After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 38 The most evil of all evils, the collapse of the black bear monster!


Jiang Ziling was shocked beyond words.

There are many types of martial arts qualifications.

If you have a slight qualification, it is difficult for you to learn martial arts. Even if you give him elixirs, remove hair and cleanse his marrow, and increase his strength, there will not be much change. He can barely enter the martial arts.

If you have medium qualifications, as long as you are willing to work hard and have perseverance, you will most likely be able to enter the martial arts, and you can also practice some profound martial arts.

If you have superior qualifications, you are smart and can understand martial arts quickly, draw inferences from one thing, and understand the mysteries.

If you have genius qualifications, you are wise and suitable for martial arts training. You can enter the rank in two years. As long as you are willing to study any martial arts, you can quickly get started.

My father said that I have genius qualifications and I am born to practice martial arts.

But Jiang Ziling now doubts what his father said.

How can I be called a genius?

The spirit baby in front of me is a real genius. It only takes one breath to enter the rank.

No, this has exceeded the scope of genius!

I heard that there is a demon in the martial arts world now.

The young Taoist priest Wang Zhiyue from Longhu Mountain, who entered the rank in half a year, is called a demon in the martial arts world!

Then what is this spirit baby in front of him?

A demon among demons?

"He is not human, he is not human..."

Jiang Ziling could only use this sentence to comfort herself in her heart, otherwise it would be too depressing.

After all, he was transformed by a breath of spiritual energy in the mountain, so it is reasonable to be beyond ordinary people.

"What's wrong?"

Li Xiao looked at Jiang Ziling.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Jiang Ziling waved her hands repeatedly, "Senior, please continue."

Tiger mom Li Yunquan on the side was quite interested, but it has not yet transformed, and its body acupoints and body structure are different from humans, so it cannot learn this technique.


Li Xiao continued to flip through the book "Red Lion Mysterious Heart Technique".

Martial arts are divided into nine grades.

And this technique also has nine levels.

Each level has a corresponding practice method, acupoint operation method, and special action diagrams, which are mainly used to stimulate acupoints and open up meridians.

The first level is the realm of strength training. Using special movements, the way of moving and controlling strength, and long-term strength training, the muscles of the limbs and waist and abdomen are full and powerful, and the flexibility is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Because of his strong physique, it only took a moment to break through.

Although the physical points have not changed, I feel that the strength and toughness of the body have indeed improved.

The most important thing is that the five internal organs, six internal organs, acupoints, bones, and meridians in the body have all been trained, making it more majestic and full of vitality!

In other words, this method is really useful to me.

"The second level, integrate the heaven and earth, penetrate the four seas, move with the wind, and dance on the ground..."

Li Xiao tried to feel the blood and then move the blood according to the method in the method.

The next second.

"I understand, it is to turn the majestic energy of the body into a stream of qi... Qi moves from the body, the body moves from the spirit, and the spirit moves from the mind... Store blood, coagulate blood, move blood... Second level, it's done!"

Li Xiao moved his body, and the original essence in the body and flesh was now transformed into a stream of blood and qi to fill the whole body.

The second level is the Qi and Blood Realm, which is divided into three small realms: blood storage, blood coagulation, and blood movement.

Only when you reach the stage of blood movement can you be considered a great success, and you can move Qi and blood, and concentrate all your strength.

This is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Tiger Strike.

And Li Xiao has already mastered the skills of [Heavenly Tiger Strike].

Therefore, he can instantly comprehend the skills of moving Qi and blood in the technique.

"No... This is impossible!"

Jiang Ziling was a little numb.

If you say that you can break through the first level in one breath just now.

Now, in one breath, you can break through the second level again, which is too exaggerated! ! !

And... his second-level Qi and Blood Realm...

Qi and blood are smooth and smooth, and flow without hindrance, which seems to be the state of great perfection!

The second-level Qi and Blood Realm is divided into: small success, medium success, great success, perfection, and great perfection.

Generally, martial artists can continue to practice and break through to the third level after reaching great success.

But such an improvement is far worse than reaching perfection and then breaking through, and the foundation will be more solid.

With my genius, I spent three years to reach great success.

But she was not in a hurry to break through.

Instead, she spent another two years to cultivate to the perfection of Qi and Blood Realm before breaking through to the third level.

But this spirit infant in front of her!

It took only one breath to reach the Great Perfection? ? ?

What kind of monster is this!

"This human martial arts is not so good?"

Li Xiao looked at Jiang Ziling and said, "Is this technique so easy to practice?"

He was a little surprised.

In the novels he read in his previous life, the protagonists were either horsemen or servants.

It was extremely difficult to practice a technique after going through so much trouble.

All of them had to go through all kinds of setbacks and life and death disasters before they could succeed in their practice.

And she practiced too fast. Was it because this technique was too simple?


Jiang Ziling felt bitter and didn't know what to say.

Her Taoism was a little shaken now.

I am a genius, but I am nothing in front of Senior Lingying...

"Senior, please continue practicing."

Jiang Ziling was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "The first and second grades are just the entry level of martial arts. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can practice it. Starting from the third grade, it is a hurdle. Many people cannot step into the third grade in their entire lives... Hey, senior, you..."

She was numb again, completely numb.

Before she finished speaking, the spirit baby in front of her had already broken through to the third-grade inner realm of great perfection...

This is simply... unbelievable!!!

It seems that there is no bottleneck in martial arts in front of him!

No, it is more than no bottleneck.

It is his cultivation speed, which depends on the speed of reading the martial arts book.

As long as he finishes reading the book, he will break through to great perfection in the next moment.

Is there still justice in this?

Does God reward hard work?

Jiang Ziling fell into deep doubt.

No, what happened next made her more self-doubting.

Because Li Xiao is still breaking through....



It was a good day with bright sunshine and pleasant breeze.

The mood of the Black Wind King Black Bear Monster was also particularly good.

He was about to get home, and he could be with his wife, hehehe...

The big red sedan stopped in front of the cave.

"We are here, sir."

The wild dog sedan bearers worked together to put down the sedan, and then they all collapsed on the ground.

After all, they carried two big bears and didn't sleep for three days and three nights. They were really tired!

Two black bears walked out of the sedan chair.

"We are home, my wife."

The Black Wind King stopped his gaze on the mother bear and pointed to the direction of the cave with a smile: "This is our future home."

The mother bear demon looked puzzled: "Why is your home... so dark?"

"So dark?"

The black bear demon turned his head curiously and looked at the cave. The cave was indeed dark, and the vines outside the cave had turned into charcoal.

"Strange, what's going on?"

The black bear demon scratched his head in confusion and prepared to go in and take a look.

"Master Bear." A wild dog sedan bearer called out to it and said, "Are you going back with this sedan? If not, we'll leave."

The black bear demon replied, "Of course, we'll have to send a gift to my father-in-law's house. You wait here."

The wild dog sedan bearer shouted, "That will cost extra money, but the return fee is lower, but you still need two spirit crystals."

The Wan Yao Kingdom is boundless, with countless spirit veins.

Mining spirit veins can get spirit crystals.

Spirit crystals are the only universal currency.

Any treasure, weapon, magical power, technique... needs to be traded with spirit crystals.

Of course, spirit crystals can also be used directly for cultivation, and the spiritual power in them can be obtained to improve cultivation.

"Give it, give it."

The black bear demon said impatiently, and then hurriedly drilled into the cave.

After entering the cave, it was directly stagnant in place.

What came into view was the flea demon corpses all over the ground, which had been burned to charcoal.

The cave was also destroyed, obviously burned by a fire, destroying all traces of the corpse!

It hurriedly got into the treasure house...

Even all the treasures in the treasure house were looted.

"Who, who did this!!!"

In the cave, there was a heart-wrenching roar...

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