
A deafening roar sounded outside the tiger's den, and the tiger mother finally rushed back.

But when she came back, she saw only a mess.

The eldest and the second were lying on the ground gasping for breath, and the third was using branches to support himself from falling.

There was a wolf lying in a pool of blood on the ground.

Its heart sank, thinking that the children were dead....

A wave of sadness surged in my heart.

"Mother, you are back... the eldest sister and the second brother are still alive... but..."

Li Xiao put away his sadness and spoke hurriedly.

He had just checked that the eldest sister was less injured, and the second tiger was the most seriously injured, and it was unknown whether she could survive.

The tiger mother rushed in and checked the eldest tiger's injury. The injury was not serious.

The wound on the second tiger's neck was so deep that the bone was visible.

Just now, the wolf king bit the second tiger's neck and shook it, which was very fatal.

The tiger mother hurriedly licked the second tiger's wound.

Erhu cried out weakly, "Ah..."

Tiger mother raised her head and looked at the weak Li Xiao, gratefully saying: "Old three, you saved them... Thank you, child..."

It understood when it saw the wolf king lying on the ground.

Two babies could not possibly deal with such a grown wolf.

Only the third one stabbed the wolf to death with a stick.

Li Xiao's tense nerves finally relaxed. He sat on the ground weakly and said: "Mother, what are you talking about thanking? We are a family, aren't we?"

Although the other party is a tiger, there is a difference between humans and animals.

But Li Xiao will never forget the grace of saving his life and feeding.

In her heart, she has long regarded Tiger mother, as well as the eldest and second brothers as a family.

Hearing this, Tiger mother felt extremely warm in her heart.

She looked at Li Xiao and felt that it was a gift from God.

"Mother, Erhu..."

Li Xiao walked to Erhu and gently stroked its head to make it less painful.

Although Erhu was still alive, his breathing was very weak and the situation was not very good.

Li Xiao saw it and was anxious.

Now he had nothing, not even a piece of cloth to cover his body, and he couldn't even bandage his wounds...

"I'm still too weak to protect my loved ones!"

Li Xiao felt extremely guilty and could only stay by his side.

"Mother, how about... I go down the mountain to see if there is a human village and get some medicine?" Li Xiao thought of a way.

"No, it's dangerous down the mountain."

Tiger Mom immediately refused and said slowly: "Don't worry, mother has a way."

It looked to the south outside the cave and slowly made a decision in its heart.

That night, Tiger Mom stayed with the two tigers...

The next morning.

Tiger Mom got up early in the morning and told Li Xiao to take good care of them and not to leave.

Li Xiao asked Tiger Mom where she was going, but she didn't answer and then left the cave.

"I guess those wolves won't dare to come back in a short time."

After Tiger Mom left the cave, Li Xiao got food in the cave.

An adult wolf has enough meat to eat for several days.

These days, when Li Xiao was free, he also got some tools.

Find a handy stone and grind it into a knife.

Li Xiao used a stone knife to slowly remove the wolf skin. After peeling it off, he hung it on a branch outside.

After the wolf skin dried, he washed it and dried it.

It became a simple leather pants, which he wore around his waist to cover the embarrassing part.

Sister Dahu and Brother Erhu were relatively weak, so Li Xiao took a large stone vat that was naturally formed in the forest, cut the wolf meat into minced meat, and went to the river to get clean water to cook it.

After it was cooked soft and tender, it was fed to the eldest and the second child respectively.

Although the mother had told them not to eat cooked food before.

But now is an extraordinary period, and it is treated very differently.

The eldest ate with relish, which was much more delicious than raw meat...

As for the second child, under Li Xiao's careful care, he could also eat some.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Sister Dahu had almost recovered.

"Awoo awoo..."

Sister Dahu rubbed against Li Xiao intimately to express her gratitude.

"Big sister, are you feeling better?" Li Xiao rubbed its head.

"Awoo." Big Tiger Sister nodded slightly.

Their IQ is not low, almost the IQ of a two-year-old child.

But the difference is that as they grow up, their IQ will not exceed that of a four-year-old child.

"Why hasn't mother come back yet..."

The wolf meat has been almost eaten, and there is no extra food in the tiger cave.

We must go out hunting.


Big Tiger Sister volunteered to go out hunting.

"Big sister, you stay in the cave to recuperate and take care of the second brother, and leave the hunting to me."

Li Xiao did not agree, and let Big Tiger Sister stay and let him go.

After all, he has a +200% effect on wolves.

If he encounters a pack of wolves, he can still scare them away, but Big Tiger Sister is not sure.

Just like that, Li Xiao went out hunting with a wooden gun.

Big Tiger Sister watched Li Xiao leave with concern and waited outside the cave.

Fortunately, Li Xiao returned with prey that afternoon.

A sika deer.

Hunting is no longer a difficult task for him now.

On a peaceful night, the aroma of venison wafts through the cave.


"Awoo awoo..."

The wolf pack's territory is in chaos.

After the news of the death of the acting wolf king spread, the entire wolf pack was in an uproar.

They were communicating in wolf language -

"The wolf king is dead??"

"We sacrificed ten brothers to lure the tiger away. How did the wolf king die?"

"The two brothers who came back said that he died at the hands of a baby!"

"Impossible, how could the wolf king die at the hands of a baby!"

"It's absolutely true. The baby slapped the wolf king unconscious and then stabbed him to death with a stick."

"Where did the baby come from? Did the tiger go down the mountain and bring back a human cub to raise?"

All the wolves were howling and communicating, and the wolf howls echoed in the mountains like ghosts.

They were extremely surprised. Where did the baby come from in this mountain?

"If I'm right, it was the baby that the previous wolf king found."

An old wolf spoke.

Instantly, the whole wolf pack fell silent.

In this case, this human baby has killed two wolf kings.

The old wolf howled in wolf language: "Irreconcilable hatred, whoever can kill the baby will be the next wolf king."

Instantly, the wolf pack became even more silent.

Incomparable silence...

Although the wolf king is very tempting, he can control more food and more partners.

But compared to life, what does it count for?

The two wolves that followed the wolf king to the cave had already privately told other wolves about the horror of the baby...

Like a ghost baby, with red eyes at night, ferocious...

"The tiger cub rises, and the wolf pack will perish sooner or later..."

The old wolf sighed deeply in wolf language, then left the wolf pack and disappeared into the night.


At the same time.

In the middle of the night.

One thousand five hundred miles north of the tiger's den, somewhere deep in the Ten Thousand Mountains...

A nine-foot-tall black-skinned monkey, holding a stick in his hand, led a group of monkeys to surround a tiger.

"A little demon who has just awakened dares to steal the spirit wine and seek death!"

The monkey spoke human language and shouted angrily: "Don't you know that this is a tribute to the Black Wind King? Who dares to touch the Black Wind King's spirit wine!"

It's funny to say that the animal languages ​​are different, and different beasts cannot communicate smoothly.

These beasts can only communicate with human language.

The tiger that was surrounded was the tiger mother who raised the baby Li Xiao.

Three years ago, she was looking for the whereabouts of her missing husband and accidentally came here. She drank the spirit wine by mistake, and then she was born with intelligence and her body became stronger.

Now she ventured here just to use the spirit wine to save her child Erhu.


The tiger mother turned around, looked at the monkey, and roared fiercely: "I don't know what the Black Wind King is. If you dare to stop me, you must die!"

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