"Your child is in Shiwanda Mountain?"

Black Dragon asked in surprise.


Li Yunqing looked to the north, sighed deeply, and said: "Ten months ago, when I just gave birth to Xiao'er, I was very weak and was chased by Jin Yiwei to Shiwan Mountain. In order to let Xiao'er survive, I left him behind. Dashan, Wang Li and I diverted the pursuers... At that time, in order to divert them, we kept on the run, just hoping to lure the pursuers as far away as possible. We had no time to pay attention to my Xiao'er, who was in danger along the way, and Wang Li also wanted to protect me. I died...Unknowingly, I escaped here and was saved by you, the senior island owner..."


Heilong sighed with emotion: "No wonder I always feel that you are worried during this period..."

"Xiao'er, it's my mother who is sorry for you..."

Thinking of the child, Li Yunqing couldn't help but choke up, and his eyes were filled with sadness.

Because she probably knew in her heart that a baby was thrown into a mountain of 100,000 people.

It's almost impossible to survive.

"I'm not very good at comforting people. Don't mind if you say something unpleasant."

The black dragon said helplessly: "Although I also hope that your child can survive, it is almost impossible... How can a baby survive in the Hundred Thousand Mountains..."

Hearing this, Li Yunqing felt even more uncomfortable.

The crying got louder and louder, and in the end, she sat down weakly, burying her face in her knees, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

Her Li family was suppressed by the Queen's family.

Just because the Queen's lineage is also from the dragon, the merit is even greater, controlling the court!

Many relatives within the clan are now being thrown into prison.

Only the Holy One has deep affection for her.

But His Majesty cannot stabilize the situation in the court...

The Holy Emperor had privately promised that the child in her belly would inherit the Great King Dynasty in the future.

She had been looking forward to it.

He looked forward to the day when his child would be born, become a prince, and rehabilitate his family members.

Unexpectedly, the queen actually attacked her in private, and the emperor didn't even make any move!

"Emperor Tianwu, I, the Li family, helped you win the throne, but you treated me like this..."

At this moment, Li Yunqing's original love for Emperor Dajing gradually turned into hatred.

Originally, she still had hope for life.

Because no matter what, she still has her own flesh and blood... Xiao'er...

Although it is a luxury hope, it is also a hope.

It can also be said to be...wishful thinking...

But just now, the upright Black Dragon accidentally broke this illusion.

Yes... Xiao'er has just been born, how can he survive in the forest, not to mention that there are hundreds of thousands of mountains there, and wild beasts are rampant...

"No matter what, I'm going to look for it."

Li Yunqing wiped away his tears, stood up and said.

"I am afraid..."

The owner of Black Dragon Island shook his head and said: "No, if you leave this boundless sea, I won't be able to protect you. If you make a mistake, who else in your Li family can save them?"

Most of the Li family are now imprisoned in prison.

Among them was Li Yunqing’s father, Li Cun, the founding hero of Gui’an.

Li Yunqing's eldest brother was Ning Yuanhou, the former general of the Xuanwu Army.

The second brother, the left minister of household affairs, Yongjiahou, and the younger brother, the mighty general Guanjianhou.

The only one still outside is Li Yunqing.

If something happened to her, the Li family would definitely be destroyed...

The benefactors of the Black Dragon are the Li family, not Li Yunqing alone.

Considering the overall situation, he would definitely not let Li Yunqing take risks.

"However, if I can't confirm this, I...I still can't feel at ease. When I think of my poor child, my heart is like a knife..."

Li Yunqing said with a determined expression: "Master of Black Dragon Island, please send me away. Now I have entered the ninth level of martial arts master realm. Although I am nothing in the boundless sea, I have few opponents in the world..."

"No, you are only in the early stage of ninth grade, so you will still be in danger!"

The black dragon will never give in on this point: "It's been ten months now. Your son... If his life is good, he will have his destiny. If he is unlucky... It won't help if you go out now. Practice well here, When you reach the ninth level of martial arts, I will send you away. At that time, no one in the world can hurt you."


Li Yunqing shook his head.

Although she knew that the other party was thinking about herself and the family.

But she didn't know whether her son was alive or dead, and she was so anxious. How could she wait for a moment?

"Nothing is wrong. I can promise you anything, except this."

After the black dragon left these words, he turned around, transformed into a black dragon, jumped up, and immediately disappeared into the sea without a trace.

Li Yunqing was helpless.

Although she is now a Grandmaster, it is impossible to leave this boundless sea.

All that can be done now is to continue practicing martial arts in accordance with the requirements of the Black Dragon Island Master.

How is it so easy to go from the early stage of being a master to reaching perfection?

Even here, there is spiritual support.

It is almost impossible without three to five years.

She looked sadly into the distance, with tears in her eyes, and murmured:

"Xiao'er, you must live well..."


Dajing Dynasty, Yujing.

Royal Palace, Kunning Palace.

"See Queen Xiao."

The queen's cronies, Jinyiwei Qianhu, secretly entered the palace to return to their lives.

The Jinyiwei was originally set up by Emperor Tianwu to control the court, and was only used by him.

But at this moment, it can be seen that the Jinyiwei has long been infiltrated by the Queen's power.

"Why have you been gone for so long, for ten months?"

Empress Xiao's appearance is really ordinary, and her belly is bulging high, obviously she is pregnant.

But she is tall and stronger than ordinary women. Judging from her face, she has no tenderness of a woman at all, but feels very strong.

She can become the queen, which is inseparable from the support of the forces behind her.

Empress Xiao's name is Xiao Wenyan, born in the old aristocracy of the former Great King Dynasty.

The Liangzhou Xiao family belongs to a noble family and a powerful family.

In the former Dagan Dynasty, there were seven noble families, namely:

Liangzhou Xiao family, Yunzhou Pei family, Yanzhou Cui family, Dongzhou Lu family, Yangzhou Zheng family, Jiangzhou Li family, Yongzhou Wang family, Liangzhou Wei family, Beiliang Xu family.

These nine major families are located in various states of Shenzhou Continent, and they are all local snakes.

Among them, the four major families of Liangzhou Xiao, Dongzhou Lu, Yangzhou Zheng, and Jiangzhou Li all have the merit of following the dragon and helping the current emperor to seize the world.

Among them, Liangzhou Xiao and Jiangzhou Li are the most powerful.

And now, the Xiao family has defeated Jiangzhou Li.

As for the two major families of Dongzhou Lu and Yangzhou Zheng, they are scared and have become weak, and dare not disobey the Xiao family.

Today, the Xiao family has a queen and controls all the important positions in the court. It can be said that they cover the sky with one hand in the Great Jing Dynasty. Even the emperor's private soldiers Jinyiwei dare to intervene!

"Reply to the Queen."

The Jinyiwei Qianhu bowed and said, "That... Concubine Yun fled to the boundless sea. We have been searching for more than a few months and can't find her... We have no choice but to come back to report. She must be... She must be dead!"


Empress Xiao slapped the table and smashed it to pieces. It can be seen that she is also a martial arts master. "What do you do? So many seventh-rank masters can't catch a woman who just gave birth!"

"Please forgive me, Queen..."

The Qianhu knelt on the ground, trembling with fear.

After a long time, Empress Xiao calmed down, stroked her belly, and muttered, "Forget it, I have a prince in my belly, so I shouldn't get angry... Keep sending people to investigate for me. I want to see her alive or dead!"

The Qianhu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, I have left several Jinyiwei to live in the boundless sea. Once there is any movement, they will come back to report."

"Where is the child of that woman?" Empress Xiao asked again.

Now, the captain became nervous again: "Replying to the queen, the child should be dead."

Empress Xiao frowned and said coldly: "Is he dead or alive?"

"Please forgive me, Queen."

The captain hurriedly explained: "That day, the imperial eunuch Wang Li and Concubine Yun suddenly turned back and killed us by surprise. Then they fled, and we chased them. Later, we found that the child disappeared at some point. Later, we found that it should have been thrown into the Shiwan Mountains. I sent people to look for it, but I didn't find it in the mountains. It was probably eaten by wild beasts."

"Okay, okay!"

Empress Xiao's face was icy: "You can't even take care of a child. You are really good."

Empress Xiao was a very cautious person.

She would be suspicious if she didn't see the person alive or the body dead.

Not to mention, this was the child of Concubine Yun, the emperor's favorite.

She once bribed Concubine Yun's maid.

She secretly learned that the emperor had promised to let this child inherit the future Dajing Dynasty.

How could she tolerate this?

Her face was calm, but she could feel a storm coming.

Empress Xiao slowly poured a glass of wine.

When pouring the wine, the fingertips of her fingers were slightly touched by the wine.

She placed the wine glass on the table and said lightly: "Captain Wang, this glass of wine is a reward from me, drink it..."

"Thank... Thank you for the grace of the queen..."

Captain Wang naturally knew what was in the wine.

But he didn't expect the queen to be so cruel.

A baby who fell into the Ten Thousand Mountains, a concubine who went deep into the boundless sea.

It was almost impossible to survive.

Even so, the queen still didn't let him go...

But he had to drink it, whether he drank it or not, he had to die.

If he drank it, his family might still be able to keep their lives...

Helplessly, the captain picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

A moment later, he fell to the ground with blood flowing from all seven orifices and died.

"Come on, bury it under the tree in the palace."

Empress Xiao said lightly, as if the person dying in front of her was not a person, but a wild dog.

At this time, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.

But she did not show any pain, instead she revealed an excited smile.

"Quick, quick, call the imperial physician, I am about to give birth!"

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