"Teach me quickly!"

Xu Nianfeng was completely obsessed with Lao Huang.

Who can resist the temptation of such magical martial arts?

Not to mention, Xu Nianfeng is still a five-year-old child.

Lao Huang was entangled and had no choice but to say: "Master, it's not that I won't teach you, you have to practice to the master level first."

"It's so troublesome..."

Xu Nianfeng was thoughtful and then became quieter.

At this time, he remembered the electric eel demon just now, and said with excitement: "It turns out that demons can speak human language. How did they learn it? This is too strange."

"Nothing strange."

Li Xiao explained: "There are too many types of demons, and the demon languages ​​​​of each race are different. They can only communicate with each other in human language. In the country of demons, human language is the universal language."

"Wow, how do you know so much?"

Xu Nianfeng stared at Li Xiao, happy that he had made this friend.

"Yes, kid, how do you know so much?"

At this time, Lao Huang also reacted and looked at Li Xiao in surprise.

If Li Xiao hadn't asked for help just now, the young master would have fallen into the trap.

Although he won't be hurt, if his luck is taken away, he won't even have time to cry!

After all...'Xu Nianfeng' is the reincarnation of the ancestor.

The luck of the ancestors has been lost, and the sect will definitely fall into disgrace.

Then he, Lao Huang, would not be able to escape the blame even if he died!

The Qingyun Sect sent him down the mountain five years ago to secretly protect Xu Nianfeng as he grew up.

That's right, Lao Huang is no ordinary servant.

He is an elder of the Qingyun Sword Sect, a secluded Taoist sect.

Five years ago, the sect discovered that the ancestor of their Qingyun Sword Sect had been reincarnated as Xu Nianfeng.

He also immediately went down the mountain, secretly joined the Xu family in Beiliang, and took on the responsibility of protecting his ancestor.

That is Xu Nianfeng in front of him.

Who is this young master? He is clearly his ancestor.

However, Xu Nianfeng's memory has not awakened at this time, he just doesn't know yet.

What if the ancestor of the sect was robbed of his luck by a little demon on the way?

After the memory is restored in the future...

Old Huang didn't dare to think about that scene anymore.

"Thanks to you just now."

Seeing that Li Xiao did not answer his question, Lao Huang was very grateful and thanked him again.

In any case, the ancestor's luck has been preserved.

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, thank you. Don't you have nothing to express?"

Lao Huang rubbed his hands: "I am just a servant..."

Xu Nianfeng on the side said: "Do you want money? I have plenty!"

Li Xiao shook his head and said: "To me, money is no different than dirt."

Xu Nianfeng said: "Then...what do you want?"

Li Xiao said: "Books, are there any books? The more, the better!"

Xu Nianfeng said with a smile: "Then you have asked the right person. The Tingchao Pavilion of my Xu family in Beiliang has as many books as a feather. Even if it is compared to the library pavilion of the imperial palace, it is still not overly generous."

Li Xiao said: "If you want to repay me, lend me this book to read."

The more books, the better the books, and the more spiritual power will be improved.

Along the way, the books Li Xiao found on the market were all shoddy versions.

Much of the content is problematic.

In this feudal dynasty, books were very precious things.

Knowledge is monopolized by big families.

Unless you go to a big family to collect books, the books on the market don’t have much profound content.

This is the so-called "learn to be rich in five things".

Having five cars of books can prove a person's wealth.

Xu Nianfeng was very familiar with him and said with a smile: "It's hard to say repayment. We are friends. You can read my books as you like."


Li Xiao nodded slightly, then looked at Lao Huang: "It seems that your martial arts has surpassed that of the grandmaster. Can you tell me how you did it?"

Obviously before, he got news from Red Lion Sword Manor.

A grandmaster is the strongest person in the world.

Logically speaking, Jiang Ziling couldn't lie to herself.

Why did he encounter a cultivation level above that of a grandmaster as soon as he came out of the mountain?


Lao Huang shook his head and said, "Sorry, I have no comment..."

Li Xiao smiled faintly, moved his fingers, opened the sword box that Lao Huang placed on the ground, and then floated the nine swords inside.

Then he smiled and said, "Can you talk now?"

In fact, Li Xiao can do it without moving his fingers, he only needs to move his mind...


Lao Huang's expression changed on the spot, and he said, "You...are you also a disciple of the Taoist Sect?"

Li Xiao shook his head: "No."

Lao Huang didn't believe it at all: "This is impossible!"

Li Xiao moved his fingers again: "Facts speak louder than words."

The flying sword flew twice in the sky, and then kept floating in the air.

"How did you do it?" Lao Huang looked in disbelief.

"It happened naturally." Li Xiao said.

Old Huang said: "What kind of skills are you practicing?"

Li Xiao: "If you haven't practiced, you will be born with it."

This time, Lao Huang was even more shocked.

He thought that the child in front of him might be the reincarnation of a powerful being.

How else to explain that a two-year-old child has reached a level above that of a master?

But even a powerful reincarnation.

It is also impossible to break through the master without practicing the techniques.

Only after the reincarnation of a powerful person reaches adulthood can he awaken his memory.

But even if the memory is awakened.

It also requires step-by-step cultivation to reach the level of cultivation before reincarnation.

Everything in front of me is too incredible!

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Can I tell you?"

Old Huang hesitated for a while and nodded, "You are the young master's benefactor, so just tell me."

Although I don't know how this kid did it.

But since the other party has broken through the Grandmaster level, it doesn't matter if he tells me.

"Little ancestor, please step aside first."

"Old Huang, do I need to step aside? Have you figured out who is the master?"

Old Huang pointed to the distance and said, "What do you see over there? It seems there is another monster!"

Xu Nianfeng turned his head and looked over.


He was knocked unconscious.

After Old Huang settled Xu Nianfeng.

He ordered the servants to leave.

Then he pulled Li Xiao to the stern where there was no one, and said: "Ask anything you want to ask."

Li Xiao asked: "Is the strongest fighting force in the world a master?"

Old Huang nodded: "Yes."

Li Xiao: "But why do you have the strength beyond the master?"

Old Huang said: "That's because the cultivation of the human race is restricted. It is impossible for the human race to break through the master and reach a higher level. But... this is not difficult for the Taoist sect."

Li Xiao: "What do you mean?"

Old Huang said: "The Taoist sect cultivates magical powers and controls the world. Taoism follows nature. But in the past 30,000 years, due to the limitation of cultivation, people have been unable to break through to the realm of magical powers. Therefore, the Taoist sects have taken a different approach, and each of them has continued to open up new realms on the path of martial arts. You only need to use special methods to improve the cultivation of the "god" and strengthen the soul, so that you can control objects from a distance..."

Li Xiao said what he had always doubted: "I practice Taoism follows nature... But I heard that many magical skills were learned from monsters."

Old Huang smiled and said: "Because monsters are also part of nature. "

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