[Skill: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Note: In the unknown evolutionary journey, no one knows what you will become...]

"Is this my golden finger?"

Li Xiao was studying the data on the panel while sucking milk.

The constitution is 0.1, which is very consistent with the current condition of the baby.

As for the mental power reaching 1, it should be because he is a time traveler. The natural mental power of ordinary babies is estimated to be close to 0.

Infinite growth...Conservation of energy...

Li Xiao lived a lonely life in his previous life, and the only thing that accompanied him for countless nights was various online articles, which was easy for him to understand.

Tiger milk is rich in nutrients, but the baby's stomach can only absorb a small part of it.

The remaining part is converted into energy and used for the next advancement.

As for what the advancement is, we can only know it after the energy tank is full.

As the tiger milk entered his stomach, Li Xiao felt that his cold body was gradually warming up, and his originally weak body was slowly recovering...

Survive the catastrophe....

Only then did Li Xiao recall the fact that he was still alive.

He glanced secretly to the side.

The big tiger was resting on the ground, licking the fur of his front paws with his tongue.

Tiger seemed to sense that he was being watched and turned back to look at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't know how to face it yet, so he immediately closed his eyes.

The tiger took a look and found that the three babies were feeding quietly, and then turned around.

Puff puff puff.... The sounds of the two little tigers and the baby Li Xiao sucking milk were very faint, but they were particularly clear in the empty and quiet tiger den...

Li Xiao almost understood.

This female tiger had just given birth to two tiger cubs and became a mother, and she went out to look for food.

I happened to encounter a pack of wolves, snatching food, and then discovered my little baby.

After giving birth to a baby, it is the time when maternal love overflows, so the tigress adopts her.

"Tiger poison does not eat its seeds, it is true..."

Li Xiao said silently in his heart.

If not for encountering this tigress overflowing with motherly love.

At this moment, I am afraid that I have become that wolf demon's daddy...

So, now you have a stepmother?

That's pretty good, at least he's still alive...

Li Xiao is still a baby and is very weak. He feels very tired after thinking too much and falls asleep again without realizing it...

Also sleeping were two other little tigers.

One man and two tigers nestled in front of the mother tiger's belly, breathing evenly and feeling extremely peaceful.

The tigress looked at her sleeping "children" and showed a loving smile...

The second day.

The tigress came back from foraging for food, and the baby tiger and Li Xiao had just woken up.

The tigress came and lay down next to the babies

It's time to eat again.

Li Xiao felt very hungry. He had eaten enough milk, but he was hungry again after a nap.

He and the two little tigers sucked and swallowed hard to fill their stomachs.

[Energy +1] [Energy +1] [Energy +1]....

[Current energy slot: 0.6%]

"Gurgle gurgle..."

Li Xiao accidentally ate too much, and milk overflowed from his mouth and nostrils.

He quickly stabilized his breathing, and then he felt much better.

It seems that he can't be too greedy, and he will feel full if he eats too much.

Every meal will increase the excess energy by 0.3%-0.5%.

At this rate, he should be able to fill his energy slot in three months.


Li Xiao and the two little tigers ate and fell asleep again.

It's so good to be a baby...

Eat and sleep, sleep and eat...

Time passed day by day.

The tiger cubs and the baby babies grew up quickly under the careful care of the mother tiger.

The mother tiger went out to forage every day, and then came back to feed the babies.

Judging from the light coming in from the cave, the tigress sometimes goes out to forage in the morning, sometimes at noon, and sometimes at night, and the time is not fixed.

Except for feeding, the tigress spends the rest of the time in the cave.

Occasionally, she will lie outside the cave and bask in the sun.

Perhaps because the tigress's milk is nutritious, even if most of the nutrients cannot be absorbed, Li Xiao feels that he is growing very fast.

The growth pattern of a normal baby is: raising the head in March, turning over in April, sitting alone in June, crawling slowly in September, standing and walking in eleven and twelve months.

Three months later, Li Xiao can already crawl slowly.

Of course, his growth rate is much slower than that of the other two "sisters and brothers".

They are twins, the big tiger baby is the older sister, who is slightly bigger.

The second tiger baby is the younger brother, who is slightly smaller.

The two little tigers can already jump up and down.

At this time, it is time for dinner again, and the tigress returns from going out.

The two little tigers hurried over, and Li Xiao also crawled over.

Puff puff...

After three months of hard work, the energy tank is only a little bit away from being full.

Li Xiao quietly sucked milk...

[Energy +1]

[Energy +1]


[Current energy tank: 100%]

After three months of hard work, the energy finally reached 100%!

Immediately, a selection panel appeared:

[Energy tank is full, growth state is about to start, please choose a direction. (Please note that all states can only last for one year; each direction option is unique, and the path you choose will determine your future achievements.)]

[1. Growth characteristics: Your absorption capacity and growth rate are increased by three times, and there are no side effects. The price is that you need to take in more nutrients to maintain growth. ]

[2. Imitation characteristics: Babies are born imitators. The birth environment determines the future. Your imitation can be transformed into growth skills, which will benefit you for a lifetime and lay a solid foundation. ]

[3. Sleepiness characteristics: You will enter a sleepy state and stay in deep sleep at all times. In deep sleep, your mental power growth is ten times that of an ordinary baby. ]

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