The sun rises and the morning light shines.

The green valley is peaceful and quiet.

The morning mist is like a transparent ribbon, lingering around the trees that are about to bloom.

A newly awakened cuckoo, with a clear voice, cries out a verdant "coo, coo" sound.

Li Xiao stretched and got up slowly.

Today is his first birthday, one year old.

Now Li Xiao's appearance is no longer a baby, but a one-year-old child.

[Congratulations! From birth to now, you are one year old. ]

[Now I will start to evaluate based on my current growth status——]

[Growth diary——Killing the wolf king in July, drinking strong liquor in July, fighting a group of monkeys in August, killing the night wolf monster in September, stealing the bear cave in September, killing the ape monster in October, and fighting a group of monsters in October. (It's a bit too much, you're just a baby, shouldn't you grow slowly?)]

[Growth data - 28 heavenly skills, 2220 physical points, 63 mental points. (It's a bit outrageous, you're just a baby, where do you get so much energy??)]

[Current evaluation: SSS (You're just a baby...)]

[Evaluation reward: The growth bonus brought by all your heavenly skills is increased by 100%. ]

[The simulation characteristics are completely ended, and all the skills you have learned will be used for life as a solid foundation for your growth! ]

[Please note that after one year old, due to the improvement of individual digestion ability, energy acquisition is weakened, and the energy slot will become longer. ]

"Perfect, it's SSS evaluation!"

"The growth panel certainly didn't expect that I would improve so much."

"If I had chosen the 'growth characteristics' and 'sleepiness characteristics' before, it wouldn't be so strong..."

Li Xiao began to look back to the time when he chose the characteristics direction a year ago.

At the moment, his choice should be right.

The ‘growth characteristic’ should be more suitable for the environment where one is born in a royal family or a martial arts family.

There, one can grow quickly and improve quickly with martial arts techniques.

The ‘sleepy characteristic’ is suitable for choosing a sect of cultivation.

It can quickly improve mental strength....

Of course, Li Xiao doesn’t know whether there is a way to cultivate in this world.

And the ‘imitation characteristic’ is the most suitable for him.

After all, he can imitate many animals in the mountains.

And many human techniques are actually imitating living creatures.

It is impossible to say which of these three characteristics is good or bad.

The main thing is to suit oneself so as to take the best path.

Therefore, after the next characteristic is opened, one must also choose carefully.

Just as Li Xiao was thinking, a graceful figure flew over from afar.

“Children, today is your birthday.”

At this time, Li Yunquan used his magic power to fly into the air and fell from the valley.

It’s a coincidence.

On the fourth day after Li Yunquan gave birth to Li Weiyu and Li Hu, he found Li Xiao in the territory.

Therefore, the three of them were born on the same day.

A one-year-old birthday is still very important.

Li Yunquan specially picked a lot of fruits, hunted a wild deer, and took some ordinary fruit wine from the monkey monster group in the territory to celebrate together.

Now Tiger Mom has learned some cooking techniques from Li Xiao.

In addition, she has transformed and has two hands. She can pass the branches through the processed wild deer, and then use the Samadhi True Fire to control the heat, and she can quickly roast the wild deer.

Li Xiao, Li Yunquan, Li Weiyu, Li Hu and his family sat around on the bluestone slab.

As for Ling Lingqi, he was not qualified to sit at the table and sat at the children's table.

There were Ling Lingqi, a honey monster and a wild monkey monster at the children's table.

The honey monster and the wild monkey monster were the leaders of the monster group, and they also came to congratulate.

"Come on, let's drink. I wish our family a better future."

Li Yunquan said, "We have been through all the ups and downs this year. Although there are some twists and turns, everything is developing in a good direction."

Li Xiao and Li Yunquan clinked their glasses.

As for Li Weiyu and Li Hu, they had no palms, so they could only stare blankly and drink directly.

After that, Li Yunquan looked at Li Xiao again and said, "The first credit here should go to Li Xiao."

Li Weiyu and Li Hu looked at the third brother with admiration and agreed with this point.

If it weren't for Li Xiao, they might still be just ordinary tigers now.

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it."

Li Xiao laughed, stood up, and said modestly: "It's the result of everyone's joint efforts. We are a family, so we don't have to say two things. We will share happiness and difficulties in the future!"

"The king is loyal!"

"The king is mighty!"

"The king is mighty!"

Zero Seven, Honey Monster, and Barbarian Monkey Monster all stood up and raised their glasses: "I toast to the king. I hope we will get better and better under the leadership of the king!"

The Honey Monster and Barbarian Monkey Monster used to be monsters in the territory of the Black Wind King.

They were protected by the Black Wind King and paid tribute every year as protection fees.

Now that the king has changed, they have also changed their territory immediately.

However, they are still very happy.

Because the new king did not increase the weight of the tribute, it still remained the same. The most important thing is that the new king seems to be more kind.

Unlike the previous black bear monster, who was very fierce and would scold if the tribute was late.

At the wine table, the atmosphere of the people and monsters was very harmonious, and they tasted food and drank fruit wine at will.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'm late."

A voice came. Jiang Ziling took two women and used Qinggong to fly into the valley.

Jiang Ziling visited the valley two months ago.

Tell Li Xiao the news about "Empress Yun Fei".

Then Li Xiao asked her to continue investigating.

She came here not only to congratulate Li Xiao on his birthday, but also to deliver news.

Jiang Ziling fell to the ground, with two women beside her.

They are Jiang Hongyan and Jiang Nightingale.

They are now Jiang Ziling's most trusted subordinates.

Of course, the main reason is because Jiang Ziling is Li Xiao's spokesperson.

And if Li Xiao wants to use human power to help him, he doesn't need to worry too much. He only needs to command Jiang Ziling.

The three of them were carrying large packages, things they had brought from the human world.

"Senior Yunquan, these are the jewelry and jewelry I brought for you..."

Although Jiang Ziling is not very old, she has been with the village owner's father since she was a child, and she has been immersed in it. She knows that Jianghu is about human nature, so she is very good at life.

She knows that if she wants to be the spokesperson of her seniors, she must maintain this relationship well.

She spent a month and a lot of money to hire good craftsmen to make gold and silver jewelry and gave them to Senior Lingying's mother.

After all, she has become a human being, how can a woman not love beauty?

" this very expensive?"

As expected, Li Yunquan took the jewelry box and smiled.

There were several pieces of very exquisite jewelry inside. She couldn't put it down and liked them very much.

Li Weiyu on the side also likes it very much, but it still has the body of a tiger and can only be greedy...

When Li Xiao saw his mother happy, he was naturally happy too.

"It's a bit cost a full ten thousand taels of silver..."

Jiang Ziling smiled disapprovingly and said, "But, Senior Yunquan, you are so beautiful. Only such precious jewelry can match you."

As he said that, he also helped Li Yunqing tie up his hair into a beautiful and fairy-like bun.

Then he took out the duck green dotted emerald phoenix head and shook it, and helped Li Yunquan wear it on his head.

He took out the bronze mirror and showed it to Li Yunquan.

"Good-looking, really good-looking..."

"Human beings are so ingenious."

"How could you make something so exquisite..."

Li Yunquan looked at the reflection in the bronze mirror, feeling elated and smiling.

It can be seen that, as a woman, Jiang Ziling's conduct and scheming are very good.

On the other hand, Li Yunquan has a simple mind and his joy and anger are superficial.

It seems that even if a demon takes the form of a human, its thoughts are never as good as those of humans...

But it doesn't matter, Li Xiao actually likes his subordinates who can cause trouble like this.

This can make your family happy and get things done, so why not?

Everything is under his control.

"I'm a little embarrassed."

Li Yunquan looked at these jewelry and couldn't put them down, and murmured: "So precious."

Although Li Yunquan didn't know the concept of ten thousand taels of silver.

But I think it shouldn’t be a small amount.

"This little silver is nothing."

Jiang Ziling smiled and said: "If Senior Yunquan likes it, I will bring more next time."

"No, no need."

Li Yunquan waved his hand hurriedly.

She really wanted to, but she was a little embarrassed.

"Don't listen to my mother, bring more."

But Li Xiao joked with a smile.

I helped Red Lion Sword Village solve the danger of annihilation. This little money is nothing.

"You kid..."

Li Yunquan glanced at Li Xiao with a smile.

"Yes, senior."

Jiang Ziling bowed respectfully.

She knew she could be more affectionate in front of other people.

But before Senior Lingying, you must respect and respect him.

"Senior, today is your birthday."

Jiang Ziling took out another object from the bag: "On behalf of Red Lion Sword Village, I send you a birthday gift..."

Li Xiao nodded slightly, looked at it, and couldn't help but be stunned.

This thing seems extraordinary...

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