After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 201: The great struggle, life hangs on a thread! (1/2)

"Don't scare the child."

Li Yunqing hurriedly said, and went over to help Xu Nianfeng.

The child was indeed frightened and fainted.

To be honest, the original form of the monster is indeed very scary.

When she first arrived at the Black Dragon Island, she was also frightened all day long.

And later she gradually discovered that the original form of the monster is scary, but in fact it will not kill innocent people, and its heart is very simple, and it has a natural closeness to humans.

Especially dolphin monsters and whale monsters, they have a strong sense of closeness to humans.

After the monsters transform into human bodies, they are actually no different from humans, not so scary.

But humans who don't understand will definitely be scared when they see the original form of the monster for the first time.

Just now, so many monsters went to scare a child.

It would be strange if he didn't faint.

Especially the vicious snake Kana, the original form is even more terrifying.

It looks like an evil thing at first glance.

The monsters realized that they had caused trouble and immediately restored their human bodies.

Then, the others looked at Kana, meaning: "Kana, it's all your fault."

Kana looked innocent.

Didn't the kid ask for it...

What's wrong with me?

Is it wrong to look scary?

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Tiezhu, give him a good dream, so that he can wake up."

Tiezhu nodded: "Yes, my king."

After that, he used his magical power, the dream-entering method, to enter Xu Nianfeng's mind. According to Xu Nianfeng's experience over the years, he created a perfect dream to dispel the haze.

In the dream, Xu Nianfeng lived happily with his family.

Sure enough.

Xu Nianfeng woke up soon.

But when he woke up, he felt even worse.

Because the dream was over, he had to return to reality.

And in reality, the Xu family was going to be destroyed.

The contrast between reality and dream made Xu Nianfeng cry.

He suddenly thought of something and looked at Li Xiao and said: "Li Xiao, I remember that when you left the Xu family, you made a promise to the Xu family..."

Old Huang was shocked.

He also remembered that this was indeed the case.

Li Xiao said that he would help the Xu family once.

Old Huang couldn't help but look at the powerful monsters around him.


If he was willing, he could really save the Xu family from danger.

"Yes, help the Xu family once, what's the matter?"

Li Xiao was a little surprised: "Is the Xu family in crisis?"

Xu Nianfeng nodded and knelt on the ground begging: "Brother Li Xiao, please save the Xu family!"

It's a crisis so soon?

Li Xiao pulled him up: "Don't worry, I will help!"

Hearing this, Xu Nianfeng was very happy.

Old Huang on the side hurried out to explain: "It was the court's army that invaded Beiliangzhou. Now the Xu family is fighting desperately, and their lives are hanging by a thread..."

"The court's army?" Li Yunqing frowned and said: "Why would the court attack Beiliangzhou? Beiliangzhou is the place of the court."

For more than two years, Li Yunqing has been isolated from the news and has no idea what has changed in the outside world.

Now, the world has changed a long time ago!

However, Old Huang looked at Li Yunqing in confusion, not knowing the other party's identity.

Li Xiao said: "This is my mother, but you can say it."

Old Huang nodded and said: "It's like this. Although the Dajing Dynasty is still there, it is already in name only. The whereabouts of Emperor Tianwu are unknown. The court is controlled by the Xiao family. The current emperor is the former queen, now the Shenlong Empress. All parts of the world are dissatisfied and have raised troops to establish themselves. The empress sent troops to kill all families... The Beiliang Xu family is also within its range. We didn't expect that the other party is so strong..."


Li Yunqing's face changed drastically.

She used to be the imperial concubine of the Dajing Dynasty.

But now the Tianwu Emperor of the Dajing Dynasty has collapsed?

Empress Xiao became the empress?

This sudden change made her at a loss for a while.

Originally, she was going to question Emperor Tianwu in person, why he ignored them...

"Empress Xiao..."

Li Xiao looked at his mother, "Is it the Empress Xiao who chased us?"

Old Huang's face changed when he heard it.

Looking at Li Xiao in surprise.

He seemed to have guessed something.

Everyone in the world now knows that Empress Xiao was hunting down Concubine Yun.

Emperor Tianwu wanted to kill Empress Xiao for this reason.

It was just that Empress Xiao gave birth to a demon, and the Xiao family climbed up to the Mahayana Dragon Court.

Emperor Tianwu was defeated...

If that's the case.

This Li Xiao should be the son of Emperor Tianwu, and this woman... is Concubine Yun!!!

"It's her!"

Li Yunqing nodded.

"Empress, hehe, he's already a corpse."

Li Xiao's eyes were gloomy.

If this revenge is not avenged, it would be a waste to come to the world!

"No time to lose, take me there quickly!"

Li Xiao said: "I didn't look for her, but she came to my door! It's just in time!"

"Yes, follow me!"

Old Huang dared not hesitate any more.

He immediately took Li Xiao and headed towards Beiliang City...

With the appearance of Li Xiao, the Beiliang Xu family...

is saved!!!


Ten Thousand Mountains.

Bixia Demon Valley.

The valley master, Qingluan Divine Bird Yu Qianyou, was drinking tea in the room.

An elder entered and reported: "Valley Master, the Beiliang Xu family, a force cultivated by the human world, is in danger and may be destroyed soon..."

Hearing this news, Yu Qianyou fell silent.

Originally, she planned to cultivate the Xu family in Beiliang.

Then, after the shackles of heaven and earth are opened, let the people of the Xu family practice to the secret realm of supernatural powers.

Kill the devil and take the lead in opening the foundation in the Chinese continent.

Because the shackles of heaven and earth are not released all at once, but slowly.

For example, if a demon master reaches the first level of magical power, a demon with the first level of magical power can emerge.

Afterwards, the shackles will slowly dissipate, and powerful demons can emerge from them.

Therefore, it is very important to take the lead in occupying a place in China mainland and have a landing place.

Originally, he wanted to support the Xu family in Beiliang.

But I didn't expect it.

The monastic sect in the human world has actually opened up a new realm above the martial arts.

The Mahayana Dragon Court has supported a force and took the lead in occupying the Chinese mainland...

This is difficult!

If one party becomes stronger.

When the time comes, their demon clan will have a hard time entering the mainland of China!

"By the way, is there any news about my disciple Li Xiao?"

Yu Qianyou asked.

The only person who can help the Xu family now is his disciple Li Xiao.

Now it seems that Li Xiao must have become a master by accident.

He has no magical powers, but is very strong.

The most important thing is that his human identity can leave Shiwandashan.

However, this cheap disciple took one million of his spiritual crystals and disappeared.

"Li Xiao was not found..."

The elder shook his head.

Yu Qianyou was a little helpless.

This Li Xiao is really not soft on others.

I don’t know where I went, I took the spiritual crystal and ran away...

Yu Qianyou asked: "By the way, where are the Yunzhou Pei family supported by the Nine Heaven Demon Palace, the Yanzhou Cui family supported by the Huangquan Demon Sect, and the Dongzhou Lu family supported by the Taikoo Demon Sect?"

The elder shook his head: "The human forces supported by these three sects have been destroyed by the Dajing Dynasty controlled by the Xiao family supported by the Mahayana Dragon Court!"

Yu Qianyou said: "The Mahayana Dragon Court was not the most outstanding 30,000 years ago, but was at the bottom. Unexpectedly, 30,000 years later, when other cultivating sects in the world were left alone, he took advantage of the opportunity and took the lead... .”

The elder said: "Yes, whoever occupies more land first will be favored by the land of China when the great war breaks out..."

After thinking about it, Yu Qianyou said: "Forget it, none of the sects of the demon clan can take the lead. We are all starting from the same starting line. When the four major demon realms open, Mahayana Dragon Court will be the first to bear the brunt, and it will be uncomfortable. Taking it first does not count as a win. , The winner is the one who laughs to the end!”

The elder nodded: "We can only give up on the Xu family."

After that, he continued: "By the way, there is one more thing."

Yu Qianyou: "What's the matter?"

The elder said: "Huang Hu, the king of Huanghu Demon City, has recently planned to destroy Xiaoyao Demon City founded by Li Xiao. These two are both disciples of my sect. Does Demon Valley want to come forward to persuade them to make peace?"

Yu Qianyou shook his head: "It would be fine if the great war has not yet started. Now that the great war has quietly begun, our demon clan's Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom will also break out into an earth-shattering war... and finally occupy the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom and create a new world for demons." The unified dynasty of the clan, enjoying the blessing of heaven, there are only three at most...fights are inevitable, let them go."

The elder nodded: "Yes, I will resign..."

The hall was empty again.

Yu Qianyou looked at the sky and murmured: "Once the dispute breaks out, no one can escape..."


Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Yellow Tiger Demon City.

The former Xiong San is now named Zhu Huxing.

At the same time, he took over the body of Wang Huanghu and ruled the Yellow Tiger Demon City.

At this moment, there were two people standing next to him.

One person is his boss, the helmsman of the Sirius Moon Holy Cult branch.

The other person is his brother, Nan Shixing.

Nan Shixing said: "The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters has not been peaceful recently. Conquests have been going on in the major cities, and the sects above are not paying much attention. I am afraid that something big will happen..."

Sirius Yue smiled sinisterly and said: "The opportunity for the Holy Religion has finally come, and the great battle of the world is about to begin..."

Zhu Huxing asked: "What exactly is the Great World War? What is it about?"

Sirius Moon said: "I don't know much about this. This is a secret that only the higher-ups of the Holy Religion know! You just need to know that our Holy Religion wants to occupy more territory and more cities! Defeat everything that can be seen The enemy who arrived will unify the entire demon clan of Shiwanda Mountain, and then unify the mainland of China..."

Zhu Huxing nodded: "I understand. These days, I have been peacefully growing the Demon City, and my strength has increased a lot."

Tian Langyue said: "Now that there is no one to manage the disputes below, it is time to act according to the plan. We secretly occupy the Sky Fox Demon City, and then occupy the Thunder Demon City."

Nan Shixing nodded.

Zhu Huxing said: "Master, I want to destroy Xiaoyao Demon City first. Kill my enemies!"

Sirius Moon said: "Little Demon City, why waste your energy? Besides, Li Xiao is missing, what kind of revenge do you want to take?"

Zhu Huxing said: "Li Xiao is not here just in time. When he comes back and finds that his base is gone, he will be furious and come to me for help! Hehe, it will be easy to kill him when the time comes! And you don't know, that Xiaoyao demon The city is developing extremely well now, and it is like a geomantic treasure land. Spiritual things are constantly growing, purple energy is coming from the east, and everything is growing. No wonder Li Xiao is so powerful. He has occupied a geomantic treasure land, so let's grab him. It can increase my own strength. Recently, I have shown my intention to take action against Xiaoyao Demon Valley. I guess it is because of the Great World War that you mentioned. It’s a good time to ignore the battle between cities!”

Sirius Moon said: "Xiaoyao Demon City is a geomantic treasure land?"

Zhu Huxing nodded: "It is an absolute geomantic treasure land. A large number of spiritual plants grow in it, and there is a lot of wealth. If you plunder it, you can grow stronger! There are also mountain elves and goblins who will force them to follow me, etc., which will also be a powerful help when the time comes!"

Profitable, Tian Langyue nodded: "Okay, Li Xiao is the one who must be killed in our teaching, so you can rob his territory first. You can figure it out, capture it quickly, and don't affect our capture of Tianhu." and Lei Ming. When the time comes, the three cities will merge into one big demon city, which will be stronger and compete for more land and territory. This is the order given to us by the above!"


Zhu Huxing said excitedly.

He has long wanted to destroy Xiaoyao Demon City.

However, the news that Li Xiao suddenly became a disciple of Bixia Demon Valley spread like wildfire.

The Wang Huanghu and Li Xiao he occupied were brothers.

I'm afraid that my identity will be exposed and something big will happen.

That's why I never took action.

Now that the world is in chaos and the higher authorities are not paying attention, it is a good time to take action!

"Hey, Li Xiao!"

"Back then you stole my treasure house and took my treasure while I was away!"

"Now it's finally my turn..."

"When you return to Shiwandashan and find that your hometown is gone, you will definitely roar like I did back then, hahahaha..."

Zhu Huxing Xiong San, who occupied Wang Huanghu's body, showed an excited smile!

He finally waited for the day of revenge!


China mainland.

Under Beiliang City.

The imperial army has been attacking Beiliang City for five days and five nights.

A million troops surrounded Beiliang City. The crowds of people surged like a tidal wave, and the black battle flags covered the sky.

The sound of horse hooves, war drums, and shouts intertwined into a shocking symphony.

Even the imperial army did not expect that Beiliang City would resist so fiercely.

He simply used his life to stop them from attacking the city.

Use flesh and blood to build strong lines of defense!

For five days and five nights, Xu Xiao used his own life to defend Beiliang City.

But he knows.


It's about to break...

The soldiers who defended the city suffered heavy injuries, and the soldiers who were still alive were exhausted.

Willpower can last for five days and five nights.

But it didn't last until the sixth day.

"The final battle to the death..."

Principal Xu stood on the city wall with a few of his cronies, and he looked down.

The generals above the five strongest masters have not yet taken action.

They were unable to resist.

"Xu Xiao, surrender, you can't win!"

One of the generals stared at Colonel Xu on the city wall and shouted.

This general is a disciple of the Mahayana Dragon Court. His cultivation is in the Zhixuan realm and he can already fly with a sword.

If he had taken action, the city gate would have been broken down long ago, and there would be no need to hurt so many soldiers.

But to him, the lives of soldiers are not lives at all, they are just cannon fodder.

Ants are used to drain the enemy's strength.

"If you want Beiliang City, come and get it..."

Xu Xiao retorted resolutely, looking down upon death.

"Stubborn, die!"

The name was General Quan Yuan. He stood up and jumped up from his horse. He jumped into the sky like a roc spreading its wings. Then, a flying sword was drawn out of thin air from his back, landed on his feet and flew towards the city wall calmly. Passed by!

You know, Beiliang City is an important military town, with a height of fifty feet.

Even a grandmaster would not be able to climb directly over the city wall if there is harassment from the defenders.

But the Grandmaster can indeed fly directly and step directly onto the city wall to take the enemy's head!

"Protect the King of Northern Liang!"

Two of Xu School's trusted generals, both of whom were masters, rushed directly to the front of the city wall and took out their weapons to stop him!

However, it cannot stop masters above the Grandmaster at all.

Puff puff puff!

They couldn't stop each other from stepping onto the city wall.

The chief generals of the imperial army are all from the same origin, they are powerful and terrifying!

Two swords, kill two masters!

The next moment, the sword is pointed at Xu Xiao!

Xu Xiao was so exhausted that he could hardly move his fingers and closed his eyes as if waiting for death.


At least, die standing!

He stood upright and used his last strength to keep himself from falling!

When you are young, remember to avenge your father...

Xu Xiao felt that the sword light had reached his face.

Death is only one step away.


at this time.

A voice rang out, resounding throughout the sky.

"Kneel down!"

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