Not to mention whether this red fruit tree will bear red fruit in two thousand years.

Even if he could, Li Xiao couldn't really wait two thousand years...

Hedong in thirty years, Hexi in thirty years.

In two thousand years, the dynasty may have changed twice.

Either he improves his cultivation and becomes immortal.

What will Zhu Guo mean then?

Or turn into dry bones in two thousand years.

The world is turning and time is running out.

Li Xiao couldn't wait any longer. Two thousand years was too long, so he only had to seize the day.

It is only right to squeeze the remaining value of this red fruit tree to the maximum extent.

Li Xiao began to graft the branches of the first yellow orange fruit, and then used the last bit of spiritual honey scraped from the bottom of the stone jar to apply it to the junction.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third plants... were inserted respectively.

This red fruit tree suddenly became gaudy and full of branches.

"Lao San, I'm back."

At this time, above the valley, Li Yunquan flew back from a distance.

Li Yunquan is currently in the transformation stage, perfectly transformed into a human form.

In fact, it can also be called a realm of magical powers and secrets.

She is in the first level of magic power. Her spiritual power is turned into magic power, and she can fly by using the magic power.

Just as the golden-winged roc Qingti City Lord said.

A demon in the transformation stage can seize spiritual objects tens of thousands of miles away and monopolize opportunities tens of thousands of miles away.

Tigers are born with very strong senses.

Coupled with her level, no monster can compete with her and compete with her for spiritual objects.

At this moment, Li Yunquan also held a spiritual fruit in his hand.

These days, she knew that her son was constantly searching for spiritual objects.

She was not idle either and kept helping to search.

"Lao San, I met a hedgehog in the spirit-gathering stage today. After beating it up, I got this spirit fruit."

Li Yunquan smiled slightly and handed over the spiritual fruit in his hand.

She now looks like a seventeen-year-old girl, wearing a golden feather dress, like a fairy in fairyland.

But...even though she looks like a girl, she still has the temper of a tiger, and the monsters around her have suffered. Many monsters have been beaten by her...

"Thank you, mother."

Li Xiao took it with a smile and continued to graft these spiritual fruits.

Watching Li Xiao paddling against the tree, Li Yunquan asked strangely: "Lao San, what are you doing?"

Li Xiao smiled and explained: "Mother, this is grafting."

"Grafting, what is grafting?" Li Yunquan shook his head, not understanding it at all.

"Yes, what is grafting?" Ling Lingqi was also confused.

"Grafting is..."

Li Xiao didn't know how to explain it, so he simply explained: "To put it simply, it uses the powerful absorption ability of the Zhuguo tree to affect these ordinary spiritual creatures."

Li Yunquan shook his head, not understanding.

"Third brother, I understand."

Big Tiger Sister Li Weiyu came over and said: "Fertile land can grow full fruits, just plant these fruits in more fertile places, right?"

Li Weiyu and Li Hu are now ten months old.

After enlightenment, the two tigers began to have different personalities.

Li Hu ran around all day long and often didn't come back at night. He didn't know where he went crazy.

Li Weiyu, on the other hand, was very quiet.

Apart from bathing in heaven and earth at the bottom of the valley and inhaling spiritual energy all day long, I like to read books at other times.

Ever since I learned to read from my tiger mother.

It would read the books that Jiang Ziling brought earlier all day long.

Li Xiao also discovered that the eldest sister Li Weiyu was getting smarter and smarter.

"I see..."

Li Yunquan nodded slightly and understood.

She squatted down and hugged Li Weiyu's body intimately.

Now Li Weiyu has almost grown into a big tiger.

The body shapes of the transformed Li Yunquan and Li Weiyu are not much different.

She gently stroked Li Weiyu's tiger head and said softly: "Weiyu, they all say that books have their own beauty like jade, and books have their own houses of gold. The inheritance of human wisdom comes from books. I found that after eating the red fruit, it seemed that I was improving. Mental power, if you study more, you will be able to transform faster..."


Li Weiyu rubbed her head against her mother's arms affectionately, and said softly: "Mom, I really want to transform into another form. The more I read the book, the more I feel that it is really good to be a human being..."

"Yes, yes. One day, you will all transform. At that time, we will be like Xiao'er, living together like human beings."

Li Yunquan imitated Li Xiao lovingly and grabbed Li Weiyu's chin with his hand.

Li Weiyu closed her eyes comfortably and made a purring sound.

For some reason, Li Yunquan found this interesting and somewhat pleasant.

No wonder Xiaoer used to do this to herself.

"Mom, I want to hug you too."

Li Xiao opened his hands and acted coquettishly.

What baby doesn't like to act like a spoiled child?

"Okay, you hug me too."

Li Yunquan smiled and held Li Xiao in his arms.

Just like before, he rubbed his cheek against Li Xiao's.

But I didn't lick it with my tongue. After all, I was a tiger before I transformed. Without human hands, I could only use my tongue to feel the child's temperature.

'Is this what maternal love feels like...'

Li Xiao had no father or mother in his last life and had never felt the warmth of family.

Now I feel the care from my mother.

That feeling makes life brighter and warmer...

Although the mother is not a human being, so what, the love between mother and child is like that of a biological child.

Li Xiao secretly swore in his heart.

In this life, no one will ever harm their family members!

"Your Majesty, stop hugging me and look!"

Ling Lingqi pointed at the red fruit tree and said, "The fruit has really changed, it's amazing!"

Hearing this, everyone looked over.

Sure enough!

Various inferior spiritual fruits grafted on trees.

It actually started to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Branch buds produce new leaves, and the fruit grows larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Xiao couldn't help but be surprised.

It’s just as magical as watching a hundred times speed video and watching plants sprout in my lifetime.

Although that growth is slow.

But you must know that the growth of these spiritual creatures is based on ten years...

But now it is visible to the naked eye!

This vermilion fruit tree that can cultivate vermilion fruits is indeed a treasure!

As expected, this tree has a very strong ability to absorb spiritual energy from the soil or air, so it can brew innate spiritual beings like Zhu Guo!

"Grafting, it's so magical..."

Ling Lingqi was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and said in amazement: "How did you come up with this magical method, my lord???"

Li Xiao smiled and said nothing.

This is the world I lived in in my previous life, the wisdom of the ancients!

These picked fruits are from different years. Some years have not yet arrived and are in a semi-ripe state, but they were all picked by Li Xiao.

After all, he didn't have time to wait.

At this time, it can be seen with the naked eye that the fruit is slowly getting bigger.

The immature becomes mature, and the mature becomes more mature.

After a day, it starts to stop growing.

On the second day, some of the fruits changed color again.

The yellow orange fruit began to turn light red, the blood clot fruit itself was red, but now it has turned red, and the rhinoceros horn fruit has turned pink.

As expected, the quality of the discolored fruit should have improved by one level.

Of course, Li Xiao was not in a hurry to take it.

But let them continue to grow.

The longer you let it grow, the better the results should be.

At other times, Li Xiao was not idle and continued to search for various spiritual fruits in the mountains.

Li Yunquan also worked separately to help Li Xiao find fruit.

Although I don’t know why Xiaoer wants so many spiritual objects, and whether he will eat too much to explode his body.

But she didn't ask too many questions. She always felt that the child was very sensible and would be fine if he did as he said.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, two months have passed...

Winter recedes, the white snow melts, the mountain springs flow, and the mountains take on a new look.

The spring season is here.

And this red fruit tree is covered with grafted fruits from top to bottom in all directions.

But this red fruit tree must have come to an end.

Slowly wither and enter a state of death.

It can be regarded as dedicating the last life force to the grafted spiritual things on the tree.

"No wait, tomorrow, I will officially be one year old."

Li Xiao walked towards the red fruit tree and smiled: "It's time to harvest..."

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