After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 53 Obtaining the Red Fruit! Those who eat Qi will become gods and live long!

"I really did it..."

Not far from the red fruit tree, the group of women stood there like clay sculptures and wooden statues.

These women are the elders and disciples of the Red Lion Sword Manor.

In the human world, they are all respected martial artists.

But here, they are just prisoners.

For five years, they have suffered humiliation.

Now it seems to be saved?

"The white ape monster died so easily..."

"This is too strong..."

They didn't have much hope.

They even heard a sound that woke up the white ape monster queen.

It seems that they have seen the end of the demon baby being beaten to death.

But in the end,

instead, the demon baby appeared behind the white ape monster at a terrifying speed in an instant.

Then, with a strange posture, it directly strangled the white ape monster to death?

Really!! ...Saved.....!!

"We, we seem to be saved!"

"This... that little demon baby actually killed the white ape?"

"What a terrifying strength, what kind of monster is this."

"We are saved, hahaha, we are saved..."

"Is the white ape really dead?"

"Dead, everyone look, this underground line can no longer stop us!"

The women were ecstatic, and immediately tried to walk out of the circle.

Five years.

For five whole years, they could only stay in this small circle, how aggrieved.

They walked out of the circle one by one, feeling the breeze on their faces, and feeling the long-lost freedom.


Suddenly a woman spoke: "Will the demon baby kill us?"

As soon as this was said, the scene suddenly became quiet.

After all, how could a baby who could kill a white ape be a kind person?

In this mountain, there are demons...

Originally, they would rather die at the hands of other demons than continue to be humiliated.

But now, when they feel free, the desire to survive is born again.

"Please spare our lives..."

The women knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy.

Li Xiao slowly opened his eyes and looked over.

With the help of [Heaven·Golden Crystal], Li Xiao could see that they were a group of real human warriors with internal energy flowing in their bodies.

Based on the amount of internal energy, it can be seen that their cultivation is not low.

The highest one has an eighth-grade cultivation.

"How can there be humans in this mountain?"

Li Xiao pretended to be puzzled and said, "Where are you from? Tell the truth."

Such a tone made them feel that Li Xiao was not a human.

This was also Li Xiao's purpose-to hide his identity.

The women were delighted when they heard this.

From the tone, it seemed very friendly.


The leading woman was about to speak, but felt that the address was inappropriate, so she quickly changed her words and said, "My king, we were originally from the Red Lion Sword Manor in the human world. We mistakenly entered this place five years ago and were trapped by this white ape monster. Thank you for saving our lives..."

The powerful monster in this mountain likes to call himself the king, so the woman called him that.

"I'm not trying to save you."

Li Xiao grinned and looked at Zhu Guo and said, "My goal is this fruit, you... hehe..."

The women's faces changed slightly, as if they were facing a great enemy.

If this demon baby wants to deal with them, I'm afraid they can be killed in an instant.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Li Xiao looked at the young woman who reminded him before.

"My name is Nightingale."

The woman walked out and said with her head down.

"Yes, if you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have noticed that line. I'm afraid I would have woken up the white ape monster and there would be some trouble."

Li Xiao waved his hand and said, "For your sake, you can go."


The women were planning to die, but they didn't expect the demon baby to ask them to go.

This sudden happiness made them unable to react for a while.

"Then...we...will leave..."

A woman said tremblingly.

"Do you still want me to send you off?"

Li Xiao was a little annoyed.

These people are really stupid staying here.

However, their cultivation is not bad, the highest is the eighth grade.

These disciples of the Red Lion Sword Manor should be here day and night to smell the scent of the red fruit, and their martial arts cultivation will naturally improve and break through.

Let them go, and the Red Lion Sword Manor should be able to solve the current crisis.

"Thank you, thank you, my king!"

"Thank you, my king!"

They all kowtowed and thanked, and then stood up.

They glanced at each other and left nervously.

These women are all martial arts masters, who have practiced Qinggong and have a high level of martial arts.

They can easily leave the cliffs that are hundreds of feet high with Qinggong.

Not long after, the group of women came to the sky above the valley.

Before leaving, they looked down at the bottom of the valley, the sad place that trapped them for five years...

"Free, finally free!"

Until now, the women all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hush... We underestimated the Ten Thousand Mountains before. There are endless terrifying monsters in the mountains. Just the monster baby just now, if placed in the human world, is enough to sweep away everything..."

The leading elder said seriously: "For now, we haven't left the Ten Thousand Mountains yet, so it's better to be careful. Let's get together, leave here, and return to Jianzhuang..."


The women suppressed the desire to shout to the sky.

They all gathered together, performed Qinggong, and headed towards the human world.

at the same time.

not far away.

Jiang Ziling was riding on Li Hu when he saw those people in the sky.

"Are they...are they...the only ones left?"

Jiang Ziling cried with joy and recognized those people.

Their clothes were ragged, but they could tell they were from the Red Lion Sword Manor.

She recognized some of the sisters.

"Why are their faces so pale..."

Jiang Ziling sympathized with these fellow disciples.

"I've been in the hands of that white ape for five years, I'm afraid it will end badly..."

Ling Lingqi whispered while leading the way.

It has heard that white apes are lecherous and like to plunder human women...

In five years, who knows what they have gone through.


Jiang Ziling sighed deeply, but she did not come out to recognize him.

After all, I promised Senior Lingying not to reveal his identity.

If they recognize each other, the secret will no longer be able to be kept.

And, since they are saved.

That hatred must have been avenged by Senior Lingying for them...


Three tigers and one flea arrived at the bottom of the valley.

"Lao San, are you not injured?"

Tiger mother Li Yunquan, who loves her son deeply, immediately went to check on Li Xiao's injuries.

It turned out there were no injuries at all.

"Don't worry, mother, that white ape couldn't resist until he died."

Li Xiao smiled and turned around, letting his mother check.

"Okay, that's good, it'll be fine."

Li Yunquan showed a happy smile.

The third child is so awesome.

Kill the bear demon first, then the ape demon.

Is there any opponent for this hundred thousand mountain?

"Senior, thank you for your great kindness!"

Jiang Ziling immediately bowed again.

This senior helped her so much that she didn't even know how to repay him.

"It doesn't matter, just do it."

Li Xiao waved his hand and said it didn't matter.

After all, his purpose is Zhu Guo, not saving people, saving people is just incidental.

"Third brother." Li Weiyu looked at Li Xiao with admiration: "You are so awesome!"

"Third brother, second brother will have a good time with you from now on." Li Hu was also extremely happy.

"That's for sure." Li Xiao laughed, pointed in the direction of Zhu Guo, and said, "Look, everyone, what is this?"

Only then did everyone's eyes move from Li Xiao to Zhu Guo.

"Zhu Guo!"

Everyone's eyes were straightened.

Although this red fruit is only the size of a fist.

But the color is as dazzling as flames, and you can see the majestic and gentle spiritual power within it.

What's even more special is that the red fruit seems to exude a sweet smell.

Just smelling that smell made his whole body feel clear and warm.

"It's really Zhu Guo! Innate Spiritual Fruit!"

Ling Ling demon drooled all over the floor: "This thing is what the demon desires. Although the white ape has not eaten it, it has the strength comparable to the black bear. It is because smelling the aroma of the red fruit day and night improves the cultivation. The more As it gets closer to maturity, the flavor becomes more intense, and just by inhaling the aroma here, you can improve your cultivation!"

Li Xiao nodded slightly and said with a smile: "In the past few days, mother and everyone will live here and call this place their home. We will share the good things together and practice together!"


All the demons gathered around the red fruit tree and practiced with their eyes closed.

Sure enough, as the aroma enters the lungs, it turns into a warm current flowing through the body.

With this warm current, you can turn it into energy and live without eating any foreign food.

As the saying goes, "Those who eat meat are brave and powerful, those who eat grain are wise and skillful, those who eat breath are gods and live long, and those who do not eat are immortal and god."

Because I am convinced, I don’t have to absorb the impurities that cannot be absorbed from food!

Practicing with conviction is the best way to practice!

Just like that, everyone's cultivation began to slowly improve...

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