After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 21: Plan to steal the house, Bear proposes marriage!

"You scared me just now because you were afraid that I would take this grass away?"

After asking the question, Li Xiao turned to the grass that emitted a light fluorescent light.

As expected, it should be a spiritual object.

Li Xiao could feel the faint spiritual energy it emitted.

The flea demon took a look and then said depressedly: "Yes, hey, if it is handed over to the Black Wind King, it will be another merit. The more merits you have, the more rewards you will get."


Li Xiao pulled the grass off and asked: "What kind of spiritual object is this?"

The flea demon now let Li Xiao slaughter it, and could only say truthfully: "This is blue Ying grass, the most perennial spiritual object in the mountains. The seeds grow with the wind and can grow into wood in ten years. It contains spiritual power..."

Li Xiao was surprised and said: "The most common spiritual object? Why am I seeing it for the first time?"

The flea demon said: "We hundreds of flea demons are not vegetarians. As soon as they become wood, they will be picked by us and presented to the king."

No wonder, I can't see it!

Li Xiao frowned slightly. It seemed that the real good things in his territory had been plundered by these fleas long ago...

"Got it."

Li Xiao picked up the blue grass and stuffed it into his mouth.

The flea monster immediately screamed: "Fool, the blue grass can't absorb the medicinal power if you eat it directly. It needs to be ground into powder and soaked in mountain spring water for 49 days, and then burned with mountain fire... It's a waste of natural resources!"

It's difficult to absorb spiritual objects in the mountains directly.

Humans can refine them into elixirs, and monsters also know some refining methods.

For example, the spiritual wine brewed by the monkey monster belongs to this type.

But Li Xiao is different. He has the skill of "Energy Conservation". No matter how difficult the medicinal materials are to absorb, they will be converted into energy by him, and not a single bit will be wasted.

[Energy +10000]

[Energy +10000]

[Energy +10000]...

[Energy tank 100%]

After eating a blue grass, the energy tank was directly full.

But Li Xiao didn't rush to add more.

He was going to go back and think about it before making plans.

Back to the tiger's den.

Li Xiao put the flea monster in the coconut fruit that the monkey had brought back from Tiger Mom, so that it could not escape.

"What's the smell?"

Tiger Mom woke up from her sleep and sniffed her nose.

"No, nothing."

Li Xiao hurriedly covered up.

He didn't want to tell Tiger Mom about this matter for the time being.

If Tiger Mom knew his plan, she would definitely stop him.

Li Xiao planned to steal the home of the Black Wind King...


Tiger Mom responded, but didn't care too much, and fell asleep again.

Now that it has become a monster, it gradually feels that it can bathe in the world and improve its cultivation.

These days, it climbs the highest mountain in the territory every day to absorb spiritual energy and train skills.

Since becoming a monster, it has become wise.

Tiger Mom feels more and more that this forest is not peaceful.

If you want to protect yourself and your children, you must keep getting stronger...


The morning sun shines through the dense leaves and shines in the forest.

Soft green covers the ground and reflects a faint light. The mist shrouds the air in the forest, and the sound of birds chirping can be heard from time to time, crisp and pleasant.

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1]

[Tiger Walk Proficiency +1].......

Li Xiao crawled on the ground, moving forward like a quiet beast.

During hunting on weekdays, the tiger walk skill will improve automatically.

Li Xiao did not deliberately improve it, and only reached the level of great success.

But now that he wants to sneak into the black bear demon cave, Li Xiao feels that this skill is needed.

I ate the spiritual grass yesterday, and there is a chance to add points, which must be used on the blade.

Improve the tiger walk to perfection, and then advance.

Fortunately, it is also convenient to improve the tiger walk, just keep walking and perform it.

After practicing like this, at sunset on the second day, the tiger walk finally reached perfection.

[Tiger walk (great success) → Tiger walk (perfection)]

[Your tiger walk has reached perfection, physical fitness +5; limb coordination increased by 20%, you are becoming more and more like a tiger...]

"Add points! Advance for me!" Li Xiao muttered in his heart.

[Tiger walk (perfection) advanced → Yellow Tiger Step (minor success)]

[Yellow Tiger Step: stop when you understand, be at ease, act with moderation, and avoid disasters. ]

When the memory was advanced to a higher level, Li Xiao seemed to merge with the earth, motionless like a mountain. He was the earth, and the earth was him, and could not be detected by others.

"Just continue to improve a little bit before taking action..."

Li Xiao was not in a hurry to act. It should be possible to upgrade from minor success to major success in one day.

He still understood the principle that sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood.

So, Li Xiao continued to walk in the forest without making a sound.

[Yellow Tiger Step Proficiency +1]

[Yellow Tiger Step Proficiency +1]

[Yellow Tiger Step Proficiency +1]


Ten Thousand Mountains, the border of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom.

Who would have thought that in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains, there is actually a kingdom of monsters.

The city walls are towering into the clouds, more spectacular than the walls of human cities, like the endless Great Wall, with no end in sight.

No one knows how big the wall is, and how big the area inside the wall is.

Inside the wall, there are mountains, lakes, deserts, and the sea... It seems like a continent.

This is just a corner of the Ten Thousand Mountains. It can be seen that the Ten Thousand Mountains are much larger than the Central Plains Kyushu Continent.

But in fact, the Wan Yao Kingdom is not a country.

Under the wall, there are several countries. It is well-organized and just like a human city. It is even like a human dynasty...

The border area of ​​the Wan Yao Kingdom.

In a small city, there are crowds of people and busy streets. It is so lively.

It is like a human town.

But if people really enter it, they will be scared to death.

The scene on the street is strange.

There are people and animals on the street.

The strangest thing is the "people" here.

Some are human faces and pig bodies, with green faces and fangs; some are snake heads and human bodies, spitting out tongues; some are like humans, but dwarfs, with white eyes and no eyeballs; some have two heads; some have no heads, only bodies.....

These strange things are not human, but monsters.

Of course, there are some normal "people" on the street, and other monsters will avoid them. Obviously, this is not a human, but a "monster" in the transformation stage.

The monster in the transformation stage is no different from humans....

In the small town, in front of a residential house in the south.

A bear is knocking on the door.

This bear is the "Black Wind King".

Of course, this "Black Wind King" is obtained by himself.

In this monster city, he dare not claim to be the king.

Otherwise, he will die without knowing how.

"Uncle Xiongmao, Uncle Xiongmao, marry your daughter to me, old bear."

The bear monster had a pile of gifts behind him and shouted: "Old bear, I brought you spiritual wine and spiritual honey... My daughter followed me back to the mountain and ate delicious food and drank spicy drinks."

This "Black Wind King" has been here for many days.

The old bear demon in the house shouted, "Get out! If you don't get out, I'll eat you!"

The Black Wind King shouted, "Uncle, three hundred and fifty years ago, you and my father became relatives, so you can't go back on your word."

The house was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, the gate opened, and a mother bear came out and said, "Xiong San, don't keep pestering me. You can't even afford a house in the demon city. If I live with you in the wilderness, I don't know when you will be killed by a human martial artist. Go away."

"Black Wind King" Xiong San saw the mother bear drooling all over the floor, and said, "So it's about the house. Let's talk about it. I got a thousand-year-old golden fruit ginseng a few days ago. It should be enough to buy a house in the demon city, right? But if you ask me... the demon city is still There is no free and easy way outside..."

Hearing this, the mother bear's eyes lit up and said, "Do you really have a thousand-year-old golden fruit spiritual ginseng?"

Xiong San nodded: "Really, wife... Hehe, marry me..."

Hearing that the other party had good things, the mother bear's face changed and smiled: "I am just a little short of a breakthrough in my cultivation. If you really have it, I will reluctantly marry you, a stupid bear. But I have to go and see it first..."

When Xiong San heard this, he was immediately overjoyed: "Wife, come with me!"

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