"Is this the white ape?"

An hour later, Ling Lingqi led Li Xiao to the valley.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are not just one mountain, nor are they 100,000 mountains. They are connected by countless mountains.

There are lakes and rivers in the plains between the mountains, and all kinds of strange things...

This valley is indeed hidden, surrounded by mountains on all sides. It can only be seen from the top of the mountain. The peculiar shapes of the four mountains form an arched closed space.

There is a crack on the top of the mountain, and Li Xiao hides on the tree on the crack rock wall.

"Such a small white ape, can't the black bear monster beat it?"

Li Xiao has excellent eyesight, and can clearly see the valley floor a thousand meters below through the gaps in the leaves.

There is a pool and a tree at the bottom of the valley, and the white ape is sitting cross-legged on the tree.

Next to the tree, there are indeed more than a dozen women.

"My king, what should we do now?"

Ling Lingqi whispered.

"No hurry, wait until it falls asleep, I don't believe it won't take a nap."

Li Xiao made a hissing sound, meaning to keep quiet.

No matter what, we must not alert the enemy.

If the white ape is frightened and swallows the red fruit in advance, it will be a loss.

The sky gradually darkened, and Li Xiao waited quietly like prey.

This wait lasted for three hours, and it was already late at night.

The night in the Shiwan Mountains was particularly quiet, especially in this empty valley, which was terribly quiet.

"Ling Lingqi, you stay here and wait until I deal with this white ape, then you come out."

Li Xiao ordered Ling Lingqi to stay where he was to avoid disturbing him.

Then, he used [Heaven·Swallowing Cloud] to take a deep breath.

This breath of air was enough to hold his breath, and he didn't need to breathe for three hours.

Li Xiao planned to sneak down and deal with the sleeping white ape.

Using [Heaven·Snake Step] was silent and there was no sound.

Li Xiao walked upright along the wall of the valley, moving little by little.

He was extremely patient and it took him an hour to get to the ground from the valley.

Coming to the ground, Li Xiao used his inner strength to land on the grass with his feet, only slightly bending the grass but not pressing it to the ground, and no sound could be heard!

Like a hunting snake, lurking in an unknown place.


"Woo woo woo..."

"Woo woo woo... When will this day end..."

"I want to die, I don't want to live anymore..."

In the empty valley, the sound of women sobbing came.

These women were in tattered clothes, with disheveled hair, and looked very miserable.

They didn't dare to cry too loudly, fearing that they would attract the dissatisfaction of the white ape.

This white ape tortured them for five whole years!

Shame, an incomparable shame!

They were all outstanding in their sects, and the proud daughters of heaven.

The objects pursued by dignitaries!

But now, they have become the vent of the beast...

During this period, many women were unwilling to be humiliated and wanted to commit suicide.

But it was useless. If they committed suicide, the white ape would find out, and then catch them. If they approached and smelled the strange fruit, their injuries would miraculously heal themselves.

Next, they were greeted with even more horrible torture!

This white ape stayed here all day, guarding the red fruit tree, and was extremely bored.

In order to kill their boredom, its torture methods were bizarre and extremely perverted!

If they were not warriors, they would have been tortured to death long ago.

And the red fruit was really magical!

They stayed here day and night, and could smell the faint fragrance of the red fruit from afar.

As a result, their martial arts skills have been continuously improved in the past five years.

From the fifth grade, the sixth grade, to the seventh grade, and even the eighth grade!

The eighth grade is considered a small master in the human world, and one man can block the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

But unfortunately, they were still no match for the white ape.

They couldn't even cross the line drawn by the white ape on the ground.

"We have been trapped here for five years."

"Why didn't anyone come to save us? Has the sect forgotten us..."

"Save? Don't think about it. Now my cultivation has reached the eighth level, and I can't defeat him. Even the owner of the manor was only the seventh level. How can he save us?"


The women felt extremely humiliated, but they could do nothing.

Yes, who can save them?

Some of them have reached the eighth level of the Divine Transformation Realm and become a junior master.

But they can't beat the white ape at all. Even if the master came, they couldn't save them!

Not to mention that there is no master in their Red Lion Sword Manor.

Even after a few years, they continue to improve.

They still can't escape even if they reach the master level!

The strength of this white ape is too terrifying!

The feeling of powerlessness has made them give up the hope of escape and fall into endless pain...

"Hehe, I am more excited to see you desperate."

The white ape sitting on the tree saw the group of human women and grinned.

The days of guarding the red fruit are too boring.

These human women are really good tools given by God to kill boredom.

Change one every day, and whoever disobeys will be severely tortured!

"Red fruit, red fruit..."

The white ape stared at the red fruit, showing excitement: "In order to eat you, I have been guarding you for more than a hundred years. This hundred years is really hard to endure... It's almost over..."

After staring for a long time, it felt a little tired, and its eyelids became heavier, and then it fell asleep.

Actually, a monster with its strength doesn't need to sleep at all.

But fatigue caused by spiritual emptiness is inevitable.

When there is nothing to do, it is extremely boring, and taking a nap is a quick way to kill time.

However, it doesn't worry at all that a monster can steal the red fruit in its sleep.

It awakened a magical power called "Drawing the Ground as a Prison".

Drawing the Ground as a Prison, as the name suggests, is to use the power of the monster to set up a barrier, nothing can get in, and the people inside can't get out.

If you want to penetrate this barrier, you will be oppressed by the powerful monster power!

A circle is also drawn around the red fruit tree.

Even if a big monster really attacks, it can wake it up.


The white ape monster snored, not realizing that danger was coming.

Under the night light.

A ten-month-old baby, stepping on the grass, was slowly walking towards the red fruit tree...

"What...what is that?"

On the other side of the red fruit tree, one of the women found the baby.

She pushed her companion and whispered.

In the past five years, she has stepped from the fifth rank to the seventh rank, so her eyesight is very good.

"That is... a baby? How is it possible!"

A middle-aged woman of the eighth rank said.

She is the one with the highest martial arts cultivation among the crowd.

She was the elder of the Red Lion Sword Manor. She was the sixth rank before being caught by the white ape. She is over 40 years old and has already started a family, but she still can't escape being bullied by the white ape.

In fact, she is fine. The most pitiful ones are those young women.

They were in their twenties when they came in, and now they are almost 30 years old.

Martial artists have a long life span. Many women may not have started a family at the age of 20 and are virgins.

Before tasting love, life has withered, how sad...

At this time, these women saw the baby, who was slowly walking towards the red fruit tree, and they couldn't help showing a look of amazement.

You know, on weekdays, even if a fly flew into this valley, it would be noticed by the white ape. The white ape's five senses are extremely sharp and extremely careful.

But the white ape is still sleeping soundly, and he didn't notice it at all!

"Maybe, we are saved..."

The woman named Nightingale was extremely excited and ignited hope.

She also has a fiancé.

On the eve of entering the mountains, the two made a promise to get married after returning.

But unexpectedly, this separation lasted for five years, and she was not clean anymore.

But she still did not give up the hope of escaping.

However, the words of her companions extinguished the fire in her heart.

"Alas... How many monsters have coveted this red fruit in these years, and how many can succeed?"

"Yes, a powerful snake demon discovered this place before, and wanted to steal the red fruit with the ability to conceal its breath, but what was the result?"

"Don't hold on to hope, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment..."

The women sighed and whispered.

They have long been numb.

Every time a monster came, they hoped that the foreign enemy could kill the white ape.

Even if it died in the mouth of other monsters, it would be better than being bullied here.

But every time, they were full of hope, but eventually turned into despair.

This white ape is too strong, and it buried the corpses of countless monsters!

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