The demon gave birth to spiritual intelligence, produced supernatural powers, and contained spiritual power.

Therefore, if a demon eats a demon, his cultivation level will increase greatly.

But when a demon eats a demon, while absorbing the opponent's cultivation, it will also absorb the negative emotions in the opponent's body, such as greed, anger, ignorance, evil...

These emotions accumulate together and become powerful inner demons when they explode.

A demon whose spiritual intelligence is suppressed by inner demons will become a "demon".

Although the demon is powerful, it has become a killing machine.

No demon wants to become a demon.

Therefore, demons and demons will not devour each other.

Instead, he absorbs the essence of the sun and moon and looks for spiritual objects from heaven and earth to improve his cultivation.

However, some creatures are born with spiritual energy, but they have not yet awakened.

For example, this "Yunlong Spirit Snake" has a very long time to wake up.

But once he wakes up, he will transform into a very powerful monster.

But before enlightenment, the spiritual power of the spirit snake's flesh and blood is pure and free of all kinds of negative emotions.

It is an absolute tonic that can improve your cultivation.

The same is true for human babies.

Human beings are the leader of hundreds of spirits, and they can improve their cultivation after swallowing it.

But people's hearts are sinister, complex, and very difficult to fathom.

Therefore, the negative emotions in the human body are very scary.

Except for demons, demons generally don't like to eat people.

But human babies are different.

Human babies are still in ignorance, their wisdom is not fully developed, they have no negative emotions, their minds are pure, and their flesh and blood are pure. It is also a great tonic.

This is why the monsters that cause harm to the world like to eat "boys and girls."

The minds of boys and girls are pure, and while they are being nourished, they will not be disturbed by inner demons.

But human babies are not easy to find in Shiwanda Mountain.

It can be said that it cannot be found at all.

All those who can enter the mountain are martial arts masters. How could a baby appear?

Now, this black bear monster possesses spiritual snakes, spiritual wine, golden fruit and spiritual ginseng, and a nine-month-old human baby.

The gathering of so many pure spiritual beings is very attractive to demons!

"Xiong San, you are becoming more and more attractive...Is everything you say true?"

The female black bear demon was overjoyed and looked at the black bear demon lovingly.

The wealth owned by Xiong San is already comparable to the wealth of many wealthy demon families in Demon City.

If this is really the case, there is nothing wrong with becoming his wife.

The key is....

After eating those spiritual things, your cultivation level will definitely increase greatly.

When the time comes, maybe I can cultivate to the transformation stage, get rid of this stinky body, and transform into a human body.

"Daughter-in-law, of course it's true!"

Xiong San looked at the female bear with his eyes, and said with a smile: "There are still three days to go. When we get there, my wife will see it..."

As it spoke, its bear paw secretly touched the female bear.

The female bear demon shyly slapped its hand down and said coyly: "Dead ghost.... When we get to your cave and eat the spiritual wine brewed by your spiritual snake and spiritual baby, let's..."

Black Bear Yao Xiong San nodded excitedly: "It all depends on my wife..."



Black Bear Demon Cave.

"Zero Zero Seven, stop pretending to be dead."

A flea demon spat out waves of water, waking up Ling Lingqi who had fainted from fright.

"The king will be back soon, you are dead."

"You are a scourge and a disgrace to the demon world."

"Any last words you want to say?"

Now the demons were all angry and yelled at Zero Zero Seven.

"Forgive me..."

The flea demon Ling Ling Qi was so cold that he was about to cry without tears, and said: "Everyone wrongly blamed me. I brought a human baby to the king. Is this true??"

Now a baby has indeed arrived in the cave.

Babies are definitely a good thing for monsters, a nourishing thing that can improve their cultivation.


Ling Lingyi sneered and said: "This is true, but your real purpose is to steal spiritual objects. The smoke coming from the smoke gourd is the evidence. Everyone has seen it."


A flea demon said: "Everyone has seen it. You just want to fish in troubled waters and run away with the king's treasure. Fortunately, the king's clone is smart and closed the treasure house door in advance, so your trick did not succeed."

The giant bear clone on the side sneered: "Hehe, hehehe..."

All the flea monsters faced the giant bear and said in unison: "The king's clone is famous!"

"Hey hey hey." The giant bear was very helpful.

Although it was transformed into chest hair and gained a bit of wisdom, it can still be considered an independent thinker.

I was overjoyed to receive such a compliment.

Everyone secretly says I'm stupid, but I'm actually one of the smarter ones!

"It's over, it's over, please help me, someone will save me..."

The flea demon Zero Zero Seven let out a cry of despair.

He was so desperate.

When the king comes back soon, his end will be very miserable.

It's definitely worse than death...

"Stop shouting."

Ling Lingyi smiled and said: "It's no use shouting. Who can save you? All your accomplices have been caught."

The accomplice Ling Zero One refers to is naturally the "Gopher Seven" who is tied up next to him.

Gopher Seven also looked miserable now.

No matter how much he begged for mercy, it was of no use...

"By the way...Zero Seven also has an accomplice!"

Suddenly, a flea demon spoke.

After finishing speaking, all the flea demons were stunned, and then looked towards the treasure house.

The scene became very quiet for a while.

Silence for a long time.

The whole cave was filled with laughter.

"Hahahaha... What am I talking about, that baby?"

"The big stone in the treasure house weighs 10,000 pounds!!"

"Yeah, who can push it away except the king and the king's clone?"

"007, 007, your accomplice is really amazing."

"You are so good at choosing accomplices, a baby? Hahaha... I am laughing to death..."

"Human babies are our prey, and you actually cooperate with the prey?"

"Stupid, big stupid, how can the flea demon produce such an idiot??"

The flea demons laughed and mocked 007.

There are two accomplices in total, and the mole has been caught.

There is another accomplice, isn't that the king's food?

This 007 is really bold and stupid, and he ended up like this.

He was mocked crazily by countless flea demons, including 007's former subordinates.

Now they all add insult to injury and call him stupid.

Ling Lingqi was so ashamed that he said, "I'm not stupid. This baby is not an ordinary baby. He has killed wolf demons before. He just has bad luck. I accept it!"

Ling Lingyi laughed and said, "Wolf demon? A little demon outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The king can kill it with a fart. What's there to say? You don't admit it when I say you are stupid?"

Ling Lingqi's face turned red.

Ling Lingyi said, "Can that baby push open a stone door weighing 10,000 jin?"

Ling Lingqi shook his head helplessly.

Then, there was another round of sneers.

Ling Lingqi was so ashamed that he not only had to die, but also had to be humiliated before he died...

It was so fucking uncomfortable and so fucking aggrieved...

Thinking of the baby inside, although he could kill wolf demons, his strength was probably not as good as a hair of the king, and he couldn't even push the stone door. He sighed deeply and accepted his fate.

"Give up... No demon can save you, just wait for death..."

Zero One said proudly: "This is the credit of the human baby, so I will take it..."

Just at this moment.

Suddenly there was a loud "boom", and the whole bear cave shook and dust flew.

"What's going on???"

All the demons were startled, could it be that a demon came to attack the cave?

But soon, they found that the noise came from inside the cave.

"Oh no, the stone door of the treasure house has been broken!"

A sharp-eyed flea demon shouted.

All looked at it.

Immediately, all the flea demons were stunned.

The big stone blocking the entrance of the treasure house was smashed to pieces, and the rubble was all over the ground.

Zero Seven looked at it and immediately ignited hope.

Could it be that baby? ? ?

This is impossible...

Even if it was the king's clone, it would be impossible to break the ten thousand jin boulder...

What happened? ? ? ?

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