After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 28 Imitating the White Snake, adding more skills!

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 9 months]

[Physique: 480 (your physique is far superior to that of ordinary people)]

[Spirit: 52 (for a baby, one in a thousand)]

[Current energy slot: 32.3% (please continue to eat hard)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (remaining time 4 months)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Heaven·Tiger Strike, Heaven·Passing the Mysterious Places, Heaven·Tiger Step, Heaven·Tiger Leap, Heaven·Tiger Roar, Heaven·Iron Teeth and Copper Teeth, Heaven·Golden Eyes, Heaven·Lingyundu, Heaven·Canghaiyou, Heaven·Pojun, Heaven·Jifengxing]

“Wuhu, take off!”

Li Xiao felt a great power all over his body, and his physique was directly improved to nearly 500.

Various skills were also improved to the top level.

Before, I was thinking about upgrading two of the skills to the heaven level before the duration of [Imitation Characteristics] ended.

Unexpectedly, they were all maxed out at once.

It is true that a man cannot become rich without unexpected wealth, and a horse cannot grow fat without night grass...

"It has been so long... I guess the plan has been exposed, right?"

Li Xiao thought so, and felt that it didn't matter.

As long as he improved enough, he didn't need to steal a market, he could just rob it directly.

Even if the black bear monster really came back, he would blow it up with one punch!

Infinite growth means that there is no limit to growth.

No one can improve quickly in a short period of time.

Even if there are countless elixirs, it won't work. It can't be absorbed and refined in a short period of time, and elixirs can't be taken randomly.

But I am different. As long as I have enough energy, I can improve endlessly.

"But... now even if I have energy points, I can't add any more."

"My skills are all full, and there is no place to add..."

"Anyway, my stomach is still empty, so I might as well eat another jar of honey before leaving!"

Li Xiao thought so, and opened another stone jar.

Strangely, after opening one of the stone jars, he didn't see spiritual honey inside, but saw a strange thing...

A snake!

A white snake coiled in the stone jar!

The white snake coiled, occupying the entire stone jar, about the thickness of a bowl. Strangely, there was a pair of two pink horns on the head of the white snake.

The snake did not notice the movement, and should still be in a sleeping state, breathing very weakly.

"Good guy... This black bear monster caught a white snake and prepared to soak it in wine?"

It is said that white snakes are spiritual. This white snake is indeed extremely beautiful, as white as snow. Li Xiao couldn't help but gently stroke the white snake. The scales on its body are delicate and soft to the touch.

The white snake seemed to sense something, drooped its eyelids, and looked at the baby in front of it.

But after just one look, it seemed to have exhausted a lot of strength, and slowly closed its eyes again.

"You and I met here, meeting is fate, why not save you?"

Li Xiao grabbed the spiritual honey from the stone jar next to him and put it to the mouth of the white snake.

The white snake smelled the smell and tried to open its eyes again. It looked at Li Xiao gratefully, then spit out its tongue and sniffed it. It showed a look of surprise and took Li Xiao's whole little hand into its mouth.

Li Xiao was not afraid that the white snake would eat him. Snakes cannot chew and can only swallow food whole. If it really dared to do so, Li Xiao could naturally deal with it.

The white snake squirmed and licked the spiritual honey on Li Xiao's hand clean.

Spiritual honey is a brewed spiritual thing, which is a tonic.

After swallowing the spiritual honey, the white snake recovered a lot visibly and had more strength.

"Can you speak?"

Li Xiao asked.

The white snake raised its head and looked at Li Xiao blankly with its small eyes.

"It seems that it has not yet opened its mind. It is just an ordinary white snake."

Li Xiao muttered to himself, then grabbed a handful of spiritual honey and handed it over.

The white snake took Li Xiao's hand into its mouth again, squirming and licking the honey clean.

After it swallowed the honey, it completely recovered and crawled out of the stone jar. It rubbed against Li Xiao affectionately, as if to express gratitude.

"There is one energy point left, why not... give it a try?"

Li Xiao was worried that his skills were maxed out and he could not continue to improve his physical fitness.

The white snake in front of him could try to imitate it.

"You're welcome. I'll open the stone door later and you can run for your life."

Li Xiao smiled and touched the head of the white snake.

At the same time, he consumed an energy point and activated [Quick Imitation] to aim at the white snake.

[Extract "Cloud Dragon Spirit Snake" skills: slithering, coiling, swallowing, sucking clouds, and spitting mist. ]

[Slithering: Fast shuttle, landing silently. ]

[Coiling: Balance the body's strength and strangle the enemy. ]

[Swallowing: Can swallow prey larger than itself and accommodate the stomach. ]

[Sucking clouds: Strong suction is generated from the mouth to suck prey. 】

【Spit out all the contents of the stomach, and you can breathe out clouds and smoke. 】


Li Xiao originally tried to imitate it.

Unexpectedly, although this white snake is not a demon, it is not an ordinary white snake, but a "cloud dragon spirit snake", a strange snake race.

The imitation skills are also quite good, and there are actually five of them!

Avoid fierce tigers in the morning and long snakes in the evening; grind teeth and suck blood, kill people like hemp.

Li Xiao now has the memory of a tiger and a snake. After all of them are improved, I don’t know how powerful he will be!

“It can be said that good deeds are rewarded, you and I helped each other.”

Li Xiao thought so in his heart.

Ignoring the white snake next to him, he began to eat the spiritual honey crazily.

【Energy +60000】

【Energy +60000】

【Energy +60000】....

Unlike drinking, you can drink too much and then pee.

But the honey is very thick and very filling.

Li Xiao simply couldn't eat too much.

But now, after possessing the [Swallowing] skill, the belly is like a ball, stretched out and able to accommodate more food.

After a while, Li Xiaoyi swept away the two jars of spiritual honey.

[Energy tank is full] [Energy tank is full] [Energy tank is full]....

Gain forty energy points again.

"Okay, keep adding more!"

Li Xiao turned on the point-adding mode again.

[Snake Walk (Dacheng) Strengthening→Snake Walk (Perfection)]

[Snake Walk (Perfection) Advanced → Snake Step (Small Success)]

[Snake Step: Like a shadow, elegant and agile, flying in the clouds and mist, flying snakes in the sky! 】

"Add more, add more, add more..."

Li Xiao directly clicked the energy points quickly.

From small success to perfection, and then from perfection to advancement.

If you have more energy points, you will be willful!

[Your Yellow Snake Step has reached the full level, and your constitution is +15; your body coordination ability has been greatly improved, and your steps are so elegant that they are like ghosts, and it is difficult for ordinary people to touch them. 】

[Your Xuan·Snake Step has reached the full level, and your constitution is +15; your body coordination ability has been greatly improved, and your steps are so elegant that they are like ghosts, and it is difficult for ordinary people to touch them. 】

[Your Earth Snake Step has reached the full level, and your constitution is +15; your body coordination ability has been greatly improved, and your steps are so graceful that they are like ghosts, and it is difficult for ordinary people to touch them. 】

[Sky·Snake Step: Has reached the highest level of skill. Your body coordination ability grows faster by 100%; one day, your speed will be unmatched by anyone! 】

There is no need for any exercises or any training secrets.

At this moment, Li Xiao had the Heavenly Tiger Step and the Heavenly Snake Step.

His body skills are already superior to those of the martial arts legend!

Even the martial arts leaders, thieves, and saint thieves in the human world can only bow their heads and admit defeat when they see Li Xiao...

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