After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 20: Ten Thousand Mountains—Ten Thousand Demons Country

The night is like water.

Li Xiao's face darkened.

Li Xiao got a lot of information from the flea.

This 100,000 Mountains is not simple.

First of all, this Black Wind King should be a very powerful monster.

This flea monster is his subordinate.

Black Wind King already knows about the existence of Tiger Mom and himself.

He should have learned it through the group of monkeys in the territory.

Fortunately, now Black Wind King did not come to trouble them in person, but went to do business.

In addition, there is a country called "Ten Thousand Monsters" in the 100,000 Mountains.

Just listen to the name, you know, this is a country of monsters!

In an instant, Li Xiao felt a little sweat on his forehead.

He always thought that Tiger Mom, Big Tiger, Second Tiger and himself should belong to the level of strong in the 100,000 Mountains.

The master of the territory is an invincible existence.

Now it seems that it is not the case.

The water in the 100,000 Mountains is very deep...

It is far less simple than he imagined.

And now, there is a problem in front of him.

Wait for that "Black Wind King" thing to come back from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

What will happen to Tiger Mom and himself.....


Li Xiao's desire to become stronger has become stronger.

Too weak, in this place where the weak are the prey of the strong, if not strong enough, you can't survive...

Gurgle Gurgle - snap -

The flea recovered from the paper shape.

This flea has some Taoism, even higher than Tiger Mom's Taoism.

But its fighting ability is not strong.

The strangeness is reflected in other aspects, such as its body's strong flexibility.

If an ordinary flea was hit by Li Xiao with such great force, it would have died long ago.

But it can recover continuously...

The flea showed a pitiful expression: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, let me go, and then I will plead for you with the Black Wind King."

Li Xiao became interested, "What kind of person is this Black Wind King?"

The flea cursed: "How dare you say that about the Black Wind King? The Black Wind King is not a thing!"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I remember, you said that the Black Wind King is not a thing, what will he do to you if he hears it?"

The flea suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words: "Wrong, wrong, the Black Wind King is a thing, hey, that's not right... The Black Wind King is not a thing... Hey..."

The flea was obviously confused by Li Xiao, and the more he talked, the more wrong it felt.

It trembled with fear and said, "That... Don't say I said it..."

Li Xiao said, "Then tell me the truth, what is the Black Wind King transformed from?"

The flea said proudly, "That's the right question. The Black Wind King is a black bear transformed from a black bear. He is so powerful that he can smash a mountain with one palm."

Li Xiao was shocked when he heard this.

If it's really like what the flea said, this black bear monster is really powerful.

Smashing a mountain with one palm...

Even Tiger Mom can't do it.

Li Xiao asked: "What are the levels of your demon cultivation? What is the level of this black bear monster?"

The flea corrected: "What black bear monster? It's the Black Wind King!"

After saying that, it saw Li Xiao's fist, shrank its head and explained: "I don't know much... Just listen... Demon cultivation is divided into awakening, gathering spirits, and transformation... If you go up, you can practice secret methods, I don't know much. Our king is in the gathering spirit stage, with 200 years of cultivation."

Li Xiao asked: "What level are you, little demon?"

The flea said proudly: "I am in the gathering spirit stage, 200 years of cultivation!"

Li Xiao was full of doubts: "You are in the gathering spirit stage, and the black bear monster is also In the Gathering Spirit Stage, you have the same cultivation level, you are a waste, how can you be its little brother?"

The flea's head swelled with shame, and explained: "Who made me just a flea? Before the monsters transform, there is a huge watershed. A flea with 300 years of cultivation can't beat a monkey with half a year of cultivation, let alone a black bear. There is nothing I can do... But..."

It continued: "But if it enters the transformation stage, the gap will be smaller. If it transforms into a human form, it can cultivate demon pills and human skills, and the improvement will be huge. If I succeed in transforming one day, the king will become my brother..."

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and thought that the flea was just daydreaming.

It is so weak now that it can only listen to the instructions of the black bear monster and help it find spiritual objects.

The resources are monopolized by powerful monsters. I am afraid that the little monster will never transform...


Li Xiao suddenly felt that this little flea was a bit like a working dog in his previous life, and was also a poor bottom.

It is still living in a dream, waiting for the gift from above.

I thought I would be able to turn things around one day...

Then, Li Xiao asked many more questions about monsters.

The first level of monsters is "opening up", which means opening up wisdom.

The creatures suddenly open up and have higher wisdom.

There are many different situations for opening up.

Some of them accidentally eat spiritual things, some experience setbacks in the sun and rain, some slowly open up on their own over time, and some are born with opening up...

In short, there are so many situations that I can't finish talking about them.

For example, this flea is quite special.

Its situation belongs to "one bear gets the Tao, chickens and dogs rise to heaven".

It was originally a flea on the black bear, and it was a parasitic relationship.

When the black bear awakened, all the hundreds of fleas on its body also awakened and became the subordinates of the black bear monster.

After awakening, the monster will not only become smarter, but also begin to improve its Taoism and gradually become stronger.

But this kind of power, which is still at the physical level, cannot show anything strange.

Then comes the next level—Gathering Spirits!

Gather the spiritual energy between heaven and earth into oneself and use it for oneself.

The birth of magical powers, that is, demonic magic.

Monsters in the spirit-gathering stage can display all kinds of strange things.

For example, the special thing about this flea in the soul-gathering stage is that its body is very tough. If you hit it with a blunt instrument, it will not be killed no matter how hard you hit it, just like a rubber.

But Li Xiao estimated that if he was burned with fire or chopped to death with a sharp sword, it would be fine.

From this point of view, Tiger Mother is only physically stronger now and has not shown any magical powers. She is probably still in the awakening stage.

But even though the tiger mother is in the enlightenment stage, she can kill a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand flea demons without any problem.

This is before the transformation, the monster's strength is very different.

Because Flea is very weak to begin with. When they are both living beings, their weakness is almost negligible. Therefore, other monsters can leapfrog and defeat him.

But according to what Flea himself said, if the monster can enter the transformed form and cultivate a human body, he can practice human skills and strengthen himself, and then the gap will be narrowed...

"It's indeed a bit dangerous..."

Li Xiao thought so in his heart.

Although the black bear is not as powerful as the tiger when it is alive, it is actually not much different.

Therefore, the situation of fleas jumping over the top should not exist.

But now this black bear is in the spirit-gathering stage and can use magical powers.

So this black bear should be much stronger than the tiger mother.

And my current strength is not as good as Tiger Mother...

Too bad...

Li Xiao felt that danger was approaching.

No, I can't just sit there and wait for death. I have to do something.

Otherwise, it will be in danger when the black bear monster comes back!

Li Xiao frowned and thought about it, looked at Flea and said: "By the way, little Flea, you said that the black bear monster went to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, has he come back?"

The flea demon said: "Not yet, I guess there will still be some days."

Li Xiao asked: "Your Majesty, are there any other bears in the cave?"

Flea smiled and said: "No, this time my king went to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters to beg for a wife. After all, he is now a monster in the spirit-gathering stage, so he can't find an ordinary she-bear as his wife..."

"That would be great..."

Li Xiao was overjoyed and murmured: "Hundreds of flea demons are helping it hunt for treasures. There should be many precious spiritual creatures in that lair, and there are monkeys who can brew some spiritual wine for him... If I can steal it, I can growing up very fast..."

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