Boundless sea.

There is an island somewhere, this island is filled with mist, and the island is like a paradise.

The blue ocean connects with the emerald green islands, from tall coconut trees to thick shrubs. The sunlight shines through the leaves and spreads on the ground, forming mottled tree shadows.

The beach is so fine and soft that it feels like stepping on cotton.

The picturesque scenery of the island makes people intoxicated.

On the edge of the island, a graceful woman stands.

A man in the distance walked over.

"Concubine Yun, those royal guards have left."

The middle-aged man in a black brocade robe slowly spoke: "It's a pity that they didn't enter the boundless sea, otherwise I could have killed them."

This man is majestic, tall and tall, looks like a human, but has a pair of black horns on his forehead.

Yes, this is a demon dragon.

The woman standing next to her was very beautiful, elegant and refined.

It was none other than Li Xiao's biological mother, Concubine Yun, Li Yunqing.

She put her son into Shiwanda Mountain, then lured away the pursuers and fled eastward.

On the way to escape, it can be said to be a lot of hardships, hiding everywhere.

Until they fled to the boundless sea, the old eunuch Wang Li died to protect himself.

Helpless, she had no choice but to go deep into the boundless sea and continue to escape.

After entering here, the ship lost its direction and the sail did not move...

She had no choice but to use the paddle as a boat and use her internal energy to glide on the sea.

Unexpectedly, after walking for three days and three nights, my internal strength was exhausted, but I walked deeper and deeper, and I didn’t know where I was going.

She thought she was going to die here, but someone came to save her.

To be precise, they are not considered human beings.

Li Yunqing later learned that it was a black dragon that saved her.

That is, the owner of this island.

The black dragon opened his mouth and said that thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Li family saved his life and felt the traces in his bloodline, so he rescued him in repayment.

"I've met the Black Dragon Island Master."

Li Yunqing still had a sad look in his water-cut eyes, and sighed: "Thank you, the island master, for saving me... Yunqing will never forget this kindness..."

Although she escaped, Li Yunqing always thought about her son.

The child...the mother survived, I wonder how you are doing now...

"It doesn't matter."

The black dragon waved his hands and said with a smile: "The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by a spring of water. Friendship is the most important thing to me, the black dragon. When I was still a little dragon, if your ancestors of the Li family hadn't saved me, I would have fallen long ago. Concubine Yun did not need it. Pay attention to these."

Li Yunqing slightly cupped his hands to express his gratitude, and then said: "I am no longer the Concubine Yun. The island owner can just call me Li Yunqing...Besides...even the entire Dajing Dynasty is probably not the enemy of my predecessors." , Even if he is an emperor, what does he mean to you, senior island owner?"

Yes, the so-called title of Concubine Yun may mean that she is powerful in front of ordinary people.

But in front of powerful people, what does it matter?

Li Yunqing has been practicing on this island during this period.

The Black Dragon gave her guidance and provided some spiritual objects.

Now, her injuries are almost healed.

Just yesterday, I had entered the early stage of martial arts master.

But she knew how powerful the Black Dragon Island Master in front of her was.

It can turn over rivers and seas, call for wind and rain, and swallow thunder and lightning.

This is a power that is difficult for humans to achieve. It is a mythical creature written in books!

However, it really appeared in front of her.

The Great King Dynasty was really vulnerable in front of such a terrifying monster.

Even if all the martial arts masters in the world unite.

He is not the enemy of the black dragon in front of him!

"Okay, Li Yunqing, that's what I'll call you."

Black Dragon nodded, and then said: "Actually, you can't say that. If one day, I can go to the human world, I will definitely help your Li family return to its peak... However, if I really go to the human world, then... ...I’m afraid I’m not invincible either.”

"What?" Li Yunqing's expression changed: "This is impossible... Is there someone more powerful than you in the world?"

"Of course not at the moment."

Black Dragon smiled and explained: "But if I can leave the boundless sea, I will!"

The Black Dragon Island Master is also an extremely powerful being in this boundless sea and is respected by all monsters.

But he was very patient.

Of course, this patience is limited to the descendants of the benefactor.


Li Yunqing was a little confused.

The Black Dragon Island Master's strength is so terrifying, but he said that if he could go to the human world, he would not be invincible.

Besides, there is no one more powerful than him in the world.

This statement appears to be inconsistent and illogical.

"This is a long story."

Black Dragon asked: "Do you want to hear it?"

Li Yunqing nodded slightly, "Is that okay?"

"Hahaha, of course you can. After becoming a benefactor, I will do everything in my power to help you."

The black dragon laughed heartily, being extraordinarily bold and open-minded.

This actually subverted Li Yunqing's attitude towards demons.

She used to think that monsters eat people and do all kinds of evil.

But you only know it when you live on this island.

The transformed demons are no different from humans, even simpler and simpler.

At this time, the owner of Black Dragon Island looked at the sea and spoke slowly:

"Speaking of it, we have to talk about 30,000 years ago."

"At that time, in the mainland of China, demons and humans coexisted, and they all lived on a rich continent."

"When a demon becomes a human being, he will obey the law and integrate into human life."

"For all demons, human life is beautiful and desirable..."

"Is it hard to imagine? This is what I learned from a senior."

Li Yunqing nodded.

This is really hard to imagine.

It turns out that 30,000 years ago, the layout of China's mainland was like this...

"What happened next?" Li Yunqing asked.


Black Dragon continued: "That is, 30,000 years ago, things happened."

"An ordinary pig demon was born with evil thoughts. It practiced the skills of human demons, and began to devour them, becoming a demon!"

"After that, it improved the demon cultivating technique to make it more suitable for demons. That technique seems to be called "Cantop Transformation".

"It relies on the "Canopy Transformation" to become a demon, but still maintains consciousness, has terrifying power and a clear mind."

"In the end, it kept devouring monks and demons, and turned into a terrifying big demon!

"This pig demon has brought disaster to the mainland of China!"

"Whether it is human or demon, it becomes the material for its growth."

"In the end, ten great emperors from the human race and ten great saints from the demon race joined forces to kill this great demon!"

"It was at this time that the human race and the demon race had a disagreement."

"The human race believes that demons living with them are always a hidden danger."

"Perhaps one day, such a great demon will be born again!"

"So, the human race and the demon race started to quarrel, and finally decided to live separately."

"But separation is another problem, and that is the issue of the ownership of China mainland!"

"In order to compete for the richest continent of China, the human race and the demon race started a war!"

"In that war, all lives were devastated. Ten great emperors and great saints all participated in the war!"

"In the end, the ten great saints of the demon clan were defeated, and humans gained the ownership of the Chinese continent."

"And all the demon clans were driven to four places."

"They are the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the north, the boundless sea in the east, the desolate swamps in the south, and the Tianhuang Desert in the west."

"In addition, the ten great emperors of the human race have used their magical power to set up taboos. The monsters in these four places will never be able to leave."

"But such a huge taboo is still impossible to achieve with ten great emperors."

"In order to achieve this, the great emperor of the human race has made a great ambition and is willing to completely seal the four demon lands at the cost of the human race being unable to break through the 'Mystical Realm of Supernatural Power' forever."

"The human race wants to use this to gain permanent peace in the Chinese continent..."

Speaking of this, Heilong smiled: "It's just a pity. According to the history you told me a few days ago, human dynasties have been engaged in frequent conquests and wars for thousands of years, and a lot of people die every year... even Not as many people were killed as that pig demon, it’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous hahaha...”

"That's it..." Li Yunqing fell into shock.

It turns out that China Continent still has such a period of history, which does not exist in the history books!


The black dragon spoke again: "This restriction can be broken! If one day, the first person in the human race to break the shackles and break through to the secret realm of supernatural power will mean that the restriction begins to break, and then more and more people will break through this realm. One day, the confinement will be opened. The demon clan trapped here will be able to leave here... Of course, after 30,000 years, we don’t know when such a day will come."

"Master of Black Dragon Island...I understand..."

Li Yunqing nodded, understanding why Heilong just said those words.

The realm above the master is the secret realm of supernatural powers.

When the confinement is broken, the black dragon can leave.

But it also means that there are powerful people with magical powers and secret realms in the world.

By then, the black dragon will not be invincible.

However, these have nothing to do with her.

Li Yunqing held up his hands, looked at the black dragon and begged: "I also ask the island owner to send me away from the boundless sea. I want to return to the mainland and go to Shiwanda Mountain to find my child..."

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