After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 51: The white snake entangles in the sky, defeating the enemy in one move!

"No, we can't give up hope..."

The woman murmured in her heart.

This woman named Nightingale is not willing to give up any hope!

People live by hope. If hope is lost, what's the point of living!

In any case, even if she died, she didn't want to continue like this.

So she mustered up her courage and waved to the baby.

She wanted to remind the baby of the "painted ground as a prison" barrier underground.

She remembered that a black snake demon had sneaked into this place before.

With his hidden magical power, he came to the red fruit tree without waking up the white ape.

However, he accidentally got close to the magic power of "drawing the ground as a prison", which triggered the taboo and awakened the white ape. In the end, the sneak attack failed and the two sides faced the enemy head-on.

The black snake demon was beaten to death by the white ape with three punches.

At that time, Nightingale was thinking.

If at that time, I had warned the black snake demon in advance.

Does the black snake demon have a way to deal with this "drawing the ground as a prison"?

Can we continue to lurk in until the whole body of the snake is wrapped around the white ape? Can we hang it to death?

You know, snakes are not very capable of facing enemies head-on.

But once it secretly entangles its sleeping prey, even the more powerful prey may not be able to break free until it is hanged!

She regretted not doing this before.

Therefore, this time she decided to remind him!

"Nightingale, you are crazy. If you remind the other monsters and the white ape knows about it, it will torture you until life is worse than death!"

In their opinion, the human baby should not be a human, but a demon.

After all, how could a baby go deep into this place?

The elder on the side held her hand and motioned her to be quiet.

This white ape has a weird temper, is capricious, and is very narrow-minded.

If you are not satisfied at all, you will be tortured to death. The key is that you can't die. The pain... is worse than death!

"I've had enough of this place. Even if there's a glimmer of hope, even if I endure hellish pain, as long as there's the slightest chance, I won't give up!"

Nightingale gritted her teeth, her heart extremely determined.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, what does this mean, is she weak after being tortured for five years?

Martial arts shouldn't be like this, it should be about living towards death!

What's the point of fearing life, and what's the point of dying?

His fiancé... is still waiting for him, he must go out...

"The baby saw me!"

Nightingale was delighted.

That baby was really extraordinary. He could see himself in the dark even though he was so far away.

The other women also held their breaths when they saw this scene.

Nightingale did not speak, but pointed to the rough "line" on the ground.

The baby opposite looked at it, then looked at the red fruit tree, then smiled and nodded.

"Does he understand?"

Nightingale was shocked. He had just wanted to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, the baby opposite actually responded.

So what kind of monster is it, and why does it look so like a human being?

Could it be that he is a demon in the transformation stage?

No...the white ape once said that demons in the transformation stage will be forced to enter the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and are absolutely not allowed to appear outside the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons...

Because a monster in the transformation stage can rule all the resources for thousands of miles.

It makes it difficult for other creatures to transform into demons and cuts off the passage.

If the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons wants to grow, it must turn countless creatures from outside the Kingdom into monsters...

Therefore, the baby is definitely not a monster in the transformation stage.

Moreover, the demon in the transformation stage also appears in the body of an adult and will not become a baby.

Could it be a human baby?

That's absolutely impossible. It's impossible for a person to practice martial arts from birth...and become so strong...

The women were full of doubts, but now they were not allowed to think too much.

All their eyes fell on the baby.

Although I don’t have any hope, there is still a glimmer of hope!

"That woman reminded me that there is something fishy about this line."

At this time, Li Xiao had arrived not far in front of the Zhuguoshu and saw the reminder.

My eyes were filled with joy. Around the red fruit tree, there was a circular line that seemed to be drawn on the ground with stones, surrounding the tree.

"Those women should be the disciples of Red Lion Sword Manor."

"They are also in that circle, which means they can't come out."

"So, this should be the magical power of the monster, a kind of enchantment!"

Li Xiao quickly guessed the woman's intention.

That woman helped herself.

If he hadn't been reminded, he would have probably entered the barrier by mistake and awakened the white ape.

The white ape is next to the red fruit.

If he ate the red fruit directly, his trip would be in vain.

How to enter the barrier has become a difficult problem.

Think for a moment.

Li Xiao felt that those women could not come out. This barrier might be a kind of demonic force squeezing barrier.

And my [Heaven Thunderbolt Shock] can activate magical powers and magic, give it a try!

Thinking of this, Li Xiao used [Sky Tiger Step] to quickly step into the barrier.

"It's now!"

When he was about to touch the barrier, he immediately used [Sky Thunder Shock] to vibrate his body and emit a wall of transparent air.

Sure enough, when crossing the barrier, there was a pressure.

But the transparent air wall shook it open, and he quickly entered inside.

"It's done!"

Looking up again, the white ape was still sleeping soundly and had not woken up.

Li Xiao smiled slightly and then continued to approach slowly!

He wants this white ape to die in his sleep!

The other side.

The group of women all looked surprised.

The baby really did it, stepping into the barrier without waking up the white ape demon.

After five years, they saw the closest thing to hope.

So everyone held their breath.

Afraid of waking up the white ape!

The demon baby looks so weak, maybe it has strong lurking ability but average fighting ability. I hope he can sneak attack the white ape and assassinate him!

As the demon baby approaches step by step, it gets closer and closer!

The white ape didn't notice at all!

Hope seems to be getting closer!


"This is impossible!"

Above the valley, in the gap, the black bear monster showed an incredible look.

It also came here, planning to have a snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman would benefit!

But the human baby sneaked in silently, and even entered the white ape's magical power of "drawing the ground as a prison" without waking up.

If so, wouldn't White Ape be assassinated?

"Old King?"

Zero Zero Seven also discovered something was wrong.

It turned around to find the source of the sound.

I found that the black bear monster had arrived at some unknown time, not far away, and I lay down on the tree to watch.

Oops, it secretly has something bad going on, and the new king is about to succeed in a sneak attack.

Is this old king capable of bad things?

That's right, how could the black bear monster allow Li Xiao to get his wish and successfully attack directly?

What it wants to see is a fight between the baby and the white ape.

The black bear monster ignored Zero Zero Seven and shouted loudly toward the valley: "Silly white ape, wake up soon! Otherwise, your red fruits will be stolen!"

Suddenly, the sound resounded throughout the valley, especially harsh in the quiet night!

"no no...."

The women suddenly turned pale.

When we were almost close to hope, there were sudden waves again.

With this voice, the white ape will undoubtedly wake up, and the demon baby will definitely die...

"Zhu Guo!"

The sound woke up the white ape, and it opened its eyes suddenly.

Immediately, it got up and discovered that a human baby had arrived here at some point.

"Impossible, how did you enter my magical power?"

White Ape roared in disbelief.

Immediately, it seemed to remember something.

The voice just now was the voice of the black bear monster.

Could this be the one who stole the black bear monster's treasure?

But why is he here...

In an instant, Bai Yuan figured it out.

The black bear monster must be invincible, so it was lured here.


This baby is strong! ! !

The white ape's gaze fell on the red fruit.

Being cautious by nature, it no longer intends to wait for the red fruits to mature, but to pick the fruits in advance.

To avoid long nights and many dreams, a hundred years of protection will be destroyed in one day!

Li Xiao naturally saw Bai Yuan's intention.

He was currently two feet away from the tree, while the white ape was only a few feet away from Zhu Guo.

With his speed, it's impossible to stop him!

But... I have [Sky Tiger Leap] - super terrifying explosive power, unrivaled in crossing the abyss!

"Don't even think about it!"

Li Xiao immediately used [Sky Tiger Leap] to gain powerful explosive power and gather his legs together!

[Current physical points: 810]

[Sky·Tiger Leap] Super terrifying explosive power, unmatched across the abyss!

[Tian·Fengxing] Walk with the wind and eliminate the resistance brought by the air!

[Total effect: Super burst, eliminating air resistance. 】

[Current physique: 810 (strength of 15,000 kilograms)]

[Instant burst of physical fitness: 4050 (power of 80,000 kilograms)]

Li Xiao disappeared on the spot with a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

Where he disappeared, there was a rumble and the ground cracked.

This is the rebound effect of powerful force, causing the ground to collapse!


The next second.

Appeared behind the white ape demon!

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