After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 7 Entering the tiger's den and killing the tiger

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

The tiger mother took her three babies to train hunting in the forest every day.

The hunting skills of the three babies improved rapidly.

Especially Li Xiao.

Although he was just a baby, his hunting skills had surpassed the other two little tigers.

When encountering prey, he first approached slowly with tiger steps, then leaped over with a tiger, and directly used tiger slaps. With strong arm strength, he could knock the prey unconscious with one palm.

The prey also began to improve from little rabbits to little deer.

Li Xiao was either hunting or eating meat every day, and there was nothing else to do.

At this rate of improvement, the energy tank was full again in a month.

[1. Get a chance to strengthen the skill to the maximum level, and you will get the corresponding attributes when you reach the maximum level. ]

[2. Get a chance to imitate super strong, you can learn the skill at a glance and enter the great success. ]

[3. Get a chance to advance the skill, and you can advance the full-level skill. ]

This time, he still chose the first option, mainly to improve the attributes and survive the weak baby period.

[You choose to upgrade your skills to the maximum level once, choose Tiger Leap. ]

[Tiger Leap (Minor Success) → Tiger Leap (Perfect)]

[Tiger Leap reaches perfection, physical fitness +5, leg span greatly improved, although you are a baby now, you can jump a distance of ten feet (3 meters). ]

"Too strong... I am a baby, I jump three meters, and knock out a deer with one palm!"

"If it was in the previous life, I would definitely be caught and studied."

"I am afraid that in this world, I can also be regarded as a martial arts genius, right?"

Li Xiao couldn't help muttering to himself, looking at his current panel.

After ordinary hunting on weekdays, most of the skills are also improving on their own.

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 7 months]

[Constitution: 12.1 (some strength, but not much)]

[Spirit: 1.2 (one in a thousand for a baby)]

[Current energy slot: 0.01% (please continue to work hard to eat)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (remaining time 8 months)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Tiger Leap (perfect), Tiger Slap (perfect), Tiger Roar (great success), Tiger Walk (great success), Perception (minor success), Throat Locking (minor success), Night Vision (minor success), Tree Climbing (minor success), Diving (minor success)]

Seeing himself slowly getting stronger, Li Xiao felt that there was hope for his life....



Ten Thousand Mountains, wolf pack territory.

Ao Ao Ao....

In the middle of the night, a group of wolves gathered, and the howling of wolves was endless, echoing in the mountains, scaring the animals in the mountains to tremble and tremble with fear!

Although wolves are not strong, wolf packs are very strong, and few animals dare to provoke wolf packs.

In this mountain, the dignity of wolves cannot be trampled upon.

Since the wolf king was killed by the tiger king, the wolf pack has been leaderless and chaotic for a while.

After seven months of fighting, the new wolf king emerged.

But to become the wolf king, in addition to the strongest force, you also need to win the support of the people.

The first thing to win the support of the people is to avenge the old wolf king of the previous generation!

But wolves are very intelligent creatures. They know that it is impossible to deal with the tiger, and they can only target the cubs.

Enter the tiger's den and kill the tiger cub!

When carnivorous predators face stronger predators, they will find ways to kill their cubs.

Otherwise, when the tiger cubs grow up in the future, they will occupy the mountain and become the king, further compressing the living space of the wolf pack. If this goes on for a long time, the wolf pack will be destroyed.


The new generation of wolf king howled, which was particularly cold in the silent night. It told the wolves in the territory that it would kill the tiger cub.

The wolves howled again, swearing that the wolf king had returned and would lead the wolf pack!

The wolf king grinned, and with a dozen of his confidants, he disappeared into the darkness....

Wolves are very intelligent. They live in groups and are better at teamwork.

Although this acting wolf king has not yet fully opened his intelligence, he has already shown a trend...

He has a plan in mind, and does not need to attack by force, but has other plans...

Lure the tiger away from the mountain!

A hunt is about to begin...

At night, the smell of blood permeates the tiger's territory.

The wild beast's sense of smell is very sensitive, and it can be smelled more than ten miles away.

And the tiger mother has opened her intelligence, and her perception ability is beyond the reach of ordinary tigers...

In the tiger's den, the tiger mother suddenly opened her tiger eyes that were bright in the dark!

There are predators entering her territory to hunt!

It slowly got up, as quiet as a virgin, without making a sound.

Then it looked at the three sleeping babies, without waking them up, and slowly left the cave, heading in the direction of the blood smell.

Tigers are the king of beasts, how can they tolerate other predators foraging in their territory?

Every plant and tree in the territory, any living creature belongs to the territory ruler!

Tiger mom ran quickly and found this group of predators thirty miles away in the south.

More than a dozen wolves were hunting deer.

Although wolves are not as good as tigers in hunting alone.

But they can attack in groups, use the method of driving and surrounding to hunt groups, and then solve multiple prey at one time to meet the needs of the wolf pack.

This is something that tigers cannot do, as they can only hunt one animal at a time.


Tiger mom saw the bodies of five or six sika deer lying on the ground and roared angrily.

The territory ruler will slowly hunt the prey in the territory.

Let them reproduce and maintain long-term food stability.

A tiger occupies a territory of fifty miles, which is enough to maintain a sufficient food source.

If too much is destroyed at one time, the only option is to expand the territory.

And expanding the territory may lead to conflicts with the rulers of other territories.

The wolf pack openly preyed on its territory, which made the tiger mother extremely angry!

It rushed over fiercely, wanting to make these unknown things pay the price!

And these wolves were well prepared. They were not here to prey, but to lead the tiger mother away so that the wolf king could go in and kill her cubs.

But the tiger mother was so angry at the moment that she didn't recognize this cheap trick...

The wolf pack turned around and ran away. They were all confidants selected by the wolf king and were quite powerful.

But even so, the tiger mother took a step and killed a wolf.

Then she continued to chase the other wolves.

They did not flee in all directions, but ran in one direction.

Tiger Mom followed closely behind. With her speed, she would catch one and kill it with one palm every once in a while, but she would also pause for a while.

Gradually, Tiger Mom chased deeper and deeper, gradually leaving her territory.

Towards the south, she ran nearly fifty miles.


Tiger Mom bit off the neck of a wolf again.

She looked at the wolf running away in the distance.

She muttered something in her heart.

Most of this pack of wolves had been killed by her. If she continued to chase, she could completely wipe them out!


As her anger slowly calmed down, Tiger Mom suddenly felt something was wrong...

In the past, when she drove away the wolves, they all fled in all directions.

This way of escaping, she could only catch one or two.

But today, why are the wolves all heading in one direction... Damn! ! !

Tiger Mom was suddenly shocked and understood the reason.

These wolf cubs deliberately lured him out of the territory and the tiger's den...

Their real purpose is their own children! ! !

The child is still a cub, how can he deal with a pack of wolves...

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The tiger mother, who understood all this, roared with great anger, and immediately turned towards home, using all her strength to run desperately! !

But at such a distance, it might be too late....

If anything happened to the child, it would definitely kill the wolves and turn the world upside down! ! !

If it weren't for my carelessness, how could such a situation have occurred...

The eldest, the second, the third... Mother is sorry for you...

The corners of the tiger mother's eyes were already covered with crystal clear tears...

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