"Third brother, I want it too."

Li Hu couldn't help but show envy when he saw this exquisite carved wooden bed.

Li Weiyu was more reserved and just looked at Li Xiao with expectant eyes.

"Don't worry, you all have it."

Li Xiao smiled and agreed. He originally planned to build a bed for each person.

After saying that, Li Xiao lifted the large wooden bed weighing hundreds of pounds with one hand.

With a gentle delivery, he threw it directly into the tiger's den and landed firmly on the ground where the tiger mother slept.

This ability to carry weight with ease is due to Li Xiao's entry into the realm of a master, the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Thank you, Third Brother."

Li Yunquan felt warm in his heart.

Her affection for Li Xiao is no different from that of Dahu and Erhu.

Even...more like it.

Because the third child has a good understanding of human nature, he is much more sensible than the other two children.

"By the way, mother, try using Samadhi True Fire on me."

Li Xiao wanted to try to see if his [Heaven Thunderbolt Shock] could activate his magical powers.

If it is possible, it will be very effective against monsters in the future.


"I want to try out my new moves."

"That's okay."

The tiger mother nodded slightly.

It knows the strength of its child.

Without worrying about hurting him, he breathed out a mouthful of fire.


The air suddenly became extremely hot, and a ball of flame went straight towards Li Xiao.


Li Xiao seized the opportunity and used it decisively when the flames were approaching him.


A strange voice sounded.

Li Xiao's whole body used his bones and muscles to vibrate with a high-frequency vibration, creating a substantial transparent wall of air around his body.

The Samadhi True Fire was instantly deflected and scattered in all directions.


Li Xiao's eyes lit up.

If this skill can deflect magical powers, it will be watertight and can be called an absolute defense. If you continue to improve your physique, this skill will become stronger and stronger.

"Lao San, your strength is a bit unbelievable."

Li Yunquan was also extremely amazed.

Tigers are ferocious beasts to humans.

No adult can stand a chance, let alone a baby.

Even human warriors.

To deal with ordinary tigers, one must at least be in the third level of strength, and this can only be done with weapons.

Li Xiao is only nine months old and was still breastfeeding six months ago.

Ever since I took him out to hunt for food, his strength seemed to have improved rapidly.

Now I can kill a three-foot-tall giant bear demon with one punch...

"Ha ha..."

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Mother, you taught me well."

Li Yunquan smiled and shook his head.

It knows that this is not the reason at all, this child is born strong.

In the mountains, there are also many creatures who are born extraordinary...

The next morning.

Zero Zero Seven hurried back.

"Big big, big big king!"

Ling Lingqi entered the cave, looking very excited.

"Don't stutter, speak slower."

Li Xiao said angrily.

"Really, there really is Zhu Guo!!!"

Ling Lingqi shouted excitedly: "That's Zhu Guo, an innate spiritual fruit that takes three thousand years to bear fruit. If we demons eat it, we can transform directly!!"

"What? Zhu Guo!"

Jiang Ziling on the side heard this and was shocked and said: "Zhu Guo, the legendary divine fruit, I have only seen it in ancient books. It is recorded in the ancient books that Zhu Guo was born in the deep mountains and swamps. It brewed the aura of heaven and earth and turned into seeds. It grew into a tree after a thousand years. It takes a thousand years to produce a fruit. Even if an ordinary person eats it, he will immediately gain tens of thousands of kilos of divine power, and with a little practice, he can become a martial arts master!"

Whether it is to humans or monsters, Zhu Guo is extremely magical.

"Then Zhu Guo is protected by a powerful demon, right?"

Li Xiao asked, it is impossible for Zhu Guo, who can achieve great things, not to be protected by something powerful.

You know, it takes three thousand years to produce a fruit.

A whole three thousand years!

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

Great changes can occur in thirty years, let alone three thousand years.

If it had been born in a conspicuous place, it would have been destroyed by creatures long ago.

It would be strange if there is no demon to protect you.

"My lord, you are so smart!"

Ling Lingqi nodded and said: "Beside the red fruit tree, there is a white ape. I can't see its strength clearly, but I'm afraid it's not weak. This news was told by the former king. If the former king can beat that white ape , must have taken advantage of it long ago.”

"The tactic of killing with a borrowed knife."

Li Xiao said slowly: "This black bear monster has a grudge, so it wants to lure me to Zhu Guo to fight with the white ape. If we fight to the death, it will reap the benefits. If I lose, it will also It’s revenge.”

Tiger mother Li Yunquan said: "Third brother, let's think about it carefully. Can you wait for me to practice again and go with you to grab it? I feel that every time I breathe out flames, my Samadhi True Fire will become more refined. "

As for the demon, in this mountain, the weak and the strong will prey on each other, and whoever is stronger will own it. There is no first-come, first-served basis. Now that he has discovered it, he will naturally snatch it away!

"No." Ling Lingqi said: "We have arrived at a good time. The red fruit is almost ripe. If it is ripe, the white ape will definitely swallow it, but it will be gone."

"How many days will it take to mature?" Li Xiao asked.

Ling Lingqi said: "I'm afraid it's only happened in the past few days. The closer the red fruit is to maturity, the brighter the color. When it is completely mature, it will turn into gold. Now the red fruit has a red color, extremely bright!"

"Then don't wait any longer. It's better to hit the sun than to choose another day. I will go and snatch it away today!"

Li Xiao is still confident in his own strength.

Since it is a white ape, it means it is still in the spirit gathering period.

A monster in the spirit gathering stage should not be his opponent.


Li Xiao asked: "What's so great about the white ape? Even your king can't defeat it?"

"I don't know."

Ling Lingqi shook his head: "I have never heard of the white ape. It stands to reason that the white ape demon cannot resist the black bear demon. Not to mention that the king is the most powerful black bear demon of this generation. This white ape should not be easy...and ....”

Li Xiao: "What else?"

Zero Zero Seven said: "There is a group of humans near the White Ape's territory. It's very strange. Could it be that it, like the Queen Mother, also raises humans?"


Jiang Ziling's heart moved and she asked, "How old are those people?"

Zero Zero Seven said: "I am weak and dare not get close to watch. Instead, I turned into the size of dust and observed from the gap on the top of the mountain. I can't see clearly. They should all be adults."


Jiang Ziling's expression changed. I'm afraid those people were members of his sect five years ago.

That disaster greatly reduced the sect's strength. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the white ape demon.

"Senior, please help me, senior!"

Jiang Ziling immediately knelt down in front of Li Xiao and begged: "Those people are probably my disciples of Red Lion Sword Manor..."

Li Xiao nodded slightly and said calmly: "I originally planned to snatch the Zhu Guo and save people, and I did it by the way."

Li Yunquan blocked Li Xiao's path and said worriedly: "Third brother, that white ape is so powerful, don't be reckless. If something goes wrong..."

"Mother, you are worrying too much."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Since I can kill a black bear monster with two punches, how can I be afraid of a white ape?"

After that, he looked at Ling Lingqi and asked: "Ling Lingqi, you are well-informed. In your opinion, can I deal with that white ape with my strength?"

Ling Lingqi thought for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, in the Soul Gathering Stage, the black bear monster is already a very powerful monster. You can defeat it with one punch that day. I'm afraid there is no problem in sweeping the Soul Gathering Stage..."

This is true. The king's explosive strength is too terrifying.

Ling Lingqi didn't know what kind of demon could compete with his own king during the Soul Gathering Period.

I'm afraid only the legendary beasts can compete, right?

"Mother, you see, Zero Zero Seven also said the same."

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said disapprovingly: "It's just a white ape. I'll come back as soon as I go. If I'm really defeated, it won't be that easy for him to catch me!"

Li Yunquan said: "Lao San, you have made up your mind, then I will go with you."

Li Xiao waved his hand: "Mother, you should wait for my good news at home."

It's not that he doesn't want to take care of his mother, but that his mother is too weak now and would be a burden if she goes.

It's better to go alone, fight if you can, and run away if you can't.

With his speed, no one can catch up with him.

Li Yunquan's persuasion was useless and he could only get out of the way worriedly.

"Zero Zero Seven, lead the way!"

After that, Li Xiao took the flea demon and left the cave.

Soon, it disappeared...

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