"Growth panel, let me see your limit!"

Li Xiao did not stop and continued to improve the remaining skills.

[Twist (Great Success) Enhancement → Twist (Perfect)]

[Twist (Perfect) Advanced → White Snake Entanglement (Minor Success)]

[White Snake Entanglement: Walking without bones, entangling like a thousand pounds! ]

"Add points, add points, add points..."

Li Xiao continued to improve, he needed more physical points.

With the increase of physical points, the body will be stronger, and it will also improve rapidly with the blessing of various growth rates.

[Your Yellow·White Snake Entanglement has reached the maximum level, physical fitness +20; your body flexibility has been greatly improved. If you are entangled, even if the opponent is stronger than you, he will not be able to move. ]

[Your Black·White Snake Entanglement has reached the maximum level, physical fitness +20; your body flexibility has been greatly improved. If you are entangled, even if the opponent is stronger than you, he will not be able to move. ]

[Your Earth·White Snake Entanglement has reached the maximum level, and your physical fitness is +20; your body flexibility has been greatly improved. If you entangle an opponent, even if the opponent is stronger than you, he will be unable to move. ]

[Sky·White Snake Entanglement: You have reached the highest level of the skill. The growth rate of your body flexibility has increased by 100%; one day, even the Buddha will be unable to move if you entangle him! ]

"Good guy, this move can be used as a trump card."

"If you encounter a stronger opponent, as long as you find a way to entangle it, you can be trapped to death."

Li Xiao couldn't help but smile.

The key is that the skill improved from the imitation of the white snake, and the physical fitness gained is a lot.

Probably because this Yunlong Spirit Snake is higher than the tiger...

[Swallow (Great Success) Strengthen → Swallow (Perfect)]

[Swallow (Perfect) Advanced → Swallow Heaven (Minor Success)]

[Swallow Heaven: Grind bones to nourish the stomach, sell tongue to caress lips. Up and down like a jack, the meat depends on the thickness. 】

"Tuntian, the name of this skill is so exaggerated!"

"When I grow up in the future, can I really swallow the sky?"

Li Xiao couldn't help but be surprised. Now that he has iron teeth and copper teeth, if his stomach and intestines become powerful, wouldn't he really become a glutton?

[Your Huang·Tuntian has reached the maximum level, physical fitness +20; your stomach toughness has been greatly improved, the acidity of gastric juice has been greatly improved, and your digestive ability has become even stronger. 】

[Your Xuan·Tuntian has reached the maximum level, physical fitness +20; your stomach toughness has been greatly improved, the acidity of gastric juice has been greatly improved, and your digestive ability has become even stronger. 】

[Your Di·Tuntian has reached the maximum level, physical fitness +20; your stomach toughness has been greatly improved, the acidity of gastric juice has been greatly improved, and your digestive ability has become even stronger. 】

[Heaven·Tuntian: has reached the highest level of the skill. The growth rate of your stomach flexibility has increased by 100%; one day, you can swallow the whole world! ]


Next, Li Xiao used the remaining energy points to upgrade the last two skills to the Heaven level.

[Cloud Sucking: Create a powerful suction force from the mouth to suck prey. ]

[Cloud Swallowing: Reached the highest level of the skill. Your lungs grow 100% faster; you can inhale the spiritual energy within a radius of ten miles into your stomach in one breath! ]


[Mist Exhalation: Spit out everything in the stomach, swallow clouds and spit out mist. ]

[Cloud Exhalation: Reached the highest level of the skill. Your lungs grow 100% faster; you can inhale everything in the stomach in one breath! ]



Li Xiao finally upgraded all his skills to the Heaven level, and his attribute points soared again.

[Name: Li Xiao]

[Age: 9 months]

[Physique: 520 (your physique is far superior to that of ordinary people)]

[Spirit: 55 (one in a thousand for a baby)]

[Current energy slot: 32.1% (please continue to eat hard)]

[Current growth status: imitation characteristics (4 months remaining)]

[Skills: Energy Conservation (LV.max)]

[Skills: Heaven Tiger Strike, Heaven Passage, Heaven Tiger Step, Heaven Tiger Leap, Heaven Tiger Roar, Heaven·Iron Teeth and Copper Teeth, Heaven·Golden Eyes, Heaven·Lingyundu, Heaven·Canghaiyou, Heaven·Pojun, Heaven·Swift Wind, Heaven·Snake Step, Heaven·White Snake Entanglement, Heaven·Tuntian, Heaven·Tunyun, Heaven·Tuwu】

"Physical fitness has been improved to more than 500!"

"Sixteen skills, all improved to heaven level!"

"There are still 2 energy points left."

"This time the plan to steal the house is simply perfect..."

Li Xiao was overjoyed, slowly stood up, and stretched his muscles.


The friction between the muscles, bones and membranes actually made a tiger and leopard thundering sound.

With the blessing of dozens of growth buffs, the strength of the body is far more than the 520 points of physical fitness on the surface.

It should be much stronger than this, at least 30% higher.

"Look, what else is there..."

Li Xiao explored the treasure house and found some salted fish inside...

Of course, this is not an ordinary salted fish... The salted fish contains spiritual power, and it should be pickled by spiritual fish.

He flipped through it again and found a delicate wooden box.

It was probably from the human world.

He opened it and saw a pile of blue pills inside.

To be precise, they were not pills. The pills were very rough, just like they were made of powder. The round shape was a bit irregular.

They should be the pills made from the blue grass that Ling Lingqi mentioned.

A rough count showed that there were more than a hundred pills.

"Take these things back to Tiger Mom, Da Hu, Er Hu and the others..."



Ten Thousand Mountains.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Eight standing wild dogs carried a big red sedan chair on the mountain road.

These are wild dog sedan bearers from the Monster City in the Monster Kingdom.

You can hire them after paying them.

The Black Wind King specially hired wild dog sedan bearers to carry his soon-to-be-married daughter-in-law towards the road to the cave.

"Wife, there is another good thing in my treasure house..."

In the sedan, the Black Wind King Black Bear Monster whispered mysteriously: "I caught a cloud dragon spirit snake, a spirit snake that has not yet opened its mind..."


The female black bear monster was shocked and said in surprise: "That is the cloud dragon snake clan, where did you get it? If you are discovered, you will be in trouble..."

The black bear monster whispered: "Wife, this spirit snake was obtained by me by chance, even the flea monsters around me don't know about this..."

The female black bear monster smiled and said: "You silly bear, I didn't expect you to be so rich, with so many flea monsters under your command, no wonder you can collect so many good things..."

Although it is safer to be in the Wan Yao Kingdom.

But in the same way, the resources are monopolized by the big monsters.

And in the mountains outside the Wan Yao Kingdom, more spirit objects can be collected.

But with it comes the increase in risk.

There are countless treasures in the Ten Thousand Mountains, and humans will also go into the mountains to search for treasures.

When human martial artists encounter monsters, they will kill and train them, take away the good things on their bodies, peel off their skin and pull out their tendons...

Living in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom and living outside the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is a mixture of good and bad.

"Wife, my cave is very safe, and human martial artists can't find it at all. When the time comes... you can stay here with peace of mind..." The black bear monster said proudly.

Hearing this, the female black bear monster was also quite moved.

At this time, a black hair floated from afar and then drilled into the sedan chair.

The black hair flew to the chest of the black bear monster and then merged into the body.

The black bear monster immediately said with great joy: "Wife, good news, my men have captured a human baby with delicate skin and pure flesh. The baby was raised by a little monster. When the time comes, use spiritual ginseng, spiritual snake, and spiritual baby to soak spiritual wine together. Drinking it will definitely increase your cultivation."

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