After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 183 The demons split and put up a desperate resistance!


Li Yunqing was silent for a few breaths and nodded.

"Junior sister, thank you for taking the risk to bring this news in. I understand."

Dragon Turtle Black Feather nodded heavily to express his gratitude.


He looked at the monsters behind him.

Using a magical power that can transmit sound thousands of miles away, he said:

"Everyone, listen to me!"

"This monster is transformed from the 'heart of the pig monster' and is extremely powerful."

"It is difficult for us to defeat and kill it!"

"Even if it is killed, it will give birth to a third form and a fourth form."

"There are seven forms in total, which is equivalent to seven lives!"

"We are facing an unbeatable enemy."

"The island owners outside have given up."

"They sent a message in, asking us to abandon our cultivation and leave the secret realm."


"Now in front of everyone , there are two choices.

"The first is to abandon your own cultivation and leave from the entrance of the secret realm."

"The second is to fight the demon to the end, and fight to the end!"

"This demon can absorb magical powers, so we can't attack with magical powers."

"It can only be destroyed by physical strength."

"I guess, as long as all the women on the giantess are killed."

"That is the only weakness of this demon."

"At the same time, it is also accompanied by danger."

"If you are sucked in, you will die!"

"How to choose, you decide for yourself!"

The loud voice spread thousands of miles.

Almost all the demons were floating in the air, not far apart.

Soon, all the demons received the information.

The scene became silent again.

Incomparable silence.

This choice is too difficult to choose.

For a long time.

Some people gradually made a choice.

That is to leave.

Even if the cultivation is precious, if you can't survive, everything is just a mirage.

"I choose to leave. Damn, I'm so unlucky."

"Hey, I've cultivated for a hundred years. What if I don't compromise?"

"It's fate after all. It's all fate. My fate is decided by heaven, not by me..."

"From now on, I'm afraid I'll become a passerby."

"Let's go, let's go. Staying here is just waiting to die."

The monsters sighed and shouted.

Bang, bang, bang!

Some monsters have already performed the method of dispersing their power.

Release all your cultivation and return to heaven and earth.

The second level of supernatural power, the realm of true qi, the true qi rises from the dantian and comes out from the dantian.

Go to the Baihui acupoint and then disperse from the fingers.

Cultivate for a hundred years, and it only takes a moment to disperse the power.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

No matter how unwilling they are.

One by one, the monsters still choose to disperse their magic power.

In total, 1,700 to 1,800 monsters chose to give up resistance and disperse their cultivation.


They turned and left, running towards the entrance of the secret realm.

If you disperse your cultivation, you can leave.

And at this moment.

The female giant finally recovered from the bombardment of the magical power of three thousand people just now.

Soon, it found that thousands of people, like ants, scattered and fled to the distance.

The female giant waved her huge hands.

She reached into her abdomen, and then pulled hard with both hands.

A big hole opened in her abdomen.

Hula la--

Countless women like puppets flowed down like a tide, like a waterfall.

These women fell to the ground.

They began to combine, and eight of them combined to form a female spider.

They chased after the fleeing monsters separately.

The monsters who dispersed their cultivation had no magic power.

They could not fly in the sky.

Instead, they ran on the ground.

Those female spiders soon caught up.


After the female spider sniffed and found that these people had no spiritual power in their bodies, she lost interest and chased after others.

But without exception, they had no magic power.

So, this group of female spiders kept looking for people with spiritual power among the crowd.

"No wonder I didn't kill the female spider I met just now." Li Yunqing, who saw this scene, also understood. On the way here, she met a female spider. It just sniffed her and left. It can be known that these female spiders are very dull. They only look for people with spiritual power. They will not kill people without spiritual power. Therefore, people who have lost their cultivation are safe and will not be slaughtered at all. Now, they only need to leave the secret realm to survive. What the Qingkui Island Master said outside is indeed correct. "This demon seems to have no wisdom and is just acting on instinct..." The dragon turtle Heiyu quickly analyzed these scenes. A female cultivator next to Heiyu also discovered this and said: "Yes, it is true." "This demon seems to have no wisdom at all." "It did not stop the previous batch of disciples who left." "It is very dull, and everything it does is for..." "Strengthen strength!" As soon as this was said, The remaining monsters all widened their eyes.

Hit the mark.

If this monster had intelligence, they would not be able to protect themselves even if they dispersed their cultivation.

They would not be able to escape death in the end.

As long as they dispersed their cultivation, they could protect themselves.

This could be considered a weakness of this monster.

"It's just the heart of a pig monster. It's natural that the heart has no intelligence."

Li Yunqing thought for a while and expressed his opinion.


A terrifying thought flashed in everyone's mind.

If so, this pig demon’s heart.

Keep building strength here.

Then, leave the secret realm.

When this demon is found, other suppressed organs of the pig demon are found.

Nine parts reintegrated.

Will that terrifying pig demon reappear in the world?

Think of this.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder.

"Oh no, what are we waiting for? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Kuroba suddenly thought of something and shouted loudly.

He looked at the remaining people.

There are more than three hundred demons left.

They are unwilling to disperse and cultivate, and would rather fight to the end.


These people are the same as Dragon Turtle Black Feather.

Have a reason not to give up.

Kuroyu's reason is that he is the last surviving member of the Dragon Turtle clan.

If he disperses to cultivate.

The dragon turtle, an ancient alien species, will be completely reduced to an ordinary monster race.

The entire Dragon Turtle clan has almost given up hope.


He would rather die.

Nor is he willing to leave his cultivation.


The remaining demons all have similar reasons to them.

In fact, many ancient alien families are facing this ending...

"Brothers and sisters."

"Since you don't want to leave."

"Then let's fight to the death together!"

"We are the leaders of this generation in the boundless sea!"

"We must not die here. Even if we die, we must die in battle!"

Kuroba shouted loudly to boost everyone's morale.

"Yes, I would rather die in battle than be a coward!"

shouted a Thunder Manatee.

He has a very hot temper and is unwilling to be a coward and run away.

"Fight this monster!"

"I don't believe that I, the mighty Hanfeng Nine-Headed Insect, would be afraid of a demon!"

"I'm lucky, but I'm not lucky! I'll never give up!"

“It’s a man to do something you know you can’t do!”

The remaining three hundred demons were instantly inspired and their morale soared!

"Very good, then take advantage of this opportunity to kill those female spiders first."

The black dragon shouted: "Now is the opportunity. This demon splits into many female spiders. If we kill them, we can weaken the demon's strength and we will have a chance."

Hear the words.

The demons suddenly understood.

Yes, this is an opportunity!

The demon is composed of countless women. Killing these weird women can completely eliminate her.

The premise is not to use magical powers.

If we just kill those female spiders, we still have a chance!

"We can't wait any longer, take action now!"

One of the monsters shouted: "Remember, kill with ordinary iron weapons, not magical powers!"

All the remaining demons immediately stood up.

They all took out some iron weapons from the Qiankun Bag.

Then, he chased the female spider.

Sure enough, in just a few breaths, the female spider was killed.

"I'm going too."

Dragon Turtle Heiyu looked at Li Yunqing and said: "Junior sister, please leave quickly. You don't have the spiritual power to leave at any time. Don't stay here, it's very dangerous. If anything happens to you, I won't be able to face it even under Jiuquan. Master Black Dragon.”

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