After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 205 Mahayana Dragon Court, ready for battle! (12)

The other side.

Empress Xiao personally went to the Mahayana Dragon Court.

The Mahayana Dragon Court is hidden deep in the mountains and is not known to outsiders. It requires a master's level of cultivation to leap over the high mountains and cliffs. Ordinary people cannot find its location at all.

The entire sect is located halfway up the mountain, and there is a cave inside. There are buildings inside, and the surrounding trees are towering into the sky.

Boom boom boom——

At this time, a strange sound came from a forest to the north of the sect.

It's a demon!

A huge tiger monster!

But this tiger demon is no ordinary tiger demon, but a demon!

Instead, they capture hundreds of demons from Shiwan Mountain, put them together, kill and devour each other, and the last one to survive is the demon!

Demon Zhu Chixin seeks breakthroughs and often goes to Shiwanda Mountain to capture demons for study.

With his strength, it is easy to deal with such a spirit-gathering demon.

In order to cultivate Zhu Chixin, the Mahayana Dragon Court fulfilled his wish.

Many disciples were sent to catch the monsters in Shiwanda Mountain.

Hundreds of demons were captured and devoured each other.

Finally, a powerful demon appears to compete with Zhu Chixin.

After all, no one in this world can put pressure on Zhu Chixin.

Only the demon clan can do that.

Zhu Chixin learned this method before he even entered Shiwanda Mountain.

He slaughtered the villages and let the carnivorous tigers eat these people.

People who eat a village often turn into monsters!

Now, using a faster method, the demon swallowing the demon will produce a stronger demon!

Not far away, Zhu Chixin was observing the tiger demon in front of him.

This tiger demon has already devoured hundreds of demons in the spirit-gathering stage.

The strength is rising every day, and today it has become a little strange.

In the past, he found that after a demon eats too many of the same kind, although its strength will increase, its personality will become more violent, and it will mutate when it eats more.

However, often when mutations occur, they will die.

But this time, the tiger demon seemed to survive.

"Hey, is there a deformed immortal this time?"

Zhu Chixin stared excitedly at the tiger demon in the distance.

The tiger demon began to expand and deform...until it had tumors and tentacles growing on its body. It looked very weird and very powerful.

Zhu Chi couldn't help but feel excited, finally he had something that could fight him.

"This is...."

The leader of the Mahayana Dragon Court who was standing aside couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene: "The demons devouring each other will affect their emotions, gradually lose their minds, and become demons. They will devour a large number of their own kind without dying. Will they eventually become such ghosts?" .”

The sect leader of the Mahayana Dragon Court is named Changsun Shoutian, and this is the first time I have seen him.

He is over one hundred and thirty years old, and his cultivation is in the Land of Land Gods.

It is very powerful, but its lifespan is about to expire.

The Mahayana Dragon Court surfaced and personally summoned Mo Zi to the sect in order to help Mo Zi quickly improve his cultivation and break the shackles of heaven and earth.

And he can also cultivate to the secret realm of supernatural powers and increase his life span.

In his eyes, Mako's behavior was ridiculous.

However, in order to survive, he didn't care so much.

Any request Zhu Chixin makes will be met unconditionally by the Mahayana Dragon Court.

Including catching monsters and giving birth to monsters...


At this moment, the tiger demon was as big as a small mountain, with eyes, hands and feet all over its body. It looked extremely weird, and it also exuded a terrifying aura.

Changsun Shoutian warned: "What a strong aura... we can't let this tiger monster continue to devour it! Otherwise, it may be difficult to deal with!"

He had already felt that the strength of this tiger demon had faintly surpassed his own.

"It's okay, let it eat again."

After saying that, Zhu Chixin walked towards the row of cages on the side.

There were many demons in the spirit-gathering stage locked in that cage, all of whom were captured by the Mahayana Dragon Court.

"Let us go, don't!"

"You will be punished for doing this..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, save me..."

There are many monsters in the cage, whether they are rabbit monsters, dog monsters, wolf monsters, etc.

"Your Majesty? Hehe, your Majesty has been fed to tigers by me a long time ago."

Zhu Chixin smiled evilly, not looking like a two-year-old child at all. He opened the iron cage, caught a few rabbit demons and wolf demons, and threw them towards the deformed tiger demon.


The deformed tiger monster made strange noises and stretched out its tentacles to eat these monsters.

In fact, this tiger monster has become a disaster.

It's just that they don't know.

The disaster tiger monster ate several monster queens and became stronger!

This time, the disaster tiger demon targeted Zhu Chixin.

It feels the majestic power of the opponent, and if it can swallow it, it will become stronger!


The disaster tiger demon roared and rushed towards Zhu Chixin.

"Hey, it's time to verify your strength! Don't let me down!"

Zhu Chixin laughed and rushed over, only to see golden aura surrounding his body.

The whole person is like a golden-scaled divine dragon. This is the magical dragon transforming skill of Mahayana martial arts!

Boom boom boom——

The disaster tiger demon released countless magical powers from its tentacles and bombarded them wildly. The power was very terrifying. However, it was blocked by the aura of Zhu Chixin. Zhu Chixin jumped suddenly, jumped out of the height of dozens of feet, and immediately punched him. Go, and a huge golden dragon breaks out of its body.

There was a loud bang.

The Disaster Tiger Demon was hit by this punch and fell into the ground, turning into a pulp.

Kill this calamity with one punch!

"What, what a waste, still so weak, boring, boring!!!"

Zhu Chixin threw away his hand and cursed with disgust on his face.

He wants to meet his opponent so much!

But even if he spawns terrifying monsters, they are no match for him.

No pressure at all.

Without pressure, how can one break through the secret realm of supernatural powers?


Sun Shoutian, the eldest son of the Mahayana Dragon Court Sect, took a breath of cold air.

This devil's strength has increased again!

Although he also has the cultivation level of a land god...

Mako's strength is more than five times his!

No wonder, in the whole world, only Mozi can forcibly break through the secret realm of supernatural powers and break the shackles!

He is only two years old, and it will be even more terrifying when he steps into the secret realm of supernatural powers in the future.

"Good disciple, your strength has increased again. Breaking through the secret realm of supernatural powers is just around the corner!"

Changsun Shoutian said excitedly.

As long as he breaks through the secret realm of magical powers, he can also break through the secret realm of magical powers.

Thus extending life!

"Hehe, that's all."

Zhu Chixin grinned and said: "Master, catch more demons to train more powerful demons to play with me, otherwise it will be boring."


Changsun Shoutian said: "Catching monsters like this has attracted the attention of the demon clan forces in Shiwanda Mountain. It is very troublesome. There are tyrannical beings inside Shiwandashan..."

Zhu Chixin smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? When I step into the secret realm of supernatural power, I will go to Shiwan Mountain and kill everything! What a bullshit monster clan, just destroy it! If the master doesn't catch the monsters, it will be difficult for the disciple to feel pressure Break through the secret realm of supernatural powers.”

Changsun Shoutian nodded helplessly: "Okay, let's do what my disciple wants."

"Hee hee hee..."

After receiving the affirmation, Zhu Chixin smiled like an innocent child.

Who would have thought that it was his idea for demons to devour each other.

The words the demon begged for mercy were the same as those of humans, but he was still feeding the demon.

Life is nothing more than ants to him...

At this moment.

A disciple came to report that the empress of the Dajing Dynasty came.

"What, my mother is here?"

Zhu Chixin flew that way quickly and quickly found Queen Xiao.

Like a child, he quickly ran into Queen Xiao's arms.

Zhu Chixin doesn't care about any life, but he loves his mother very much.

So much so that it’s so crazy that it’s hard to understand!

"Chixin, you miss your mother..."

Queen Xiao knew what her children wanted.

This is why she hasn't weaned herself yet.

Take Zhu Chixin to an empty room.

Seeing the child swallowing desperately, he couldn't help but squint his eyes.

Empress Xiao, who had been swollen for months, was released and felt numb.

Half an hour later.

"Mom, I'm full, but you still taste the best, hee hee hee!"

Zhu Chixin touched her lips and burped with satisfaction.

"Chixin, mother came to see you today because there is something big going on!"

Queen Xiao pulled up her clothes and immediately said with a smile: "Zhu Tianwu has come back and wants to harm your mother. My child, can you help your mother?"

Zhu Chixin said with a smile: "Help, we must help! I will kill anyone who dares to deal with my mother, even my father!"

Empress Xiao smiled and nodded: "Okay, but you have to make thorough preparations. Where is your master? This time the opponent is coming fiercely and needs the help of the entire Mahayana Dragon Court. I have to ask your master to take action."

"What about the old man?"

Zhu Chixin chuckled: "I asked the old man to go east, but he doesn't dare to go west. Come on, I will take you to see him."


Empress Xiao found the eldest son of the clan, Sun Shoutian, and discussed the matter in detail.

It is said that the million-strong army of the Dajing Dynasty was defeated in Beiliangzhou.

Behind the scenes, there must be powerful support to achieve it.

"It should be so."

Changsun Shouting said: "I don't know how many monastic sects still exist 30,000 years ago. Our Mahayana Dragon Court is the first to show up, and we will definitely become the object of attention. The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. We will simply get rid of them all. ....”

Changsun Shoutian knows what a great fight is.

The more land you occupy, the more blessings you will receive from heaven.

Killing the enemy first and strangling them in the cradle is also a way!

After all, their Mahayana Dragon Court has Mozi, and Mozi's strength has advanced so fast. They must have never imagined that even land gods are no match for Mozi!

However, controlling the devil has its advantages and disadvantages.

Because Mako is a double-edged sword and is prone to backlash!

But in order to enter the secret realm of supernatural powers as soon as possible and extend his life.

Changsun Shouting didn't care about that much anymore.

"Sect Master, I have a plan!"

Then, Queen Xiao told her plan.

Zhu Tianwu's favorite concubine, the Li family, and Jiang Ziling, the owner of Red Lion Sword Village who may be Zhu Tianwu's influence, will be beheaded in public tomorrow!

Then Zhu Tianwu couldn't help but take action.

Once he takes action, he and the forces behind him will surely surface.

When the time comes, the Mahayana Dragon Court will take action to destroy it!

"Yes, let's implement this plan!"

Changsun Shoutian nodded slightly and said: "I will send all the strongest combat forces in the sect to participate. No force can be our opponent in the Mahayana Dragon Court!"

"Then it's up to Sect Leader Lao."

Empress Xiao bowed her hands: "My Dajing Dynasty is a solid ally of the Mahayana Dragon Court, and we will share the world in the future."

The world is bustling with profit.

How could Empress Xiao not understand this truth?

Only ships with mutually bound interests can be more stable.

"Hahaha, no problem!"

Changsun Shoutian smiled and said: "My Mahayana Dragon Court will support the Xiao family to the end and completely control this Shenzhou continent..."

It looks harmonious.

However, both sides have bad intentions.

Don't look at the relationship between Changsun Shoutian and Zhu Chixin as a master and apprentice on the surface.

In fact, they are wary of each other.

Changsun Shoutian wants the demon Zhu Chixin to break through as soon as possible so that he can enter the realm of magical power and prolong his life. On the other hand, he wants to prevent the demon from becoming bigger and avoid backlashing the Mahayana Dragon Court in the future.

And the demon is also using the Mahayana Dragon Court to enter the realm of magical power.

Once he enters the realm of magical power.

The Mahayana Dragon Court is just an existence that can be dispensable to him.

Empress Xiao naturally knew that there can't be two tigers in one mountain.

As long as her child enters the realm of magical power, she will find a way to get rid of Changsun Shoutian and control the Mahayana Dragon Court by herself...

But at the moment, their goals are the same.

Get rid of all other hidden sects and take the lead in the future great world battle!

Tomorrow is the hunting time!

Empress Xiao left with satisfaction...

And the Mahayana Dragon Court began to summon a group of the strongest elders and disciples in the sect! ! !

Xuanming Tou Tuo, one fat and one thin, unparalleled swordsmanship, all of them are in the realm of land immortals!

The four heroes of Zhenwu, four people form a formation, and the four swordsmanship of spring, summer, autumn and winter are combined. Although they are in the realm of celestial phenomena, once the sword formation is completed, the land immortals have to temporarily avoid the edge!

Five Elements Sword, five people form a formation, and the five elders are all in the realm of celestial phenomena.

Jin Jianfeng-the sword energy is like gold, indestructible.

Mu Lingxiu-Lin Lingxiu's swordsmanship is agile and elegant, like the breeze in the forest.

Shui Yunqing-Shui Wubo swordsmanship is as gentle as water and unfathomable.

Huo Fengming-Fire-type Yanming swordsmanship, the attack is as fierce as fire.

Tu Yanyue-Heavy as a mountain, steady and powerful.

The five people combined, even he, the master of the sect, can hardly resist!

In addition, there are a group of exceptionally outstanding disciples.

Jianxin Li Cheng, Tianxiang realm, swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and the sword meaning is profound.

Leiyin Sword Zhang Yin, Tianxiang realm, the attack is as thunderous as thunder.

Huofeng Sword Fenghuanger, Tianxiang realm, not only the attack is fierce, but also reborn from the fire.

Xuanwu King Kong Wang Qiang, Tianxiang realm, heavy sword without edge, unpredictable!

Fengying Sword Zhao Erlang, Tianxiang realm, body movement is like wind, swordsmanship is like shadow, elusive.

Hanshuang Sword Xiao Shiyilang, Tianxiang realm, cold frost swordsmanship carries an extremely cold aura.

"Disciples, listen up. Tomorrow is the day for you to go out and shock the world!"

"I obey!"

These are the geniuses that the sect has collected over the years and the elite disciples that it has cultivated.

Everyone is in the realm of celestial phenomena!

With so many outstanding disciples, the Mahayana Dragon Court is enough to laugh at the Shenzhou!

For tomorrow's hunting operation.

Changsun Shoutian is full of confidence and is determined to win!

"It's finally starting, and the brilliant era is about to begin!"



Above 10,000 meters in the sky somewhere in Yongzhou.

A large ship is sailing in the sky.

In just two days and one night, it has passed through the entire Beiliangzhou.

It is estimated that it will take another night to fly to the location of Zhongzhou Capital.

Honghuaer complained: "Isn't it said that the Shenzhou Continent is a treasure land, but why is there no spiritual energy in this world?"

Because there is no spiritual energy, the consumption of the large ship cannot be absorbed from the heaven and earth.

It can only rely on burning spirit stones, which makes Honghuaer very sad.

In addition, there is another bad thing about not having spiritual energy.

Demons rely on spiritual energy to cultivate, and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Even if they do nothing, they still consume it.

It's the same as people need to eat.

Inhaling and exhaling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is barely enough for daily breathing.

If there is no spiritual energy.

They still need to absorb spiritual energy from spirit stones, which is another waste.

"It should be because the shackles of heaven and earth have not been opened?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Isn't it just consuming spirit stones? Nothing else, we just have spirit stones, burn them for me!"

The monsters complained: "King, where do you have any spirit stones? We burned them all at the Great Secret Treasure before, and now we are burning our spirit stones."

Li Xiao: "What's yours is mine! Mine is still mine! Who makes me your king?"

Monsters: "........"


Li Yunqing was amused by this scene, "Don't worry, the king won't take it for nothing, he still has so many magic weapons, and he will reward you after the matter is done."

Monsters said in unison: "This is... it's still the Queen Mother's words that make me feel much better..."

Putting away the jokes, everyone lay lazily on the deck.

Only Li Yunqing couldn't help but stand at the bow.

She looked at the clouds and mist at an altitude of 10,000 meters, with a heavy heart.

"Father, eldest brother, second brother, third brother..."

"You can never imagine how powerful your nephew is now!"

"You must stay alive and wait for us..."

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