"Three years..."

Li Xiao looked at the figure of the Golden Winged Dapeng leaving and could not help but remain silent.

Now there is a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that this terrifying Golden Winged Dapeng did not kill them.

And it also gave the mother a magic weapon to protect them here for three years.

The bad news is that if the mother does not eliminate the evil spirit within three years, she will be killed!

"Absolutely no one is allowed to hurt my mother!"

Li Xiao's eyes were extremely firm.

What I have to do is to help my mother eliminate this trace of evil spirit.

In addition...I have to become stronger!!!

After three years,

even if this Golden Winged Dapeng comes to the door, he will have to bow his head and speak!

"Golden Winged Dapeng, right? Since you are here, you have to leave something behind..."

Li Xiao smiled lightly and opened his panel.

Just now, when the Golden Winged Dapeng left.

I have used the last energy point and secretly copied the skills of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

[Extract the skills of "Golden Winged Dapeng": Feather Sword, Cloud Journey, Eat All, Dazzling, Peng Claw. ]

[Feather Sword: Transform feathers into swords, in all directions. (Humans cannot use it, weapons can be used instead of feathers)]

[Cloud Journey: Spread wings and soar, Yunpeng flies thousands of miles. (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings)]

[Eat All: Five internal organs furnace, smelting steel. ]

[Dazzling: Spread wings and flap, wind like a tornado. (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings)]

[Peng Claw: Violent and fierce, indestructible. ]

"Such powerful skills, but there are still two that I can't use..."

Li Xiao's eyes lit up.

Ancient mythical beasts are extraordinary, and their skills are very strong.


Now I have been ten months, and there are only two months left for the imitation characteristic BUFF.

To fill these five skills, I need fifty energy points.

Now...Now all the spiritual objects have been eaten up, and there are no energy points.

There are only two months left, time is very tight.

I want to master these last five skills before I turn one.

Put a perfect end to my first birthday.


The hundred thousand mountains stretch across countless places, and there is no end in sight.

The sky is azure blue, and the sun shines through the clouds, casting warm rays of light.

This golden-winged roc spreads its wings, covering the sky and blocking the sun, like the overlord of the sky.

The feathers on the wings are glittering, and the sunlight shines on the golden feathers, instantly turning into countless gorgeous rainbow colors.

Her flying posture is extremely graceful, sometimes rolling, sometimes circling, smooth and elegant.

The Lord of Qingti City turned into a roc, and in the blink of an eye, he was thousands of miles away.

Crossing the towering walls of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, returning to the Lord's Mansion of Leiming City, he turned into a human form.

Sitting at the table, she frowned slightly, looking worried.

It seems that nothing has surprised her so much for a long time.

She took a sip from the teacup and then murmured:

"The tiger demon is indeed talented, but the human baby is the real terror."

"He is less than one year old, but he can deal with three demons in the transformation stage."

"Could it be...he is..."

"The demon who can break the shackles and start the war between the demon and human world!!!"

"Maybe...maybe not, let's wait and see..."

"It seems that the deduction of 'Cheng Huang Dasheng' may be right..."

"Cheng Huang Dasheng speculated ten thousand years ago that a demon will be born in the world ten thousand years later. He is born like a demon and his cultivation will increase naturally. No one can stop him from breaking the shackles."

"Until...the shackles between the human and demon worlds are broken."

"Maybe...the opportunity for the demon race to return to the Shenzhou Continent has come!"


Dangxiong County, Chishi Sword Manor.

"Father, I'm back."

Jiang Ziling returned to the sword manor from the Ten Thousand Mountains and came to the room to see her father.

In the room, the former owner Jiang Xiaotian now looked ten years older, with gray hair on his temples and a much weaker spirit.

Where there are people, there is the martial arts world.

Whether it is external or internal.

The Red Lion Sword Manor has been passed down for hundreds of years in the hands of their main line.

Although the crisis of the sect has been resolved now.

The position of the owner has fallen into the hands of a branch.

The clansmen of the main line have all suffered a certain degree of suppression.

"Zi Ling."

Jiang Xiaotian looked at his daughter and said, "Zi Ling, you are just making a fuss. Why did you leave without saying goodbye? I thought you died outside. Now you don't have to get married. The crisis of the sect has been resolved."

Jiang Ziling said, "Father, what happened during my absence?"

Jiang Xiaotian sighed deeply and explained slowly.

At this moment, the Sword Manor has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The owner of the Sword Manor has changed. The current owner is Jiang Hongyan, a master of the ninth-grade Gangqi realm of martial arts.

She also created the "White Ape Sword Technique" and passed it on to her disciples.

Although this sword technique is not as profound as the "Red Heart Sword Technique", it is very fast to practice, and the attack is sharp and tricky. For a time, the strength of the sword manor has increased greatly.

Now the Red Lion Sword Manor has become a major sect, and its status has soared.

"How can the position of the manor owner of my main line fall into the hands of a branch?"

Jiang Ziling said coldly with a bad face.

Although she didn't care much about this, she still felt sorry to see her father so haggard.

Moreover, Senior Lingying had told her that she must control the power to do it.

"Forget it..."

Jiang Xiaotian shook his head and said, "Now Jiang Hongyan has entered the ninth level of Gangqi realm, the strongest in the world, and a martial arts master! Our main lineage can't compete with him."

"Humph, what is a martial arts master?"

Jiang Ziling said unhappily.

Indeed, she has experienced too many things in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

As the saying goes, the more you see, the more you know.

Now her horizons have broadened a lot.

I feel that I was like a frog in the well before, with short-sightedness.

Although the martial arts master can be the king in the world.

But entering the Ten Thousand Mountains is really nothing.

Even a baby can't beat it, let alone a more terrifying existence!

If the monsters in the Ten Thousand Mountains can't leave the mountains, I'm afraid the world will fall!

"Ziling, don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Xiaotian was shocked by his daughter's words and said, "It's really nonsense. The martial arts master is the strongest realm. Don't say this again!"

Jiang Xiaotian is now only in the middle stage of the seventh level of martial arts.

Old and weak, with weak blood and qi, it is impossible for him to make a breakthrough in this life.

For him, the martial arts master realm is heaven.

The founder of the Red Lion Sword Manor is also a martial arts master.

"Father... Hey..."

Jiang Ziling didn't want to say too much, but took her father's hand and said, "Come on, father, take me to see Jiang Hongyan and ask him to give up the position of the manor owner!"

"You are crazy... Hey..."

Jiang Xiaotian suddenly felt something was wrong. He felt the blood and qi in his daughter's hand, and showed ecstasy: "You, you have entered the seventh grade?"

You know, his daughter is a genius.

At the age of thirteen, she entered the fourth grade of martial arts.

Now in a short time, she has reached the seventh grade of martial arts!

A thirteen-year-old martial arts seventh grade is simply a monster!

If it spreads to the world, it will surely cause a sensation!

Jiang Ziling nodded slightly: "Yes! My daughter has a chance in the mountains."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Jiang Xiaotian was extremely excited and said with a smile: "My daughter has the appearance of a master. Ziling, don't be reckless. Jiang Hongyan is now a master. In a dozen years, you will definitely become a master. It will be easy to return to the position of the owner of the manor. Now, we have to hide our shortcomings..."

After all, geniuses are prone to die young.

Just wait another ten years.

A thirteen-year-old martial arts seventh-grade will definitely become a master in the future!

"No more hiding, go now, immediately, right away!"

Jiang Ziling has a task assigned by the seniors. She is the spokesperson of the seniors. If she is a junior in the sword manor, how can she live up to the guidance and cultivation of the seniors?

"Crazy, daughter, listen to me, we have to take steady steps...Hey, why are you so strong..."

Jiang Xiaotian wanted to stop his daughter.

But he found that his daughter's cultivation level was the same as his, and her internal strength was deeper than his, so he couldn't stop her at all.


Jiang Ziling pulled her father to the middle hall of Jianzhuang.

At this moment, Jiang Hongyan was sitting in the seat of the owner of the manor, giving instructions for the important matters in the sect.

Below, the elders and inner disciples stood in a row.

As the former owner of the manor entered, the middle hall suddenly fell into awkwardness and silence.

"Hello, Elder Jiang Hongyan."

Jiang Ziling bowed.

Everyone was very surprised. Jiang Hongyan is now the owner of the manor.

It is very inappropriate to address him like this.

Moreover, Jiang Hongyan is not as easy to talk to as before, and his temperament has changed a lot.

"Ziling, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Xiaotian hurriedly apologized: "Manor owner, my little girl has a stubborn personality, please don't blame me."

"Jiang Ziling?"

Jiang Hongyan nodded slightly, recognizing that this was Jiang Ziling, the daughter of the former owner of the manor, but she still kept some face and did not get angry on the spot.

Her face was slightly cold, and she said, "But what's the matter?"

"Something's happened."

Jiang Ziling cupped her hands and said loudly, "Elder Jiang Hongyan, please give up the position of the owner of the manor and return it to my father!!!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like thunder.

Everyone's face changed.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to the freezing point, and everyone was silent!

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