After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 68: Skills and martial arts, different magical powers!

Now, Li Xiao's territory includes the territory of the black bear monster.

But there is nothing good in the territory.

It is the monkey forest that makes wine for the black bear monster, and the peach tree does not produce peaches now.

But Li Xiao has subdued this group of monkeys.

These monkey monsters have to pay tribute of 70% after making wine every year.

Otherwise, they will be driven away.

This group of monkeys also agreed immediately.

After all, it was the same when the black bear monster was there before.

It's nothing more than the owner of the territory has changed, and the tribute object has changed.

In addition, there is a group of bee monsters, and the spiritual honey they produce also has to pay tribute of 70%.

In total, this territory can produce an average of 50 kilograms of spiritual honey and 20 kilograms of spiritual wine every year.

But it's winter now, and it's not the harvest season yet.

It will only be harvested next year.

Now I can only find other spiritual objects by myself....

It's December in a blink of an eye.

Food is becoming scarce.

At this time, many animals collect fruits and start hiding in caves for the winter.

Li Xiao has a huge appetite and eats a lot.

Fortunately, the tiger mother and other monsters are in the transformation stage and have relatively low requirements for food.

The other two little tigers don't eat very much.

Otherwise, they won't have enough to eat.

Heavy snow began to fall from the sky--

In the mountains, the snow is white.

The branches are covered with snow and become fluffy snowballs.

The dead leaves become soft in the snow, as if they are cotton candy in the world.

The tree trunks are wrapped in snow, and crystal clear snowflakes are hanging between the branches...

The snow scene in the mountains is very beautiful, and the mountains are quiet and quiet.

"What a beautiful snow scene..."

In the sky, Li Xiao couldn't help but stroke the goose feather-sized snowflakes.

He was shirtless and wearing wolfskin pants. Although the temperature was cold, he didn't feel cold at all. His blood was vigorous, his face was ruddy, and his skin was tender.

In addition to Li Xiao's strong physique.

There is also the ice and fire resistance effect of the [Heaven·Winter Storage] skill.

A one-year-old baby, walking on snow in the sky.

Even if a martial arts master in the world saw this, he would definitely be shocked.

Tap, tap, tap——

Li Xiao stepped in the air. Sometimes he stepped on the treetops, stepped on the snow and dropped it on the ground, and sometimes stepped on the air, stepped on the snowflakes, and walked in the air.

[Sky·Blue Sky] is the white ape's ape-like walk upgraded to the sky level.

It can be in the air for a short time and walk in the air.

The air was stepped into an air wall by his powerful force, just like a brick.

After so long, I asked many questions from the flea demon 007.

Now Li Xiao has figured out the difference between skills, martial arts, and magical powers.

Skills are equivalent to racial talents.

For example, fish are born to swim, birds are born to fly, tigers are born to hunt...

In the final analysis, these are all physical and can be learned.

Fish can swim, and people can learn too.

Cats can climb trees, and people can learn as well.

The human body is a very magical structure, able to accommodate all rivers and gather the strengths of all schools.

Even the night vision of a tiger, the digestion ability of a roc, the swallowing ability of a snake...

As long as people undergo special training, they can learn it.

It's just that this special skill is very difficult to learn.

But Li Xiao has a growth panel and chose the imitation mode.

These difficulties are not difficult for him.

Now Li Xiao still thinks that choosing the "imitation characteristic" was the right choice.

These skills will become the basis for his future strength!

Then there is the martial arts of human martial arts.

Li Xiao should, in fact, some human martial arts are actually imitating the skills of wild beasts, and improving them to be more suitable for human killing skills.

For example, the Red Lion Xuanxin Gong was inspired by the red lion.

For example, in the martial arts of the previous life, there are traditional ancient martial arts such as the Five Animals Play and Xingyiquan, which are all improved by imitating and integrating the skills of various animals.

It's just that in this world, there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

It allows human martial artists to generate internal strength in their meridians, making them more lethal!

Of course, there are also some martial arts that humans themselves comprehend in killing...

In general, martial arts still rely on the body.

If you want to break through the limits of the body, you can only mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

That is "magic power"!

When you reach the level of "magic power", it is not limited to the body.

Humans do not have the idea of ​​opening up, gathering spirits.

Humans are born with wisdom and are a more wonderful creature.

Except for humans, other creatures will have magical powers after gathering spirits.

This should be the difference between humans and other creatures.

Perhaps it is because other creatures are closer to nature and have simpler minds.

But the difference is that human wisdom is incomparable to other creatures.

Because after the monster transforms, the practice method is created by humans!

This is human wisdom!

Humans can learn and imitate from the process of monsters performing magical powers until they record them, and the "magic power method" is born.

Even more, people can improve "magic skills", make them better, and bring forth new ideas.

Create new skills.

Make them more powerful and more suitable for cultivation.

Although people are not born with magical powers, they can surpass other creatures they imitate with their wisdom and become stronger than other creatures...

That is why, that day, the bear tyrant was able to use the magical powers of other creatures.

It was because he practiced the magical skills passed down by humans.

Therefore, all things want to transform into human bodies!

Because by transforming into human bodies, they can use the wisdom of humans, follow the skills written by humans, continue to practice, and gain immortality!

These are some of Li Xiao's self-perceptions.

But at the moment, all his strength is limited to the flesh...

"Found it!"

Li Xiao took Ling Lingqi and searched for spiritual objects all over the mountain.

With [Heaven·Tongyou], Li Xiao can feel the place where the spiritual energy is rich.

There are often spiritual objects there.

Falling from the sky, Li Xiao pushed away the layers of white snow on the trees.

Under a big rock, he found a yellow fruit hidden inside.

"You are so powerful, my king."

Ling Lingqi praised: "It is so heavy snow that I can't see the spiritual objects clearly. Only you can find them, my king. You are really invincible!"

This flea will flatter crazily whenever he has the chance.

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Xiao asked, "What kind of fruit is this?"

"This is a yellow orange fruit. It blooms and bears fruit in 20 years. It is also a good spiritual object."

Ling Lingqi explained.

Although it is weak, it has lived a long life and has seen a lot.

"Yellow orange fruit..."

Li Xiao smelled it and it was still very fragrant.

This small tree has three fruits on it.

Li Xiao pulled it up by the roots and prepared to take it back.

"My king, you finally got it."

Ling Lingqi jumped on the ground, looking funny: "Take this fruit and let those monkeys make wine for you. It will be better than eating it directly."

Because before, Li Xiao took the spiritual object and swallowed it directly.

Ling Lingqi always felt that he was squandering the gift of nature.

It should be brewed into fruit wine, or ground into powder and burned with mountain fire, so that it is easier to be absorbed by the body and gain more spiritual power.

Similarly, warriors in the world will do the same, and will use natural materials to refine pills.

The purpose is the same, all to make it easier for the body to absorb.

However, Li Xiao was the opposite.

The harder it was to absorb the spiritual object, the more he needed it.

Because it was difficult to absorb, the more energy was converted.

So they were all eaten directly.

But at the moment, Li Xiao naturally had no idea of ​​making fruit wine.

Instead, he tried to graft it onto the Zhuguo tree.

He ignored Ling Lingqi.

Then, Li Xiao flew in the sky of the mountains again.

With his extraordinary perception ability, he continued to look for spiritual objects.

After three days and three nights of hard work, he had some gains.

He found three yellow orange fruits, one blood coagulation fruit, and one rhinoceros horn fruit.

These are all medium spiritual objects, which are stronger than the most common low-grade spiritual object blue Ying grass.

Back to the bottom of the valley, Li Xiao began to try grafting.

Grafting technology is a technology that Li Xiao learned in his previous life, one of the methods of artificial vegetative propagation.

That is, grafting a plant branch or bud that is difficult to grow or has harsh growth conditions onto the stem or root of another plant.

Li Xiao spread out his palm and used the martial arts energy to transform it into a sharper knife.

He cut a gap on the red fruit tree.

"My king... you are crazy... this is a red fruit tree."

Ling Lingqi hurriedly stopped him and said, "This red fruit tree takes a thousand years to grow and can produce a fruit in two thousand years. We only need to wait for another two thousand years to get another red fruit. Why do you want to destroy it?"

Li Xiao kicked Ling Lingqi away and cursed, "Idiot, can I wait for two thousand years?"

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