"I also ask Elder Jiang Hongyan to give up his position as the owner of the village and return it to my father!!!"

As the words fell.

The temperature in the middle hall of Red Lion Sword Manor seemed to fall into an ice cellar.

Although everyone was convinced by the previous owner.

But now, the person in charge has changed.

Jiang Ziling dared to speak like this, and everyone couldn't help but sweat for her.

What a powerful character the current owner Jiang Hongyan is?

He once killed several famous eighth-level masters in the world with one person and one sword.

He has great martial arts skills and is sinister and vicious.

Now he is in the realm of a grandmaster, and he is among the top fifty on the Grandmaster Tianlong List.


Among the seventeen red-blooded witches, several women scolded them one after another.

A woman scolded: "It's very disrespectful to the owner of the village and violates the rules of the house. Jiang Ziling, since you are the daughter of the previous owner of the village, please kowtow and apologize quickly!"

"If the owner hadn't taken action, Jianzhuang would have been gone long ago."

"Master Jiang is in this position, and he is justified!"

Several more elders scolded.

The women who returned from the mountains are now elders.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Hongyan waved his hand, interrupted and said: "Jiang Ziling, you just came back and you didn't know the situation and you made rude remarks. I don't care. The position of the owner of the village is for those who can win it. If your father can't defeat me, what if you return it?" ? But if we can’t defeat him, will we let Red Lion Sword Manor be destroyed in his hands?”

Jiang Xiaotian took his daughter's arm and whispered: "Zi Ling, stop making trouble..."

Jiang Ziling pushed her father away, then looked at Jiang Hongyan, and continued: "You are now at the master level, so my father is naturally no match for you."

Jiang Hongyan smiled and said: "Haha, in that case, what else is there to say? Do you want to take action? Yes, I allow you to take action on behalf of your father."

Jiang Ziling shook her head: "Of course I can't defeat you."

"Then what else is there to say!"

Jiang Hongyan's face turned cold and he patted the chair.

There was a boom.

The chair was shaken to pieces by the Gang Qi and turned into powder.

Such a terrifying momentum made the elders and disciples below shudder.

Today's Jiang Hongyan is indeed terrifyingly strong!

The momentum...is even more terrifying!

However, Jiang Ziling was not frightened and her expression remained unchanged.

After all, the big scenes she had seen in Shiwandashan were much more powerful than this!

She said slowly: "There is someone who asked me to bring you a message."

Jiang Hongyan narrowed his eyes and said, "What are you talking about?"

Jiang Ziling said: "Can you tell me more closely?"

Jiang Hongyan nodded slightly. With her strength as a master, how could she be afraid of a thirteen-year-old girl?

Jiang Ziling stepped forward, approached Jiang Hongyan, and whispered: "The spirit baby who saved you, let me tell you that I am her spokesperson in the world..."


Hearing this, Jiang Hongyan's expression suddenly changed.

Although she has now entered the realm of a master, she also knows her own strength.

Even now, she still can't defeat that white ape!

The white ape is not only terrifyingly powerful, but also capable of weird magical powers.

But that baby could easily kill the white ape...

Every time she thought of that night, she lamented that the world was too big and she was insignificant.

Even a grandmaster is insignificant!

Ruojiang Ziling is the baby's spokesperson in the world...I can only take orders from her.

Jiang Hongyan showed doubts: "How do I know what you said is true?"

Jiang Ziling whispered: "What the spirit baby said after you left was, 'Do you still want me to send you off?' Yes ​​or no?"


Jiang Hongyan was in great shock.

I thought the bond in the mountains was over, but I didn't expect it wasn't over yet.

Everyone in the central hall was a little strange.

What were the village owner and Jiang Ziling whispering to each other?

Why does the owner of the village, Jiang Hongyan, look so ugly?

Then, an even more shocking scene appeared.

"I, Jiang Hongyan, am willing to give up my position as the owner of the village. In addition..."

Jiang Hongyan knelt down on one knee and held his hands towards Jiang Ziling: "From now on, the Red Lion Seventeen Girls and I are willing to listen to Jiang Ziling's orders!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole hall was shocked!

In the end what happened?

Why is a master willing to take orders from a little girl? ? ?

Jiang Ziling nodded slightly: "My father will continue to hold the position of sect leader, and you will still serve Jianzhuang!"

After saying that, she whispered: "What happened to you in the mountains will always be a secret and no one knows... Of course, following me will bring countless benefits..."

Jiang Ziling first used Senior Lingying to suppress him, and then used secret threats.

In the end, a big pie was promised.

Jiang Hongyan has to eat this cake whether he wants it or not.

Jiang Hongyan had no choice.

She would always remember that scary baby and that night.

I can't think of any resistance...


Jiang Hongyan, who usually talks about everything, now bowed his hands respectfully.

"Oh my god, what's going on..."

The former owner of the village, Jiang Xiaotian, was shocked beyond measure.

Although he doesn't know what happened, his daughter... seems to have helped him regain his position as the owner of the village?

that's all.

As Jiang Ziling made such a fuss.

The position of the owner of Jianzhuang has returned.

The seventeen red-blooded witches also became Jiang Ziling's subordinates.

This group of subordinates is headed by the Grandmaster, and the others are all eighth-grade masters.

In the current world of great scenery, it is definitely a terrifying force.

Soon, Jiang Ziling told them about the secret search for "Concubine Yun".

There is a martial arts master who personally investigates the matter secretly, and it is almost impossible to be discovered by anyone.

Half a month later.

Jiang Hongyan was outside and returned after investigating.

in the room.

Jiang Hongyan cupped his hands and said: "Zi Ling, we have indeed discovered something. There is a group of Jin Yiwei with superb martial arts, each of whom is at the seventh level of martial arts. They are chasing a woman. It seems that they have been chasing for several days, at least ten months... At this moment In the boundless sea.”

Hearing this, Jiang Ziling asked: "Who is the woman being chased?"

Jiang Hongyan shook his head and said, "I don't know. The woman can't be found either. Jin Yiwei and others searched for her in the boundless sea for a long time but couldn't find her."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziling frowned slightly and immediately said: "Elder Hongyan, please continue to investigate, and you must find out the whereabouts of that woman. If there is danger, remember to help!"


Jiang Hongyan accepted the order and disappeared into the room.

In the room, Jiang Ziling was thoughtful.

"After nine months of hunting, Concubine Yun..."

"The ages seem to match..."

"Isn't Senior Lingying the wife of Concubine Yun..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziling shook her head.

No, very wrong.

Although the time is right.

But how can a human baby have memories at just a few months old?

Totally impossible.

She shook her head and murmured:

"Forget it, we can't think about such a thing."

"I just have to do what my seniors ask me to do..."

"I have to go into the mountain once and pass the news to my seniors."

"Perhaps, that Concubine Yun is still alive!"


China mainland, boundless sea area.

This is a place similar to a hundred thousand mountains, with boundless sea areas.

No one knows how far away or what is on the other side of the sea.

Even martial arts masters dare not go deep into it.

Offshore, there are many islands.

However, these islands are uninhabited and are considered desert islands.

At this time, a large ship floated on the sea.

Standing on the boat were a group of Jinyi guards wearing Feiyu uniforms and holding embroidered spring knives.

"I've been searching for half a year and still haven't found anyone..."

Qianhu, the leader of the Jinyi Guards, looked at the sea and frowned.

He accepted the queen's secret order and killed Concubine Yun.

It turned out that Concubine Yun was very good at martial arts, and the old eunuch beside him was even more powerful.

After hunting for five months with the Jin Yiwei, the old eunuch was finally killed.

As a result, Concubine Yun took a boat and dived into the boundless sea, but couldn't find it at all.

"Sir Senhu, do you want to search in deeper waters?"

A Jin Yiwei said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the boatmen on the boat all looked frightened.

They were fishermen in the nearby waters, and their boats were suddenly commandeered by the Jinyiwei.

The deeper sea areas cannot be entered at all.

The sea is calm and filled with smoke.

Not only will the ship lack power, it will also lose its direction, unable to get in or out.

"If you go deeper, you will reach the boundless sea. Even the Grandmaster can't get out."

Qianhu shook his head, thought for a while, and then said: "That's all, we have searched all the nearby islands. We have tried our best. It is simply impossible to search them all. Concubine Yun may have entered deeper waters, and she probably won't survive. Come down and return to the palace!"

After speaking, he ordered the boatman to return to the shore.

"Okay, sir."

The boatman was so happy that he immediately turned the boat around.

They can finally go home, following this group of royal guards, they have been frightened.

At night, the ship returned to the shore.

Jinyiwei Qianhu tapped the handle of the knife slightly with his fingers.

The remaining Jin Yiwei understood the meaning.

Soon, screams came from the boat!

All the boatmen were killed on board!

They will never be able to return home until they die...

Jinyiwei Qianhu squinted his eyes and looked at everything indifferently, muttering to himself: "If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck. No one can know about the queen's secret mission..."

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