After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 39 Black Bear collapses and kills all the monsters in anger!


In the cave, a terrifying bear roar sounded.

The Black Wind King completely collapsed.

This cave is the result of his three hundred years of hard work since he became enlightened!

For three hundred years, it went through untold hardships, was cautious, and set up the cave in this remote place. It would flee when it met a human martial artist, and never have a conflict.

Only then could it live well for three hundred years and save so many spiritual objects.

Hundred years of savings, destroyed in an instant!

How could it accept becoming a pauper in an instant?

"Spiritual ginseng... By the way... I still have that thousand-year-old golden fruit spiritual ginseng..."

The black bear monster thought of the spiritual ginseng he had hidden, which was more valuable than all the treasures in the treasury.

It rushed into the bedroom and headed towards the direction of the secret box.

However, the secret box had been opened long ago, and the spiritual ginseng was not there!

"Spiritual ginseng, my spiritual ginseng!"

The black bear monster's anger kept surging in his heart.

This thousand-year-old golden fruit spiritual ginseng is a spiritual object that has given birth to spiritual intelligence.

It can burrow into the ground and escape when in danger.

Every time it approaches, the spiritual ginseng burrows into the ground and appears several miles away again.

Because it is too valuable, it is worried that other monsters will covet it.

During this period, it hunted it down by itself and spent a lot of effort.

It took a full three years to hunt down this spiritual ginseng.

Originally, he was going to use it to break through to the transformation stage.

Now, it has not even tasted a hair of the spiritual ginseng, and it is gone...

"What's going on?"

The female black bear walked in at this time, and frowned when she saw the messy cave: "Xiong San, you liar, didn't you say that your cave is full of spiritual objects, where are the spiritual objects?"

The female black bear monster traveled thousands of miles to follow this stupid bear to this rural place.

Just for its little property.

In the end, this is it?

"Wife, listen to my explanation."

The black bear monster hurriedly said: "During the time I was away, my home was robbed."

"My home was robbed?"

The female black bear monster sneered: "When you left the cave, didn't you arrange guards?"

"Yes, I did."

The black bear monster said angrily: "My innate magical power is 'transformation'. I left three giant bears to guard the cave, and there are hundreds of flea monsters patrolling. In addition, my cave is hidden, so it is impossible to be robbed."

"Hehe." The female black bear monster sneered: "I think there is no spiritual creature in your cave, so you created a false illusion to deceive me and win my sympathy."

After that, the female black bear monster turned around and was about to leave.

"Wife, don't leave!"

The black bear monster has nothing now. Seeing that his beloved is about to leave again, he stopped her anxiously and said, "Wife, I've been with her for three days and I'm moved."

"Don't shout. Who is your wife???"

The female black bear monster looked disgusted and pushed the black bear monster away: "Get out of here. If you stop me again, I'll tell my father when I get back and let him kill you!"

"Don't leave, you're not allowed to leave!"

The black bear monster was originally full of anger, and now In the end, he was even more angry and shouted: "I'm going to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters to ask for your hand in marriage, because you lost your treasure. If you dare to leave, I'll break your bear legs!"

"I blame you?"

The female black bear demon was not easy to deal with, and shouted: "Your hometown was stolen, it has nothing to do with me. Besides, I doubt that you don't have those spiritual objects at all. What about the thousand-year-old golden fruit spiritual ginseng? Bah, it's all a trick."

"Shut up!"

The black bear monster was so angry that he pushed the female black bear demon.

This time, he directly pushed the female black bear demon to the ground and rolled over.

"Wife, I didn't mean it..."

It hurriedly apologized and wanted to go over to help.

"You bastard, you dare to hit me! No one dares to hit me in this life!"

The female black bear demon was also spoiled since childhood and had a bad temper. After being pushed like this, she slapped the black bear demon Xiong San in the face.


The sound of the slap was particularly loud in the cave!

Lost all face, angry and humiliated!

"You bitch, you dare to hit me!"

The black bear monster cursed.

"You dog, I'm going to hit you!"

The female black bear monster was unwilling to be outdone and wanted to slap her again.

But it was wrong after all.

This is not the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, there is no monster hunting, no laws, nothing!

There is... only the survival law of wild beasts, the law of the jungle!

"You bitch, I'll beat you to death!"

The black bear monster backhanded a bear palm with great force.

Directly knocked out several front teeth of the female black bear monster.

"I'll kill you!"

The female black bear monster's front teeth were knocked out and her appearance was destroyed!

Although it is a bear, it is a female bear, and appearance is the most important thing!


The cave shook instantly.

The two huge black bears wrestled in the cave.

At first, it was a physical fight, but the fight became more and more intense, and they began to fight for their lives.

The two black bears were both in the middle stage of the Gathering Spirit Stage, and both possessed magical powers.

They fought in the cave, back and forth.

But the black bear monster had been living outside the Wan Yao Country, and was a wild person with rich fighting experience, so it was better after all.

It pulled out dozens of black hairs, transformed into a huge black bear, and attacked in groups.

More than a dozen giant bears used their powerful strength to hit the female black bear monster.

In the end, the female black bear monster was defeated and fell in a pool of blood.

"If you kill me, my father will not forgive you..."

Before it died, it stared at the black bear monster with resentful eyes, and then died.

Who would have thought that a happy event would eventually become a funeral.

The black bear monster took a deep breath and gradually regained consciousness, only to find that a disaster had occurred.

If the news was passed back to the black bear's family.

His family has seven sons, all of whom are in the spirit gathering stage, and the eldest son is in the transformation stage!

I really have no way to go up to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

"Kill... Kill the monster, kill the monster!!!"

At the entrance of the cave, eight wild dog monsters saw this scene with their own eyes and showed horror.

These eight wild dog monsters rested at the entrance of the cave.

They found that the movement in the cave was particularly loud, so they came together to see.

Who knew that when they looked, they saw the scene of the black bear killing his wife.

"Go, go quickly!"

The wild dog sedan bearers who led the team retreated immediately.

The eight black dog monsters retreated one after another and fled into the distance.

"If I don't do it, I'll just kill them all!"

The black bear demon's face showed a fierce look, and it was already blood-thirsty.

Killing one is killing, killing two is killing.

If I don't kill them, and let the wild dog demon pass the news back, the demon catchers in the demon city want to catch me, and the black bear family will never let me go.


The black bear demon moved as fast as a gust of black wind.

He went towards the eight wild dog demons.

In a blink of an eye, he caught up with one.

It raised its bear paw and slapped one to death.

Before the bear and the wild dog became demons, the strength difference was huge.

Therefore, before the transformation period, the wild dog could never beat the black bear.

Not to mention, these eight wild dogs were just monsters in the awakening period, and they had not yet gathered their spirits, and they didn't even have magical powers.

"Black Bear Xiong San, you are crazy!"

One of the wild dog monsters showed a look of horror and cursed: "If you kill us, the people of the Wild Dog Gang will not let you go!"

These wild dog monsters are also organized.

In the Monster City, they are a gang of wild dog sedan bearers.

Specially responsible for carrying sedan chairs for people.

The gang leader is very powerful and is a great monster beyond the transformation period!

"If I let you go, can I live?"

The black bear monster sneered.

"We can pretend that we didn't see anything."

A wild dog monster said hurriedly, with a strong desire to survive.

Although they are numerous, they can't beat this black bear in the gathering spirit period.

"Haha, dead monsters can keep secrets better!"

After saying that, he rushed away, and the wind was rolling, as heavy as a mountain.

This black bear monster can dominate this area, so it must have some strength.

Even the female black bear monster with the same cultivation and the same black bear died at its hands.

"Run away, everyone, run away in different directions!"

The wild dog monsters knew they couldn't stop them, so they could only run for their lives.

The remaining seven wild dogs fled in different directions.

"Escape? You can't escape from my palm!"

The black bear monster blew out seven black hairs, transformed into seven giant bears, and chased them one by one.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Although the bears were powerful, they were not slow at all. In a blink of an eye, they caught up with the seven wild dog monsters and slapped them with their palms, killing them with one palm!

In an instant, all the monsters were killed by the black bear monster!

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