After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 37 Dajing Dynasty, the mystery of life experience!

"Now is the Dajing Dynasty, the tenth year of Tianwu..."

Li Xiao silently remembered the name of this dynasty.

If nothing goes wrong, he should be the prince of the Dajing Dynasty.

"So, how are the people doing now? Is the world stable?"

Li Xiao then asked.

He wanted to know what kind of person his father was.

Jiang Ziling replied: "Emperor Tianwu of the current dynasty is working hard to recuperate, open up wasteland, expand canals, and establish imperial examinations. The earth is slowly recovering. After the founding of the dynasty, martial arts was greatly developed. In just ten years, the martial arts world has become a desert. Signs of recovery..."


Li Xiaoshu frowned: "So, he is a good emperor?"

Jiang Ziling nodded and said: "Now the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the people are all praising you."

Li Xiao asked strangely: "There is something a bit strange. Why does the Holy Spirit want to develop martial arts?"

According to Jiang Ziling, the last dynasty should have banned martial arts and left martial arts in a desert.

And this dynasty began to revive martial arts again.

Confucianism disrupts the law with literature, and chivalry violates the law with martial arts.

For the rulers of feudal dynasties.

Making people smarter and more powerful is not conducive to governance.

It is better for the people to be informed than to be informed.

This is what I think rulers do to the ruling class.

The purpose is for long-term peace and stability.

And the rise of martial arts in a dynasty is definitely not a good thing.


Jiang Ziling slowly shook his head: "I'm not sure about this either. In the old Daqian Dynasty, the royal family controlled absolute force, and prohibited people from practicing martial arts, and ruled the world together with religion. Those who can practice martial arts are all members of the royal family, and members of aristocratic families. Jianghu inherited sects. But now, martial arts are being established, and martial arts competitions are being established. If the people are able to participate in martial arts competitions, they can also find a good job and serve the court. "

Li Xiao pondered for a moment and figured out the purpose of this move.

After all, this is a world with martial arts, if martial arts is banned.

Force is only in the hands of a few people, that is, it is controlled by clans.

If this emperor opens martial arts, the people will have room for advancement, the power of the court will be strengthened, and the rule of the aristocratic families and Jianghu sects will be weakened.


From this point of view, this emperor is really good.

Why such a wise emperor.

Would he let his concubine and son be hunted down and almost die?

"How many sons does the emperor have?"

Li Xiao suddenly asked.

Jiang Ziling felt a little strange.

Why is this spiritual baby transformed by the aura of the mountain so interested in things in the human world?

Of course, she did not ask, and replied truthfully: "Emperor Tianwu has eight sons. The prince sits in the East Palace, is involved in government affairs, and has a benevolent and righteous style. The second, third, fourth, and fifth princes have all been named vassal princes. , has already made a difference in the fiefdom. The sixth prince, the seventh prince, and the eighth prince are all still minors and are in the palace."

Li Xiaodao: "How old is the Eighth Prince this year?"

Jiang Ziling said: "The Eighth Prince should be five years old now."

Therefore, the emperor has nine sons, and he is the ninth prince...

Li Xiao then asked: "By the way, is there a concubine named 'Fei Yun' by the emperor's side?"

"Concubine Yun!"

Jiang Ziling's expression obviously changed when she heard the word Yun Fei.

Li Xiao noticed this change and asked, "What?"

Jiang Ziling was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Concubine Yun's name is Li Yunqing, and she is the daughter of the former Duke Xin. The Li family was one of the nine great families during the Daqian Dynasty. It has a thousand-year heritage. Emperor Tianwu revolted. The Li family has the merit of following the dragon. Concubine Yun was originally the emperor’s favorite concubine, but..."

Li Xiao said: "But what?"

Jiang Ziling continued: "A year ago, Duke Xin Guo rebelled. Except for Concubine Yun, the rest of the Li family were thrown into prison. Concubine Yun, as the emperor's concubine, was pardoned by the emperor's decree. But in order to save him, she My family used their connections to rob the Heavenly Prison, but the matter failed and they disappeared in the end..."

Hearing this, Li Xiao felt cold in his heart.

The biological mother’s name is Li Yunqing, and she is missing now, and she is probably in danger!

Mother, mother, where are you now...

Li Xiao thought silently in his heart, and then asked: "Dong Xin, are you really plotting rebellion?"

This Duke Xin is his grandfather.

Li Xiao, who is familiar with history, naturally understands.

As the saying goes, when the birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the rabbits are hanged to death, and the lackeys are cooked.

When the emperor comes to power, how many of the heroes of Conglong's power will end well?

The so-called rebellion mostly involves the struggle between the powers of the court.

"This...I'm not sure..."

Jiang Ziling said: "These are all hearsay. We, the Jianghu people, don't know much about the specific situation."


Li Xiao nodded slightly.

He has made up his mind that he doesn't want to deal with these mundane things, and he isn't too interested.

But the biological mother who raised herself and gave up her life to save herself must be found.

"This is... a martial arts secret book?"

Li Xiao opened another book at random, which read "Red Lion Mysterious Heart Skill".

"Yes, senior, this internal strength technique of our Red Lion Sword Village has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is the secret of Zhongcheng martial arts that has not been passed down!"

Jiang Ziling deliberately told the origin and importance of this exercise to show her sincerity.

Now that the Red Lion Sword Village is in danger, his father plans to betroth him to a young master from another sect to form an alliance and resist the crisis.

But that young man is said to be uneducated and incompetent, and likes to look for flowers and willows.

She hoped to win over this spiritual infant and find a backer for Jianzhuang.

If things turn around, she doesn't have to get married.

You must know that even the fifth-grade martial arts master Elder Wang was defeated by the wolf demon back then. He could be killed by this spiritual infant with one punch. What a powerful strength it was!

Strength is only one aspect, the key is the terrifying growth qualification.

He is so powerful at such a young age, but how terrifying will he be in a few years?

He, a genius in the eyes of others, was simply not worth mentioning in front of the spiritual infant in front of him.

You know, when I was nine months old, I was still eating rice cereal...

"Red Lion Xuanxin Kung Fu... Zhongcheng Martial Arts... are a bit low."

Li Xiao looked at the technique casually and said with some regret.

Only a middle-class martial artist, not even an excellent one...


Jiang Ziling hurriedly explained: "Martial arts are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, inferior, medium-grade, and superior. Ordinary martial arts schools can only teach low-grade martial arts. Only a sect like ours can have such martial arts. Zhongcheng Martial Arts can fetch sky-high prices in private auction houses. A copy of Zhongcheng Martial Arts can create a sect... Zhongcheng Martial Arts is really not cheap..."

Jiang Ziling thought to herself, if it hadn't been for the disaster that Red Lion Sword Village suffered that year.

The sect will not be reduced to this...

"Then I'll try to practice hard."

Li Xiao slowly stood up, opened the secret book, and began to read.

Although he has a strong physique, he has not yet been exposed to martial arts.

Of course, even though he has no contact with martial arts, ordinary people are definitely not Li Xiao's opponents.

Just relying on terrifying power, you can defeat the opponent.

According to human terms, it is a natural divine power that depends entirely on physical strength!

"Okay senior."

Jiang Ziling was extremely happy.

If Ling Ying practices their sect's unique skills, it will be regarded as a favor.

With the exchange of favors, it will be easier to talk about things in the future.

"Senior, this Red Lion Mysterious Heart Technique was created by a ninth-grade master. With this technique, one can directly practice to the ninth-grade master... There are nine levels in the technique. Each time you break through one level, you can improve. First grade...."

Jiang Ziling explained: "I have good bones and martial arts qualifications. I practiced martial arts at the age of three and practiced for two years. I broke through the first level at the age of five and became a first-level martial artist. I entered the third level at the age of ten. Now I am thirteen and am a fourth-level martial artist... ..If you are a senior, you should be able to enter the rank in half a year. Senior, you are born with supernatural power and you will be even more powerful if you practice martial arts..."

She naturally hopes that Lingying will improve her strength so that she can become her backer in the future.


Jiang Ziling was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then was shocked: "Senior, you have made a breakthrough???"

He said that Ling Ying was promoted to the highest grade after half a year.

Because among human martial arts masters, even monster-level geniuses need half a year to enter the level.

And the spiritual baby in front of me...

In one breath, you have already entered the first level!

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