There are about twenty spiritual objects found in two months, with sixty fruits on them.

The rest of the lower-level ones that are not suitable for grafting were eaten directly by Li Xiao.

Or they were shared with Tiger Mom, Big Tiger, and Second Tiger.

However, they practiced very slowly, and Li Weiyu and Li Hu were still only in the opening stage.

It would be a long time before they could enter the transformation...

Looking down, the two-meter-high Zhuguo tree was already full of grafted fruit branches.

If it was in the previous life, grafting like this would not be able to withstand such a construction, and the tree would have died long ago.

But this is a Zhuguo tree, a trunk that can cultivate innate spiritual treasures!

It took two full months to show a dead state.

Sacrificed himself to illuminate others.

Li Xiao picked all these red spiritual fruits.

First took out a yellow-orange fruit. Originally, the fruit was yellow, but now it has become bright red, somewhat similar to a red apple.


Li Xiao took a bite.

It was soft and sticky, sweet and delicious, and it was so delicious!

The flesh inside is as elastic as jelly, as if a popping bead bursts in the mouth.

The yellow orange fruit before definitely did not taste like this, it tasted slightly sour and bitter.

Now the taste has changed drastically.

In theory, the grafted plant will not change the shape of the fruit.

But this red fruit tree seems to have changed it and turned it into a brand new fruit.

Of course, these are secondary.

The most important thing is that the energy of the flesh has indeed increased.

Originally, the yellow orange fruit eaten can absorb 30% of the nutrients.

The remaining 70% of the nutrients are converted into energy, and 5000 energy can be obtained.

And now.....

[You eat "Yellow Orange Fruit (Improved)", of which only 20% of the nutrients can be absorbed, and the energy conservation is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. 】

[Energy +5000][Energy +5000][Energy +5000]...

[Energy slot is full...Please select...]

"The fruit improved by the red fruit trunk is so powerful!"

When Li Xiao ate the whole fruit, he gained 50,000 energy.

It increased by 10 times!

And 50,000 energy can fill the energy slot once.

This fruit directly filled the energy slot once.

"Keep eating..."

Li Xiao began to eat fruit non-stop.

Yellow orange fruit, blood coagulation fruit, rhinoceros horn fruit, lotus pod, snake berry...

These natural treasures, if placed in the world, are things that warriors will fight for.

If you take any of them out and put them at the auction, they can be sold for thousands of taels of silver.

Although the Shenzhou Continent is rich, there are many people, many martial artists, and more porridge and less meat.

And in the Ten Thousand Mountains, Li Xiao almost took over almost all the spiritual objects in this area of ​​10,000 miles.

Li Xiao kept stuffing them into his mouth as if he didn't need money.

All kinds of spiritual objects were constantly swallowed into his stomach.

With [Heaven·Tuntian], his stomach was very resilient and could eat more food.

[Energy +20000] [Energy +20000] [Energy +20000]...

[Energy tank is full...Please select....]

[Current energy points: 52]

After eating the last fruit, Li Xiao's stomach was bulging like a snake eating food. Even [Eat all] could not quickly digest so many spiritual objects.

If other martial artists continued to eat like this, they would probably explode and die.

But there is another advantage to Li Xiao's eating like this.

That is, after eating like crazy, his stomach bulges and his digestive ability will weaken.

Then there will be a lot more energy to convert.

When all the fruits were picked by Li Xiao, the Zhuguo tree finally contributed the last drop of energy, turned into powder, and scattered with the wind...

"What a pity... If you want to eat such delicious yellow orange fruits in the future, you have to find another Zhuguo tree... I'm afraid you won't be able to eat them in the future..."

After eating and drinking, Li Xiao lay on the ground to do business.

That is to upgrade the five skills of "Golden Wing Dapeng" to the highest level!

[Feather Sword: Turn feathers into swords, in all directions. (Humans cannot use it, weapons can be used instead of feathers)]

[Feather Sword (Minor Success) Enhancement → Feather Sword (Perfect)]

[Feather Sword (Perfect) Advanced → Flowing Light (Minor Success)]

[Flowing Light: Feathers are swords, dancing for you, light travels through mountains, thunderbolts around walls. (Humans cannot use it, weapons can be used instead of feathers)]

[Yellow · Flowing Light (Perfect) Advanced →→→→ Heaven · Flowing Light]

[Total physical points obtained: 200]

[Heaven · Flowing Light: The highest level of skills has been reached. The growth rate of your ten finger muscles increases by 110%; the unparalleled flying sword technique kills the enemy thousands of miles away. 】

"So strong!!!"

Li Xiao was slightly stunned, and then ecstatic.

This Golden Winged Dapeng skill upgrade gives too many physical points.

Upgrading to the Heavenly level, a total of 200 points were given.

The most important skill obtained is a hidden weapon technique.

The previous [Heaven·Po Jun] can barely be regarded as a hidden weapon technique.

But it is more fierce, similar to throwing armor-breaking damage, suitable for the battlefield.

And [Heaven·Liu Guang] needs to use a flying sword instead of a feather, which is as fast as a stream of light, quiet and silent, killing the enemy invisibly, and truly taking people's lives thousands of miles away!

After these five skills are added, I don't know how strong I will be!


[Yun Cheng: Spread your wings and fly, Yun Peng can fly thousands of miles. (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings)]

[Yun Cheng (Minor Success) Enhancement → Yun Cheng (Perfect)]

[Yun Cheng (Perfect) Advanced → Da Peng Spreading Wings (Minor Success)]

[Da Peng Spreading Wings: Spread your wings and fly, thousands of miles in an instant. (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings, but you can now use martial arts energy to simulate bird wings)]

[Huang Da Peng Spreading Wings (Perfect) Advanced →→→→ Tian Da Peng Spreading Wings]

[Total physical points obtained: 200]

[Tian Da Peng Spreading Wings: The highest level of skills has been reached. The growth rate of arm strength increases by 150%; Da Peng rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles! One day, you will become Da Peng! ]


Li Xiao was suddenly stunned.

Just now, after he added points, it seemed as if he was practicing Da Peng Spreading Wings somewhere!

After practicing for three hundred years, his skills are perfect and mature!

But he has no wings, so he has been trying to use martial arts qi to simulate wings.

In the 230th year, he finally mastered it...

Then he could spread his wings and fly, and practiced hard for another 70 years!

You know, martial arts qi is a kind of qi, similar to a qi needle, gushing out from the pores of the body, unable to turn, and is a straight line.

When Li Xiao first entered the Grandmaster stage, he could only control the martial arts qi and hit it directly.

After becoming proficient, he could control the martial arts qi to turn into a gas ball, attached to his fist, and increase the lethality.

Later, in order to make furniture, he could control the qi to turn into a sword or knife.

And now....

He can actually control the martial arts qi to become a streamlined and flowing form! ! ! !

Originally, he couldn't use this [Cloud Journey].

He just wanted to get some physical points and growth bonuses.

Unexpectedly, the growth panel can be used with him!

This skill was upgraded to the Heavenly Level, and it actually interacted with his martial arts energy!

What a pleasant surprise!

"Try it!"

Li Xiao tried to use the martial arts energy, and it gushed out from the pores on both sides of his back!

It really is! ! !

The martial arts energy is like his own arms, which can be used at will, just like an arm pointing!

Now he can shape the martial arts energy and turn it into a pair of wings!


A wing formed by white gas stretched out from Li Xiao's back.

These are not real wings, but formed by martial arts energy.

The shape of these wings is very exquisite, and each feather is lifelike, as if it has been carefully carved countless times. It is hard to imagine that this is made of martial arts energy.

Li Xiao spread his wings and flapped his wings, and the whole person actually flew up.

This is real flying, not what he could do before by stepping on the air.

Li Xiao flapped his wings again, and flew with [Sky·Dapeng Spreading Wings], so fast that his face was slightly deformed by the wind. The next second, he had flown a hundred feet away.

"So fast! It really is a thousand miles in a flash!"

Li Xiao was surprised. This speed was faster than the Heavenly Swift Wind, Heavenly Tiger Step, and Heavenly Snake Step combined!

If the Golden Winged Dapeng from that day came again, maybe he could escape?

Of course, Li Xiao was not sure, after all, the Golden Winged Dapeng did not show its true strength.


It consumes too much energy!

Because you have to use martial arts energy, keep the shape of the wings transformed by the energy, and drive the wings to flap, it consumes too much energy!

But anyway, with this pair of wings.

Now he is really...

like a tiger with wings!!!

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