After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 206: Beheading at Wumen Gate, Emperor Tianwu is coming! (12)

Beheading at the Meridian Gate.

It has always been the place where criminals in high positions and powers are beheaded.

Today, countless people stood in front of the Meridian Gate to watch.

To see which extremely evil criminal is being beheaded.

Beheading at the Meridian Gate, 3:30 pm.

At 3:30 pm, the Yang energy is at its peak, and the Yin energy dissipates. Choosing this time to behead can dilute the Yin energy of killing people and prevent the soul of the prisoner from haunting the living.

There are still two quarters of an hour before this time.

At this time, the heavy atmosphere under the Meridian Gate is as oppressive as a lead block.

Although the sun is high, it seems to be blocked by an invisible haze, casting a dim light and shadow.

The air is filled with a solemn and fearful atmosphere, as if even the wind has held its breath and dare not easily blow this solidified silence.

It seems to be an ordinary execution of criminals, but in fact, countless masters have been deployed around.

These masters hide in the dark, hiding their breath, like a hunting mantis.

On the execution platform.

The executioner had a blank expression on his face, and the sword in his hand reflected a cold light.

"Bring the prisoners!"

As the executioner gave the order.

The jailer brought the prisoners who were about to be executed to the beheading platform.

The sound of dragging the iron chain sounded, harsh and cold, like an evil ghost chanting in a low voice.

The prisoners being escorted staggered, their faces were as pale as paper, and they stayed in the prison for many years. The sunlight was dazzling and they couldn't open their eyes at all, like walking corpses.

When the people saw the prisoners, their faces were full of confusion.

Who are these people...?

"That... Isn't that the great general Li Qubing!"

Suddenly, a woman opened her mouth and shouted in surprise.

When she was a child, she saw the great general and his subordinates triumphantly enter the city gate. At that time, she stood by the city gate, staring at the great general blankly, hoping that one day, she could also marry such a hero. Li Qubing's appearance has never been forgotten in her mind.

Even though Li Qubing became weak and skinny, she still recognized him.

Hearing this, the people looked over.

Champion Marquis Li Qubing!

This name was well-known in the Dajing Dynasty!

He was a hero of the Dajing Dynasty.

He led his army deep into the northern desert and trampled the royal court!

But suddenly, he disappeared...

Unexpectedly, he appeared again on the execution platform.

"That's... General Li Tian, ​​the founding hero of the Dajing Dynasty..."

"And General Li Cun, the hero who killed the great national teacher."

"How could they become prisoners..."

Soon, many people recognized these people.

Four nobles from one family, heroes who made great contributions!

Once a hero of the country, now a death row prisoner!

For a while, the scene became silent.

In this dead silence, time seemed to become slow and heavy.

The people also became more desperate about this dynasty....

At this time, the executioner picked up the charges and read aloud:

"Li Tian, ​​the Duke of Anguo, Li Cun, the Marquis of Ningyuan, Li Hong, the Marquis of Yongjia, and Li Qubing, the Marquis of Guanjun, colluded with foreign enemies, colluded with their followers, and intended to usurp the throne!"

The voice fell.

The people were all stunned.

They had driven out foreign enemies and saved the people from danger.

How could they become criminals of treason?

The people had a lot to say, but no one dared to speak out!

"Jiang Ziling, the owner of Chishijian Manor, disrupted the government and intended to rebel..."

The executioner said loudly: "The above traitors will be beheaded at three quarters after noon!"

The voice fell.

These people were sentenced to death.

The people stared at all this in a daze....

As if they were watching an absurd and funny farce...

Time ticked by.

It was getting closer and closer to three quarters after noon!

"It's them..."

An executioner named Tian Pang on the stage was stunned.

Maybe the executioner didn't expect it.

The person to be beheaded today turned out to be a former hero!

But how many loyal ministers have he beheaded these days?

The emperor eliminated dissidents, and many officials were beheaded.

But I didn't expect that now even the heroes of the country will be beheaded!

Nowadays, the world is really in chaos...

The executioner couldn't bear it, but what could he do?

If he didn't behead, someone else would take his place and behead him.

And he couldn't survive....

"Fatty, remember to act quickly, don't make me uncomfortable, I'm afraid of pain."

Champion Marquis Li Qubing became famous at a young age, and now he is only 23 years old. He smiled and looked at the executioner and shouted, so calm and not afraid of death at all.

"Okay, okay."

The executioner nodded and cast a look of admiration.

As expected of the Marquis of Champion, he was still so relaxed in the face of such a situation.

"Marquis of Champion Li Qubing?"

Jiang Ziling, who was also a prisoner, looked at the young man.

Huo Qubing said, "Do you know me?"

Jiang Ziling smiled palely and coughed up blood: "The name of the Marquis of Champion, who in the world doesn't know it?"

Huo Qubing looked at Jiang Ziling and said, "Are you Jiang Ziling? You are so young, but you are the owner of Jianzhuang... However, it's fine for our Li family to be executed, but why do you, a Jianghu sect, go against the court?"

When the executioner was telling the crime just now.

He talked about Jiang Ziling's situation.

Now they are the ones who are being executed.

This woman should be Jiang Ziling, the owner of Chishi Jianzhuang.

The Li family was at a disadvantage because they competed with the Xiao family in the court, and became the king and the loser.

But why would a Jianghu sect dare to go against the imperial court?

It's very confusing.

"Speaking of which, it has something to do with your Li family..."

Jiang Ziling knew that she was destined to die, so why not tell Li Xiao's secret to the Li family?

Although the king didn’t say it.

But Jiang Ziling knew.

Concubine Yun is probably the mother of King Li Xiao.

The current champion, Hou Li Qubing, is Li Xiao's uncle.

"Is it related to the Li family?"

Li Qubing said strangely: "Everyone in my Li family is dead, only a few of us are left. I didn't know that I had any friendship with Red Lion Sword Manor."

"Your Li family is not dead..."

Jiang Ziling's eyes suddenly glowed with hope, and she murmured: "If he comes, he will definitely be able to save us, he will definitely..."

Li Qubing only thought that the girl was unconscious and talking nonsense before she died, so he smiled and said: "Don't be afraid of death. I will be a good man in the next life...cough cough cough..."

As he spoke, he coughed up blood.

The champion Hou became famous at a young age and became a master at an early age.

If he hadn't returned to Beijing according to the order and handed over his military power, he would have been captured.

Who in the world can catch him?

It's a pity that his martial arts skills are unparalleled.

But in Tianlao, the meridians of the hands and feet were disabled, the tendons and veins were severed, and the martial arts was completely useless.

Now even if he is not beheaded, he will not live much longer.


The champion vomited out a large mouthful of blood.

He looked at Jiang Ziling and said with a smile: "Little girl, I am destined to you. On the road to Huangquan, our Li family will protect you, and you will not be alone anymore."

The eldest brother Li Cun also smiled and said: "Okay, this little girl is protected by our Li family. If she dares to go against the Xiao family, she is a friend of our Li family!"

The second brother Li Hong laughed: "It is fate to die together!"

Anguo Gong Li Tian also looked up to the sky and laughed, jokingly said: "Haha, it seems that there is no coward or minor illness in my Li family. You have never married a wife until your death. This girl is destined to you. If there really is an underworld, It's better for you two to be a desperate couple."

Li Qubing rolled his eyes: "Dad, death is imminent, your mouth..."

The others laughed when they saw this.

Li Xiao really looked like a family member... Before he died, Jiang Ziling couldn't help but laugh when he saw such a group of heroes who were not afraid of life and death...

She couldn't help but say, Mr. An Guo, in fact you still have a nephew alive...

But thinking about it, she didn't speak.

Why bother talking anymore, it will only add to the sadness...

And now, the time has come.

I saw the executioner throwing out the fire sign and shouting:

"It's three quarters past noon...execution!"

The day of death has come, and all five people closed their eyes, waiting for death to come.

The people also looked at the scene in front of them in despair.

Watching the heroes of the country go to hell together...


The executioners spit wine on the sword and clasped their hands.

The broadsword was raised high above his head, reflecting dazzling light in the sun.

Cut off with the knife...

The surrounding darkness was already filled with murderous martial arts masters from the Mahayana Dragon Court.

If no one comes to rescue.

The Li family was destroyed!

That's when.


A rich voice came from the sky!

Immediately, a flying sword fell from the sky!

Ding ding ding——

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

This sword directly knocked the swords from the hands of the five executioners.

Look up at the sky again.

Ten people appeared in the sky.

The leader is none other than the former Tianwu Emperor Zhu Tianwu!

The news of the execution of the Li family has spread throughout the capital.

After Zhu Tianwu learned about it, how could he just sit idly by and ignore it...

If you see him, you can see that he is wearing a dragon robe, and his brilliance is still the same as before.

Stepping on the flying sword, it is obvious that he has entered a realm above the master!

"Zhu Tianwu, you finally showed up!"

Empress Xiao also flew out of the darkness, stepped on her sword and floated in the air, and sneered: "I didn't expect you to dare to come! I had a hard time looking for you."

Emperor Tianwu pointed at Queen Xiao and thundered: "You temptress, you have usurped my kingdom. Do you think I will give up? Today is the day of your death!"

No excessive nonsense.

Emperor Tianwu's whole body glowed with golden light, and he waved a palm: "Huang Ji Qian Kun Kung!"

He laughed and said: "I never thought that the Longquan Treasure I got would actually be recognized by the Longquan Sword Sect, a monastic sect, and that after thirty thousand years, I would be qualified to compete in the Great World. This Longquan Treasure Emperor Qiankun Gong only has The upper part and the lower part are in the Longquan Sword Sect. I have learned the complete Huangji Qiankun Kung Fu, which is even better than your Mahayana Dragon Court's "Dragon Transformation Technique"!

It turned out that Zhu Tianwu had another adventure since he escaped from the palace last time.

Thirty thousand years ago, the Longquan Sword Sect left a treasure house called Longquan Treasure.

The so-called Longquan Treasure is actually the layout laid out by the ancestors of the Longquan Sword Sect for the great war thirty thousand years later.

The map of the Longquan treasure left by the ancestor of the Longquan Sword Sect was divided into forty-two parts, hidden in the forty-two chapters, and scattered across the Chinese continent.

If you can collect all forty-two chapters, you can get the Longquan Treasure.

This also means that those who find the treasure will have great luck!

You will be recognized and supported by the Longquan Sword Sect, and you will be able to conspire for a great cause!

The battle in which Emperor Tianwu was defeated spread throughout the world.

It means that the world is about to change!

The Longquan Sword Sect also stopped seclusion and closed the sect, opened up the mountain, and found Emperor Tianwu!

Emperor Tianwu obtained the second half of the skills from the Longquan Sword Sect, and soon became a master!

The supporter behind Emperor Tianwu is the Longquan Sword Sect, a hidden sect!

Thirty thousand years ago, the Longquan Sword Sect was ranked above the Mahayana Dragon Court.

The Mahayana Dragon Court is just the end.

"You are worthy of calling yourself me. If you want to die, I will grant you...the magical power of transforming into a dragon!"

Not to be outdone, Empress Xiao pointed out that her cultivation in the Xuan Realm had doubled her confidence.

In the palm of his hand, a golden dragon slowly appeared.

The Gang Qi turned into a golden dragon and struck towards Emperor Tianwu's golden dragon like thunder.

Both of their skills are related to dragons, and both are golden dragons.

But there is actually a big difference.

The nine sons born in the dragon are all different.

The dragon in the Mahayana Dragon Court is a four-legged dragon with a long neck and a short tail. It looks like a dragon mocking the wind, surrounded by murderous aura, thundering and making an earth-shattering explosion.

The dragon transformed by Zhu Tianwu Gang Qi is a pure five-clawed golden dragon with horns like a deer, a head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger. The ears are like those of a cow.

The five-clawed golden dragon exudes a turbulent momentum that looks down upon the world and stretches across the four seas.

The true breath of a king!

The Longquan Sword Sect was originally a sect that served the royal family. Generally speaking, only the emperor could search for the treasures laid down by the ancestor of Longquan!

When they learned the identity of Emperor Tianwu, the Longquan Sword Sect almost spared no effort to support him.

Boom boom boom!

Two dragons collide, the winner is decided!

Emperor Tianwu is even better!

Empress Xiao, on the other hand, had to take several steps back before she could stop herself and suffered minor internal injuries.

"You have actually cultivated to the Zhixuan realm!"

Empress Xiao looked over in surprise.

Being in the Zhixuan realm, he was no match for Emperor Tianwu.

The other party's martial arts skills are actually superior to those of the Mahayana Dragon Court!

Of course, there are also fundamental reasons for this.

After all, Emperor Tianwu originally was at the master level.

Empress Xiao was trained at the seventh level of martial arts.

Zhu Tianwu, the emperor of the previous day, said coldly: "You witch, the Xiao family formed a clique in the court for personal gain, committed many evil acts, evaded my rights, and plotted to usurp the throne. In just a few months, the war continued, causing the world to be in chaos again, with corpses everywhere and people dying of hunger thousands of miles away. , the people are in dire straits. Today, I will get rid of you as a scourge!”

Empress Xiao smiled and said: "What qualifications do you have to say to me? I was once a queen, but you made the right decision to pass the throne to the son of that bitch Concubine Yun. It was you who committed a big taboo, otherwise what would happen to the Xiao family?" Will you be dethroned from the throne? If it weren’t for the Xiao family, how could you conquer this world? What a joke!

Emperor Tianwu sneered and said: "You are worthy of sitting in this world. Your Xiao family is the only one in the world. You form cliques for personal gains and harm loyal people. You are even more vicious. You forced my wife and children to death for your own selfish desires. If I hadn't been forced by the situation in the first place, , How could I marry you as the queen! However, today is your death day!”

"Hahahaha... I should be the one who should regret it!"

Empress Xiao couldn't help but smile: "How stupid, Zhu Tianwu, you really don't know whether you are dead or alive, you are out of your mind, the majestic emperor actually imitated others to rob the law field, and come here to seek death?"

Emperor Tianwu looked at the four Li family members in the audience and said sadly:

"The Li family has made great contributions to our great scenery... Li Yunqing is my true love, how can I just sit back and ignore it and let you, a witch, kill me!"

That's right, Emperor Tianwu learned that the Li family was going to be killed.

He immediately requested Longquan Sword Sect to help him rob the law field.

Longquan Sword Sect also agreed without hesitation.

After all, a Mahayana Dragon Court they didn’t take lightly.

Thirty thousand years ago, among the top ten monastic sects, Longquan Sword Sect ranked second!

And Mahayana Dragon Court is only tenth, the gap is not that big!

"Tianwu, why bother talking to this witch? Just kill her!"

A middle-aged man said leisurely.

This person is Ye Tian, ​​the leader of the Longquan Sword Sect, who has cultivated himself into a land immortal!


Emperor Tianwu nodded slightly.

Emperor Tianwu stood on the flying sword, with ten people beside him.

These ten people are all above the Grand Master, and they are the foundation of Longquan Sword Sect!

There is one immortal from the land, two from the celestial realm, and seven from the mysterious realm!

Including Zhu Tianwu, there are more than eleven grandmasters in total!

"Ha ha ha ha...."

The empress laughed again: "Are these just a few people here to die?"

Not far away, Zhu Chi's heart also jumped out. He was not flying with a sword, but the Gang Qi turned into black wings and fluttered in the sky. He had a boring look on his face: "It's boring, it's boring, it's too weak!"

The words fell.

Boom boom boom boom!

In all directions, people from the Mahayana Dragon Court jumped out of the darkness.

"Longquan Sword Sect? What a loud tone!"

The one who appeared first was the eldest son of the Mahayana Dragon Court Sect, Sun Shoutian, from the terrestrial fairyland!

"Hey, Xuanming Tutuo, come and meet the Longquan Sword Sect!"

An old man, one fat and one thin, flew out upside down, both of them were in the land of terrestrial gods!

"Is this the second-ranked Longquan Sword Sect 30,000 years ago?"

Four more people jumped out, the Four True Martial Heroes, four people forming a formation, all in the Celestial Phantasm Realm.

"Interesting, interesting, finally out of the mountain!"

The Five Elements Sword, five people also flew out with the sword, and the five elders were all in the celestial realm.

Immediately afterwards, the disciples began to appear.

Sword Heart Li Cheng, Celestial Realm!

Thunder Sound Sword Zhang Yin, Celestial Phenomenon Realm!

Fire Phoenix Sword Fenghuang'er, Celestial Realm!

Black Tortoise King Kong Wang Qiang, Celestial Realm!

Wind Shadow Sword Zhao Erlang, Celestial Realm!

Frost Sword Xiao Shiyilang, Celestial Realm!

In addition, there are countless disciples in the Profound Realm!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

As all the members of the Mahayana Dragon Court were dispatched.

The sky and the earth seemed to be covered with color, dim and without light!

The whole world was shaking like an earthquake, and the powerful pressure made this towering city breathless. The people around were already crawling on the ground and couldn't get up!

"How is this possible..."

The face of Ye Tian, ​​the leader of Longquan Sword Sect, has begun to turn pale!

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