After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 166: Unexpected Discovery, the Great Brahma Sound Ship

The harvest was not small.

He collected four subjects in one go, and they were all at the peak of the fourth level of supernatural power.

He increased his physical fitness by 2,000 points and his spirit by 2,000 points in total.

[Physical fitness: 9,800]

[Spirit: 9,800]

The attribute points are almost over 10,000.

He instantly felt much stronger.

What surprised Li Xiao the most was that.

These four people all had good qualifications.

One of them was actually a natural genius.

That was the little girl Die Meng.

No wonder she had reached the fourth level of supernatural power at the age of seventeen.

This was very rare in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Li Xiao couldn't help but take a closer look at Die Meng.

Die Meng lowered her head shyly.

And Hong Hua'er was obviously a little jealous....

Li Xiao looked at the four monsters and said, "From this moment on, you are my subordinates and are under my protection."

"Yes, my king."

The four monsters responded in unison.

"Go and collect the body of this disaster."

Li Xiao ordered.

Then, they went to collect the huge corpse of the disaster.

The corpse of the disaster was very huge.

There were broken limbs and corpses everywhere, which was very disgusting.

However, the subordinates had long been accustomed to it, and they skillfully collected the corpses and put them into the Qiankun bag specially used for corpses, a magic weapon called the corpse bag.

After a while.

The nightmare horned beast Tiezhu seemed to have found something, and then shouted: "My king, my king, I'm rich!"

It turned out that when Tiezhu was collecting the fragments of the corpse.

He found a wooden box on the ground.

This wooden box should have fallen out of the body of the disaster.

Open the wooden box.

There was a small boat in the shape of a jade body.

The monsters gathered around and took a look, and then they all showed surprise.

Tiezhu immediately presented this treasure to Li Xiao.

"What is this?"

Li Xiao took it and saw that it was a toy-like boat.

The hull was not made of wood or metal in the mortal world.

Instead, it was carved from a rare ore. It flashed a deep blue-purple luster and smooth lines, like an unfinished poem.

There is no sail in the center of the ship, but it is stacked up like a pagoda, inlaid with gems, like starlight shining on it.


The knowledgeable Tiezhu said excitedly: "If I am not mistaken, this should be a top-grade magic weapon - the Great Brahma Sound Ship."

"Top-grade magic weapon, the Great Brahma Sound Ship?"

Li Xiao realized that this was a great treasure and asked: "Tell me about it."

The nightmare horned beast Tiezhu said: "This top-grade treasure can only be cultivated by people with tenth-level magical powers who can change their fate against the will of heaven. I am afraid that only the island owner of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Islands can own a top-grade treasure."

"In the boundless sea, there are endless islands, with the strength of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Islands and the Seventy-Two Disha Islands. Among them, the Thirty-Six Islands are the strongest, almost controlling Boundless sea."

"This Brahma Sound Ship is a well-known item in the Boundless Sea. I heard that the owner is the owner of Black Dragon Island."

"The Brahma Sound Ship can sail on the sea, go up to the sky, and go into the sea."

"It does not need sails or power devices to sail on the sea. It relies on the "formation" on the hull to connect with the energy field in the world, and can freely shuttle between various islands. It can even cross the boundless sea!"

"Of course, this is just one of the effects. There should be more magical things. I am not sure..."

After listening, Li Xiao's eyes lit up.

This is really a big treasure.

With this thing, I have added some help in finding my mother.

Nightmare Horned Beast Tiezhu was puzzled: "This is strange. Even if it is a fourth-level magical power disaster, how could it have such a magic weapon? This is a top-grade treasure!"

The octopus frost fish Lengfeng, who had been very silent, gave his own speculation: "I guess that this octopus demon is a traitor of Black Dragon Island. After stealing the magic weapon, he turned into a demon to escape the pursuit."

Everyone nodded, it should be so.

"Then, King, should we return this magic weapon?"

Tiezhu asked innocently.

"Return it back, it's mine once it's in my hands."

Li Xiao said a little unhappily.

Next, Li Xiao tried how to drive this magic weapon.

"King, you need to remove the spiritual imprint on the magic weapon. If the spiritual power is not as good as that of the octopus disaster, it will be difficult to erase, and you need to ask a more powerful demon cultivator."

Tiezhu reminded.

"Got it."

Li Xiao naturally couldn't ask a demon cultivator.

Who can't be greedy when seeing such a treasure?

Still have to rely on yourself.

My spiritual power is about to break through ten thousand, should it be possible to erase it?

Li Xiao began to try.

His eyes turned golden, and he used [Heaven·Golden Eyes] to see where the spiritual imprint was, at the bow.

Then Li Xiao used [Heaven·Tongyou] to condense his spiritual power into a little man and entered the bow.

The spiritual imprint was a big octopus, firmly grasping the bow.

"As long as this octopus is removed, it should be fine?"

Li Xiao controlled the little man and walked to the octopus and cut it.

In fact, the competition is not strength, but spiritual power.

And Li Xiao's current spiritual power is already terrifying.

It was easy to kill the octopus.

The spiritual imprint of the octopus disaster dissipated with the wind.

Then, Li Xiao followed Tiezhu's reminder.

Leave your spiritual imprint on the boat, so that this magic weapon will have a sense of telepathy with you and can be driven.

Li Xiao left the little man transformed by his spiritual power on the bow.

The next moment,

he felt that he had a spiritual connection with the treasure ship.

"Hey, it seems that I can control this treasure ship?"

Originally, Li Xiao could not control any magic weapon.

Because he had no spiritual energy in his body, he could not drive the magic weapon.

And this treasure ship is a top-grade treasure, which is only a little bit away from reaching a higher level of magic weapon. Isn't it an ordinary product?

He has a formation cycle and can absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth by himself for his own use. It is just a simple drive, and Li Xiao does not need to consume spiritual power at all.

Li Xiao put the treasure ship in the water and shouted: "Big! Big! Big!"

Sure enough, the treasure ship started to grow from the size of a palm. Every time he shouted, the treasure ship grew a little bigger, and soon it turned into a large ship of dozens of feet.

The formation in the hull naturally formed a transparent barrier.

It was enough to isolate the surrounding seawater.

Li Xiao and others went directly into the ship.

There was not a drop of water in it, just like on land.

"What a magical ship."

"It is indeed a top-grade treasure!"

"In the water, it is just like land..."

The monsters were all amazed.

"This ship is really extraordinary."

Li Xiao had a connection with it and could sense that this ship had many wonderful uses.

It can speed up and create incredible speeds.

It can also fly into the sky and sail above the sky.

And the so-called Great Brahma Sound Ship is really amazing because it can be surrounded by a faint golden halo around the hull, which is emitted by the "Brahma Sound Array" on the ship.

The Brahma Sound Array is composed of hundreds of ancient runes. Whenever it is activated, it will emit a shocking Brahma sound, which is like the chanting of Buddhist scriptures.

It can soothe restless souls and dispel evil forces.

But if you need to use these functions, you need to consume a lot of spiritual power.

And Li Xiao, who has no spiritual power at all, cannot use it.

However, this Brahma Sound Ship has another special feature.

It can not use the host's spiritual power.

You can directly consume spiritual stones to drive this ship.

The whole ship is a magic weapon, and it is also composed of many magic weapons.

At the stern of this ship, there is a place similar to a boiler.

The boiler should also be a magic weapon, which is part of the hull.

This boiler can consume spirit stones and spirit crystals.

It drives the ship to use other functions.

"It's really a good thing..."

Li Xiao liked this magic weapon in his heart.

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