"Oh my god, what a big water clam!"

Water clams are a kind of clam shell creatures that can naturally form pearls in their bodies. Their meat is edible and they usually live in rivers, lakes and swamps.

This kind of water clam in flowing lake water is definitely edible.

But Li Xiao has never seen such a big water clam before.

Ordinary water clams are at most the size of a palm, but this water clam is half a foot wide, black and oval, covered with green hairy algae.

Li Xiao didn't think about it and sank to the bottom of the water, trying to pick up the water clam.

But an accident happened.

The water clam suddenly opened its mouth, the two clam shells separated, and then clamped Li Xiao's hands tightly.

"Fuck, this thing can still move..."

Li Xiao was completely careless, and felt that his hands were tied by iron pliers, like being pressed by a mountain, unable to move at all.

He had no strength to break free, and his clamped hands could not perform the ground tiger attack.

It's over, is he going to die at the bottom of the lake?

Just when Li Xiao was desperate, Erhu dived down again.

After seeing the situation, it hurriedly used its tiger claws to help open it, but it was useless.

This big water clam was too strong.

Li Xiao raised his head and spoke with his eyes: "Erhu, go get help and call your mother."

Erhu: "????"

Li Xiao: "......"

Obviously, it didn't understand...

Erhu was so anxious that he had to use his tiger claws to squeeze into the gap of the water clam.

It couldn't squeeze in, but the water clam obviously wanted to clamp both of them and then have a good meal. Such a big water clam can be eaten meat.

The water clam opened slightly, then closed again, clamping Erhu's hand.

It wanted to catch them all in one net, killing two birds with one stone!

But its IQ was not enough, it didn't realize that the thickness of the tiger's arm and the baby's arm was different.

Clamping the thick one, the opening and closing angle became larger, and the thin one could get away.

Li Xiao pulled out his hands and immediately launched a ground tiger attack on the water clam.

Bang bang bang!

This clam shell is as hard as steel and cannot be broken at all.

This clam shell will increase its thickness by one layer every year. After a long time, this old water clam that has survived for hundreds of years cannot be pierced even by weapons, let alone by human power.

"I'll run away first..."

Li Xiao didn't dare to stay and swam towards the surface of the water. He didn't have much air left.

Erhu was stunned when he saw Li Xiao running away...

No way, no way!

Why did the third brother abandon me?

It's over, it seems that I will die today...

Huh? Why is mother here?

Oh, it turns out that the third brother went to call for help.

I understand, the third brother just asked me to call for help... I didn't understand...

After drinking the spiritual wine, Erhu was able to think about some problems, but not much.

Soon, he ran out of air and choked on a large mouthful of water.

But fortunately, Tiger Mom dived into the water and dragged the big water clam and Erhu to the shore together.

"Gulu Gulu... Aoao (Mother, my hand hurts)..."

Erhu spitted and showed a painful expression.

Its forelimbs have been clamped for too long. If they are not opened, they will die!

"Child, wait..."

Tiger mother tried to open the clam shell.

But the gap of the clam shell was too small, and its tiger claws could not enter, and it was completely powerless.

Then Tiger mother tried to break the clam shell directly, but it didn't work.

Tiger mother's strength could not break the clam shell.

"This is a three-hundred-year-old clam. The thickness of the clam shell is too hard!"

Tiger mother was anxious and wanted to eat the old clam alive.

But the clam shell was so hard that there was nothing she could do...

"Mother, watch me!"

Li Xiao quickly took out a branch and spun it quickly on another branch.

Drilling wood to make fire...

Now Li Xiao's speed was very fast, rubbing it like a motor.

Soon a fire was lit...

Li Xiao took out a torch and passed it directly through the gap of the clam shell to roast the tender meat inside.

The old clam was so tight that it opened immediately, and the tiger mother dragged it out.


The old clam closed its shell directly, tightly shut, and entered a completely defensive state.

Even a crocodile could not bite it.

But this did not bother Li Xiao, and he directly grilled the old clam.

Dahu and Erhu kept looking for firewood, and Li Xiao kept adding firewood...

The old clam was closed very tightly, and the temperature inside was like a pressure cooker.

After three hours, the old clam was completely cooked.

Break open the clam shell, revealing the extremely tender white meat inside.

The aroma was fragrant!

The clam meat was tender and delicious, soft and juicy, and melted in the mouth... The three tigers ate it with relish... It was also their first time to eat clams.

Because of the shell, this kind of food is not in the tiger's menu at all.

But Li Xiao opened up a new world for them.

It turns out that water clams are so delicious...

[Energy +100]

[Energy +100]

[Energy +100]...

[Energy slot 100%]

[Please select...]


[Earth Tiger Strike (minor success) Strengthen → Earth Tiger Strike (perfect)]

[Earth Tiger Strike reaches perfection, physique +20, arm strength greatly improved, continue to improve, you will get the Qilin Arm. ]


In an instant, a warm current rose, and Li Xiao's physique greatly improved.

This time it increased by 20 points, reaching an astonishing 70 points, and his physique is already very strong.

If this continues, sooner or later he will become a humanoid beast!

Soon, the meat of the old clam was eaten by everyone.

While chewing, Li Xiao felt that he had chewed something hard.

He took it out and saw that it was a marble-sized bead.

It shone brightly in the sun, emitting a strange colorful light.

Colorful pearls!

Li Xiao felt something was wrong just now. There should be pearls in the clam shell. The pearls of such a big clam should also be very big, but he didn't see them.

It turned out that only such small pearls were produced.

Li Xiao tried to bite it and eat it, but found that the pearl was indestructible and he couldn't bite it open.

This is still the case with the achievement and the bite force increased by 50%.

It seems that this thing can't be eaten...

Li Xiao carefully put away the colorful pearls.

A few days later, Li Xiao figured out the effect of the colorful pearls.

As long as the pearls are worn on the body, the water quality will be slightly improved.

He can dive underwater for a longer time, up to a quarter of an hour.

"It seems that there are countless naturally formed treasures in this mountain. I have to pay close attention..."

Li Xiao thought so in his heart.

He suddenly felt that the skill of [Perception] was also very important.

It was Erhu who discovered the old clam at that time, and his perception ability was stronger than his.

If he improved his perception ability, would he be able to discover more special existences...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao had made up his mind.

In the remaining time, he would not only improve Tiger Strike to the top level.

Another option is perception!

This mountain seems to hide countless treasures, waiting for him to dig...


Days passed by, and another month passed in a blink of an eye.

Now Tiger Mom has completely ignored them.

After discovering that they grew up very quickly, she let them find food on their own.

Li Xiao and the other two little tigers can hunt a lot of prey every day.

Pheasants, wild ducks, wild deer, big grass carp, snakes...

There are too many game in the mountains.

Li Xiao's life is very moist.

The remaining large clam shells of the water clams he ate last time were indestructible and could be used as a large casserole.

With this casserole, Li Xiao can use it to make barbecue.

When grilling meat, add the juice of mushrooms, wild vegetables, and wild fruits...

It can relieve greasiness and add flavor.

The two tigers waited on the side, drooling all over the floor...

"Let's eat!"

Li Xiao threw the grilled meat on the big banana leaf on the ground and shared it with the other two greedy tigers.

[Energy +10] [Energy +10] [Energy +10]...

[Energy tank 100%]

A month later, the energy tank is finally full again.

The option to add points pops up.

"Here it comes!"

This time, Li Xiao can see the effect of the "Heaven Level" skill...

"Perfect Level Earth Tiger Strike, advance for me!"

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