"It would be nice if I could choose all of them... What should I choose?"

Li Xiao looked at the three options and fell into deep thought.

Just like the Zhou-Zhua ceremony, it determines the future direction.

Obviously this is very important. The first step of a genius often comes from a wise choice.

Each option is good.

But Li Xiao has to judge based on his current environment.

First of all, these three options are a BUFF that lasts for one year.

The first option allows you to grow quickly.

In one year, you will grow from a one-year-old baby to a three-year-old child.

There are no side effects.

In this way, you can quickly get through your weak infant period.

But the problem is that you seem to be safe now.

The tiger is the king of beasts and should be at the top of the food chain no matter where it is.

The tiger mother currently looks very strong and loves you very much. It seems that you don't need to grow so fast.

What if you grow too fast and don't have enough milk and drive you out of the house?

It is said that beasts will let their cubs go out to temper themselves. What if they encounter danger?

I'd better eat more... No, I should enjoy the deep love between mother and son...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao ruled out this option.

Then he ruled out the third option, deep sleep.

In deep sleep, the growth of mental power is ten times that of an ordinary baby.

Although Li Xiao didn't know the role of mental power, it was not difficult to guess from the last time he saw the wolf could speak that the wolf might have become a spirit.

Since there are spirits, there may be Taoist priests who can exorcise demons.

Mental power should be related to this.

If I am practicing in a Taoist sect now, maybe it can be used.

But I am in the deep mountains and forests now...

Moreover, Li Xiao found that the tiger mother seemed to have the idea of ​​training them recently.

When I sleep like a dead pig every day, won't I make my mother angry?

Finally, Li Xiao's eyes fell on the second option.

Imitate and transform skills, and enjoy them for life, laying a foundation.

As the saying goes, learn boxing as early as possible, and you can see the old at the age of three.

Laying the foundation should start from infancy.

With the tiger mother around, I should choose this direction.

[Choose the second option, imitation. ]

[The growth direction has been confirmed, and the ‘imitation’ growth state is turned on, which lasts for one year. ]

After confirming this direction, Li Xiao did not feel any changes.

At this moment, he was almost full from eating.


The tigress roared, turned her head, and then walked out of the cave.

After this period of time, Li Xiao was able to understand some “tiger language”.

The tiger mother asked them to follow her out and start training.

The hunting skills of wild beasts are not innate, but are taught by words and deeds.

The big tiger and the second tiger jumped out happily, and Li Xiao crawled out with them.

Outside the tiger cave is a large flat open space with green grass on the ground.

Outside the open space is surrounded by a large area of ​​trees, which seems particularly hidden.

It is spring now, and the flowers are blooming.

The warm sun shines on the earth, and it is very comfortable to bask in the sun.

Li Xiao didn't feel cold naked.

Mainly because he was used to it, and he had no clothes to wear.

But it didn't matter, he was just a baby, no one would look at him.

And this mountain didn't belong to humans, it belonged to the animal world.

He felt that he was blessed by God to survive, and he didn't ask for more.

The tiger mother stood in the open space, her expression suddenly changed, her eyes were bright.

Then she lowered her body and half-crawled forward.

The tiger mother's movements were so graceful, as if she was in slow motion, and every movement could capture the trajectory, but in fact the speed was not slow.

The heavy tiger claws fell on the ground without making a sound, and no sound could be heard.

This is the basic ability of tigers to hunt.

Like a dormant hunter, the prey is unaware before approaching.

The tiger babies and Li Xiao also began to learn clumsily.

Dahu studied very seriously, while Erhu was a little naughty. After studying for a while, he ran away to jump and play. When he saw the dissatisfied look of the tiger mother, he ran back to continue practicing.

To be honest, tigers and humans grow at different rates.

It was very good for Li Xiao to be able to crawl in three months.

He could not compare with Dahu and Erhu at all, so his movements were more clumsy.

But fortunately, he had been drinking tiger milk for three months, and his physique was not bad, so he could persist.

Although his body structure was different, Li Xiao was crawling at this moment, learning the graceful movements of the tiger mother, landing slowly, raising his hands, and landing again...

[You imitated the tiger's sneaking and comprehended the skill: tiger walking. ]

[Tiger walking: moving into stillness, moving and stillness accompany each other, landing silently, and walking invisibly. ]

"Good skills..."

Li Xiao was delighted, and he was right to choose this growth talent.

The birth environment determines the future, and there is the best teacher around you by words and deeds.

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1]


Every time you practice, your proficiency will be directly improved.

In other words, the skills you have acquired in this year will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Who says humans can't become tigers?

Li Xiao feels that as long as he keeps working hard, he will become a tiger sooner or later!

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 3 months]

[Constitution: 0.9 (You are very weak and will break with one blow)]

[Spirit: 1.1 (For a baby, one in a thousand)]

[Current energy slot: 0% (Please continue to work hard to eat)]

[Current growth status: Imitation characteristics (one year remaining)]

[Skill: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skill: Tiger Walk (not up to standard)]

After three months of growth, the constitution has grown from 0.1 to 0.9.

The speed is still very good, but still very weak.

After all, he is only a three-month-old baby.

Sooner or later, he will grow up!

After practicing for half an hour, Li Xiao began to feel a little tired.

Except for the diligent Big Tiger Sister, the Second Tiger had already rolled around everywhere.

Tiger Mom still saw Li Xiao's performance.

Its vertical pupils stared at Li Xiao, and he liked this little guy more and more.

At the beginning, it was just a whim to bring this little guy back to raise.

But gradually, the little one grew up day by day, and really regarded it as his mother, lying on its belly and acting like a spoiled child. For some reason, Tiger Mom enjoyed this feeling very much.


Tiger Mom called a few times, indicating that it was time to take a break.

Hearing the sound, Li Xiao stopped training, was the first to crawl to Tiger Mom's side, and then hugged Tiger Mom's neck and acted like a spoiled child, and scratched Tiger Mom's chin with his little hand...

Gurgle Gurgle...

Tiger Mom's inner cavity vibrated and made a strange vibration sound, which was very enjoyable.

Yes... I like this "special son" more and more, because this little guy is really likable, especially when he acts like a spoiled child like this... It's very comfortable...

This is Li Xiao's trick to please Tiger Mom.

Big cats are also cats, as long as they are cats, they can't resist such temptation.

They like to be scratched on the chin, and they like it irresistibly, making a "gurgle gurgle" sound, which means that they enjoy it very much and are very relaxed.

As he grew up, Li Xiao's vocal cords also developed slowly.

After being raised for three months, Li Xiao also had feelings for Tiger Mom.

Perhaps he also found a kind of family affection and a sense of home here.

Li Xiao hugged the soft fur of Tiger Mom, and felt very safe and relaxed. He couldn't help but shout: "Mom."

After shouting, Li Xiao was also surprised. Can he pronounce it?

Tiger Mom was slightly stunned.

It was even more surprised. It turned its head and stared at Li Xiao for a long time. Its tiger mouth opened and closed and it slowly opened its mouth to make a sound:

"Old Third...you...can you speak?"

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