After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 24 Killing people and setting fires will earn you a gold belt, but repairing bridges and roa

"Great, the king's first hair flew away..."

Zero Zero Seven Flea Demon's face showed a look of ecstasy.

This is simply a good start, and the plan to steal the house has been half successful.

The flea demon excitedly continued deeper into the cave.

The cave should be one mile deep, but the structure inside is very simple.

Go through the hall at the entrance of the cave and enter the long passage.

In addition to the cave where the black wind monster rests, there is also the treasure house where it hides treasures.

Because the cave is hidden enough, the only ones who know the location are confidants, and the one who protects the cave is his own chest hair, so the internal security system is very loose.

Soon, the 007 flea demon came to the entrance of the treasure cave.

The entrance to the cave is almost a foot high and is blocked by a huge boulder.

Next to the stone, a giant bear was sleeping.

Three giant bears guard the treasure cave, rest cave and gate respectively.

"Your Majesty, I captured the human baby and sent it to the treasure house."

Zero Zero Seven said to the black bear guarding the entrance to the treasure house.


The black bear drooled, then stood up and pushed away the large rocks at the entrance of the cave with its huge bear paws.

Ling Lingqi flew in and threw Li Xiao to the ground.

Then he turned around and flew out of the cave, "Your Majesty, don't close the door yet. I'll go outside to find some food and bring it to the baby. Otherwise, by the time you come back, the baby will have long since starved to death."

The black bear nodded stupidly.

Zero Zero Seven flew towards the entrance of the cave, pretending to look for food.

According to the plan, it would pretend to go out to find some food, then detonate the "Smoke Gourd" at the door to create chaos, and then fish in troubled waters with Li Xiao and fly away with the treasure.

So far, the plan is going smoothly.

Mainly...the black bear responsible for guarding is too stupid and has no IQ at all.

After all, he is just a piece of chest hair and his IQ is limited.

However, it didn't take long when Zero Zero Seven left the cave.

The black bear guarding the entrance of the cave touched his head. He was thinking hard, why is the entrance of the cave open?

The stone in the treasure house must be closed if the king has not entered it...

It thought for a long time, didn't understand, picked up the stone and blocked the entrance of the cave.

Li Xiao: "......"

Sure enough, having a low IQ has the advantage of being easily deceived.

But this is too low in IQ. Didn’t they agree not to close the door? ?

Turn around and forget?

Damn it, if there is chaos outside, I won’t be able to get out.

This boulder seems to weigh several thousand kilograms, and there is no way I can push it...

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's head was full of black lines.

Inside the cave, it was pitch black, without a trace of light, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Li Xiao's [Night Vision] skill completely lost its effect here.

Night vision uses the eyes to collect weak light, rather than seeing in the dark. Therefore, it is impossible to see clearly in the absence of light.

But it doesn't matter.

Li Xiao first used a little force to break free of the vines that bound him.

Then, he opened the wolfskin pants, took out a piece of saltpeter from the inner pocket, and scratched the wolfskin. The sparks lit up and ignited the vines that bound him.

That's right, Li Xiao felt that it was too troublesome to drill wood to make fire, so he used the knowledge from his previous life to search for saltpeter in the mountains and made his wolfskin pants into a lighter.

The Wolf brand lighter is extremely effective!

Unexpectedly, a use was born here.

The cavern was illuminated by fire as the vines burned.

This is a three-foot-round cave filled with various stone altars.

The top of the stone altar is held down by a huge stone.

Each stone altar is almost one meter high and probably weighs a thousand kilograms.

Li Xiao pushed away the stones on the stone altar and opened one of them.

A sweet smell comes...


What bears love most is honey.

And this should not be ordinary honey, but spiritual honey.

Li Xiao could feel the faint spiritual energy flowing in it.

A whole jar of spiritual honey, this black bear monster is really rich!

Li Xiao grabbed it with his hand and put it in his mouth.

This natural honey is very viscous, and the golden-yellow liquid is extremely sticky on the hand. Li Xiao took a taste...

Delicious, absolutely delicious!

Purely natural and pollution-free, the taste comes from nature!

The sweetness is warm but not too strong, with a light natural mellowness, just like the spring breeze gently blowing on the tip of the tongue, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Savor it carefully, the honey also contains a hint of floral fragrance.

It seems to be mixed with the sweetness of fruits, making people feel like they are in a harvest orchard.

These should be bee demons, collecting honey from spirit flower pollen.


Li Xiao ate meat and wild vegetables every day in the mountains, and this was the first time he ate sweets.

The view of happiness that sweetness brings to people is very impactful.

After the honey enters the stomach, a warm current flows from the stomach to the whole body.

This kind of spiritual honey is very easy to absorb and can directly bring about a substitute and strengthen the body. If the warrior outside eats it, it can directly increase the energy and blood.

The more it can absorb, the less energy it can convert.

Fortunately, after honey is absorbed by Li Xiao, it can strengthen all aspects of the body, and the parts that cannot be absorbed will also be stored as energy.

In short, no trace of nutrition is wasted.

【Energy +1500】

【Energy +1500】

【Energy +1500】....

"What's this?"

After Li Xiao took several bites, he pushed away a stone vat.

The aroma of wine comes to your nostrils...

Spiritual wine, a vat full of spiritual wine!

I don’t know, there is more than one vat of spiritual wine, there are five large vats!

I don’t know how many years of storage this spirit wine has taken...

And the age of each cylinder is different. The more dust on the lid of the stone jar, the older it is.

Gulu gulu....

Li Xiao climbed up and started drinking these spiritual wines.

The taste is actually better than what my mother brought before, probably because it is completely brewed.

【Energy +30000】

【Energy +30000】

【Energy +30000】....

The spiritual energy of spiritual wine is indeed more abundant!

After all, wine is the essence of food, and only a few drops of wine can be brewed from one fruit.

"Treasure house, it is simply a treasure house..."

Li Xiao thought, after all, he couldn't go out now, so he could simply eat and drink here to improve his physique. Maybe after improving to a certain level, he could push the stone away!

[Energy +30000] [Energy +30000]....

[The energy tank is full. 】

[Energy +30000] [Energy +30000]....

[The energy tank is full. 】

Li Xiao lay down in the stone vat and drank wildly. At the end of the drink, he was so drunk that he jumped into the stone vat and sat directly in the wine vat to drink.

Gulu gulu....

This spiritual wine is brewed from the fruits of the spiritual peach trees in the Monster Monkey Forest.

Peach trees can only bear fruit once every three years.

Except for the part taken by the monkey, the rest was used to make wine.

Only this large vat of wine can be saved every forty years.

These five large tanks of wine took a total of two hundred years to save.

The alcoholic power and spiritual power are so strong that the black bear demon is reluctant to drink like this. He drinks a small amount every time to fully refine the alcoholic power.

But now, Li Xiao drinks it like water.

If the black bear demon saw it, he would be furious to death.

By the end of the drink, Li Xiao's belly was already full and his body could no longer absorb the spiritual power in these spiritual wines...

If it were other monsters, if they drank like this, their body would be unable to withstand the huge spiritual power, causing their body to explode and die!

But Li Xiao had no such concerns at all.

[Energy +50000] [Energy +50000]....

After drinking, Li Xiao could no longer absorb any trace of the alcohol's power.

After he couldn't absorb it, it was all converted into energy!

"It's so good... hiccup... hiccup..."

Li Xiao drank a jar of wine, burped, and jumped out of the jar.

He peed on the ground, and his stomach held it in again.

Second cylinder, start drying!

How much water can an adult drink?

The answer is two bottles.

Any more and your belly will burst.

How much beer can one drink?

The answer is one box, or even two boxes.

In Li Xiao's memory in the previous life, there was a god who drank two boxes of beer at the wine table, and the whole table drank more than a dozen boxes of beer in one go.

To put it bluntly, wine makes you angry.

When this energy is absorbed by the body, it promotes blood circulation.

The remaining water is excreted as soon as the urine is soaked.

【Growth Diary——】

[Drinking spirits in July: Constitution +10; alcohol consumption growth rate increased by 100%;]

This is an entry Li Xiao obtained in July.

The alcohol growth rate is increased by 100%.

At first, Li Xiao thought that this growth rate meant growing with age.

Later he slowly discovered that it was not the case at all.

All growth speed bonuses are actually increased based on the increase in his physical points.

[Physique: 108 (your physique is far beyond that of ordinary people)]

This is Li Xiao's current physique.

According to the experience of dealing with the wolf demon last time.

According to Jiang Ziling's calculation, his strength is equivalent to that of a seventh-grade warrior.

——The alcohol growth rate is increased by 100%;

In other words, his drinking capacity is roughly twice that of a seventh-grade warrior.

So I just drank a full tank of wine.

With Li Xiao's ability to drink, he was still able to stand up and drink the second bottle.

Gulu gulu, Li Xiao drank for a while.

【Energy +50000】

【Energy +50000】

【Energy +50000】....


Li Xiao drank more than half of the second tank of wine.

"Good wine... Hehe... Good wine... If this wine had been sold in the previous life, I'm afraid it would have fetched a sky-high price. Ten million a cup, and countless people would rush to buy it..."

Li Xiao lost consciousness and started talking nonsense while drinking.

His face was as red as a red apple.

For a baby who is just over nine months old, it looks particularly cute.

If it was ordinary wine, I'm afraid Li Xiao could drink another tank.

But this is spiritual wine after all, full of spiritual energy and extremely high in alcohol content.

Finally, Li Xiao was too drunk.

His whole body was soaked in the wine tank, floating on the water, and fell asleep.

The vines finally burned out, the fire disappeared, and the cave returned to silence...

at the same time.

There was chaos outside the cave.

According to the plan, the 007 flea demon went out to look for food for a quarter of an hour, then returned, and then secretly detonated the smoke gourd in the cave.

The entire cave was filled with smoke and smoke, making it difficult to see the road.

This is the effect of the Wolf Smoke Gourd.

Although the Wolf Smoke Gourd is considered a kind of spiritual creature, it cannot be eaten, but it can emit such thick fog. Being in it is like entering a heavy fog.

"Something happened, something happened, what happened?"

"It's such a big smoke. Wherever you are, I can't see anything."

"This is wolf smoke. Is there a wolf demon invading the cave?"

"Quickly, look for the intruder..."

The flea demon in the cave was extremely flustered.

The flea monsters wandered around the cave, looking for enemies.

Even the two-haired giant bear guarding the cave came out to look for the enemy.

"Great...human beings are indeed very resourceful..."

"A little baby can actually come up with such a powerful plan."

"What is in troubled waters?"

Zero Zero Seven disappeared into the smoke, relying on his memory to fly towards the treasure house.

Next, all we need to do is take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the king's treasures with Li Xiao to leave, fly far away, find a remote place, practice for ten or eight years, and then come out after the cultivation is successful.

The dream of becoming a king seems to be close at hand.

However, when Zero Zero Seven came to the door of the treasure house, he was stunned.

The big stone covered the treasure house tightly, leaving not a single gap...

"What's going on? Why don't you tell the king's clone to leave the door open while I go find the food and deliver it..."

Seeing that the cave door was firmly closed, Zero Zero Seven was sweating profusely.

This way, it can't get in and the baby can't get out!

Too bad!

Ling Lingqi tried to push the big stone, but it didn't move at all.

What am I thinking! ! !

This stone weighs nearly 10,000 kilograms. How can I, a flea, push it! ! !

It's over, it's over, it's over!

Cold sweat broke out on Zero Zero Seven's forehead.

If I wait for the king to come back, will the baby expose me...

Dead, dead...

Zero Zero Seven has been circling for a long time, but has never thought of a good solution.

Half an hour later.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the vision gradually became clearer. The messy monsters discovered that there was no intruder at all, just a puff of smoke.

"Strange, are you okay?"

"Yeah, where did the smoke just come from?"

"I don't know, what happened?"

The little monsters cursed and went back to doing their own thing.

The two giant bears also returned to the caves they guarded.

"Your Majesty, I went to get food just now. Now I will bring it in for the baby to eat."

Ling Lingqi held a few fruits and said to the giant bear in the treasure house.

No matter what, first go in and take a look and tell the news to the human baby.

It really doesn't work, the plan failed...please ask him not to reveal himself.


The giant bear shook his head and stuttered: "Yes, there is a warning, the treasure house cannot be opened."

Ling Lingqi said anxiously: "Then, what should I do if the baby dies of starvation..."

The giant bear thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Get out!"

Obviously, for the giant bear, although its IQ is very low, it can still execute certain orders passed down by the black bear monster.

For example, if something happens in the cave, the safety of the treasure house must be ensured as soon as possible.

The giant bear waved his palm and unleashed a powerful hurricane.

Zero Zero Seven was blown directly out of the cave.

"It's over, it's over..."

Zero Zero Seven is now sweating profusely.

"Ling Ling Qi, why do you look so distracted? You were frightened by the smoke just now. Are you too timid?"

At the entrance of the cave, Ling Lingyi saw Ling Lingqi and said.

The flea monsters under the Black Wind King Black Bear Monster ranged from zero to one to six hundred and fifty-two.

There were six hundred and fifty-two flea monsters in total.

Over the years, many have died, and there are still more than 400 left.

Although there is no hierarchy between them.

But in fact, the flea monster at the top will have a greater say.

For example, Zero Zero One is the leader of all flea monsters.

"Ling Ling Yi, I'm fine, it's just that it hurt my eyes from being choked just now..."

Ling Lingqi hurriedly explained, and then flew towards the distance.

Ling Lingyi looked at Ling Lingqi's back and frowned slightly. He thought to himself: Didn't Ling Lingqi make great achievements? Why does he look so strange? ?

Is there something going on? ?

Thinking of this, it ordered another flea demon:

"Yi San Liu, go follow Zero Zero Seven and see what he is doing."

"Yes! Zero Zero One!"


In the treasure house.

Three hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

Still unable to see his fingers.

"Um....I'm drunk???"

Li Xiao opened his groggy eyes and found that he was completely soaked in the wine tank, so he hurriedly climbed out.

The whole person is still dizzy.

I really drank too much.

I couldn't stop drinking until I was drunk.


Li Xiao opened the gate and let out the water. He soaked in urine and let it sit for a long time.


He shivered comfortably and felt much more awake.

After drinking the spirit wine, my body has improved significantly, and this is just the effect of the spirit wine.

At the same time, the information on the panel slowly unfolded:

[Energy tank is full]

[Energy tank is full]

[Energy tank is full]


Li Xiao counted the times and was surprised.

Thirty times!!!

Thirty times!

You know, if I want to fill the energy tank, I have to keep looking for spiritual objects, which takes half a month.

And now, it is full thirty times!

"Killing people and setting fires will get you a golden belt, repairing bridges and repairing roads will leave no corpses!"

"The ancients never lied to me!"

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