"Add more and let me see the limits of growth!"

Li Xiao sat cross-legged on the ground and said harshly.

Although he can't see anything now, it doesn't stop him from adding points.

[Xuan·Tongyou (Xiaocheng) Strengthening→Xuan·Tongyou (Perfect)]

[Your Xuan·Tongyou has reached the full level, and your mental power is +5; your perception is stronger. If you continue to strengthen it, you will gain a listening ear. 】

[Xuan·Tongyou (Perfection) Advanced → Di·Tongyou (Small Success)]

[Earth·Tongyou (Small Success) Strengthen→Earth·Tongyou (Perfection)]

[Your Xuan·Tongyou has reached the full level, and your mental power is +8; your perception is stronger. If you continue to strengthen it, you will gain a listening ear. 】


[Earth·Tongyou (Perfection) Advancement→Heaven·Tongyou]

[Tian·Tongyou: Having reached the highest level of the skill, the speed of your five senses will be permanently increased by 100%. One day, you will have ears that are enough to hear the three realms! 】


[Earth·Tongyou (Perfection) Advancement→Heaven·Tongyou]

[Tian·Tongyou: Having reached the highest level of the skill, the speed of your five senses will be permanently increased by 100%. One day, you will have ears that are enough to hear the three realms! 】

Soon, Li Xiao raised his [Tongyou] skill to the heavenly level.

In an instant, his five senses became stronger.

All small sounds can be heard by the ears.

He could even hear the majestic breathing of the giant bear outside the cave now.


Li Xiao snapped his fingers, and his voice echoed in the cave.

Everything around him was reflected in his mind, mysterious and mysterious!

There is something like a bat without eyes that can sense its environment through sound waves.

In short, even in this environment, Li Xiao doesn't need light at all to know what is around him!

The most important thing is-obtained "the growth speed of five senses is permanently increased by 100%".

As your physique grows, you can continue to improve.

Finally got a listening ear?

Li Xiao didn't know what it meant to have a listening ear.

But it should be very strong!

"Continue to strengthen!"

Then, Li Xiao began to strengthen the next skill.

He plans to maximize every skill one by one.

[Your Yellow Tiger Step has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your body is more coordinated, your limbs are like a whole, as quiet as a virgin, and as moving as thunder! 】

"Improve Tiger Step and gain physical fitness. This is exactly what I need now!"

Li Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

To be honest, I haven’t figured out what the use of mental power is.

But the improvement in physical fitness is real.

Every time he improves his physique, all aspects of his body, including strength, agility, blood, breathing... are all improved.

My current predicament is that I can't push the boulder at the door and get out.

If we say... When your physique improves to a certain level and you have enough strength, you can push away the boulder and leave!

[Your Xuan·Tiger Step has reached the full level, and your constitution is +10; your body is more coordinated, your limbs are like a whole, as quiet as a virgin, and as moving as thunder! 】

[Your Earth Tiger Step has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your body is more coordinated, your limbs are like a whole, as quiet as a virgin, and as moving as thunder! 】

[Tian·Tiger Step: Having reached the highest level of the skill, your body's coordinated growth rate will be permanently increased by 100%. One day, your speed will be unmatched! 】

"It's not enough. I only added 30 points of physical fitness. Keep adding more!"

Li Xiao continued to add points crazily.

[Your Yellow Tiger Leap has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your body is more explosive and can explode with more powerful power in a short period of time! 】

[Your Xuan Tiger Leap has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your body is more explosive and can explode with more powerful power in a short period of time! 】

[Your Earth Tiger Leap has reached full level, and your physique is +10; your body is more explosive and can explode with more powerful power in a short period of time! 】

[Sky Tiger Leap: Having reached the highest level of the skill, your body's explosive growth rate is permanently increased by 100%. One day, you will cross the abyss! 】

"What is explosive power?"

"Explosive power is when all the kinetic energy of the body is suddenly concentrated!"

"So the tiger can use more power than usual at the moment it hits its hind legs and jump an unimaginable distance!"

Li Xiao himself is a tiger, and he knows it very well.

Boom boom boom!

He gave it a try, gathered his strength, and pumped his fist in the air.


With powerful explosive power, Li Xiao directly shot a sonic boom into the air!

This is the sound of air being compressed too fast!

"Very strong!"

Li Xiao clenched his fists and continued to add more points.

[Your Xuan·Tiger Roar has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your breath is longer, and in a short period of time, you will emit a powerful and explosive shocking sound! 】

[Your Yellow Tiger Roar has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your breath is longer, and in a short period of time, you will emit a powerful and explosive shocking sound! 】

[Your Earth Tiger Roar has reached full level, and your constitution is +10; your breath is longer, and in a short period of time, you will emit a powerful and explosive shocking sound! 】

[Sky·Tiger Roar: You have reached the highest level of the skill. The growth rate of your body's aura is permanently increased by 100%. The aura is long and the dragon roars and the tiger roars. When you are strong enough, the weak will be overwhelmed by the powerful aura just by looking at you. Field suppression, even shocking into fainting! 】

When the tiger roar reaches the highest level.

Li Xiao feels that he no longer needs the tiger's roar to make a shocking sound. Human language can also achieve the same effect.

The most terrifying thing is that the highest level tiger roar is not just a sound.

It is an aura! !

What is aura?

It is a look from the strong, and the weak will crawl on the ground.

They can't even think of resisting.

It is also commonly known as "scared to death".

Dragons and tigers fight, dragons fight and tigers fight.

It means that tigers are creatures that can be compared with dragons.

Tigers are really not that simple....

"The pleasure of growth is so cool!"

"Keep adding points!"

"Huh, the points are used up?"

Li Xiao realized it.

He used up all the thirty opportunities to add points in one breath.

Physical fitness also increased from 108 to 200 points.

Almost doubled!

Now I am twice as strong as before! !

So terrifying...

If I continue to grow like this, I will be invincible in a few years, right?

If my physical fitness is doubled, it means that my alcohol tolerance is also doubled!

Keep drinking!


Li Xiao started drinking again.



Knowing that the plan might fail.

The flea demon 007 tossed and turned, and did not sleep all night.

Finally, in the early morning, he thought of a way.

It rushed to a small hole without stopping.

"Brother Drilling Rat, there is a great opportunity that I want to share with you."

007 said to a mouse temptingly.

Of course, this is not an ordinary mouse, but a demon mouse in the gathering spirit period.

The magic power of this demon mouse is related to drilling.

So 007 came up with this idea.

Decided to let the drill mouse dig a hole in the ground leading to the king's treasure house...

If it was before, it would definitely not have the courage.

But now life is at stake, the arrow is on the string and must be shot.

The king will find out about its plan when he comes back, so it has to do this.

The mole asked curiously, "What opportunity?"

Ling Ling Qi looked around and found that there was no one else, so he whispered, "I will take you to steal the treasure house of my king. After the task is completed, we will divide the treasure equally among the three of us."


The mole took a breath of cold air. This is too bold!

After a pause, it asked curiously, "Why three?"

Ling Ling Qi said, "There is also an insider..."

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