After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 13 When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey becomes king

[Earth Tiger Strike (Perfect) Advanced → Heaven Tiger Strike]

[Heaven Tiger Strike: You have reached the highest level of the skill, your arm strength growth rate is permanently increased by 100%, and one day, you will have the world's unparalleled Qilin Arm! ]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Li Xiao felt as if he was in a closed place, practicing [Earth Tiger Strike] millions of times, and finally completed the breakthrough and transformation in the last time!

This breakthrough is not obtained from secret books, teachings, and initiations...

But after countless times of tempering, hard work, and understanding...

Once transformed, it is a qualitative change!

Heaven Tiger Strike is already the highest level and cannot be improved any further.

"Perhaps, I really practiced Tiger Strike for countless days and nights somewhere..."

Li Xiao looked at his hand and waved a palm in the air.

This palm was ordinary, but he could deeply feel what was different!

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 8 months (infant)]

[Constitution: 70.1 (one in a thousand for an infant)]

[Spirit: 3.3 (one in a thousand for an infant)]

[Current energy slot: 0.1% (please continue to eat)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (remaining time 7 months)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Heaven Tiger Strike, Tiger Leap (perfect), Tiger Roar (great success), Tiger Walk (great success), Perception (minor success), Throat Locking (minor success), Night Vision (minor success), Tree Climbing (minor success), Diving (minor success)]

"The most suitable attack method for me has been upgraded to the highest level."

"The remaining skills are all auxiliary, but of course they are also indispensable..."

"The key is to improve the level of perception..."

Li Xiao briefly calculated the future plan in his mind.

In just eight months, a skill was upgraded to the "Heaven" level.

The harvest is still quite big.

The main credit is the spiritual wine that my mother brought that time.

Spiritual objects are the fastest to improve...

But I am still too weak at the moment, and I can't go looking for trouble with those monkeys.

Even Tiger Mom is so strong, but she almost couldn't come back.

There is still a big gap between me and Tiger Mom, and I still have some points...

Recently, Tiger Mom often goes out, and I don't know where she goes.

In short, it seems that she doesn't care about them much.

It should be to cultivate the children's independence.

Li Xiao and the two little tigers hunt by themselves every day, and then eat and sleep.

There is enough food in the area near the tiger cave, and there is no major danger.

At this time, Li Xiao is grinding experience outside the tiger cave.


[Tiger Roar Experience +1]


[Tiger Roar Experience +1]...

The best experience is Tiger Roar.

It feels like the old man in the park yelling at the woods in the previous life.

You just need to find a place and shout a few times to improve.

Therefore, Tiger Roar has been upgraded to the Great Success without adding points.

It's just a little hard on the throat...

Li Xiao picked up a large stone water tank nearby, scooped a ladle of clear water with the natural gourd pulp, drank it down, and the cool and sweet spread throughout his body, and then continued to practice.

For ten consecutive days, in addition to hunting, he roared like a tiger.


[Proficiency +1]




[Proficiency +1][Proficiency +1]...


[Tiger Roar 50000/50000]

[Tiger Roar (Great) Enhanced → Tiger Roar (Perfect)]

[Tiger Roar reaches perfection, physical fitness +5, breath growth rate permanently +10%, although you are still a baby, the penetration of your voice is far beyond that of ordinary people. ]

Another skill is perfected, and the additional 5 points of physical fitness attributes are integrated into the body.

Li Xiao is just a baby now, and there are great changes every time he improves.

After all, if it is an ordinary person, these 5 points of physical fitness attributes are almost the full improvement effect of 0-3 years old.

And I am only 8 months old, and I already have 70 points of physical fitness.

Li Xiao estimated that he should be much stronger than an ordinary adult.

"Another day of getting stronger, comfortable..."

Li Xiao lay on the soft grass and turned over comfortably.

After a while, he fell asleep again.

If you look closely, you will find that Li Xiao's sleeping posture has changed.

He lay half of his body on the ground, one of his ears was touching the ground, and his eyelashes were trembling.

He would wake up at any slight movement, just like a real tiger.

Throwing away the skin, Li Xiao is no different from a tiger.

In his sleep, Li Xiao dreamed of his mother...

"Mother, mother..."

In his dream, he was in a foggy place, as if he was far away from his mother.

He kept chasing, chasing, chasing...

But he couldn't catch up.

At first, the mother was a tiger mother.

A tiger that frightened the beasts but was kind to him.

But as he chased, the mother turned into a woman in white.

But he couldn't see the front of the woman, only her back.

That was Li Xiao's biological mother, a woman who was willing to sacrifice herself to protect her child...

"Mother! Is that you..."

"Child, live well..."

"Mother, don't leave! Wait for me!"

Then, a pair of blood-red hands grabbed the mother.

Then the whole world turned into a sea of ​​blood, boundless....

"Live well..."


After waking up from a dream, Li Xiao suddenly stood up and found that his forehead and body were covered with sweat.

He then realized that Sister Hu was calling him anxiously.

"Roar, roar..."

Sister Hu shouted at Li Xiao.

"What? Erhu was captured?"

Li Xiao could naturally understand tiger language and hear the meaning.

Sister Hu nodded, "Roar!"

Li Xiao immediately stood up: "Quick, take me there!"

Sister Hu lay on the ground and motioned Li Xiao to ride on it.

Li Xiao did not hesitate, and jumped lightly and sat on it directly.

Sister Hu, who was eight months old, was now a circle larger than an ordinary wolf dog. It was very easy for her to carry Li Xiao, who was the size of a baby.

Sister Hu ran quickly and came to a dense forest after a moment.

The trees here are surprisingly dense, with a tree every few steps.

If you run too fast, you can easily bump into them.

As he went deeper into the dense forest, Li Xiao soon heard a "squeaky" scream.

This dense forest is the territory of the tiger mother, but a group of monkeys live there.

It is also considered their territory food.

However, tigers rarely hunt monkeys, because monkeys not only have little meat, but are difficult to catch in trees, and are easy to be discovered and sound alarms.

Along the way, Li Xiao saw traces of fighting and a small amount of blood on the road in the dense forest.

He also saw the bodies of two monkeys, which should have been bitten to death by the two tigers.

After a dozen breaths.


The big tiger roared, indicating that he saw the two tigers.

The two tigers are in such a miserable state now.

They were beaten to death by a group of monkeys, and there was blood in their mouths.

It lay on the ground, and was dragged forward by several monkeys by its tail, leaving a long strip of blood on the ground.

It turned out that Erhu was hunting normally not long ago, and the monkeys in the tree kept harassing him, making alarm sounds, and frequently scaring off prey.

Erhu was furious, so he climbed the tree to drive away the monkeys, and knocked one down to the ground.

Then, Erhu chased into the dense forest, and the monkeys quickly gathered and launched a counterattack.

Although Erhu was only eight months old, he had eaten spiritual wine and was already very big.

It stands to reason that he could completely defeat any monkey in the group one-on-one.

But it encountered a group of monkeys.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and a hero can't stand the crowd and soon loses.

Then the scene just now happened.

The group of monkeys didn't know where they were going to drag Erhu.

If he was dragged away, he would definitely be in danger!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak--"

The leaves trembled, and the monkeys in the tree called frantically, shaking the branches with both hands.

When Li Xiao and Dahu came, the discovery of the tree did not give them the opportunity to sneak attack and save people.

"When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey will be king?"

"You dare to touch my brother, you are looking for death!"

Li Xiao jumped down from the big tiger.

Holding the spear, he aimed at a monkey without hesitation and shot it out in the air.


The spear shot out like a spear, as fast as lightning.

Nailed a monkey firmly to the ground!

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