Tiger mom Li Yunquan went out, and no one knew where she went.

Second brother Li Hu also went out hunting.

As for Ling Lingqi, he was sent out by Li Xiao to continue looking for spiritual creatures.

At this moment, there were only Li Xiao and Li Weiyu in the valley.

Li Weiyu was lying under a tree reading a book, and suddenly heard a noise. When he looked up, he found that his third brother had grown wings and was flying in the sky?


Li Weiyu was completely confused.

These days, he read human books and martial arts books every day.

He also understood the strength of humans.

The strongest martial arts master of humans can fight a tie with a monster in the spirit gathering period of ordinary strength.

If he encounters a powerful monster in the spirit gathering period, it will not work.

The third brother is also a human.

Why is he so powerful?

Now it's even more outrageous, he actually grew wings? ? ?

Could this be the genius that humans talk about... Li Weiyu thought in his heart.

At this time, Li Xiao in the sky saw Li Weiyu looking up at him, so he smiled and said, "Big sister, do you think I'm powerful?"

Li Weiyu blushed, lowered her head and continued to read, ignoring him.

However, she was still very happy in her heart. The more powerful the third brother was, the better...

"This little tiger has become smart after he got enlightened, and he is really as shy as a little girl?"

In the sky, Li Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, he flew back to the ground and scattered his wings.

Li Weiyu took another sneaky look and thought: It turned out to be a wing made of martial arts qi...It's incredible that the third brother's martial arts is so proficient, and he didn't even practice hard?

Li Xiao naturally didn't know what Li Weiyu was thinking.

But he thought it was a good thing that Li Weiyu liked to read.

Maybe he could really transform faster.

Thinking like this, Li Xiao sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to add some.

【Eat up: The five internal organs are melting furnaces, melting steel. 】

"Should I improve this skill?"

Li Xiao was a little entangled. If he improved his digestion ability.

Although he could replenish his physical strength quickly and gained a lot of physical fitness.

But the converted energy became less accordingly.

It would be more difficult to obtain energy points in the future.

In order to verify this, Li Xiao decided to do an experiment.

Before, he got a colorful pearl from the century-old clam.

This colorful pearl is not a natural treasure. It should be regarded as a kind of magic weapon cultivated by the old clam. After wearing it, it can increase water quality.

He once tried to swallow the colorful pearl directly into his stomach.

But he could not digest it, nor could he obtain energy.

Finally, the pearl was pulled out again intact by him...

"If I can digest this pearl now, it means that my way of obtaining energy in the future is not limited to food, but even magic weapons can be eaten..."

"Besides, digesting it directly will also be beneficial. According to the law of conservation of energy, digestion is not a waste, and it will also increase physical fitness for oneself..."

"No matter what, let's try it first!"

As soon as he said it, Li Xiao took out the colorful pearl from his wolfskin pants.

After he pulled this pearl out, he washed it for a long time and it was very clean.

Li Xiao put it in his mouth and tried to bite it.

It was still very tough!

However, now that his physical strength has increased, coupled with [Heaven·Iron Teeth and Copper Teeth], and the increased bite force brought by it, Li Xiao bit it into pieces and swallowed it into his stomach.

[You eat the "Colorful Pearl", and only 5% of the nutrients can be absorbed. The law of conservation of energy is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. ]

[Energy +50000]

[Energy tank is full! ]

[Current energy points: 32]

"Huh? Sure enough, with the help of the Eat Up skill, I can really digest this pearl that is similar to a magic weapon!"

Li Xiao was delighted and made a decision.

Although the energy conversion will decrease, it will not be wasted.

And by improving this skill, my own recipes will become more and more extensive! ! !

Not just limited to "food".

In the future, I can eat more things, such as magic weapons, spiritual crystals, spiritual ores and the like.

If you count it this way, it is still possible to improve this skill!

Thinking of this, Li Xiao began to continue to add points.

[Eat Up (Minor Success) Enhancement → Eat Up (Perfect)]

[Eat Up (Perfect) Advanced → Furnace (Minor Success)]

[Furnace: Everything in the world, nothing can be digested! ]

[Yellow Furnace (Perfect) Advanced →→→→Heaven Furnace]

[Total physical points obtained: 200]

[Heaven Furnace: The highest level of the skill has been reached. The stomach is like a furnace, melting everything. Digest special items and gain special properties. Your digestive ability grows 100% faster; one day, maybe you can devour the world! ]


[Dazzling: Spread your wings and flap, the wind is like a tornado. (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings)]:

[Dazzling (minor success) Enhanced → Dazzling (perfect)]

[Dazzling (perfect) Advanced → Vortex (minor success) (Humans cannot use it unless you grow wings, but you can now use martial arts energy to simulate bird wings)]

[Vortex: The wind melts the gold, and the rivers flow!]

[Yellow Vortex (perfect) Advanced →→→→Heaven Vortex]

[Total physical points obtained: 200]

[Heaven Vortex: The highest level of the skill has been reached. The wind blows violently, and the sand and stones fly! The arm strength growth rate increases by 100%; one day, you can blow the heavens away! ]

"This is a control skill."

"Before the upgrade, the dazzling skill is to flash a strong wind, making the enemy unable to open his eyes."

"After the upgrade, the wind direction of this strong wind can be controlled at will, making the control effect better."

Li Xiao quickly understood the use of this skill.

I now have two control skills. The first one is Tian·Tiger Roar, which can stun people.

Now there is one more, which makes the enemy temporarily blind and can be blown away.

It is better to have more skills than less, and it is also a magical skill!

Li Xiao tried it and used the martial arts energy to transform into wings again, and then cast [Heaven·Vortex] towards the pool at the bottom of the valley.

Immediately, the wind blew violently, and Li Xiao tried to control the wind direction into a tornado.

The dragon turned into a wind and drilled into the pool, sucking the water from the pool up and rushing to the sky.

This formed the natural scene of "dragon sucking water".

When Li Xiao dispersed the tornado, the scene of the dragon sucking water lingered for a long time.

It started to rain heavily.....

In a sense.

Li Xiao used physical skills to achieve the magical power of "calling the wind and rain"....

Of course, this is still physical strength, not a magical power.


[Peng Claw: violent and fierce, indestructible. ]

[Peng Claw (minor success) enhanced → Peng Claw (perfect)]

[Peng Claw (perfect) advanced → Peng Strike (minor success)]

[Peng Strike: Yin force drills the body, and the force is flexible!]

[Yellow·Peng Strike (perfect) advanced →→→→Heaven·Peng Strike]

[Total physical points obtained: 200]

[Heaven·Peng Strike: has reached the highest level of skills. The growth rate of the ten fingers' finger strength increases by 100%; one day, you can destroy all Buddhas with one claw! ]

"What is this???"

Before, Li Xiao's attacks were either fists or palms.

Now there is a new way of attack.

Li Xiao changed his palm into a claw and grabbed a large piece of bluestone nearby. The bluestone was like tofu and was grabbed by Li Xiao. This was a more advanced attack method!

If the Heavenly Tiger Strike was used, the powerful destructive force could indeed smash the broken stone into pieces.

But it definitely couldn't do that. The place where he grabbed it turned into powder.

And the place where he touched it was still intact.

Li Xiao could even write on the bluestone without letting the stone break....

The Heavenly Peng Strike is somewhat similar to the Eagle Claw Hand in martial arts, but more advanced.

It can be used to deal with enemies with extremely strong defense!

For example, the old clam encountered before, with one grab, the defense can definitely be broken!

Of course, the current Li Xiao can also smash the old clam with one punch...

Since then.

Li Xiao's twenty-eight skills are all maxed out!

These skills come from: tiger, monkey, snake, bear, white ape, and golden-winged roc.

Among them, the Yunlong Spirit Snake is a special creature.

And the golden-winged roc is the existence of an ancient mythical beast!

One year, it can be considered a complete success.

There are 2 energy points left, but there is no need to continue imitating, there is not enough time.

Tomorrow the "imitation characteristics" will end.

This year's gains are huge.

Especially this time's improvement, directly increased by 1,000 physical fitness!

Physical fitness has also reached a terrifying 2220 points!

Strength has directly doubled! ! !

Now if I were to deal with the three monsters in the transformation period, Xiong Ba, Dog Head Constable, and Wild Dog Gang Leader, I would definitely be able to crush them and kill them instantly, instead of a draw!

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