"Damn it, even though our attack can stop its advance."

“But it’s also growing it.”

"If this continues, it will only get stronger and stronger."

"Still can't escape the fate of death."

"Even if we can keep stopping it, sooner or later we will die from exhaustion!"

The disciples on the island discussed helplessly.

They have tried their best to stop the demon from devouring them.

The magical bombardment can stop it, but it will also continue to strengthen the demon.

These monsters are no longer weak.

They are all elite disciples from each island.

All have the second level of magical power, all have ancient alien species.

The real strength is at least the fourth level of magical power.

But even so, the alliance formed was still unable to deal with the female giant in front of them.

Very tricky.


The giantess made a seductive moan.

Several male disciples were unable to resist.

I saw them rushing over with numb eyes.

He was quickly pulled in and wrapped in it by the countless hands on the female giant's body.

Inside, they can enjoy the happiest time in the world.

But what awaits them is death.

After a while.

Those male disciples were vomited out and looked like haggard...

"How on earth can we kill him?"

Now, among the disciples who formed a temporary alliance, the leader roared angrily.

This leader is a dragon turtle.

From Black Dragon Island.

He is a bit broken now.

To stay alive.

He spent great efforts to gather the disciples from all the islands together.

I want to defeat the demon with the advantage of numbers.

But now, things have not improved.

The demon is getting stronger and stronger!

There are already demons trembling and trying to escape alone...

It's no use.

Escaped alone.

They will all be destroyed by the split female spiders.

Same ending.

On the contrary, if we get together, we can live longer.

At least, their attack was effective and could slow down the Giants' offensive intentions.

But after supporting it for several days.

This dragon turtle couldn't hold on any longer.

And the other side.

Li Yunqing was watching the battle from the side.

The Alliance leader was also spotted.

If he is a disciple of Black Dragon Island, then this matter will be easy to handle.

"Senior Brother Black Feather!"

Li Yunqing drew out his sword, stepped on it and flew over.

In the human world, I want to cultivate to become a master.

You must practice the 'superior technique' to do it.

But in fact, the function of superior skills is to continue to improve the master's energy and spirit.

Breaking through the limits of human beings is called being above the master.

Although Li Yunqing has not practiced superior skills.

But he drank the dragon's blood, which is a supreme treasure, so he also exceeded his limit.

His current cultivation level is in the celestial realm.

The Vajra realm is comparable to the first level of supernatural power.

It means that the profound realm is comparable to the second level of supernatural power.

The celestial realm is comparable to the third level of supernatural power.

The terrestrial fairyland is comparable to the fourth level of magical power.

And reaching the realm of land gods is another limit.

Once you reach this limit, no matter how much you take the most exquisite heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it will be useless.

Because the body can only bear so much.

Li Yunqing's cultivation is in the celestial realm.

An existence comparable to the second level of supernatural power.

She is now mentally strong and can fly with a sword.

"Junior sister Yunqing, why did you come in!"

The desperate dragon turtle's name was Black Feather. He was very powerful in both offensive and defensive powers, and he was also courageous, so he could temporarily become the leader and lead more than two thousand demons.

"I'm here to deliver the message, just listen to me."

Li Yunqing flew to Heiyu and said, "Something big has happened. The giantess in this secret realm and the island owners outside the secret realm already know what it is."

Hear the words.

All the demons looked at Li Yunqing.

It was as if I had grasped a life-saving straw.

They are people sent in from outside.

After enduring for so long, I finally waited for rescue. There are so many island owners with great cultivation outside.

There must be a way to rescue them.

Even tell them the weakness of this monster.

Kill this monster.

and they were saved.

Hearing this, Heiyu took a deep breath and said excitedly: "That's great, tell me quickly!"


Li Yunqing nodded slightly and said loudly:

"Everyone, listen to me. The island owners outside have already decided. This is the only way."

"This demon is a part of the body of the pig demon that brought disaster to China 30,000 years ago. It is the heart of the pig demon."

"The heart of the pig demon has the ability to transform into the mortal world among the nine transformations of the canopy."

"There are seven forms in the world of mortals. The first form you killed was laziness."

"Now it's the second form, called lust."

"This form can become its nourishment regardless of any magical powers."

"The current plan is that everyone has to give up all their cultivation. As long as the body has no spiritual power, they can leave from the entrance of the secret realm..."

"Otherwise, this monster will only get stronger and stronger."

"Everyone, quickly give up your cultivation and leave this secret realm together."

"When your cultivation is gone, you can practice again, but when your life is gone, you have nothing."

"You can keep the green hills and you won't have to worry about running out of firewood."

The words fell.

All the demons were silent.

They thought they saw hope.


the more you hope, the harder you fall.

Abandoning one's cultivation.

It's easy to say.

But how many people are willing to do so?

These disciples.

They are all ancient species.

Although the ancient species are stronger, their cultivation speed is slower than that of ordinary monsters.

Almost all of them have practiced for a hundred years.

To reach this state.

Abandoning a hundred years of practice and practicing again from the beginning is a big step slower.

They are all elite disciples, how can they accept falling into the dust?

Li Yunqing also saw the silence at the moment.

Indeed, this is a very heavy thing.

Just ask yourself, if you let yourself give up your cultivation.

Li Yunqing is unwilling.

She still has to go to the human world to find his child.

Without martial arts cultivation, it is difficult to move forward, and you may even be discovered by the Jinyiwei...

"Everyone, please listen to me, this is the only way!"

Li Yunqing had to shout again: "The island owners outside also want to save you, but they can't enter, so they sent me to pass on this message..."

"Okay, Yunqing, don't say it."

Dragon Turtle Heiyu sighed and said: "In fact, we already knew the method you mentioned. Because after being caught by the demon, all the cultivation will be sucked away, and then die. If you can barely survive before that, you can leave from the entrance of the secret realm."

Li Yunqing nodded.

That's right.

She saved seven or eight very weak demons along the way.

In the end, she couldn't even maintain her human body.

As long as they are sent to the entrance of the secret realm, they can leave.

Heiyu said: "In fact, we discovered this before. Those disciples who left were almost in this situation. They were half swallowed and then rescued by us. We saved many disciples, and then they can leave. They should have appeared outside the secret realm."

Li Yunqing nodded.

Hei Yu said: "And now those who are staying in the secret realm are unwilling to give up their cultivation... I, I am also... I have my own reasons for not giving up my cultivation... Tell me, is there really no other way?"

Li Yunqing shook his head: "No, if you want to kill this demon, you can't use magical powers, you can only rely on physical strength to kill it. And everyone only has the second level of magical powers, and the physical strength is very weak, it is impossible to kill this demon."

Hearing this.

Hei Yu's eyes reappeared a glimmer of hope: "You mean, you can only kill this demon without using magical powers..."

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