After the great victory, the whole city cheered.

The people all clapped their hands and were very happy.

Because of the previous rule of the court, the taxes were increased and the people could hardly survive.

But then the King of Beiliang occupied Beiliangzhou and returned the taxes to the previous level.

For the people, having enough food is the most important thing.

It doesn't matter who is the emperor.

They naturally hope to live under the rule of the King of Beiliang.

But Beiliang was almost destroyed by the court.

But in that battle, someone reversed the situation and turned the world around!

Soon everyone knew that it was the demon king of the boundless sea who saved Beiliang City.

The storyteller told stories on the street, and his stories were mysterious.

What kind of fire fell from the sky, like a natural disaster, and instantly killed 100,000 enemy troops.

What kind of ice sealed the world, everything turned into ice, and another 100,000 enemy troops were killed.

Beiliang City is close to the sea and close to the boundless sea.

The enemy of the court was defeated because of the help of the sea god.

Originally, the people were still a little afraid of demons.

But after hearing this news, he was not so resistant to monsters.

The news was constantly passed on, and it turned out that monsters were not creatures that could eat people randomly, and they were as kind as humans.

I believe that soon the news would spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and the news would spread throughout the world.

Beiliang City, Beiliang Palace.

"Thank you so much, Li Xiao, I toast you a glass!"

At the celebration banquet, Beiliang King Xu Xiao raised his glass and humbly toasted Li Xiao.

He had learned Li Xiao's true identity, and he was actually the monster king of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

He went deep into the boundless sea alone to find his mother.

Not only did he find his mother, but he also received a group of loyal monsters.

His strength and courage are unique, and he will definitely be a big man in the future!

"You're welcome."

Li Xiao laughed and raised his glass to clink glasses, and then drank it.

His alcohol tolerance is now really a thousand glasses without getting drunk, ten thousand glasses without falling.

"Queen Yun... No, I should call you Queen Mother now."

Xu Xiao toasted Li Yunqing again: "Queen Mother, we only recently learned about what happened back then. Empress Xiao was so vicious. She did everything she could to fight for the throne. You suffered a lot, but fortunately you gave birth to a good son. It can be said that all the hardships paid off, haha!"

Li Yunqing smiled slightly: "You are too flattering. Didn't you also give birth to a good son, Xu Nianfeng? He is only five years old, but he is already a seventh-rank martial artist. His future is limitless."

Xu Xiao nodded and said, "Yes."

It is true.

Xu Xiao was proud of this before.

But after seeing Li Xiao, he no longer thought so.

He is less than three years old, but he is already invincible in the world....

However, such words cannot be said.

Xu Xiao turned around and toasted the seven demons under Li Xiao:

"So, there is such power in this world. The magical secret realm is so terrifying! Seven people against a million troops! Several cadres, I, Xu Xiao, toast you a glass!"

"Thank you!"

Hei Yu and others also picked up their glasses to drink.

Later, they found that the wine in this world is much better than the wine on the island.

Although it is not brewed with spiritual objects and cannot improve cultivation, it tastes better.

It should be the difference in brewing technology. Humans are worthy of being the leader of all spirits.

"It seems that the world is going to change..."

Xu Xiao sighed.

Seeing it today, the world has changed too much.

Seven demons resisting a million troops is something that they never dared to think about in the past!

As long as a million troops dare to charge, even a thousand masters will die in it...

Magic power, the magical power of the great power of heaven and earth can make up for the gap brought by numbers!

"It seems that you have also seen it."

Li Xiao nodded slightly and explained: "Yes, the world is going to change. If it goes as expected, as soon as the shackles of heaven and earth are opened, the Grandmaster will not be the highest combat power, and even above the Grandmaster, it will not work. It will have to rely on a higher realm, the secret realm of magical powers. At that time, the power of the entire dynasty will be reshuffled, and the strong will be strong, and the weak will perish!"

"That's right...but I didn't expect it to come so soon..."

After hearing this, Xu Xiao fell into deep thought and came back to his senses after a long time.

He looked at Li Xiao and said: "King Baifeng, I hope that the Beiliang Xu family is willing to become a vassal force of Xiaoyao Monster City and obey the arrangements. I only hope that I can have a foothold on the Shenzhou Continent in the future."

Before the chaos, Xu Xiao was very decisive.

He understood that his relationship with Li Xiao was still harmonious now.

If he could hold this thigh...

Now it seems that Bixia Monster Valley is not reliable.

The main reason is that the monsters in the Monster Valley cannot come out to help them.

Li Xiao is the most reliable one. At least without Li Xiao, the Beiliang Xu family would be gone.

Moreover, from now on, the monsters don't seem so scary.

The Beiliang family master is so smart. There are countless books in the library. He probably knows that 30,000 years ago, the human race and the monster race lived peacefully on this continent.

"Mother, what do you think?"

Li Xiao smiled and looked at his mother.

Li Yunqing thought for a while and said, "That depends on your future plans, Xiao'er."

The implication.

In the future, if Li Xiao wants to live a peaceful life, he doesn't need to worry about these.

But if Li Xiao wants to fight for hegemony in the future, accepting the Beiliang Xu family as a subsidiary force will definitely be a great help.

Although the strength of the Beiliang Xu family is not strong now, the entire world is not strong either.

When the shackles of heaven and earth are opened, the Xu family with a solid foundation will be easier to cultivate.

"Establish a supreme kingdom, in which humans and monsters live in peace, and build a world without war."

Li Xiao said.

The world is in chaos now, and no one can survive alone.

It's true that he wants to be free and at ease.

But without power and strength, can this really be achieved?

Real freedom and freedom are all based on absolute strength.

Only with strong power can a steady stream of resources be born.

If you have great strength, you will not be bullied by anyone.

When you come out to hang out, you can’t live without both!

Moreover, his profession is the Emperor of Demons, and his power also needs to be developed.


Thinking of this, Li Xiao nodded and agreed: "From now on, the Xu family of Beiliang will be a vassal force of my Demon City. In addition, I also cultivated another small force in the human world. When the time comes, we will merge into your Xu family. side."

Xu Xiao nodded excitedly: "That's very good. I wonder what kind of small force the king has cultivated in the world? I sent someone to find out."

Li Xiao nodded, which also saved him the trouble of searching: "The small force I cultivated in the human world is called Red Lion Sword Village, and the owner of the village is named Jiang Ziling."

As soon as this statement came out.

Principal Xu and several elders from the Xu family who were sitting with him were stunned for a moment, and then fell into silence.

Li Xiao frowned: "What?"


Xu Xiao sighed and said: "I know this Red Lion Sword Manor, it is very famous.

He is a rising star and has become famous quickly.

Become famous in the martial arts world with the Seventeen Red-Blooded Witches!

But somehow, they suddenly turned against the Xiao family.

It seems that he wants to destroy the Xiao family.

Later, Empress Xiao ascended the throne and climbed into forces such as Mahayana Dragon Court.

The Mahayana Dragon Court only sent one disciple and slaughtered the Red Lion Sword Village completely.

I heard that the battle was brutal.

The seventeen red-blooded witches were all masters in cultivation, and they did not flinch until the last moment.

In the end, he also injured the disciple of the Mahayana Dragon Court...

But that's about it.

The powerful sect of Red Lion Sword Village perished overnight..."


Li Xiao fell into silence.

Red Lion Sword Village is a force that he cultivated invisibly.

At that time, he thought that the Grandmaster was the strongest fighter, so he gave the order.

Let him destroy the Xiao family.


A higher fighting power appeared in the world, above the Grandmaster.

Because of his orders, the entire Red Lion Sword Manor fell...

Thinking of the seventeen women he saved in the valley two years ago.

Now those seventeen women died to repay his kindness!

Li Xiao felt sad for a while...

"Where's Jiang Ziling?"

Li Xiao spoke.

He still remembered that little girl.

Although he is a little cautious, he is absolutely loyal to himself.

She did what she ordered without hesitation!

"Jianzhuang owner Jiang Ziling..."

Xu Xiao shook his head: "I'm not sure, because what happened was in the Xiao family's territory in Zhongzhou... He must have died..."

"Mahayana Dragon Court, die!"

In Li Xiao's heart, he had already silently issued a death notice to this sect.

"Li Xiao... Mahayana Dragon Court is not as easy to deal with as imagined..."

Lao Huang, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

Maybe others would think that the Mahayana Dragon Court is just a sect that remains hidden from the world.

But in fact, this is a monastic sect.

Belongs to a monastic sect that dates back 30,000 years and remains to this day.

Lao Huang also came from such a sect, Qingyun Sword Sect.

But he only knew that the remaining Dao Sects from 30,000 years ago might no longer be there.

The reason why he knew about the Mahayana Dragon Court was that only the Mahayana Dragon Court emerged in the world.

He didn't know if the other sects were still there, they were probably gone.

Thirty thousand years, so many things can change.

But since it has been preserved.

It's not that easy to deal with.

Mahayana Dragon Court is a monastic sect, and it was a giant sect thirty thousand years ago.

They are not ordinary Jianghu sects, they have many means.

For example, their Qingyun Sword Sect, although no one has the magical secret realm.

But in the back mountain of Jianzong, there is a Zhuxian Sword, which is a Taoist weapon.

The Zhuxian Sword has its own consciousness. As long as it uses spiritual crystals as power, it can activate the Zhuxian Sword!

The Mahayana Dragon Court naturally has something like this!

"What should I say? Is Mahayana Dragon Court very strong?"

Li Xiao asked: "Is there anyone with the highest combat power that can surpass the land gods?"

Lao Huang shook his head and said: "That's not true... However, I still advise you not to enter the territory of Mahayana Dragon Court rashly..."

It's hard for Lao Huang to speak clearly, and it's easy to expose himself.

He could only say this sideways.

It might be okay to deal with the Mahayana Dragon Court outside.

But if you enter the sect and the opponent's Taoist weapon is still there, it will be very dangerous!

"Okay, I remember."

Li Xiao also seemed to sense that there was something in the old guy's words.

This guy is unusual...

After the banquet, Xu Xiao arranged the best room for Li Xiao and others to live in.

Li Xiao discussed with Xu Xiao alone and signed the contract.

In the contract, the Xu family became an affiliated force of Xiaoyao Demon City.

Fifty percent of the harvest that needs to be paid as tribute every year is given to Xiaoyao Demon City.

Likewise, Li Xiao also promised to protect the Xu family.

So decided.

It's a win-win situation for both parties.

Li Xiao doesn't have that much energy to manage the world, so the Xu family can play this role.

And the Xu family needs Li Xiao's strength to protect themselves.

It's a win-win situation!

After one night, Li Xiao planned to leave.

The next stop is to go directly to the palace to get rid of Empress Xiao and the Mahayana Dragon Court behind him.

Then, the world can be obtained!

Coming out of the house, Xu Xiao was waiting in the yard early.

Beside him, there were several tall and exquisite carriages. The crimson carriages were covered with golden patterns and ivory decorations. The roof was inlaid with pure gold canopies and the decorations were made of seamless white jade, shining with amazing light in the sun.

You don't even need to go in to see it, you know that the carriage must be extremely luxurious.

"Your Majesty! Hahaha!"

Xu Xiao smiled and pointed to the side: "Knowing that Your Majesty is leaving today, I have prepared a good carriage to see you off."

"I appreciate your kindness, but keep the carriage."

Li Xiao smiled and did not accept it.

The main reason is that the carriage is too slow.

The size of a state in this world is the same as that of Huaxia in the previous life.

It really took half a year to get to the capital by carriage across the two continents...

Li Xiao directly summoned the magic weapon, the Brahma Sound Boat, and everyone jumped on it.


Xu Xiao was stunned. It was actually a boat?

But this is not the ocean. Can the boat still fly?

The next moment, the Brahma Sound Boat slowly floated up.

That's right, the Brahma Sound Boat can fly in the air. The speed is naturally not as fast as a proper flying boat, but it is countless times faster than a carriage.

Moreover, flying in the sky ignores the terrain, ignoring the terrain that blocks the way forward, such as mountains and rivers. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

"Oh my god, a flying ship, this is a spaceship!"

Xu Nianfeng was so excited that he jumped and shouted, "Li Xiao, take me with you, I want to go with you."

Xu Xiao knocked on Xu Nianfeng's head speechlessly, "Don't join in the fun! Stay at home!"

Li Xiao looked at Xu Nianfeng and smiled, "Nianfeng, I will take you to visit Shiwan Mountain if I have the chance in the future, but I have something important to do now, so I won't take you."


Xu Nianfeng lowered his head in disappointment...

"Set sail!"

"Yes, my king!"

Tiezhu controlled the Great Brahma Sound Ship and flew directly to the sky.

The people underground became smaller and smaller until they could not be seen. The Great Brahma Sound Ship had already flown tens of thousands of meters above the clouds.

"Let's go!"

Consume spirit stones to drive the spaceship.

The next moment, the Great Brahma Sound Ship flew towards the direction of the capital.

Under high control.

Xu Nianfeng watched the figure disappear as the spaceship flew away.

He couldn't help but mutter: "Too powerful, is this the future!"

In the future, time will change drastically, the shackles of heaven and earth will be opened, and the strong men in the realm of supernatural powers will emerge like a flood of carp.

And the Xu family will also have a chance!

I will also have a chance to step into the realm of supernatural powers!

"Suddenly I am looking forward to it..."

Xu Xiao thought about it, then turned around and ordered:

"From this moment on, all the children of the Xu family will start to practice madly!"

"It is necessary to have ten masters above the master before the shackles of heaven and earth are opened!"

"Stepping above the master, and then stepping into the realm of supernatural powers, will be stronger!!!"

That's right, now the Xu family also has the capital to become stronger.

Because Li Xiao gave him ten Mahayana martial arts before leaving.

"Dragon Roar Golden Bell, Tiger Roar Iron Cloth Shirt, Five Tigers Breaking Door Knife, Xiao Wuxiang Gong, Six Meridians Divine Sword, Lingbo Microstep... With these martial arts, even if the Xu family encounters the imperial army again, they will not be afraid..."



Zhongzhou, Beijing, Tianlao.

Tianlao, a gloomy place, dim candlelight shines through the high windows.

Various torture instruments are hung on the walls, which makes people shudder.

The cell is filled with damp air.

The air is filled with the smell of fear, which makes people feel suffocated.

In the cell, the prisoners sit expressionlessly or collapse on the ground.

There is a kind of despair in their eyes, which makes people feel heartbroken.

In a cell, the jailer is torturing a young woman.

The woman's clothes are messy and she has obviously suffered a very unspeakable treatment.

She is covered with scars, two barbs hooked on her scapula, hanging on the wooden frame, with an expression of pain and pale lips.

If it weren't for the master's cultivation, such torture would have killed people long ago.


A man with an eagle-hook nose whipped the woman hard.

He licked his lips and said grimly:

"Jiang Ziling, tell me... who ordered your Red Lion Sword Manor to deal with the Xiao family? Tell me, and you won't have to suffer so much..."

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