After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 26 The truth is revealed, there is a little black man!

"No, I won't do it. If the king of your family finds out, I will die without a burial place..."

The gopher's head shook like a rattle.

The black bear monster is the strongest existence in this area. Who can afford to offend him?

I still have to survive, even if I have money and no life to spend it!

"You are so cowardly!"

Ling Lingqi's teeth were itching with anger and he couldn't help but curse.

"I'm a rat to begin with, and only those who are timid can live a long life."

The gopher looked like he was seeing off a guest: "You go quickly, don't hurt me, I'll just pretend I didn't hear anything today..."

"Do you know how many treasures there are in the King's treasury?"

Ling Lingqi was unwilling to let it go, and then said seductively: "There are two large vats of spiritual honey, five large vats of ki peach spiritual wine, and one hundred blue Yingcao pills... these have been saved for three hundred years. , let’s split up and find a place to practice secretly, enough to practice until the transformation stage!”

"so much...."

The gopher was visibly shocked.

It will never eat so many good things in its life.

I didn’t expect King Black Wind to be so rich!

It's already starting to stir...

Seeing this, Zero Zero Seven struck while the iron was hot: "Don't hesitate, you are afraid of losing your eggs. Wealth is found in danger. If you don't work hard, you will never know how good you are. If you don't work hard, you will always be mediocre! No! Every demon can be what he or she wants, but if you believe in yourself, you can break out of the cocoon!”

Chicken soup for the soul.

Ling Lingqi directly poured the chicken soup that Li Xiao fed him to the gopher without any change.

This chicken soup directly confused the gopher.


The gopher rolled his eyes and said, "Your king's cave is so hidden, how could you find it..."

Seeing this, Flea Demon Ling Ling Qi was overjoyed.

It pulled the gopher out of the mouse hole, pointed in a direction, and began to say: "We just need to start digging holes from there...and then this direction, then to the left...and then to the right... .It only takes two days to dig a cave leading to the treasure house..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Lingqi urged: "Let's go, without further delay, act quickly, it will be too late when my king comes back."

The gopher stayed put.

Ling Lingqi said: "Why don't you leave?"

The gopher looked worried: "I thought about it, it's still too dangerous. You'd better find another demon. Don't worry, I will never leak this secret."

Ling Lingqi trembled with anger: "Damn, you are so cowardly as a mouse, you don't want such a big opportunity, you are so angry with me, so angry with me!"

After saying that, it flew away angrily.

Looking at Zero Zero Seven's leaving figure.

The gopher smiled slyly.

"Hey, hey, since I can get through a hole, why do I have to break it up with you? Why don't I break it up by myself?"

It thought this way and got into the night.

Not long after, the gopher came to the foot of a mountain.

Then start drilling holes according to the location provided by Zero Zero Seven.

"Hehe, I'm so prosperous, five tanks of spiritual wine, two tanks of spiritual honey..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... This old black wind monster is so hidden..."

The burrowing rat demon thought happily and started digging holes.

Its magical powers and magic are born to dig holes.

I saw both claws digging very fast, with blue light shining on the claws.

The soil and rocks in the mountain were dug out like flying.

After a while, I got into the mountain...

In order to speed up the progress, he also ate a "spirit bean" that he was reluctant to eat on weekdays.

Increase your stamina and keep digging!

"Hahaha, I'm getting rich, I'm getting rich..."

The gopher dug frantically, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

It seems that he is about to get the treasure, his strength will increase greatly, and he will become a monster and an ancestor.

It's not easy for little monsters like them to get some spiritual things. Other powerful monsters eat meat, but they can only drink soup.

Not to mention a jar of spiritual wine, even a drop of spiritual wine can make him laugh to death.

I wouldn’t even dare to dream!

And now, there are five jars of spiritual wine waiting for it in the treasure house!

King Black Wind is not at home, and now he knows the location, it is a great opportunity!

The more excited it is, the faster it digs.

However, just as it was frantically picking up ashes, a group of flea monsters came in...

It turned out that the flea demon 136, who was responsible for tracking Ling Lingqi, had heard the conversation between them before and found out the clues.

This Zero Zero Seven actually colluded with the outer demon and wanted to steal the king's treasure house!

After the news came back to Zero Zero One, it immediately came with the monsters.

"Gopher Seven, you are so brave. You dare to dig a hole here and steal King Black Wind's treasure. You are seeking death! Catch it!"

Ling Lingyi yelled loudly, and then gave an order, and the flea demons attacked in groups.

Although the flea monsters are weak and not very powerful in combat, they are victorious because they are numerous enough to block this small hole tightly.

This rat demon was already digging holes in a small space, but now it has become a turtle in a urn.

In an instant, the burrowing rat demon was held down.

"Spare your life, spare your life..."

The burrowing rat demon shouted: "It's not me, I didn't, it was Zero Zero Seven who asked me to do it. It was all arranged by him. I just followed orders. He asked me to dig a hole. I don't even know where the hole leads to." ....."

Before the torture began, the burrowing rat demon confessed Ling Lingqi.

"How dare you quibble! You clearly want to steal King Black Wind's treasure."

The flea demon Ling Ling Yi yelled loudly, and then said: "One hundred and thirty-six, one thirty-seven, one thirty-eight, one thirty-nine, one forty-nine... You go and catch Ling Lingqi and bring him back!"

The incident was revealed and the rat demon was caught.

Not long after.

On the way to find the second burrowing rat, Zero Zero Seven was caught and tied back to the cave.

Zero Zero Seven never dreamed that he would be exposed so quickly...

In the cave.

Ling Ling Yi scolded: "Ling Ling Qi, you are so brave. You cheated on the inside and you actually colluded with the demon to steal the king's treasure house. You are simply seeking death. When the king comes back, you will be thrown into the frying pan. You will not be able to survive. I can’t die!”

Zero Zero Seven was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and trembled all over.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, even if it had a hundred mouths, it would still be unable to quibble.

"Looking for death, Ling Ling Qi, you are too courageous."

"Yeah, yeah, you ungrateful thing."

"Your Majesty brought us to enlightenment, and you actually betrayed it."

"You piece of shit, just eat shit..."

Hundreds of flea monsters gathered together and pointed at Ling Lingqi.

Even some of his friends and associates were scolding him.

This made Zero Zero Seven extremely regretful.

Regret, remorse, chagrin... countless emotions were revealed in Zero Zero Seven.

I really lost my mind and went crazy, lard blinded my heart.

He actually agreed to that human baby and collaborated to steal the king's treasure. He was really worse than a pig or a dog...

"I was wrong, please let me go..."

Zero Zero Seven begged for mercy helplessly.

However, it doesn't work at all.

Ling Lingyi said loudly: "Ling Lingqi, tell me honestly, do you have any accomplices?"

Before he could speak.

The burrowing rat demon who was also tied up next to him hurriedly said: "Yes, he does, and he also has an internal agent. Brothers and sisters, please let me go. I was wronged..."

Ling Lingqi rolled his eyes angrily. This 'Gopher Seven' was too unloyal. Fortunately, they were brothers before, but they stabbed each other in the back so fast!

"Okay! There are also accomplices!"

Ling Zero Yi glanced at the other flea monsters present.

The flea monsters lowered their heads one after another, saying that they didn't know Zero Zero Seven at all...

The scene suddenly became extremely quiet.

a long time.

A flea demon said: "Zero One...could it be that human baby?"

Hearing this, Ling Ling Yi pondered for a moment, then was shocked and said: "I'm afraid it is, no wonder it's so strange... Okay Ling Ling Qi, you not only colluded with the outer demons, but also colluded with humans, intending to steal the king's treasure. It is simply a disgrace to the demon world, you, you, are dead..."

It's over, it's completely useless...

Hearing this, Zero Zero Seven was so frightened that he fainted.

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