After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 167 Burning corpses for ten days, countless spiritual stones

The huge disaster corpses were burned in various crematoriums on Baize Island for ten days and ten nights.

It’s not that this disaster has a high level of cultivation, but that this disaster is too great.

It is simply a biological matrix, equivalent to 3,600 demons with fourth-level supernatural powers.

Fires shot into the sky and the corpses were burned for ten days.

The people responsible for burning the corpses were all numb.

A total of more than 7.2 million pieces of spiritual stones were obtained.

It's like getting rich directly.

This incident directly shocked the entire island.

Many people are ready to make a move and have evil thoughts.

However, Li Xiao's four subordinates were not vegetarians, and gradually no one dared to make any plans.

The four subordinates handed over many spiritual stones to Li Xiao.

"Take these."

Li Xiao directly threw out one hundred thousand spiritual stones and divided them among the four of them.

Being the boss, if you want to convince others with your virtue, you must also share the benefits.

Only the younger brothers will be motivated.

One hundred thousand spiritual stones, divided among four people.

It is also a considerable fortune.

The four younger brothers were also very excited, feeling that they were with the right person.

After Li Xiao dismissed the newly acquired younger brothers, he asked them to go back separately. After packing their things, they would set sail tomorrow and leave Baize Island.

After one last night's rest, Li Xiao planned to set off.

That night.

Li Xiao is resting in the inn.

In his ears, the painting demon Wandao was hung on the bedside, explaining historical records.

[Mental Power +0.1] [Mental Power +0.1] [Mental Power +0.1]...

At this stage, just listening to books can improve your mental strength.

If you go to the wrong village, there will be no such store.

Li Xiao never leaves his hands with his fists and his music never leaves his mouth.

Whenever I have free time, I listen to books.

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 2 years and 6 months]

[Physique: 9800]

【Spirit: 9881】

[Occupation: Emperor of the Mountain LV.100]

[Current energy tank: 0.1% (please continue to eat hard)]

【Energy Points: 232】

[Current growth status: intellectual curiosity (remaining time is 6 months)]

[Skill: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Sky Tiger Strike, Sky Tongyou, Sky Tiger Step, Sky Tiger Leap, Sky Tiger Roar, Sky Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth, Sky Golden Eyes, Sky Lingyun Ferry, Sky Travel across the Sea, Sky ·Broken Army, Heaven · Swift Wind, Heaven · Snake Step, Heaven · White Snake Wrap, Heaven · Swallow the Sky, Heaven · Breath Mist, Heaven · Preserve Qi, Heaven · Bear Strike, Heaven · Thunderbolt Shock, Heaven · Winter Hidden, Heaven · Flurry, Sky·Blue Sky, Sky·Jinghong, Sky·Streaming Light, Sky·Dapeng Spreading Wings, Sky·Melting Furnace, Sky·Vortex, Sky·Peng Strike]

"Work harder, listen to books, and kill monsters by the way."

"My dual attributes are about to exceed 10,000!"

Seeing his attribute points getting higher and higher, Li Xiao also felt that he was getting stronger and stronger.

As for what level of strength equals.

The fourth level of child prodigy, the yin and yang of heaven and man are one.

People in this realm have the power of 1,000 fierce horses.

If we only count strength, it would be 10 million kilograms.

Li Xiao estimated,

His physical strength is comparable to the fourth level of magical power.

In addition to being physically powerful, his heaven-level skills are also very powerful.

My skills match perfectly.

The increase in combat power is more than ten times higher.

Even with a person with the sixth level of magical power, he should be able to fight.

And the golden-winged roc that day was almost a sixth-level prodigy.

In other words, at the age of 2, he already has the strength of a hundred thousand mountain city lords.

Presumably, the island owners who follow this boundless sea are about the same strength.

Of course, they can only be considered ordinary island owners.

If it were the Thirty-Six Islands of Tiangang, it would probably not be an opponent.

But Li Xiao found that compared with the magical secret book, his biggest advantage was his physical body, which was more resistant to beatings. Even if he couldn't beat him, he wouldn't lose easily.

Dong dong dong——

At night, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Li Xiao stood up and opened the door.

There was a woman in white standing at the door.

"I've met fellow Taoist Li Xiao."

She was dressed in white, her hair was styled into a high bun, and her red lips were accentuated by elegant makeup. With elegant temperament and leisurely contentment, he bowed towards Li Xiao like a flowing cloud.

I have to say that the woman in front of me is very beautiful.

It gives people a very pure and elegant feeling.

"Your Excellency?"

Li Xiao also returned the salute and immediately asked.

"The little girl Yunze is the owner of Yunze Island."

"Nice to meet you."

Li Xiao was slightly surprised. The woman in front of him, Yunze, was the island owner.

She looks like a little girl.

However, demons cannot be viewed through human eyes.

She looked just like a little girl, but she actually lived hundreds of years.

Li Xiao said: "I don't know why I'm here late at night. What's the point?"

Yunze Island Master said: "I just returned from a distant place and heard that someone killed a fourth-level disaster. It is a very special disaster. They offered me a big gift. I should come here."

You know, Li Xiao burned the disaster corpse and obtained more than 7.2 million spiritual stones.

One-tenth of it is to be paid as tribute to the island and falls into the pocket of the island owner.

That is 720,000 spiritual stones, which is not a small amount.

Li Xiao laughed and said modestly: "It's just a fluke. It's just a joke."

"Fellow Taoist is so humble. Being able to kill such a demon is just a matter of luck."

The owner of Yunze Island smiled like a flower and said, "Won't you invite me in for a cup of tea?"


Li Xiao made a gesture of invitation.

Obviously, the owner of Yunze Island came here late at night for more than just a meeting.

The inn Li Xiao booked was the best inn on the island, with the best rooms.

The layout inside is antique, with mahogany tables and chairs, carved beds, and exquisite screens and curtains, all exuding a light wood aroma, making it calm and elegant.

With a wave of his hand, a celadon tea set appeared on the table.

This tea set came from the Xu family in Beiliang, and you can tell it's top quality just by looking at it.

Li Xiao picked up the teapot and poured it into the spring water. He held it in his hand and used his internal energy to circulate in his palms. In a few breaths, the water in the teacup boiled.

Then he poured in Huayu Ling tea and pushed the cup over.

After some operations, it was dizzying.

As the aroma of tea hit, the owner of Baize Island was diverted and took a sip from the tea cup.

She has two beautiful dimples on the right side of her face, which appear when she smiles.

"Good tea, I have never had such good tea..."

Yunze Island Master said in surprise.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Li Xiao also picked up the teacup and took a sip, then went straight to the point.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed a smart man."

Yunze Island Master smiled and said: "There is indeed something."

Li Xiao nodded, as if listening.

The owner of Yunze Island paused and said, "In the boundless sea, a shocking secret treasure has been born. I wonder if you are interested."

Li Xiao was slightly surprised: "Secret treasure?"

Yunze Island Master said: "That's right, a great secret treasure. It's a rare sight in a thousand years, no, a rare sight in ten thousand years. Almost all the island owners who learned about it went there in person, including me."

No wonder the island owner was not seen on the island during this period. It turned out that he went treasure hunting...

Li Xiao was a little surprised and said: "Strange, why do you tell me such a good thing? Moreover, so many island owners have gone, what does it have to do with me."

Yunze Island Master smiled slightly, looked at Li Xiao and said:

"If it's not what I expected, your cultivation level shouldn't be high, right?"

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