"So that's it..."

Li Xiao nodded, and roughly knew what was going on.

This so-called sect of cultivation is probably a sect left over from the ancient times when people could still cultivate to the realm of magical powers.

These sects are hidden in the Shenzhou Continent and never appear.

Therefore, the highest combat power in the Shenzhou Continent is the Grandmaster.

But in fact, these sects have already opened up a realm beyond the Grandmaster.

And I just happened to meet someone by coincidence.

Li Xiao was shocked. So, I might not be invincible in the world...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao asked: "What realm is above the Grandmaster?"

Lao Huang said: "Although the methods of creation of each sect of cultivation are different, there are four realms, namely: Vajra, Finger Mystery, Celestial Phenomenon, and Land God."

Li Xiao said: "Then what realm are you in?"

Lao Huang said: "I am the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, old servant."

Li Xiao breathed a sigh of relief: "Is the Celestial Phenomenon Realm so weak..."

Lao Huang: "????"

What kind of words are you talking about?

What do you mean the Celestial Realm is so weak?

This kid is so rude.

Li Xiao asked again: "Can you describe roughly what the highest level of the land immortal is?"

Lao Huang said: "Land immortals... that is the strongest existence, but the sword energy spans thousands of miles..."

"Is that so?"

Li Xiao reached out and took out a white jade sword from the sword box.

Then he swung a sword at the sea, and the sword energy broke through the sword and cut out a sword energy.

The sword energy passed, and the calm sea surface was like silk being cut by scissors. The sea rose up waves and was cut in half. The surging sword energy in the sword energy continued to move forward, as if it would not stop at all.

Lao Huang's eyes were fixed on the sword energy, and a storm rose in his heart.

Until the sword energy disappeared in the mist.

But Lao Huang felt that the power of the sword energy was not reduced at all...

This is... What a terrifying internal force!

In the land immortal realm, the sword energy spans thousands of miles, but it is just an exaggeration.

And this sword energy... seems to be able to travel thousands of miles.

Is this still a human?

Even the leader of Qingyun Sect is no match for him, right?

Li Xiao said: "Is this a land immortal?"

Old Huang nodded blankly: "It should be... right..."

He was not sure.

Because the strength shown was far beyond that of land immortals.

Li Xiao asked again: "Can he be invincible in the world?"

Old Huang nodded like pounding garlic: "Yes, definitely!"

Anyway, his own leader would definitely not be able to beat this kid.

Unless he can truly enter the realm of magical powers, he can fight against such martial arts strength.

Li Xiao: "Then I feel relieved..."

Old Huang: "?"

What kind of words are these!

This kid is too arrogant!

Do you know that the arrogance of people will be punished by heaven?


His sword energy is thousands of miles?

That's fine...

"Who are you?"

Old Huang became more and more surprised.

"In the Shiwandashan Mountains, they call me White Wind King."

Li Xiao jumped onto the guardrail of the boat, his feet hanging in the air beside the boat, looking into the distance.

White Wind King was given the name by the fool Ling Lingqi.

He saw that he could spit out white wind, so he took the name of White Wind King.

Li Xiao actually didn't like this title at first.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a nickname, I didn't take it seriously.

But later, I got used to it after listening to it.

Speaking of this, Li Xiao suddenly missed his friends in the Shiwandashan Mountains...

It's still free and easy living in the mountains.

"King Baifeng... are you a demon?"

Old Huang took a deep breath, thinking, frowned and shook his head: "No, no, the demons in the Ten Thousand Mountains are the same as the demons in the Boundless Sea, they can't leave, so you are not a demon, you are a human! You are..."

Li Xiao looked over, a little strange: "What am I?"

Old Huang shook his head again, talking to himself: "No, very wrong, he is definitely not a demon... The demon has been found by the Mahayana Dragon Court... But this kid is more powerful than Zhu Chixin, could it be that they found the wrong one?"

Li Xiao asked: "What demon?"

Old Huang shook his head hurriedly: "Nothing..."

Li Xiao frowned and threatened: "Old man, don't be a riddler, just say what you want to say. Otherwise, with your abilities, I'm afraid you can't leave this Boundless Sea."


Old Huang clapped his hands, and then he remembered that their boat ropes were broken, and now they were lost, they might not be able to go back, and they would die here.

Although Lao Huang is in the celestial realm, he is still in the realm of martial arts.

Entering this boundless sea, he is still at a loss.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but the ancestor cannot die....

Lao Huang looked at Li Xiao for help, pitiful and servile: "My king, can you take us away?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Of course you can."

Lao Huang said, "Okay! As long as you take us away, I will tell you everything I know."

Li Xiao nodded, "I agree."

Lao Huang said, "Demon, his cultivation is naturally self-increasing, and nothing can stop his breakthrough. As long as someone breaks through the realm of magical powers, the shackles of the human race will slowly break. But it also comes with risks, and the demon race can slowly leave the sealed place."

Li Xiao: "I see, what else?"

Old Huang smiled awkwardly: "That's all I know. I don't know more."

Li Xiao: "..."

This old man is really cunning. He must know some inside information.

Li Xiao asked again: "Who is this demon?"

Old Huang said: "Zhu Chixin, the ninth prince of the Dajing Dynasty."

Li Xiao was stunned. It seems that he is from the same family as himself?

Old Huang smiled and said: "However, the Dajing Dynasty has changed now... The emperor is missing, and several sons have been arrested or died. I am afraid that the world will be in chaos."


Li Xiao was surprised and said: "The emperor is missing?"

"Well, it's a long story..."

Old Huang briefly recounted what happened a few days ago.

After listening, Li Xiao was surprised. It seems that his cheap father has been driven off the throne, and the Empress Xiao who wanted to kill his mother has become the empress? ? ?

He was too lazy to care about his cheap father's affairs.

But this Empress Xiao has already died.

Li Xiao has silently included him in the death list.

And that demon, we must get rid of the roots as well...

As for whether the world is in chaos or not, Li Xiao is not very interested.

He just wants to take his mother back to the Shiwan Mountains and live a carefree life.

"Okay, I got it, I'll take you back."

Li Xiao nodded, cast [Sky·Swallowing Cloud] and then took a deep breath, his stomach kept expanding and getting bigger.

[Constitution +0.0001]

[Constitution +0.0001]

[Constitution +0.0001]...

The fog on the sea is indeed very rich in spiritual energy.

All the spiritual energy sucked in was directly digested by Li Xiao.

But it was too little, just like nothing was added.

The next moment, Li Xiao cast [Sky·Spitting Fog] again, and the fog was digested by himself, and what he spit out was a strong gust of wind.

Whoosh whoosh——

The wind blew up, and all the fog in the south was blown away in one breath.

However, Li Xiao was not doing this to remove the fog or to distinguish the direction.

With his five senses, he could not get lost in the fog.

He was trying to propel the boat.

The strong wind pressure pushed the boat in the opposite direction, and the boat was as fast as a speedboat.

He puffed out three times in a row and sent the boat back to the coast.

Such a magical operation shocked Lao Huang.

What the hell, what the hell is this...

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