Five days later, Tiger Mom returned to the tiger's den.

No one knew what kind of battle it had gone through!

It was covered with scratches and bite marks. It dragged its heavy body, staggering, and dragged a long trail of blood on the road.

The most shocking thing was that the wound on its shoulder blade was very deep...

"Mother, who hurt you like this!"

When Li Xiao saw Tiger Mom in such a miserable state, he couldn't help but be furious.

Every time he went out and came back, he saw Tiger Mom was full of energy and vigor.

But now...

Could it be....there is something more powerful than a tiger in this mountain? ?


Big Tiger Sister saw Tiger Mom so embarrassed, and she couldn't help but feel sad.

"...Give this thing to Erhu to drink."

Tiger Mom opened her mouth and spit out three fist-sized coconut egg-like things from her mouth.

Then he lay on the ground to rest and heal his wounds: "My wound is not serious, it's not a serious injury, I just need to rest for a while."

It was originally a tiger with a strong ability to recover, and now it has become a demon with wisdom. As long as the wound is not fatal, it will recover on its own.

"Mother, you went..."

Li Xiao then knew that his mother had gone to save Erhu.

As for what hurt it like this, there is no way to know.

"What is this?"

Li Xiao picked up the coconut egg-like thing from the ground.

It looks like a kind of fruit, but strangely it looks like it is made up of two halves.

It can only be done with flexible fingers.

Li Xiao broke it hard, and the fruit really split into two halves, and the aroma of wine came out.

Is it wine?

There is wine in this deep mountain?

Is there something special about this wine that can heal the body?

Li Xiao had many questions in his mind, but he didn't think much about it. He immediately put it to Erhu's mouth, and Erhu stretched out his tongue and licked it clean a few times.

Erhu seemed to be drunk, licked his lips and fell asleep again.

Li Xiao asked curiously: "Can this thing heal wounds?"

"Yes, three years ago, I accidentally ate it and then I became intelligent."

Tiger Mom said weakly: "It should be the fruit wine brewed by the wild monkeys in the deep mountains. The wild monkeys there are particularly powerful, and most of them have become intelligent... I wanted to take one secretly, but I was discovered, so I took five, but lost two in the fight. Three, one for each of you..."

Tiger Mom hopes that Erhu and Dahu can become intelligent while healing.

Only by becoming intelligent can they live better in this deep mountain.

It can be said that parents love their children and plan for them in the long run.

Wild beasts are no different from humans, and are even purer than humans.

Outside, Tiger Mom is a fierce tiger roaring in the mountains.

Inside, it is still a mother.

"What about you?"

Li Xiao handed his own to Tiger Mom: "Mother, you should drink it. You are injured and need it more..."

Tiger Mom shook her head: "I have eaten it in the past few years. Eating more is useless. I will recover from these injuries after resting for a while. But you, after drinking this fruit wine, will definitely become stronger."

After saying that, it did not allow Li Xiao to refuse and closed its eyes and fell asleep.


Li Xiao felt warm in his heart. This strange family affection touched him deeply.

Since mother has spoken, I will drink it....

When I become stronger in a few days, I will go to the wild monkey's nest and grab all the fruit wine. We will drink it every day and every night!

Li Xiao thought so.

Then he opened one of them and gave it to Big Tiger Sister, smiling: "Big Tiger Sister, you also drink it. Maybe it will open your wisdom and we can communicate together."

Big Tiger Sister looked at him with a confused face, then licked it, and soon got drunk and fell down.

Li Xiao opened the last one and drank all the juice.

"What a strong alcohol! It must be 100 degrees!"

Instantly, Li Xiao felt dizzy.

The moment he fell, information appeared in his mind:

[Only you, who is seven months old, drank strong liquor in big gulps. This will be recorded in your "growth diary" and you will get the achievement "Drinking Strong Liquor in July\

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