After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 54 Five gangs form an alliance, and blood flows like a river!

Two days later, in front of the Red Lion Sword Manor.

This group of ragged women finally returned to the sect.

Red Lion Sword Manor was originally a sect inherited from a large family.

Most of the disciples have lived here for generations, grew up here, and their families are also here.

When the sect guards saw the return of the disciple who disappeared five years ago, they immediately went in to deliver the news.

As the news spread, the families of the missing disciples came to greet them one after another.

"We're back, we're back."

"Sister, are back..."

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive, woo woo woo..."

"My daughter, you are still alive. After you left, I couldn't sleep for my mother day and night..."

Suddenly, cries and excited voices continued to be heard in the sect.

Touching scenes of relatives embracing each other were staged.

However, some people are happy and some are worried.

Among the team that went five years ago, none of the men came back.

And almost all the women came back.

"Elder Jiang Hongyan, what have you experienced in these years?"

Jiang Xiaotian, the owner of Jianzhuang, asked strangely: "Why didn't any of the men in the village return?"

Among this group of survivors, the current leader is the elder Jiang Hongyan.

As soon as these words came out, the women all looked at each other.

What they encountered in Shiwanda Mountain is really unspeakable.

If it is spread, he will not be able to see anyone in the future.

Before returning to the sect, these women discussed with each other and planned to hide the matter together.

"Master Jiang, it's like this..."

Jiang Hongyan took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and said slowly:

"Five years ago, following your order, I went into the mountains to look for the violet flower, and accidentally fell into a deep valley."

"The deep valley is thousands of feet deep, and the abyss is dangerous."

“And there’s only one exit, so it’s difficult to leave.”

"The exit is blocked by a powerful black bear monster. We can't get out at all."

"The man in the door..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Hongyan shed a few tears and said: "The men in the sect are really responsible. They rushed out of the valley several times together and fought against the black bear. They all... died in the battle..."

As soon as these words came out, the women covered their faces and cried.

Jiang Hongyan continued: "After that battle, the black bear demon was also injured and did not dare to cause trouble again, but he did not leave and stayed at the entrance of the cave..."

"We have no choice but to be trapped in the valley, eating fruit to fill our stomachs and water to satisfy our hunger."

"Who knew that the fruits in the valley were so strange that everyone's cultivation levels improved."

"We practiced martial arts hard in the valley and practiced martial arts."

"It wasn't until a few days ago that everyone succeeded in practicing, mustered up the courage, worked together to confront the black bear, killed it, and then escaped..."

Jiang Hongyan burst into tears as she spoke and made up a story.

The men fought the black bear demon, giving them a chance to survive.

The women practiced in that valley, succeeded in their practice, killed the bear demon, and then escaped.

In fact, those men died at the hands of the white ape demon.

But they dare not say it. Once such a thing is leaked, the woman's innocence will be lost!

"Thank you for your hard work..."

Although Jiang Xiaotian, the owner of the village, feels that such rhetoric seems to be full of loopholes.

But it was hard for him to say anything.

After all, the current cultivation levels of these seventeen female disciples are extremely terrifying.

The seventh-grade Iron Bone Realm is still close to perfection.

Elder Jiang in front of him was only at the sixth level back then, but now he has reached the eighth level of divine transformation.

An eighth-grade martial artist can be called a little master!

And he is only in the middle stage of seventh grade.

Today's realm is not as good as Elder Jiang and this group of disciples in front of him.

At this time, Red Lion Sword Manor is employing people.

Once these people come back, the sect's danger will be easily broken!

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

Jiang Xiaotian waved his hand and said: "Here, please quickly take Elder Jiang and others back to rest and put on new clothes..."

However, at this moment.

Suddenly a disciple with blood on his body rushed over.

"Master, it's not good..."

"Qianqiu Hui, Black Snake Gang, Yanhuo Hall, Langya Village, and Zidian Island, the five major gangs have all attacked and formed an alliance. They have surrounded our Red Lion Sword Village..."

"All the disciples at the foot of the mountain have been killed... I was the only one who escaped..."

After saying this, the disciple vomited blood and fainted.


Hearing this, the owner of the village, Jiang Xiaotian, couldn't help but turn pale.

These gangs are really ambitious and take advantage of others' danger!

While he was talking, there was a huge crowd, and nearly five hundred people had already gone up the mountain and arrived in front of Jianzhuang.

"Hahaha, Master Jiang, I didn't expect you to be here today. I will give up your Sword Village's territory and spare your life!"

The leader of the Qianqiu Society, the chief helmsman, laughed loudly and was particularly arrogant.

The plan to attack Jianzhuang this time was proposed by him.

The rest of the gangs will benefit from the territory of Red Lion Sword Manor!

"If you want Jianzhuang, step over my body!"

Jiang Xiaotian drew his sharp sword and walked ahead, looking as if he was ready to die.

The remaining disciples also stared angrily.

It's a pity that their numbers and momentum are far behind those of the Five Gangs Alliance.

"Master, let us do it..."

Jiang Hongyan stopped Jiang Xiaotian and led the group of women towards the front.

They were in the valley and were tortured to death by the white apes.

Many women cannot bear it.

It was Zhu Guo who saved them again.

After doing this again and again, it is like rebirth from the ashes, emerging from the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

Each time, the cultivation level will be greatly improved.

And they have experienced deep despair and despair.

This time when I came out of the mountains, the calmness in my heart was even better than before!

"But they are numerous."

Jiang Xiaotian smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid that even if you come here today, you won't be able to get any benefits! It's my fault. I didn't know that their five gangs had formed an alliance. As the owner of the village, hey..."

"It's just a rabble."

Jiang Hongyan said fearlessly, and the women walked out one after another.

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

The chief helmsman of Qianqiuhui laughed loudly: "Your Red Lion Sword Village really has no one, and you actually asked a group of female beggars to deal with us??"

"Hahaha, they really are a bunch of female beggars."

"My hair is disheveled. If you wash it, you'll look a bit more pretty, haha..."

The disciples from those gangs made mocking sounds.


Jiang Hongyan pulled out a sword from the waist of the person next to him and rushed over.


The remaining sixteen women also drew their swords and rushed into the crowd.

"Wait a minute...hey..."

Jiang Xiaotian wanted to stop him, but he didn't have time.

After all, there are more than 500 people on the other side, and each of them has a high level of martial arts cultivation.

Among them, the five gang leaders are all at the seventh level of martial arts!


Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongyan was as fast as lightning and chopped off the head of the deputy leader of the Viper Gang with a single strike of his sword.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The other women also hacked and killed crazily.

They have disheveled hair and look like crazy demons. They are like wolves entering the flock of sheep and killing them crazily.

It was as if he wanted to chop away all the humiliation of the past five years.

Especially the woman named Nightingale.

She had been looking forward to it for five years and finally escaped.

But she saw that her fiancé had already married another woman and had a child...

I feel extremely depressed in my heart, and if I don't vent it out, I might become a demon.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill them all!"

Nightingale's eyes were red, and she entered the crowd and killed heads of people, venting her anger in her heart.

"Seventh grade... no, there is an eighth-grade little grandmaster! Let's work together to kill her!"

The Five Gang Alliance noticed something was wrong and immediately took it seriously.

But it can't be stopped at all.

These seventeen women seemed to be crazy, and their eyes were red with murder.

The sword seals the throat, killing the head, and in the blink of an eye, the blood flows into a river!

Yes, these seventeen women were tortured and had a sense of resentment in their hearts.

All I need is an outlet to let out all these years of repression.

And this alliance of five gangs came just in time...

"Madman, away!"

"They are crazy..."

"Run away, ah..."

"Spare me, please spare me..."

Hundreds of people from the Five Gangs Alliance were defeated by seventeen people who were killed.

Kill all the gang leaders.

Leaderless, the remaining people began to flee.

Usually, the battles between rivers and lakes stop here.

And these seventeen women had no intention of stopping.

They killed until the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and in the end they were covered in blood.

The entire sword village was stained red with blood...

Until the sun sets.

The five gang alliances were all killed...

It is conceivable that in the near future, rumors of the Seventeen Red-Blooded Crazy Women will spread in the world...


The women are particularly charming under the sunset's blood-like illumination.

Even the disciples of Red Lion Sword Manor were trembling with fear and shuddering.

Jiang Xiaotian, the owner of Red Lion Sword Manor, was so frightened that he could not speak.

Having eliminated all enemies, Elder Jiang Hongyan now lives up to his name.

She was covered in blood, and the sword in her hand was so thick that the blood solidified!

"It's so happy, hahahaha, it's so happy! It's never been so happy!"

Jiang Hongyan looked up to the sky and smiled, then walked slowly towards Jiang Xiaotian.

She showed a bloody smile: "Master, next, it's time to talk about the ownership of the position of the master of Red Lion Sword Manor..."

Once a person is depressed to the extreme, he will go from one extreme to another.

From the victim to the abuser!

At this time, the temperaments of these seventeen women are slowly changing...

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