After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 202 The demon king appears, and demons dance wildly! (1/2)

"Who is it!"

Hearing the voice, the army's chief general Quan Tongyuan felt as if he had been hit hard, and his chest was stuffy.

The next moment.

An indescribable strong pressure made him kneel on the ground.

There was no need for Li Xiao to take action.


The ice blade of the octopus frost fish Lengfeng cut his throat like a ghost.

Blood splattered all over the ground.

Only one encounter.

The strong man of the finger-profound realm fell in a pool of blood.

For a long while.

Beiliang King Xu Xiao felt that he was still alive.

He opened his eyes in confusion.

But he found that the arrogant Quan Tongyuan had fallen to the ground.

There was no life!

What the hell!

This is a strong man above the master, who killed him?

At the same time.

There was a group of people on the city wall.

Old Huang, Xu Nianfeng, Li Xiao and a group of people he didn't know.

"Old Huang? Why are you back?"

Xu Xiao looked at Xu Nianfeng, then at Old Huang: "Didn't I tell you to take Nianfeng away?"

"Dad, don't run away, our Xu family is saved!"

Xu Nianfeng looked at his father and said excitedly: "Do you remember, Li Xiao once said that he would help the Xu family once, and now he is here to fulfill his promise."

"Li Xiao..."

Xu Xiao looked at Li Xiao and asked in surprise: "You came back alive from the Boundless Sea?"

He always thought that Li Xiao died in the Boundless Sea.

After all, he hadn't come back for so long, it was basically impossible for him to come back.


He is still alive?

And what the hell is helping the Xu family once? At that time, he thought it was a joke...

Suddenly, he looked at the corpse underground.

"Did you kill this man?"

Xu Xiao looked at Li Xiao and asked in surprise.

This is a strong man above the Grandmaster!!!

"I killed him!" Leng Feng stood up, his voice cold: "It's not my king's turn to take action against such a salted fish..."


Xu Xiao took a breath of cold air.

What's going on?

Is this man Li Xiao's subordinate?

Could it be that Li Xiao is stronger?

He felt a terrifying breath on Leng Feng's body.

You know, Leng Feng is at the peak of the fourth level of the Yin-Yang realm.

Even the immortals on land are not his opponent.

Not to mention, Leng Feng is not the strongest among these people.

The momentum emanating from Hei Yu is stronger!

Although his realm is not as good as Leng Feng and others, his strength is stronger.

After all, he is an elite disciple of the Black Dragon Island of the Thirty-Six Islands of Tiangang!

"Master Xu, how are you, haha."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "I emptied your Xu family's collection of books before. This time, we will make peace."

Old Huang smiled and nodded on the side.

He saw it.

The strength of Li Xiao and others.

It is enough to turn the tide of this battle.

Although the other side has a million troops.

But this group of monsters is too powerful....

And Li Xiao's true strength is even more unfathomable.

Although he looks not as powerful as these monsters.

But it is absolutely impossible to recruit them as his subordinates without strong strength!

Old Huang now understands the truth that good people are rewarded.

At the beginning, the books in the Xu family's Tingchao Pavilion were emptied by Li Xiao.

The Xu family quarreled and said that they would ask Li Xiao to take them back, and only let him take the replica.


The head of the Xu family kept his promise.

He did not ask Li Xiao.

The reward is here!

"You are here to help our Xu family..."

Xu Xiao asked excitedly.

Could it be that the Xu family is saved...


Li Xiao smiled.

Xu Xiao was so excited that he couldn't speak.

The Xu family is saved, saved....

They were originally doomed to lose.

Maybe they thought that they were in such a desperate situation.

There is still hope!

Principal Xu looked at Xu Nianfeng.

Although this child is disobedient, he has brought a savior to the family...

"Thank you very much!"

Principal Xu excitedly bowed: "If you can save the Xu family from danger, the Xu family will obey your orders in the future!"

"You are too polite."

Li Xiao laughed and looked at Leng Feng and the others: "I leave it to you."

How can a king do it himself? Naturally, it is left to the younger brother to solve it.

The black feather monsters nodded.

They walked to the side of the city wall and looked under the city wall.

There were people everywhere, millions of troops!

The soldiers were at least the third-grade martial arts cultivation, the small flags were the fifth-grade martial arts, the lieutenant generals were the seventh-grade martial arts, the generals were the small masters, and the generals were the great masters. The entire army was composed of warriors.

After all, ordinary people can't participate in war at all.

This city wall is fifty feet, which is one hundred and fifty meters.

Ordinary people can't climb up even if they have a ladder!

"So many people."

They had never seen so many people before. Is this the Shenzhou Continent...

"It is said that humans like to kill and conquer. Is it true..."

Hei Yu couldn't help but sigh.

In their demon world, it is rare to see such a large-scale war.

These soldiers are holding killing weapons and using ladders to climb up the city wall desperately.

"Yes, get rid of them!"

Hei Yu stood on the city wall and jumped down.

This scared Principal Xu. It was not until he saw Hei Yu flying in the air that he realized that his worries were unnecessary.

Is this the secret realm of magical powers...with magic power, you can fly!

Xu Xiao saw a strong man from the Divine Power Secret Realm for the first time, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Other monsters also flew towards the city wall.

"This is... a strong man from the Divine Power Secret Realm!!!"

Under the city wall, the faces of the other four generals changed.

Because he saw someone flying in the air.

Not flying with a sword, but flying directly in the air!

Obviously, only the Divine Power Secret Realm can do this with magic power!

They are all disciples of the Mahayana Dragon Court, so they naturally know about the Divine Power Secret Realm.


A general's face changed drastically: "Mozi hasn't broken through the realm of supernatural powers yet, how could there be a strong person in the realm of supernatural powers in the world???"

Another general said: "Could it be that someone broke through the realm of supernatural powers before Mozi?"

"Look, there are many other people flying!"

"Seven, a total of seven, are all seven people in the realm of supernatural powers?"

"My God, where did these people come from? Could it be that there are other sects that have mastered the secret method of breaking through the realm of supernatural powers?"

"It should be impossible, the shackles of heaven and earth cannot be broken!"

"Oh no, so Brother Quan Tongyuan, who hasn't come back for so long, did he die on the city wall?"

Suddenly, a general said: "They, they are not human, they are monsters, I feel the monster spirit!"

If it is a monster, it makes sense.

Monsters only need to reach the spirit gathering realm, which is equivalent to the pseudo supernatural power secret realm.

After the transformation, it is the supernatural power secret realm.

The human race cannot break through the supernatural power secret realm, but the monster race can!

But the question is, how did these monsters come out of the monster world?

Who did it?

Seeing that the monsters were getting closer and closer to them.

The leading general said: "We can't just sit there and wait for death. I didn't expect that the Xu family had the help of the monsters, but we, the Mahayana Dragon Court, are not vegetarians either. Let's kill the monsters and eliminate the demons!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

He drove the flying sword and killed the monsters.

The other three generals drove the flying swords one after another.

They all had cultivation levels above the Grandmaster.

Above the Grandmaster, there are: Vajra, Finger Mystery, Celestial Phenomenon, and Land God.

The Vajra Realm is comparable to the first level of supernatural power.

The Finger Mystery Realm is comparable to the second level of supernatural power.

The Celestial Phenomenon Realm is comparable to the third level of supernatural power.

The Land God Realm is comparable to the fourth level of supernatural power.

They all have the cultivation level of the Finger Mystery Realm.

If the monster they encounter is the second level of supernatural power, they can also fight.


This strength comparison is only for ordinary monsters.

The four demons they met, Honghuaer, Tiezhu, Lengfeng, and Mengdie, were already at the peak of the fourth level of magical power, comparable to the existence of land immortals.

In fact, they were much stronger than land immortals.

It was only because they had rich combat experience and cultivated many magical powers, and their foundation was very solid, and they were also outstanding in the fourth level of magical power.

The three demons, Dragon Turtle Heiyu, Fantian Walrus Qin Wushuang, and Netherworld Serpent Kanai, although their cultivation was only at the second level of magical power, they were ancient species, cultivated great magical powers, and their strength was much stronger than Honghuaer, Tiezhu and other demons!

Facing this group of powerful demons, it was basically impossible for the human world to have an opponent.

"Big Black Flame Breath!"

Heiyu was the first to use his magical power, spewing out blazing flames from his mouth.

Strangely, the color of this blazing fire was black, and a little bit of it could burn people to ashes, and it could also absorb the energy from the enemy as nutrients for burning.

The flying sword melted instantly.

Burned to death together with the four generals!

Kill instantly!

Hei Yu killed these powerful people in the Profound Realm who were comparable to the second level of magical power. One magical power was enough to kill them instantly!

Not only that.

The raging fire spread, and the dense army was like weeds ignited, spreading continuously, and everywhere it went was ashes.

In a few dozen breaths, thousands of people had been burned to death.

This is the gap between strengths!

The cultivation of the magical secret realm slaughtered the martial arts cultivation, just like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

"Hei Yu, you kid is too cunning, rushing to show off in front of the king?"

The Netherworld Serpent Kana was not willing to be outdone, and immediately used magical powers.

"The poison of the Netherworld, piercing the intestines and stomach! Huhuhuhu——"

He was seen spitting out a brown gale, and the gale blew towards the army.

The brown poisonous gas, as long as it touched a little, the grass on the ground withered instantly, the trees collapsed instantly, and people who inhaled a little bit would die from piercing the intestines and stomach.

In an instant, the corpses on the ground fell, and the stench flew into the sky.

Although this poisonous fog does not look as strong as the breath of the big black flame, it has a wider range. In an instant, I am afraid that 3,000 people were poisoned to death.

And the poisonous fog is still spreading. I wonder how many people it can kill!

"Okay, okay, you are so quick to attack one by one, leave some for me!"

Qin Wushuang, the walrus, shouted: "All elephants are galloping! Woo woo!!"

He roared like an elephant, clapped his hands, and used his magical powers to condense hundreds of blue-white elephants. Each elephant was tens of feet high and rushed towards the crowd.

These soldiers were instantly trampled into meat paste by the elephants, and the earth was shaken.

Three people took action, and 10,000 soldiers were dead!

Honghuaer and Tiezhu of Bai Ze Island were not to be outdone.

"We can't be outdone by these Black Dragon Team!"

"When it comes to killing, our Bai Ze team is no worse than these proud sons of heaven!"

"Look at me! Siren Ballad..."

Die Meng took the lead in using magical powers and spit out beautiful notes from her mouth.

The sound is soft and pleasant, like the natural sound of ocean waves.

It was obviously a battlefield with fierce fighting.

When these soldiers heard the songs, they felt as if they had returned to their mother's arms. One by one, they fell down and fell asleep. A total of 30,000 people fell asleep where they were.


Sleeping people are more likely to fall asleep.

The Nightmare Horned Beast Iron Pillar turned its spiritual thoughts into 30,000 copies, invaded the dreams of these people, and created an extremely terrifying bottomless abyss dream.

Dying in a dream is definitely more painful than killing.

It was like they fell into hell and were tortured by all the tortures of hell...

The two demons worked together and killed 30,000 soldiers in an instant.

"Ice Age!"

Leng Feng used his magical power to spread the frost from the soles of his feet.

In the blink of an eye, it became winter within ten miles!

The soldiers were frozen into ice sculptures one by one, unable to move.

"Yan Ling is really fire!"

The Yanling sea lion Hong Hua'er used her natal magical power to transform the soldiers into ice sculptures, which instantly melted into a puddle of mud...

have to say.

Although the strength of Baize Island is weaker.

But the range of damage is not weak!

They killed more enemies than the demons on Black Dragon Island!

The seven demons are like the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers!

After one round, 70,000 soldiers were killed on the spot!

Several people on Black Dragon Island were not convinced and wanted to continue to kill!

If you don't care.

These seven demons could kill an army of millions, and it would only take half an hour to kill them all.

But how can these human armies withstand such a torment?

Seventy thousand people died in an instant, and the remaining people only had the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Run away, run away!"

"These people are devils, they can cast spells!"

"The generals are all dead, run away..."

The million-strong army was leaderless. Seeing such a terrifying scene, the soldiers had long lost their fighting spirit and just wanted to escape.

But they couldn't escape.

There are seven strong men in the secret realm of supernatural powers. It is almost impossible to escape if you want to kill them!

"Xiao'er, forget it."

Seeing such a scene, Li Yunqing couldn't bear it: "These people are just soldiers eating military rations, and they are just ordinary people. They have lost their fighting spirit. There is no need to kill them all. They have become deserters and they will die. They should not continue to return to the court." , working hard for the imperial court, we can only escape, go far away, and remain anonymous... let them go."

During the Dajing Dynasty, desertion was a capital offense.

If you become a deserter, you can only remain anonymous and be a fugitive.

Now that these soldiers have escaped, it is impossible for them to return to the court and die.

In other words, they will no longer become the fighting force of the Great King Dynasty.

There is actually not much difference between killing and not killing.

After all, they are just ordinary people working for the court.

Everyone's stance is different.


Li Xiao naturally knew this too.

He didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately and cause endless carnage.

If the opponent is defeated, there is no need to continue killing.


Li Xiao used Tianhu Roar to send a message and recalled Heiyu and others.

"The king told us to go back."

"Then we can only go back."

"Haha, our Baize team won this time."

"Don't be too happy, let's compete next time!"

Kuroyu, Kana, and Qin Wushuang were a little unconvinced by the loss. They were obviously the strongest.

However, the king’s orders cannot be disobeyed.

They stopped one after another and returned to the city wall.

Under the city.

The million-strong army was completely defeated.

The army was completely in disarray and fled in the opposite direction like a tide.

This will be their lifelong nightmare.

Encountered an impossible enemy...


The millions of troops fled completely, leaving only corpses on the ground.

"This is war..."

Li Xiao looked at the scene below and couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Corpses littered the fields and rivers of blood flowed.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of sight.

But there is no way, this is what happens in troubled times.

Only by unifying the world can the killing of war be stopped...


When Xu Xiao, King of Northern Liang, saw the army retreating, he was stunned.

Is this the secret realm of supernatural powers...

Seven people can change the situation of the battle.

An army of millions is nothing more than chickens and dogs!

"Victory, we are victorious!"

The originally desperate soldiers shouted in excitement.

"Did we... survive?"

"Oh my god, what just happened."

"We won, we won, the army retreated!"

The smoke cleared from the battlefield, and the defenders' eyes shone with excitement and excitement.

They don't know why they win, but they win.


The Xu family will never be destroyed!

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