For the past three months, Tiger Mom has never spoken.

Just now, he made a human sound, and the tiger spoke.

Although Li Xiao was prepared, he was still shocked.

Just now, he accidentally called out "Mom".

This must not be leaked...

If I speak now, it would be too strange.

How can a three-month-old baby speak without being taught?


Li Xiao immediately reacted, pretending to be confused, and continued to act like a spoiled child in front of Tiger Mom, as if the words were spoken accidentally.

"It seems that it was called accidentally. If the third child has not been taught, how could he speak..."

Tiger Mom lay on the ground and muttered to herself.

Her voice was very soft, hoarse and slightly low, but it could be heard that it was a female voice, which made Li Xiao feel that the Tiger Mom in front of him was as if he had cultivated it in his previous life...

In fact, Tiger Mom could not speak before three months.

The reason why it could speak was that on the night when it picked up the third child, it was patrolling its territory for food, and then found a group of wolves entering its territory.

The beasts in the mountains all have their own territories, and they don't interfere with each other.

If other predators enter the territory, it is a provocation to the dignity of the territory owner.

And that day, it was the sweet smell of Li Xiao who was abandoned in the mountains.

It made the wolf pack venture into the tiger's territory to look for it.

This scene was just discovered by the patrolling tiger mother.

Especially the beasts who had just given birth to babies are very afraid of carnivores entering their territory.

Without thinking, she rushed up to drive it away, and killed the wolf king of the wolf pack on the spot, and Li Xiao saved his life.

After eating the wolf king of the wolf pack, the tiger mother was able to speak naturally.

In fact, the tiger mother is not an ordinary tiger, and the wolf king is not an ordinary wolf.

To some extent, they are what humans call "demons".

Grass, trees, mountains and stones can all become spirits, and creatures in the mountains can also become demons.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are endless and full of spiritual energy. Countless natural treasures have been born over the years.

If the creatures in the mountains eat them by chance, they will slowly become intelligent.

After becoming intelligent, creatures with intelligence comparable to that of humans are monsters.

However, although the monsters at this time have intelligence, they are not taught by anyone and cannot speak human words.

But if a monster eats a human... then it can speak.

The wolf monster is a monster that eats humans. Tiger Mom ate it and can also inherit human language.

Of course, Li Xiao didn't know the reason.

He continued to act as an obedient baby and grew up beside Tiger Mom.


In the morning, the sun rose.


A deafening tiger roar sounded in the mountains, shaking the ground and branches.

Countless birds startled the sky, and monkeys made a squeak of alarm...

This is the tiger roar!

The roar of a tiger, coupled with a ferocious facial expression and powerful sound wave vibrations, is enough to make the enemy timid before the battle, and their fighting spirit will be reduced by three points!

Roar~~~ Roar~~~

The two little tigers also learned to roar like their mother.

However, the cute expressions of the little tigers and the babyish roar can definitely be made into emoticons.


Li Xiao also imitated the tiger mother's roar.

Of course, he is not much better than the eldest and the second child. Babies with fierce expressions are actually very cute, and roaring is also cute.

[You imitate the roar of a tiger and comprehend the skill: tiger roar. ]

[Tiger roar: King of beasts, mountains and seas roar, people who hear it are frightened, and it dominates the world! ]

Lively and vigorous, dragons and tigers fight, crouching tigers and hidden dragons, dragons and tigers are fierce...

In Li Xiao's wisdom, the ancients put dragons and tigers on a par.

It can be seen that the tiger is the king of the beasts. This tiger roar can scare away all beasts!

Roar, roar, roar——

[Tiger Roar Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Roar Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Roar Proficiency +1]...

[Tiger Roar Proficiency 999/1000]

[Tiger Roar Improved to Minor Success]

Day after day, Li Xiao practiced what Tiger Mom taught him, working very hard.

Let me ask you, which mother wouldn't like a hardworking and obedient child?

With continuous practice, Li Xiao's tiger roar became more and more proficient, entering a minor success.

Gradually, he also understood the technique of exerting force.

Tiger roar is not made by vocal cords, but by the qi sinking into the dantian, flowing from the dantian into the abdomen, and roaring out with the mouth opening.

The facial expression also needs to be murderous. In addition to the deafening sound of the tiger roar, its own momentum must also form a double deterrence with the sound.

This is the real tiger roar of the same level as the dragon roar!

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are endless, and in the mountains, the spiritual energy is particularly abundant.

The mountains, forests, and plants have the opportunity to become monsters, which also means that there are many crises.

This is a place where only the strong prey on the weak.

Li Xiao can't hide under the wings of Tiger Mom forever.

He must continue to strengthen himself, become stronger, and become stronger!

Only in this way can he preserve himself and protect his loved ones.

In his previous life, he had no father or mother and lived a lonely life.

In this life, his mother was willing to lead the enemy away and die generously to save him.

And God has the virtue of loving life, and gave him a "special" mother.

There is also a pair of brothers and sisters. Li Xiao doesn't want to lose anything anymore.

He just wants to protect his loved ones.

The only way is to become stronger!


A whistling sound rang out in the air, and the tiger mother was in the open space, gathering strength.

Then she kicked her hind legs hard, and then jumped forward.

Its body drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed a full five feet (20 meters) away, landing silently.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao's eyes widened.

Monkeys walk on cliffs, tigers jump in mountain streams... It's really true!

In Li Xiao's previous life, the explosive power and jumping power of tigers were the strongest in nature, without a doubt.

Lions guard the gate, and tigers sit in the middle hall.

Even if a lion meets a tiger, it can only surrender.

"Roar! The eldest, the second, and the third... practice!"

The tiger mother roared at the three siblings, and then repeated it in human language.

Since Li Xiao accidentally called out "Mom" last time, the tiger mother not only taught them tiger language, but also "human language" in the days that followed.

It seemed to begin to realize that although Li Xiao was his child, he was still a human after all.

Since they are human, they should learn to speak like humans.

If one day the third child realizes that he is different from them.

Hope to return to the human world and integrate faster.

Of course... Tiger Mom doesn't want Li Xiao to leave.

She also likes this "special" child in her heart.

The three siblings began to learn tiger leaps under the guidance of Tiger Mom.

This is a skill of exerting force. You need to put all your strength on your hind legs and legs, condense a strong explosive force, and then burst out and jump up!

It is not something that can be practiced overnight.

But while practicing these skills, you are also honing your physique.

Li Xiao trained meticulously, and sweat gradually oozed from his forehead.

Practicing these every day is very physically demanding.

Fortunately, Tiger Mom is still feeding them with breast milk.

Breast milk is very nutritious and can quickly replenish physical strength.

He didn't jump far, only one foot away.

Dahu and Erhu grew very fast and were already a circle bigger than Li Xiao.

The physical fitness of humans and beasts is very different.

Humans do not have the claws and teeth of wild beasts.

The tiger is born as the king of the forest and can easily jump three feet.

But Li Xiao is not anxious. Since he chose this option at the beginning, it means that he has started to lay the foundation in his infancy.

These skills will accompany him throughout his life, and as he grows up, they will surely bloom.

After three months, Li Xiao has learned nine skills!

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