After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 40 The powerful white ape, strong enough to move mountains and rivers!

Huff, huff, huff——

The black bear monster panted heavily, looking at the monster corpses that he dragged into the cave:

The mother bear monster and eight wild dog monsters.

These are not monsters in the wild, but monsters in Thunder City in the Ten Thousand Monsters Country.

There are ten thousand cities in the Ten Thousand Monsters Country.

Each city is equivalent to a country, ruled by the city lord.

The ten thousand cities are called: Ten Thousand Monsters Country!

Each city has its own laws, but no matter which monster city it is, there are generally laws that monsters cannot kill monsters!

In Thunder City, the city lord is a golden-winged bird with profound magic power and a love of peace.

Monsters who kill monsters will be severely punished.

And these monsters killed by him all belong to Thunder City.

"Absolutely can't pass this news back..."

The black bear monster calmed down and had a headache.

Things can be concealed for a while, but not forever.

When the Black Bear Xiong Tian family and the Wild Dog Gang find out that they haven't been back for a while, they will definitely investigate the matter. The truth will come out sooner or later.

After thinking for a long time, the Black Bear Monster couldn't come up with any good solution.

"No matter what... catch the person who stole my house first."

The Black Bear Monster was silent for a long time, and finally stood up slowly, thinking of a solution.

The Golden Fruit Spiritual Ginseng, Spiritual Wine, and Spiritual Honey cannot be refined in a day or two.

It takes at least a few years, and at most decades.

Especially the Golden Fruit Spiritual Ginseng, which cannot be taken directly, will explode and die.

It needs to be soaked in spirit wine and taken slowly every day before it can be refined.

This cave should have been stolen in the past few days.

I just need to catch the murderer, take the things back, and then find a hidden place to practice secretly. When I practice to the transformation stage, even if the people in the demon city come, they can't do anything to me!

"My innate magical power is illusion, one of the strongest magical powers of the black bear."

"Wait until I reach the transformation stage."

"With one breath, I can transform into hundreds of black bears. Who can do anything to me?"

The black bear slowly got up and began to look for clues in the house.

"Who did it..."

The black bear was puzzled. The murderer was really vicious. He burned the flea demon into charcoal with a fire, and there was no one to ask questions.

"By the way, I caught a cloud dragon spirit snake before. Could it be their family members?"

The black bear demon shook his head and rejected this idea.

The cloud dragon spirit snake was caught at the seaside and no one found it.

Even if it was found, with the background of the cloud dragon spirit snake clan, it would not look down on the things in his cave, but would wait in the cave and kill him.

This cave was taken clean, it should not be the work of the snake clan.

"Could it be the white ape in the north?"

There is a white ape a hundred miles north of this cave, which is very powerful.

The strength is equal to that of the black bear monster.

Both sides have had conflicts.

"That white ape knows the location of my cave, but we... never interfere with each other, and we have a treaty!"

"It shouldn't be, who is it?"

"It can attack my cave and kill all the flea monsters, so its strength should be strong."

"The roaring hedgehog in the west also has this strength, but there are no hedgehog needles on the ground..."

"The flame crocodile in the northwest, could it be it?? No... It doesn't know the location of my cave at all, and crocodiles can't climb mountains, it doesn't have the courage to provoke me..."

The black bear monster thought for a long time and eliminated one option after another.

In the end, the suspect was placed on the "white ape".

"Only the white ape, its strength is equal to mine, and it knows the location of my cave!"

Thinking of this, the black bear monster got up and left the cave, found a big stone, and blocked the cave entrance tightly.

Then it turned into a gust of black wind and flew towards the north.

Not long after.

The black bear monster came to the white ape.

Under a valley, next to a pond, under a big tree, there lay a white ape.

This powerful white ape was born with supernatural power and was born with enlightenment. Its strength was quite amazing.

But the black bear monster could always find the white ape's location.

Because the white ape could not leave.

It was guarding a red fruit tree.

When the white ape found the red fruit, it was only 120 years away from forming.

It guarded it for 120 years.

The black bear monster coveted the red fruit for a long time.

Every five years, when his cultivation level improved, he would try to snatch it.

But he failed every time. The white ape was too powerful.

Until thirty years ago, the white ape found the black bear monster's lair and said that if he dared to take the red fruit again, he would take the opportunity to steal its home.

Therefore, the two monsters had each other's handles and the dispute stopped.

"White ape, old thief!"

Suddenly, a gust of black wind appeared above the valley, and then a huge black bear fell down, roaring: "Why did you steal my hometown when I was away!"

The black bear took advantage of the situation and grabbed a large stone from the top of the mountain, which was ten thousand pounds, and threw it directly at the white ape.

"Black bear?"

The white ape turned over and stood up from the ground, with a height of ten feet.

If the huge stone was left alone, it would smash the "red fruit tree" beside him and the red fruit into pieces.

It jumped suddenly and smashed the boulder into pieces with a punch in the air.

The broken stones flew everywhere and the trees trembled.

Just one blow can show the strength of the two monsters.

This black bear monster has a strength of ten thousand pounds, and this white ape is no worse!

The white ape angrily said, "Black bear, you are crazy. When did I steal your house?"


The black bear fell from the sky and cursed, "If it's not you, who else could it be? You are the only one who knows my lair, and you use it to threaten me!"

"You are bullshitting!"

The white ape cursed, "Open your eyes and look. My red fruit is not ripe yet. How can I leave?"

The black bear demon looked at the tree next to the white ape.

Sure enough, the red fruit was still hanging on the tree, looking like it was about to ripen, but it was not ripe yet.

"This....Why is it not ripe yet..."

The black bear demon knew that after the white ape found the red fruit tree, he almost never left.

Now that it is almost ripe, it has no reason to leave.

After all, this red fruit is more valuable than all his treasures.

After eating the red fruit and refining it, you can break through to the transformation stage!


The white ape sneered: "So your home was stolen. It's really a great pleasure. A hundred years ago, I asked you to share the treasures in your cave with me. After this red fruit matures, we will each have half. You didn't agree and came to rob it directly. It's really retribution, haha!"

The white ape was very happy to see his old rival's home being stolen.

"Damn it!"

The black bear monster was furious, but his eyes fell on the red fruit again, and he laughed: "Hehe, I think your red fruit will not be long before it matures..."

It became greedy. If it could get this red fruit, it would be really good.

It can completely make up for its losses!

"Are you planning to take my Zhu fruit?"

The white ape said angrily, "We have signed a treaty to keep out of each other's way."

The black bear monster negotiated, "My old nest is gone, so the treaty is useless. Old ape, give me half of the Zhu fruit, and we will become sworn brothers."

The white ape cursed, "Get lost! Dare to take my Zhu fruit, die!"

He has guarded this Zhu fruit for 130 years, how could he give it up so easily?

"Let's see who is more powerful!"

The black bear monster took a breath, and his body expanded several times, like a small mountain, rushing towards the white ape.

The white ape also took a breath, and also expanded several times, and his body was as big as the black bear!


A loud noise!

The black bear monster and the white ape, palm to fist, hit a huge force collision.

The ground shook and the air vibrated.

The fish in the pool next to them were all shocked to death.

The white ape didn't move at all, but the black bear monster retreated dozens of steps and almost fell.

"White ape, I haven't seen you for thirty years. How come your strength has increased so fast?"

The black bear monster showed a surprised look.

This white ape is born with supernatural power, but he is a black bear.

The bear can't compare strength with the ape? ? ?

The white ape snorted and said, "Anyway, this red fruit is about to mature. I'm not afraid to tell you that this red fruit can emit a strange fragrance. Just this fragrance can improve your cultivation! The more mature it is, the stronger the fragrance. Now I can only smell the fragrance and it's almost in the transformation stage!"


The black bear monster's face changed drastically.

In this way, this red fruit is not something it can snatch...

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