[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 6 months]

[Constitution: 2.1 (You are weak, but stronger than babies your age)]

[Spirit: 1.1 (One in a thousand for a baby)]

[Current energy slot: 95% (please continue to eat)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (9 months remaining)]

[Skills: Energy conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Tiger roar (minor success), tiger walk (minor success), tiger leap (minor success), perception (minor success), tiger slap (minor success), throat lock (minor success), night vision (minor success), tree climbing (minor success), diving (minor success)]

Tigers have many skills, they can climb trees and even dive.

All of these have been learned by Li Xiao.

"The hard training during this period has not been in vain. All my skills have been improved to a small level."

"...Although it is a small level, I cannot use it with my current physique."

"But daily exercise has made my physique improve rapidly!"

Although Li Xiao still looks like a baby, his development is indeed beyond the standard.

The baby fat has been reduced a lot, and in return he has a physique that surpasses his peers.

In his previous life, Li Xiao saw a child raised by wolves in a tree.

He lived and ate with wolves, walked on all fours, roared like a wolf, ate meat and drank blood like a wild beast.

After the wolf boy was discovered, it was difficult for him to integrate into society.

Because he was raised by wolves when he was a baby.

He thought he was a wolf in his consciousness.

And now he should be considered a "tiger boy", right?

If Li Xiao did not carry the memory of his previous life.

I am afraid that he would really become a tiger slowly. Fortunately, he still has the memory...

He tried it now, and he can walk upright at six months old.

Perhaps it was because of the tiger milk that the teeth gradually grew out.


The sun rose in the east, and the rising sun shone into the cave.

The dim light woke up the three babies who were sleeping soundly on the mattress covered with velvet grass. The babies yawned and stretched.


The second tiger called to Li Xiao, meaning that he should go out and play with him.

The second tiger was very lively and active, and he was a tiger who could not sit still.

Now six months have passed, and the two little tiger babies have grown up. A tiger can gain more than ten kilograms in a month, and it is already fifty or sixty kilograms in six months, which is almost the same size as a big yellow dog.

In comparison, Li Xiao did not seem to have grown much.

"Aoao...Second brother, let's go out and play...Big sister, you should go too..."

Li Xiao also got up with great interest and walked out of the cave to bask in the sun.

Although there are no mobile phones, no computers, no games in this world....it is very boring, but can't I still play with Xiaonaofu?

The IQ of the two tigers is still at the level of a one-year-old baby.

The things they can play are also very simple, jumping and chasing each other.

Even if there is a live insect crawling around, they can play happily.

Happiness is so simple...


The second tiger saw a butterfly flying in the air, and his eyes were wide open.

"Roar... That's a butterfly." Li Xiao explained: "It's a bug."

But obviously the second tiger didn't understand, he jumped directly and wanted to catch it.

But the butterfly immediately flew up, and the second tiger pounced in vain.


Big Tiger Sister appeared at some point, and with an elegant leap, she jumped higher, and with a light slap of her tiger claws, she slapped the butterfly down.


When the second tiger saw that the big tiger caught the butterfly, he also came over with great interest, wanting to grab it to play with.


Big Tiger Sister roared at the second tiger, meaning that this is what I caught.


The two tigers were unwilling to give in, meaning that it found it, and this was its thing.

Bang, bang, bang!

Two little tigers fought for a butterfly.

It was just like a child fighting over a toy.

It was obvious that the toy problem could be solved by being humble.

After all, people get bored with toys after playing with them for a while, and the second person can continue to play with them.

But children don't think so at all. They only have this toy in front of them. If you don't give it to me, I will grab it. If you dare to hit me, I will hit you. This is mine!

The two little tigers fought, and Li Xiao couldn't intervene at all.

Although he was definitely stronger among babies of the same age, he was not good enough in front of tigers of the same age.

Tigers grow very fast and will leave their mothers to live alone at the age of two.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, roar, roar, roar——"

Li Xiao persuaded them to stop fighting, constantly using tiger language to stop them.

But it was useless, it was useless at all!

When lions fight, only the winner is decided, and the loser will run away.

When tigers fight, they will arouse their blood and must fight to the death!

So there can't be two tigers in one mountain!

The two little tigers started fighting by standing up and slapping each other, and soon fought from top to bottom.

And tigers are the kings of ground skills, and the winner will be decided on the ground.

The second tiger is a male tiger, with a bigger body and stronger body.

But it is always lazy when exercising, and its skills are not as good as others.

Soon the big tiger found an opportunity to lock its throat.

Once the throat is locked, no matter how much strength you have, you can't use it.

Gradually, the second tiger's voice became weaker and weaker, and his legs began to soften.


Li Xiao naturally didn't want to see the scene of the siblings killing each other. His pupils were already bulging, and he used all his strength to roar hysterically.

[You use the tiger roar at your limit, and your proficiency is +1000]

[Your tiger roar is upgraded to the great success! ]

Tiger roar is more convenient to train, and the proficiency is improved faster.

The last roar directly upgraded to the great success level.

And this roar finally woke up the big tiger sister.

It found that its brother was breathing weakly, and it was frightened and hurriedly let go, allowing the second tiger who was dying to save his life...

"Damn, finally let go, the tiger cub made me worry so much..."

This tiger roar exhausted Li Xiao's strength, his eyes turned black, and he fainted.


When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the tiger's den.

It must be that the tiger mother came back from foraging and found him lying outside, so she brought him back.

The two little tigers lay in the corner, unhappy.

"Old Three, what happened?"

When Tiger Mom saw Li Xiao wake up, she asked hurriedly.

She thought it was the eldest and the second who bullied Li Xiao and knocked him unconscious.

If it was an ordinary tiger, this would not be a big deal.

But Tiger Mom was already an intelligent tiger demon, and she had already developed spiritual intelligence.

"Mom... I'm hungry..."

Li Xiao was already dizzy, and that tiger roar consumed too much energy.

Tiger Mom had to lie down and let Li Xiao eat first.

Puff puff...

Li Xiao immediately replenished his energy.

[Energy +0.5][Energy +0.5][Energy +0.5]...

As his body develops, Li Xiao's gastrointestinal digestion ability can absorb more nutrients.

But the disadvantage is that the remaining energy intake has also become less.

This is the law of conservation of energy.

He can absorb more, and the part that cannot be absorbed is less.

After eating for a long time, Li Xiao regained his strength.


Li Xiao then slowly spoke: "It's like this..."

Tiger language can only communicate in a simple way, and complex things still rely on human language.

Only human language can carry more information.

For three months, Li Xiao also slowly pretended to be taught to speak by the tiger mother.

The tiger mother did not understand the growth pattern of humans, and thought it was normal for June to speak.

Li Xiao explained: "The eldest and the second child fought, and when I tried to persuade them, I roared hard and used up all my strength..."

After learning the reason, the tiger mother said helplessly: "They are not yet wise, they are just wild beasts... It seems that they have to be weaned and go out to train hunting..."

The growth pattern of tigers is very fast. They open their eyes at 6 to 14 days old, breastfeed for 3 to 6 months, can follow the mother to go out for activities at 5 to 6 months, and the mother tiger teaches the cubs to hunt at 11 months.

After 2 years old, they live independently from the mother tiger, and there is a high probability that they will die outside, which is very cruel.

Li Xiao opened his eyes wide, showing a cute expression, and said cutely: "Mom, should I be weaned?"

Tiger Mom: "You... also weaned!"

Li Xiao: "..."

I'm still a child!

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