After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 22 Chicken soup for the soul, cheering up the demon!

"Will you tell me?"

"No! I'd rather die than tell you! If the Black Wind King knew that I was the one who exposed the location of his lair, I'd be dead."

Deep in the forest, Li Xiao was torturing the poor flea demon, asking about the location of the Black Wind King's lair.

But after the flea demon found out, he refused to speak.

So, Li Xiao started a pile of firewood.

The flames rose, and the flea demon's forehead began to sweat.

"Will you tell me?"

Li Xiao took the flea demon and placed it next to the flames.

"I'll tell you!...Don't say I said it..."

The flea demon felt the high temperature of the flames and immediately gave in.

Li Xiao was full of black lines on his head. This flea demon was really soft-hearted.

The flea demon said, "The Black Wind King's lair is very hidden, and only we flea demons know about it. But you can't steal anything there, because the patrolling flea demons will find it."

Li Xiao asked, "Then is there any way to sneak in?"

The flea demon shook his head, "No way."

Li Xiao sneered, "Then kill your way in. I can beat a hundred flea demons like you."


The flea demon said, "Although the king has no guards, he left three chest hairs. The black bear transformed from the chest hairs is also very powerful and can kill you with one palm."

Three chest hairs?

It can also transform into a black bear?

Li Xiao was slightly stunned.

I guess this is the magical power of the black bear monster....


If you want to steal the house, you have to use your wits.

After thinking for a while, Li Xiao looked at the flea demon and smiled: "Little demon, what is your dream?"

The flea demon hesitated: "My dream... is to follow the king forever..."

Li Xiao said unhappily: "Why are you so useless? Don't you want to be the king?"

The flea demon said embarrassedly: "I kind of want to... but I dare not think..."

Li Xiao said loudly: "If you have a dream, chase it. Tell me your dream!"

The flea demon looked around and found that there were no other demons. He smiled and whispered: "My dream... hehe... is to be the king."

The desire in the heart of this little demon was magnified by Li Xiao.

Sure enough, the desire of every monster is very simple:

Follow the king, worship the king, become the king, surpass the king...

Li Xiao said seriously: "Speak louder!"

The flea monster said loudly: "I want to be the king!"

"Very good!"

Li Xiao nodded with satisfaction: "This is considered to be a promising future. You and I will work together to steal all the treasures of your king. We will each take half and eat them. When you improve your cultivation, you can become the king."

"Really give me half?"

The flea monster was a little tempted. He knew how many treasures there were in the cave.

If he could eat it, he might really break through to the transformation stage!

Although it is very weak, it can enter the transformation stage and practice the skills, which is not necessarily weaker than the king.

Li Xiao nodded, and then said: "I am a principled person. I stick to my word. I will share it in half when we meet. I will never break my promise!"


The flea demon hesitated and said: "Even if I took the treasure, it would take three to five years to digest it. The king would have killed it long ago."

"What are you afraid of?" Li Xiao said with a smile: "Then find a secluded place to practice in seclusion, and come out when you have practiced successfully."

The flea demon was still hesitating.

Li Xiao tempted: "Don't you still have me? After this job, I will help you kill your king and support you to become the king."

The flea demon was moved and said weakly: " are very strong?"

Li Xiao took out a wolf tooth and said: "I killed this wolf demon. After I eat the treasure, I will naturally become stronger."

This wolf tooth was taken from the wolf tooth that Li Xiao killed not long ago.

The flea demon sniffed the wolf tooth and smelled the smell. He was very surprised: "Although it is a wolf demon with less than half a year of cultivation, it has killed many people. It should have killed its own kind and became a demon... You actually killed a demon???"

This flea is really unusual. It can smell a lot of information through the smell.

Li Xiao nodded: "That's it, I killed it!"

So, the flea demon once again upgraded its evaluation of Li Xiao's strength.

It was very strange. Why is a human baby so powerful?

Even those human geniuses can't kill demons in a few months, right?

"By the way..."

Li Xiao asked: "What is a demon?"

"You don't know?"

The flea was a little strange. This person even killed demons, but didn't know what a demon was...

"Yeah." Li Xiao nodded.

The flea demon explained, "Demons cultivate by absorbing and exhaling spiritual energy, while demons kill and plunder the spiritual energy of other creatures. Humans and demons that have become intelligent have spiritual energy on their bodies. They can plunder by eating, but if they kill too much, they will become possessed and become demons. Demons improve their cultivation faster, become stronger, and more brutal, but the more they kill, the more demons they have in their hearts. Eventually, they will go crazy, lose their wisdom, and become killing monsters... They will be unacceptable to the demon world, and it will be difficult for them to survive the demon calamity. But once they survive the demon calamity, they will become powerful demons... and bring disaster to the area..."

"I understand..."

Li Xiao nodded slightly.

So, this bear should be just a demon, not a demon.

If he is a demon, I'm afraid this area will be very dangerous, and Tiger Mom would have been in danger a long time ago.

"Okay, what's your decision?"

Li Xiao then said, "Do you want to do it? If you succeed, I'll give you half."

The flea demon hesitated for a while and said, "I'm a little scared..."

Li Xiao gave him a shot of chicken blood: "I'm afraid of eggs. Wealth can be found in danger. If you don't work hard, you will never know how good you are. If you don't work hard, you will always be mediocre! Not every monster can do it." Become what you want, but every demon can work hard to become what he wants. If you can make yourself a cocoon, you can become a butterfly!"

In order to fool this little demon, Li Xiao poured out all the chicken soup for their souls that their previous boss had encouraged them to do.

Don't say it.

These Chicken Soup for the Soul work wonders.

After hearing this, this flea demon became very excited.

"Fuck! You're right! I want to break out of my cocoon and become a butterfly!"

The flea demon was extremely excited, as if victory was within grasp.

"Congratulations, you have bravely taken the first step to success!"

Li Xiao released the flea demon and let him fly on his own, "From now on, we are friends."

Although the flea was released, Li Xiao was always aware that as long as the flea dared to run away, he could hit it down again with stones.

But the flea demon jumped up and down on the ground, jumping three feet high.

It seemed very excited and had no intention of running away.

"What do you want to do? I will listen to you."

Flea Demon asked excitedly.

It has been completely brainwashed by Li Xiao, and now it wants to join forces and steal the king's hometown.


Li Xiao snapped his fingers and began to tell the plan.

After hearing this, Flea's eyes widened. This plan was so good. He was worthy of being a human being and his intelligence was very high.

It seems that I really met a noble person this time, I want to be the king!

The flea demon thought happily...

Then, it’s time to follow the plan.

The first thing to do is to cross a forest.

This forest also has a group of little demons that were subdued by the black bear monster. They are a group of monkey demons in the awakening stage.

According to the flea demon, there are several spiritual peach trees in this forest, which will bear spiritual fruits every three years. These spiritual fruits are turned into spiritual wine by the monkey demon and presented to the king.

Li Xiao has a grudge against these monkeys, so it will definitely be difficult for him to get over it.

You have to sneak over.

But it is not easy to pass through the monkey forest without being discovered by the monkey demon group.

There is a river running through this forest.

If you could dive directly from the bottom of the river, you would be able to dive there without even noticing...

Finally, Li Xiao decided to dive there.

The colorful pearls taken from "Old Clam" last time played a role at the critical moment.

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