In the dark cave.

Li Xiao, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a chill all over his body and woke up.

Animals have perception, and perception can be cultivated in addition to innate.

The tiger mother's way of taming them is to let them experience the subtle flow in the air, and then suddenly appear behind them to sense danger.

These days, Li Xiao's perception skills are also rapidly improving...

[Perception (minor success)]

Li Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and found that his mother had left at some point.

Then he saw six green eyes floating in the air outside the cave entrance, approaching the cave entrance, and the danger was coming...

If he didn't wake up like this, he might die in his sleep!

"Roar, roar, roar!!! Big sister, second child, get up quickly!"

Li Xiao immediately roared and woke up the two tigers.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

After waking up, the eldest sister and the second child immediately sensed the danger, then showed their claws, grinned, and crawled on the ground to show an attacking posture.

The wolf king led two of his confidants and wanted to kill the tiger cub in his sleep.

Unexpectedly, the tiger cub woke up.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a little trouble.

There is only one passage in the tiger's den, and there is no way out.

The wolf king asked the other two wolves to guard the entrance of the cave, so that the tiger cub inside could not fly away!

What surprised the wolf king was that there was a human baby in the tiger's den.

The previous wolf king died because of a baby fighting with a tiger. Could it be this baby?

Interesting, tigers actually raise human babies.

But it doesn't matter, they will all die here today...

The wolf king walked slowly.

Although not as good as the previous wolf king.

But this wolf is still bigger and stronger than ordinary wolves.

It is more than enough to deal with two tiger cubs and a human baby.

On the other hand, the other two tigers, seven-month-old tigers, although growing rapidly, are the same size as dogs and have certain lethality.

But compared with the stronger wolf king, they are much inferior.

This wolf king is half a foot tall and probably weighs nearly 200 pounds.

The scars on his body mean that he often fights and is experienced. The black hair on his body looks particularly thick, like a bunch of spikes.

For such a wolf, it is easy to hunt two tiger cubs.

However, the two little tigers are not afraid. Although they are not yet adults, they are natural kings!


The second tiger took the lead and rushed straight to the wolf king without retreating.

It skillfully used the tiger's skills, leaping into the air, and first hit the enemy with its palm.

Then the big tiger sister also roared and followed closely.

The wolf king has rich combat experience. It took the slap of the second tiger with its head.

Then it found the right opportunity and bit the second tiger's neck!

A move to lock the throat!

Wolves have no claws, only sharp teeth. Locking the throat is a common method used by wolves to hunt animals.

The second tiger immediately felt difficulty breathing and was unable to exert strength. He was pressed to the ground by the wolf king.

Big Tiger rushed over, trying to take the opportunity to bite the wolf king's neck and save brother Erhu.

But would the wolf king give it this opportunity?

With a "bang!", the wolf king grabbed Erhu's neck and swung it violently.

The powerful force used Erhu's body to knock Big Tiger away.

Big Tiger hit the wall of the cave and fell to the ground, dizzy and seriously injured!

After such a swing, Erhu, whose neck was bitten, was already dying and suffered fatal injuries!

The two young tigers were vulnerable to the adult wolf king.


Li Xiao did not make a move, he was looking for an opportunity.

There was a huge gap between his physique and the wolf king.

If he was not careful, Erhu would have to die here.

So he had been using tiger steps before, slowly sneaking in the dark, looking for opportunities to attack.

And the wolf king's eyes were always on the two tigers.

He did not notice the other baby.

In his opinion, the baby was vulnerable.

This gave Li Xiao an opportunity, and he had already sneaked up to the wolf king.


Finding the opportunity, Li Xiao used all his strength to perform the "Tiger Slap" to hit the wolf king's head.

Perfect Tiger Slap!

Li Xiao had already tested this slap, which could make the tree shake and leave a palm print!


The wolf king did not expect the sudden attack from the darkness, and was hit on the head.

If it were an ordinary baby, this palm would probably be as soft and weak as cotton candy.

But Li Xiao is not an ordinary baby.

This palm was very powerful, and the wolf king was dazed and confused.

The wolf king let go, and Erhu fell to the ground, breathing and saving his life.

"Not dead?"

Li Xiao thought that he could kill the wolf with a concussion by hitting its head.

But he didn't expect that this wolf was so strong that it was still alive!


Another palm, Li Xiao used the tiger slap technique again to hit the wolf's head.

The wolf king was in a daze and couldn't react at all, and was hit again.

This time, its head was dizzy again, its limbs were stiff, and it fell straight to the ground.

Li Xiao knew that the other party was not dead at all. He felt that the wolf's skull was very hard and did not crack at all.

If the wolf was given a short rest, it would recover again.

"Oh no... I'm still a baby, and I don't have enough physical strength to hit the third palm..."

Li Xiao felt that his physical strength was greatly lost, and he felt exhausted.

The two wolves guarding the cave entrance behind the wolf king were amazed that a baby could knock the wolf king unconscious. They were also stunned. They came to their senses and planned to attack.

His life was hanging by a thread!

If he waited for the two wolves to come over, he would surely die!

Li Xiao could not care about so much, and killed the wolf in front of him first!

From the ground, Li Xiao picked up a branch that had been sharpened at one end.

The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans can use tools.

He sharpened this branch for several days and planned to use it for hunting.

I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Copper head, iron bones, tofu waist.

Li Xiao's cognition of wolves in his previous life came to his mind.

He held the branch tightly with both hands and stabbed it fiercely at the soft abdomen of the wolf lying on the ground.


The sharp branch successfully penetrated the wolf's soft abdomen and went straight into the internal organs.


Li Xiao exerted force again and stirred the branch violently in the abdomen.

The wolf king was dizzy and could not resist

Crack, the branch broke.

The wolf king's internal organs were all rotten, blood was flowing all over the ground, and he slowly died...

[In the process of growing up, you will always encounter various setbacks and difficulties. Only by daring to challenge the limit, riding the wind and waves, and breaking through the thorns can you reach the final shore...]

[Only you, who are seven months old, can kill the wolf king and successfully survive a crisis. This will be recorded in your "growth diary" and you will get the achievement "Kill the Wolf King in July\

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